Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 23

by Manda Mellett

  Could I do that? Let Mo be fucked by another man while I was watching? Fuck no. He’d get a bullet in his ass before he could get his dick close to her cunt. She’s all mine. No one else’s.

  I try to gather my thoughts, to put my prez hat back on. “You do what you have to Brother. Ain’t no business of mine. What I need to know is, were all the parties willing? Anyone not too happy seeing you fucking his old lady?”

  “Nothing immediately comes to me, but I’ll give it some thought, Prez. Make a list of names and addresses.”

  Just how many on that fucking list?

  “Appreciate that, Bomb.”

  “That all?”


  He stands to leave. “Don’t tell Jeannie I told you. Unless, you and Mo?”

  “No way, Bomber. Sorry.” I’m proud I can keep my voice even.

  He chuckles. “Didn’t think so. Pity.”

  When my office door closes behind him, I have to wonder whether he’s just told me he wouldn’t mind fucking my wife. I’m not stupid, I’ve always known Jeannie had her eyes on me from the start.

  No way. No fucking way.

  Hold on. Hadn’t Bomber suggested Jeannie, him, I and Moira get together one evening? Yeah. He had. An innocent request? Fuck, he’s got me thinking now. Before I take him up on that offer, I’ll have to make sure I know exactly what he does, and doesn’t expect. No way. No fucking way.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I can’t believe this is happening. Glancing around, I see the club girls sitting at the bar. They seem to have composed themselves now the immediate threat has gone and are doing shots. To my disgust, Sheila’s pouring hers into Titsy’s bare cleavage, the ample breasts that frame it are being held up in the latter’s two hands. Sheila then proceeds to noisily slurp, suck and lick the vodka or tequila, who cares for the details, all up.

  Runt, who’s appeared with a bandage on his arm, is resting on the couch soaking the sight up. The other two prospects, supposedly on guard are also distracted.

  Not my first rodeo, certainly not the first time I’ve seen something like this. But Hell had promised me a family afternoon, and it’s turned into a freak show as normal. Worse than that, he’s forbidden me to leave and go home. Fuck that. I’d prefer to take my chances, though I’ve still got my brains. As old lady to the president, if someone’s coming after the club, I might be a target.

  “You’ll be with Hell in his room. Bomber and Buzz have rooms here, so Sindy and me will be fine.” Jeannie’s mouth narrows as she looks at Jayden. “Haven’t got any spare rooms, so Jay will need to bunk down with Pal.”

  “No,” I tell her. “She can take Pal’s room. Pal will have to sleep somewhere else.”

  “For goodness sake, Mo. She’s not your daughter. I’ve seen enough of that boy to know he wouldn’t take what wasn’t on offer.”

  “I told her sister I’d watch out for her,” I insist, disliking the idea immediately. “Putting temptation in her way isn’t taking care of her.”

  “Well you can tell Pal he’s sleeping on the sofa.” Jeannie doesn’t seem to understand.

  “I will.” I respond, my temper rising. “Not going to have that girl taken advantage of. I’ll give Pal a piece of my mind. Pal won’t…”

  “Hey, what’s all this about Pal? Pal won’t…?” I hadn’t realised Jay had come up behind me.

  I open my mouth, but Jeannie gets in first. “There are no spare rooms, Jay, so you’ll have to stay in Paladin’s.”

  “Paladin will sleep on one of the couches,” I get in, tossing a glare at my friend.

  Jay looks around. Her jaw setting when she sees the lumpy, filthy, worn out couches. When she turns back to me, her eyes are sparking. “No he won’t. If that’s the way it has to be, I’ll stay with him. In his room.”

  “No you won’t.” I contradict. “I promised your sister.”

  “What Mo?” she challenges me. “Just what did you promise her? All I heard was you offering to give me a room in your house. You promised nothing about defending my honour, nor keeping Pal and I apart. My sister trusts Paladin. And so do I.”

  “You’re not seventeen yet…”

  “I will be in two months. Sixty days. And that’s going to make how much of a difference? You gonna call the cops on me? Get Pal arrested?”

