Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 30

by Manda Mellett

  There’s pleasure-shaped, warming, mint? Tingling with a spearmint lubricant. Coloured—which would she prefer? In the end, I impatiently pick up a couple of packs of the ones they seem to have most of, assuming they’re the most popular brand. Then, knowing the VP is waiting, hurry to the counter and act cool as my purchase is rung up and I hand over my cash.

  “You took your time.” Demon grins knowingly as I head for my bike. “Find what you needed?”

  It’s best to ignore him.

  As soon as I get back to the compound, I find Jayden. When I tell her about my phone call, she’s delighted at my news.

  “Shooter? Coming here?” Her face lights up. “It will be amazing to see someone from home.”

  I share her enthusiasm, but in truth it makes me feel guilty. Jayden and I should be embracing our new life, not looking back to old friends and places. Once lockdown’s ended I resolve to find out what Pueblo has to offer us. There’s no point continuing to wish for what we left in Tucson, the Herreras aren’t going to disappear anytime soon. Fuck knows when, or even if, they’ll stop looking for Jayden.

  Later, when we’ve retreated to our room, I close the door, standing with my back against it. As Jay looks at me with one eyebrow raised, I put my hand in my cut and bring out the packets I’ve bought.

  She comes closer to see. “Chocolate?” Her eyes sparkle with mirth.

  I smirk. “Thought you might give me more blowjobs.”

  The minx reaches out her hand and traces my already lengthening cock. “You liked how I woke you this morning, then?” she asks cheekily.

  “Fuckin’ ace, babe.” I press my lips to hers.

  “You like chocolate then, do you?”

  “Mmm mmm,” I agree, nuzzling her cheek.

  “Could get some chocolate paste and smother my pussy.”

  Fuck. I like the sound of that. “Trying to sweeten me up, Doll?”

  “Is it working?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “I balked at the glow in the dark ones.” As I go on to describe the various types available, Jayden’s holding onto her sides as she laughs. It’s when I talk about the studded ones, she looks interested.

  “What about a cock piercing?”

  “How about I just give you my cock for now?” Christ, I don’t desire a needle anywhere near my dick. To get her mind on other things I back her over to the bed, watching her eyes light with desire.

  It seems easy, natural between us. Our hands move together, her helping me out of my clothes, mine helping with hers. Both of us breathing faster, heart rates speeding up. In our impatience, it doesn’t take long before we’re both naked. She lies back when I encourage her, more than happy to allow me to give her a couple of orgasms with my tongue to get her in the right mood.

  Then I’m fumbling, trying to get the condom over my dick.

  She raises her head at the delay and watches. “Did you buy the right size?”

  “Not helpful, Jay.” I toss the one I’ve just torn a hole in away. My eagerness is making me clumsy. I try again, this time with more success.

  “You didn’t get ribbed for her pleasure?”

  I send her a look. But I do love her teasing. I’m more than conscious that mine isn’t the first cock she’ll have inside her, but the first time she hasn’t been forced. I’d rather she was relaxed and laughing at me than tense and scared.

  “Are you ready yet?” she taunts, exaggerating an exasperated sigh.

  “Sure am,” I tell her, positioning myself, while watching her face. A slight look of apprehension as I start pushing inside, gently, hoping I know what I’m doing.

  She gasps, I pull out slightly, then try to advance some more. She was tight enough for my fingers, she’s strangling my cock. I’m going only on instinct, holding back when all I want to do is thrust inside. Not even her hand or her mouth, nothing has ever felt so good around my cock. Her tight, warm sheath that I can feel even though I’m covered in that thin barrier of latex.

  Her fingernails are digging into my shoulders, but I ignore the pain. On impulse I pull her leg up around my hip, which opens her to me, allowing me to gain more ground. She makes that little gasp again, checking her face, it’s with shocked pleasure. If I was with anyone else, I’d be nervous. But this is Jay, my girl, the one I’ve waited for what seems like forever.

  “Are you there yet?”

  One more push and I am, “Yes. Oh fuck, Jay. You feel so fucking good.” She squeezes her muscles. “Do that again.” She obeys.