  “So you will be sleeping together,” I throw back, through gritted teeth. “You want to throw your life away? Hitch up with a biker at sixteen?” I notice Jeannie’s staring at me in confusion as the words keep tumbling out of my mouth. “You’re going to jump at the chance to fuck?”

  Jayden’s looking equally taken aback, but unlike me, she’s able to speak calmly. “I’m not saying that. What I am saying, is that whatever I do, it’s my business. Not yours.” She turns to Jeannie. “Thank you. I’ll discuss the arrangements with Pal.”

  When she swings on her heels, the men are exiting their meeting. As soon as she spies him, Jay’s straight over to talk to her man. Being on lockdown hasn’t seemed to have upset her at all. But then, I suppose she’s more used to that, than being able to get on with her life free of constraints.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jeannie hisses. “I was fifteen for fucks sake when I lost my virginity, never regretted it. That girl’s already lost hers. Now you’re keeping her to a mythical age limit. Lots of places she’d already be legal anyways.”

  “I don’t want her to repeat the mistakes I made.”

  Jeannie’s eyes soften. “You made no mistake, Mo. If anyone did, it was down to me. I plagued the hell out of you until you gave in and came to the club. That you were Hell’s put a fucking target on your head. Neither of us had a clue what was going to happen, wouldn’t have come within a mile of the place if we had. Jayden’s not you. You, shit, me too. We were both naïve and clueless. Jay’s been living in a club for two years. She’s known Pal for that long too. I say we leave those young folks alone and let them work it out by themselves.”

  I don’t know what the hell to think. Am I being unreasonable? “I’ll talk to Hell. Maybe there’s a spare office Pal can sleep in.”

  My friend is shaking her head. “You’re not going to let this drop, are you?”

  My eyes swing back around to her. “I can’t.”

  Seeing Bomber leaving Hell’s office, I take my chance and pop my head around his door. “I need to talk to you.”

  For some reason, seeing me makes him grin. Then he stands. He walks around to my side of the desk. He steps, no prowls toward me. A look on his face so intense, I take a step back. “Er, if you’re busy…”

  One hand goes around my waist, the other goes to the back of my head. With a gentle touch he slides his fingers into my hair, and angles my face up. His eyes search mine, his flaring. Oh my. Suddenly his lips are on mine. This is no gentle polite kiss, the type we’ve been satisfied with for a long time now. This is a kiss of possession, as though he’s reminding me I’m his.

  I let him lead, he’s fully in command. His tongue demands entry, I let him have it. He’s controlling, he’s making parts of me come alive that I thought were dead. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he pulls back. “Not time now, Mo, but I warn you, might take one of those little blue pills tonight.”

  “Might be a good idea,” I agree.

  “Mo, my Mo.” His eyes gentle as they smile at me, his fingers smooth across the skin of my face, he doesn’t seem to care about the new wrinkles. He’s not wearing his glasses; he won’t be able to see the details. Nor am I mine, I realise, as I stare back at his still handsome face. There’s a reason why you lose your close-up vision in old age.

  His forehead comes down to touch mine. “What was that about?” I ask.

  “Just reminding you who you belong to, Mo.”

  Who else would want me?

  “Now,” he pulls back, holding me at arm’s length. “What did you want to talk about?”

  I can’t remember. Oh, hang on, yes. “Jay can’t stay in Pal’s r
oom, Hell.”

  He looks puzzled. “Then she can sleep somewhere else.”

  “Jeannie says there’s nowhere. All the rooms are full.”

  “I’ll have a word with Pal.” Hell grins, as if he knows something I don’t. “I think she’ll be safe enough with him.”

  “I don’t want to push them together, Hell. She’s too young.”

  “Mo, darlin’. They both are. But they’re old enough to know what they want.”

  “I don’t like it. There must be something…”

  “Nah, Mo. Jayden stays in Pal’s room.”

  “Hell, you’re not listening to me. I…”

  He taps me on the nose. “Jayden stays in Paladin’s room. No, let me finish, Mo, you haven’t heard what I haven’t yet said. She’ll stay there, but on her own. I’ve got plans for Pal, he’ll be somewhere else instead.”

  Resting my cheek against my man’s shoulder, he cradles the back of my head. We stand like that for a moment, sharing a closeness that we haven’t enjoyed for a long time. I realise I’ve only been thinking about myself, and how much I hate being on lockdown. I haven’t given a thought to him and the problems he’s dealing with. Like finding out who the club’s enemies are.

  “Are you okay, Hell? Do you know who’s coming after us?”

  He draws in a deep breath, then lets out a loud sigh. “No fuckin’ idea. Not yet. But I’m working on it.”

  “How can I help?”

  “Just be my ol’ lady.”

  I haven’t felt that for a very long time. Maybe I should stop focusing on me and think about him instead. I don’t know if I’ll be very successful, but if he’s expecting me to step up, perhaps the least I can do is try.


  One last kiss, and I leave him. Buzzard is waiting outside, I step back to let him enter, and then go into the clubroom again. Approaching the bar, I hear a commotion.

  “Well this is plain fuckin’ stupid. I had plans for tonight.” Tulia’s getting riled.

  “I wanted to go shopping tomorrow. I need some new clothes,” Sheila’s joining in. “I don’t see why we should have to be available twenty-four seven just because the men can’t go out.”

  Before Bella can open her mouth, I’m in front of them, while part of me wonders why they want to go shopping when the lack of clothing seems more their norm, I raise my voice. “Do any of you understand what a lockdown is?”

  “We’re not stupid.” Bella’s expression makes me want to slap her face, but I refrain. “The men have obviously fucked up. They need to stay out of sight. Someone’s gunning for them.”

  “Someone’s gunning for the club,” I correct. “And what are you?”

  “Whores,” says Bella, putting it plainly, obviously having no concerns with the term.

  “Club girls,” says Tulia, making it sound more gentile.

  I point at her. “You’re right. You’re part of the club. Same as us old ladies. Someone wants to hurt the club? They could try and take any of us. Lockdown’s for everyone’s benefit.”

  Tulia’s mouth opens and shuts. Bella huffs. As I turn around, Jeannie raises a glass toward me. I grin back. Actually, I’d forgotten I used to enjoy keeping the girls in line. Before I stopped coming to the club.

  Hellfire’s demonstration, the promise of what might happen later tonight, makes me view things in a different light. When Jeannie drags Titsy and Breezy away to help her in the kitchen, I go along too. The leftovers are brought in from the interrupted barbeque, saran wrapped and covered up, sandwiches cut for brothers who’ll be hungry later, then the place is cleaned up.

  As we go about our tasks, Jeannie and I reminisce about old times, our laughter attracting an audience.

  “He didn’t?” Bella puts her hand to her mouth and gives a very unfeminine snort.

  “He did.” I nod toward Jeannie for confirmation.

  She giggles. “We hadn’t meant it to go so far. But Mo had prepared a bowl of food. Rusty assumed it was for the kids.”

  “Kid. I only had Demon then.”

  “Yeah, well, he picked it up and started eating it.”

  “He said it was great. Finished the plate and wanted more…”

  “Walk it back, Mo. He actually asked for a slice of bread to mop up the gravy.”

  I’m laughing so hard I’m holding my stomach. “And you said…” I point at her, hardly able to get the words out.

  “I asked him,” she takes over, “whether he wanted it heated up.”

  “He said no, it was fine.”

  “Oh God, what was it?” Tulia asks.

  “Cat food.” Both Jeannie and I shout out together.

  “You’re never going to let me fuckin’ forget that, are you?” A booming voice interrupts us. But Rusty’s got a huge grin on his face as he walks over and gives me a big hug. “You know, Mo? I was thinking we don’t see enough of you nowadays, but,” he rubs his stomach, “maybe that’s a good thing.”

  “Hmm. You like the food I give you, old man?”

  Rusty swings around to Jeannie quickly, his face falling. “You haven’t… you wouldn’t…”

  “Oh, stop complaining.” Thunder steps in. “Whatever it is she serves up is fuckin’ tasty.”

  “The rattlesnake cooked well, didn’t it?” Jeannie asks, innocently.

  Both men cover their faces and gag.

  Jeannie winks at me and we crack up. Why did I think I didn’t miss this?

  Later that evening, Pal, who’d been out most of the day after the barbeque ended so abruptly, returns to the club. Hell calls him over for a word, and then, after grabbing a bite to eat and a quick word with Jayden, Pal goes back out.