  “Pal, can you move now? I need…” Her breathless moans and sighs encourage me.

  Fuck yeah. I pull out, push in gently. As she pushes back against me, I thrust harder. Trying to remember that spot I’d found with my fingers. I angle my hips differently, and when she groans, I know I’ve found it.

  “Pal,” she cries out in encouragement, and again I fasten my pace, putting a snap and a swivel into my hips, making sure to catch that special place over and over again. Whatever I’m doing, it seems to be working.

  “Pal, Pal, oh God, I need…”

  I reach my fingers down between us, strumming her clit, determined to hold off on my own satisfaction before, oh, fuck. She’s tensing, her muscles pulsating, she’s screaming, coming all over my dick. That’s it, I can’t hold back. Tingles down my spine, my balls draw up, I’ve lost all control and any sense of rhythm for the last final strokes as cum shoots out. Shivers run down my spine and I realise I’ve never come this hard in my life.

  I drop down over her, only when she pushes at me do I realise I’m crushing her. Well, hey, I’m not practiced at this. “I’m sorry.”

  “Couldn’t breathe,” she huffs out, but the smirk shows she’s fine.

  When I get my own breath back, I go deal with the condom. Suspecting she’ll be sore, I get a warm damp cloth and take it back to her. When she tries to close her legs, I shake my head. She’s got nothing to hide from me.

  Finally, I lie down beside her, pulling her into my arms. “Jay, on your seventeenth birthday, I’m gonna ask you to be my old lady.”

  “You are, huh?”

  “You gonna say yes?”

  “You’re giving me two months to think about it?”

  I’m a bit concerned she’s not jumping in with both feet now. But I try to be reasonable. “If that’s what you need.”

  “I think,” she starts, distracting me when her nails graze over my nipples, “I need to see more of what you can offer before I make up my mind.” Her tone suggests she’s teasing.

  “You do, huh?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I haven’t scored ten out of ten yet?”

  She bites her lip; I think it’s to stop herself grinning. “There’s probably room for improvement.”

  “You reckon?”

  “I think you need more practice.” She’s trying not to giggle. “Perhaps quite a lot more.”

  As I pull her to me, and our lips meet, I’m thinking I’m more than happy to oblige.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Spi… Shooter.”

  Having received a man hug and a slap on my back, Shooter steps back and touches his fist to mine. “Hey, asshole. You ain’t been gone long enough not to be able to remember my fuckin’ handle.”

  Yeah, I shouldn’t have forgotten. It’s been nearly three years since he lost the name Spider, not that he was that lanky lad anymore. He’s muscled up a lot. Still the same in many ways since we prospected together, still that twinkle in his eye. You form a bond when you enter the club more or less at the same time, working all the shit jobs, trying not to complain in earshot of the members, but laying it on the one who’d understand. Hank had been our third prospect back in those days. Hank had ended up being the first to patch in, unfortunately posthumously as he had died protecting Sophie. Luckily Spider had kept her safe too, survived and patched in and had been given a new handle due to his sharp-shooting skills.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Bro
ther.” I tell him earnestly, waiting while he gets his saddlebags and shit off his bike. “Want to come inside and get a drink?”

  He pretends his tongue’s hanging out, I punch his arm. Fuck, I’ve missed someone I can just relax with. Apart from when I’m with Jayden, my guard has constantly been up since I came here.

  As soon as we go inside, Jay comes running over, throwing her arms around Shooter. I stand back grinning, not in the slightest bit jealous of my brother. Tucson brothers all know where I stand. When she steps back, it’s natural for me to put my arm around her, pulling her into my side.

  Shooter grins knowingly. “Didn’t think it would take you long, Brother.”

  Jay speaks up fast. “Let us tell Slick and El, okay?”

  He makes a motion of zipping his lips. “Your secret to tell.” He whistles. “Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, Paladin.”

  There may be some benefits to being in Colorado.

  He follows me to the bar, Runt, with one hand in a sling, and a slightly wary look in his eyes, hands us two beers and a can of soda.

  “Shooter, isn’t it?” Demon holds out his hand.