  Taking me into a corner, Hell speaks quietly. “I’ve asked him to provide extra security at the strip club. His shift will last until five am. By the time he gets back, he’ll be dead beat and Jayden just waking up.”

  “You’re a genius. Thank you. But isn’t the strip club closed today?”

  A tap to my nose. “Closed, yeah. But we still need to take precautions. As to why, Mo, that’s club business.” He pauses. A smirk slowly covers his face. “Now do you want to stay down here and party?” Hell turns me around so my back’s to his front. Ink’s getting down to business with Titsy, Bella’s on her knees in front of Pyro. And I can feel a hard cock pressing into my back.

  I don’t need asking twice. I follow Hell upstairs to his bedroom, only a quick sideways glance toward the storage room on the way, the room which used to belong to Blackie. He stops me as I walk through the door, pulling me against him once again, whispering in my ear, as though to remind me this place holds good memories as well. “This is where Kennedy and Samuel were conceived.”

  “Ain’t going to be more babies conceived tonight.” I huff. “That’s one thing for certain. Getting old has some benefits.”

  “Hmm,” he nuzzles my ear. “Good. Skin on skin. No condoms.”

  I turn around. Going up on tiptoe I kiss him. “No condoms. Unless…” I frown.

  “Not been with anyone Mo, I told you that. Only woman I want is the one here with me.”

  He kisses me as he’s done many thousands of times before. Then he undoes the buttons of the blouse I’m wearing, and slides it off my shoulders.

  “Fuckin’ beautiful, babe.”

  “Can we turn the light off?” There’s an edge of pleading in my voice which makes him still.

  “You really want to?”

  “I’d like you to imagine what I was like before. Not as I am now.”

  Ignoring my request, he removes my bra in a move he’s perfected over the years. My tits, no longer perky, drop out. His eyes flare as he touches my nipples, rolling them between his fingers and thumbs. “Love these, always have, always will,” he pronounces before he lowers his head, taking one hard nub into his mouth, and then the other.

  While paying attention to my breasts, always skilled at multi-tasking, one of his hands moves to the zip of my pants. I place my fingers over the top to sto
p him.

  “Please turn the light off,” I beg.

  “No,” he refuses with just one word. “Need to see you, Mo. Need to show you I don’t give a fuck about wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite or whatever fuckin’ shit you women worry about. I need to see the body that’s mine. Only mine.”

  I’ve got all of those, and worse. For a moment my worry is greater than the feelings his administration to my breasts elicits. What happens if a man who’s taken Viagra is turned off? Or does he remain ready to perform even if his head’s not entirely on board? Guess I’m going to find out.

  Moving down my body he trails his tongue over my stretch marks, tracing each one. He caresses the no-longer flat tummy, then starts dragging my pants down, my panties along with them.

  I wait. Not disappointed when I hear him gasp. “What the fuck have you done to yourself, Mo?”

  I suck in a breath, feeling the tears pricking at my eyes. Guess I’m going to find out how Viagra works. “It’s the menopause, Hell. I can’t fucking help it.”

  He hasn’t stopped. Kneeling and moving down the bed, he pulls my pants off entirely, then sits back, examining what the harsh overhead light has revealed. He’s seeing, for the first time, what I see every day in the shower. My mound is now almost completely bare, just a few straggly pubes remaining around the edge. I keep them trimmed and tidy, but it looks a mess. There’s a little more hair still on my labia.

  “Fuck, Mo.” His exclamation could be one of pleasure or disgust. Knowing how much he appreciates a neatly trimmed bush, I’m going with the latter. I risk a glance at his face, he looks like he’s thinking. Suddenly he leaps up. This is it. I disgust him. “Wait there.” What?

  He’s got me naked, he hasn’t revealed himself yet. My jaw drops when he stands and barefooted, leaves the room.

  Do I get dressed? Slide under the covers? Is he coming back or has he gone to find a whore to take care of his medically induced rock hard cock? I put my fist to my mouth, trying to stop the sob escaping. Hell’s gone.

  But before a moment has passed, he’s back. He goes into his bathroom returning with a towel and something else.


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