  “This is Demon, the VP.” That starts a round of introductions, queries as to Shooter’s ride, and how he found the journey. It’s a while before we can get a moment to ourselves. Then it’s Jay wanting to know how all the babies are doing.

  When at last she’s satisfied, Shooter catches my eye. “Can I dump my shit in your room, Brother?”

  Jay gives me a knowing look. “I’ll give you some time to yourselves.”

  Shooter follows me upstairs. Inside what counts for my home here in Pueblo, I quickly pull the comforter and sheets over the bed and straighten them up. Guess neither Jay nor I are the domesticated types. He ignores me tidying, just waits patiently until there’s somewhere to sit.

  Leaning over he picks up something from the bedside table, looks at it and snorts. “Really?”

  I snatch the chocolate flavoured condoms out of his hand and shove them into the drawer.

  He grins, then tells me without preamble. “Mouse got you an address. I’ll text it to you.”

  I close my eyes. “Thanks.”

  “You sure about this?”

  “I’m not sure at all.” He’s sitting, I stand. Pacing the room. “Apart from the people who work there, only a couple of men knew about the parts that had been delivered.”

  “Custom parts for a ninety-nine Dyna Super Glide,” Shooter confirms.

  “Yeah. Only about three hundred dollars’ worth, if that. But they’d had to be ordered in. Brass foot pegs and passenger pegs, grips, solid brass gas cap with Fuel Hole written on it, and matching oil cap. Oh, and brass throttle holding.”

  “Nice, if you’re flashy like that.”

  I stop my pacing. “What d’you reckon they’d be worth second hand?”

  “Possibly two-thirds if they’re sold as new. Not a lot to risk getting caught by the Satan’s Devils.”

  “And a Satan’s Devil wouldn’t be able to put that shit on their own bike.”

  “His,” Shooter taps the phone, “cousin just happens to own a ninety-nine Dyna Super Glide.”

  “Bit of a coincidence, isn’t it?”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “You and I go to the address Mouse gave you, check it out. If the parts are on the bike, then we’ve solved the garage break-in.”

  “Have you considered that might be all you solve? That it was just coincidence that happened on the same night the body was left in the dumpster?”

  Shooter’s got a point. I’d been worrying about that too. “Apart from the drive-by, it was mainly mischief. And even that was timed when there was no real chance of anyone getting hurt.”

  “Except for the prospect.”

  “Except for that. Yeah. But two people could have done everything. The timing fits.”

  “Him and his cousin. But for what reason?” Shooter’s challenging me. I’m glad. It’s good to be able to talk it through with a trusted brother, while anyone here might think I’m nuts.

  That’s also part of my problem. “I don’t know, Shooter. Perhaps he’s been slighted by the club? Passed over? Things aren’t happening fast enough? Got a personal beef with one of the brothers?”

  Shooter rests his elbows on his knees. “You’re on lockdown. You’re chasing your asses trying to find an enemy outside the club who could be non-existent. You’re suggesting the mischief might have been done by someone inside. To sow seeds of discontent? We know what lockdowns can be like. People livin’ in too close proximity, tempers getting frayed.”

  I’ve been going over and over in my head what the perpetrator could hope to get out of it. “If it’s someone in the club, that might be enough. A sort of fuck you. He could be standing laughing at us, getting his kick from seeing us chasing our tails. If that’s all it is, there might be nothing else happen at all.”

  “Or you’re completely wrong. And it’s a gang who wants to take over territory. In that case the incidents will escalate and likely end with blood on both sides.”

  He’s right. “That’s why I want to investigate this quietly. If those parts aren’t where I expect them to be, I can rest easy, and I won’t have distracted the club from searching for who’s really out to cause trouble. If they are, I’ll stay sleepin’ with one eye open.”

  “I don’t blame you. Talkin’ about sleepin’…”

  “On the couch downstairs, or in here with us.”

  “Floor suits me fine.” His face splits into a grin. “I can enjoy the live porn.” He rears back out of reach of my punch, laughing his ass off.

  “Not gonna be any show.” I inform him, seriously. Jay and I will just need to keep our hands to ourselves. Sucks, but it is what it is.

  The next morning Shooter and I leave early. I’d cleared it with Demon we were going to check out some security shit, instead we rode well out of the city, heading to the address which Mouse had found for the cousin, Drayton. We found it easily, parking discreetly down a side road and walking the rest of the way.

  “How d’ya want to play this?”

  To be honest, I’ve no idea. Walk up to the door and ask to see his bike? Yeah, like that would work.

  Shooter’s arm comes out to stop me mid-step. “Listen, it’s a Harley.”

  As the unmistakable sound of the bike’s pipes reaches us, we pull back under cover of some shrubbery. As the rider rides it onto the driveway, I point at the Dyna Super Glide. “That’s him.” My eyes narrow as I spot the unmistakable new parts.

  The front door opens. “How did it go? Any better?” A woman stands in the doorway, leaning with one hand on the doorframe. She’s grinning as though amused.

  “Like the shit.” The man who resembles his cousin kicks down the stand and gets off. “Got some admiring looks too. Jealous assholes.”

  “You and that damn bike.” The words are censoring, but his wife, or whoever it is, is smiling.

  “Just look at it, Sylvie. See how the sun hits it? Makes it one of a kind.” Even from my vantage point I can see it is a beast of a machine, one already heavily customised.

  “Well, there’s your proof,” Shooter whispers.

  I need more. “Hold this.” I slide out of my cut and pass it to him. Now I’m just wearing a black leather jacket and jeans.

  “What you doing?” He asks as I go to my bike.

  “You stay here. I’m going to ask a few questions.”

  “What? Like are those stolen parts on your bike?” he hisses.

  “Come on, you know me better than that.” I think my plan will work. Nothing bikers like more than discussing their ride with a fellow biker.

  “Let me come with you,” Shooter insists.

  “Nah. Best just one of us go. Less threatening.”

  “Well, let me go instead. Come on, Paladin, you’ve got a fuckin’ brain, use it. If you’re right, there’s a chance he might have seen you in Pueblo. Me, he won’t know at all.”

sp; I don’t take more than a second to realise he’s right. Having got this close, I can’t afford to blow it now. As he slips his own cut off, I put mine back on. “Be careful,” I warn him.

  “Always am.” He waves away my concern with a grin.

  As I stay put, he runs back to where we’ve left the bikes. In no time at all, from my vantage spot I watch as he rides down the road, braking and slowing when he passes the gleaming Dyna Super Glide, which indeed does sparkle in the sun, still parked on the driveway. He makes a U-turn, then comes back, stopping at the curb.

  “Nice ride,” he calls out. His voice dripping with admiration. “Mind if I take a look?”

  Drayton stands from where he’s been crouching. “Sure.” I can see his smile from here. “She’s a beaut, ain’t she?”

  “She is that,” agrees Shooter. “Wow. I like those brass parts. Bet they take some cleaning to keep them lookin’ like that.”

  “I expect so. They’re brand new.”

  Shooter laughs. “Fuel Hole,” he points at the filler cap.

  “Matching oil cap too,” Drayton helpfully tells him. “Oil Hole, see?”

  As Shooter bends over, I know he’ll be cataloguing the rest of the missing parts. “Where’d you get them, man? Could do with some new shit myself. Got my bike recently and looking forward to makin’ it mine.”

  Inwardly I chuckle. Shooter’s had that bike years, prides himself on keeping it as it came out of the factory looks wise, performance, now that’s another matter. He prefers having a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

  It might be my imagination, but Drayton looks shifty. “Went to the Harley store in Boulder.”

  “Special order?”

  “Well, I’ve got places to be, I’m afraid. You’ll have to excuse me now. Need to put this baby away.” Drayton pats the saddle as if it were alive, then starts to wheel the bike into the garage. Shooter takes his cue to leave.

  “Thanks man.”

  “No worries.” Drayton waves his hand over his shoulder.

  I’m back at my bike by the time Shooter’s returned. He’s got a satisfied grin on his face. “Think that’s everything we need.”


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