Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 63

by Manda Mellett

  “I can try.”

  “Locations, man,” Drummer barks. “Where’s he likely to have taken her?”

  “Somewhere I don’t know about, I assure you.” Lucio’s eyes harden. “Should your attack on me have failed, he will know I’d be looking for him myself. So it won’t be a location I’m aware of. Maybe somewhere he’s bought recently, maybe somewhere he has the owner tied up, or more likely, killed. Somewhere it will be almost impossible to find.”

  “Almost?” Drummer queries.

  “People talk. People listen. You leave me alive, I’ll question everyone. If it’s only the direction they saw people heading, it will be a start. Angelino does like his comforts, and especially so does Vitalia. I suspect when Angelino’s… with… Violet, she’ll not want to be within hearing. What wife would?”

  What fucking wife would be part of a plan to rape and impregnate a woman? Or force her to carry her husband’s child?

  “What are you suggesting?”

  “That we get eyes out watching.”

  “I don’t trust your men. I want information from you, Lucio. I want to know every fuckin’ thing you find out. Even if it’s what brand of toothpaste he uses and where he shops for it. Not leaving this to you.”

  “Best you leave me alive, then.” Lucio stares at the gun I’m still holding.

  “I will. For now. If Violet’s hurt…”

  “I do not want to see her harmed. She’s the blood of my enemy, yes. But she had no hand in killing Pompeo. She wasn’t even born then. I do not take the life of an innocent.”

  A hand settles on my shoulder, a familiar touch; I don’t need to turn to see who it is. “I believe him, Demon. I’ve known Lucio for decades. He’s always played it straight down the line.”

  “What are we doing here, then? Lucio. I need to know Angel’s addresses and locations he might visit. His wife’s too. I’ll get Cad on to searching to see if he’s bought or rented any properties recently.” That’s a long shot; as Lucio suggested, he might just have appropriated somewhere. The Angel of Death wouldn’t give a damn about killing an innocent citizen. “Let’s get this fuckin’ ball rollin’.” Sooner we start, sooner we can get Violet home. Hopefully, before his cock has gone anywhere near her.

  “Wait,” Lucio barks. Even I find myself momentarily standing to attention. “First, we need to arrange something.”

  “No delays.”

  “Not even something to help?”

  “Let him speak.” Drummer didn’t get where he is without being a good judge of character. Something about Lucio has interested him.

  Annoyed that we’re not jumping into action, I gesture at Lucio. That grin appears on his face again, this time, more genuine.

  “We need to arrange my death.” I’d replaced my gun in my cut. Now I’m wondering whether I should just pull it out and shoot him to get it over and done with when he resumes, “Not my actual death, of course, but make it look like you’ve succeeded.”

  There are too many ways the truth could get out. “Your guards…”

  “My soldati.” He bows his head. “My normal guards had been replaced, their presence required elsewhere. A training exercise. Those you’ve captured, you may well have noticed their incompetence. One,” he huffs a short laugh, “is my chef. They were no part of this. Pawns used by Angelino.” He stares at me, then resumes, “There’s a room that can be locked, in the basement. They can take down food, a TV; let’s make them comfortable. There’s even a bathroom down there.” His concern for his men is touching. It makes me believe there’s still a lot of loyalty to the old man. Angel would not garner the same respect. “I need my consigliere. I have the utmost confidence in him. He can spread news of my demise, and that the guards are dead and have been disposed of. By your men.” He queries me with a look. I dip my head up-and-down in response. Don’t mind a few more bodies added to my reputation.

  “And that helps, how?”

  “Angelino will get careless. He’s hungry for power, but won’t find it easy. Succession isn’t guaranteed, though of course, he has a few things going for him. He’s the underboss, my second-in-command. He’s also my son, and I’ve always groomed him for the position. But the caporegimes have to vote on my replacement. If he’s crossed too many of them, he might not win.”

  “Is there anyone else?”

  “There are a couple of capi that are well-respected.”

  If I let him live, Angel is definitely facing death. Lucio might need to start preparing one of the others in the near future. I catch his eyes, there’s that look of pain crossing it once again. He knows exactly what to expect.

  Red lets out a short laugh. “You’re buying us time.”

  “And,” Drummer adds, showing he’s not slow on the uptake, “forcing Angel out of hiding.”

  Of course! The old man hasn’t stayed in top position for so long without looking at things from every angle. “When the famiglia hear of your death, Angel’s going to want, need, to take charge.” Thus, hopefully, putting on hold what he has planned for Violet.

  I allow Lucio to take out his phone and place a call. A look my way, then after the word, “Ciao,” he continues his conversation in English. Without passing on a warning or giving a reason for the meeting, he requests the man, a Roberto, to come directly to the mansion and to use the rear entrance.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  While we’re waiting for Lucio’s man to arrive, I and the other presidents go out to find our men. They’re all congregating in the large hallway, circling the sorry-looking guards. The don comes out behind us, shaking his head.

  One of the guards looks particularly sheepish. “Mi scuso. Scuso.”

  We don’t need a translation, the look on his face tells us all we need to know. Lucio walks over. A rapid-fire burst of Italian, then he turns to us. “I have given a brief explanation to my soldati. They know it is my will that they are kept out of the way for now and will give you no problem. Please, Luigo will show you the way. Then I’d appreciate those supplies we discussed.”

  I nod.

  “We’ll go check it out.”

  This time it’s the Vegas prez I raise my chin toward. Yeah, we need to make sure there’s no way out and no means of communication down there. There’s only so far I trust Lucio.

  “Luigo?” Having gotten my agreement, Red indicates to his men. When a man takes a step forward to identify himself, his hands still bound behind him, Red disappears with him through a doorway, Crash follows them through.

  Moments later they reappear. “It’s secure,” Red assures me.

  It doesn’t take too long. Surrounded by the Satan’s Devils, the men go to the kitchen and reappear carrying armfuls of food. The two women come along with them. There are also a couple of crates of beer going down there as well. Buzzard escorts one carrying a television and DVD player, along with a number of DVDs. Slowly the atmosphere changes. It’s almost like they’re preparing for a party. The injured ones are being helped down by their comrades.

  I have to admit to breathing a sigh of relief once they’re contained and I can focus on my next worry.

  “It’s not only Lucio Angel will want taken out,” I tell Red and Drummer, bluntly.

  “He’ll be coming for us. He’ll have to. Might be him who set Lucio up, but all his crew will know is that the Satan’s Devils supposedly killed him. He’ll attack the compound,” Hell injects grimly, having overheard my words. “If he doubts the kid’s his, he won’t give a fuck about who he hurts.”

  “That’s my thinking.”

  Looking around me, I send swift thanks up to some unknown deity that all our men have, so far, come through uninjured, with the exception of Sparky, who looks more annoyed than hurt. I take out my phone and place a quick call to Bomber, telling him to be on high alert, and to put the club on lockdown.

  Then I turn back to Drummer and Red. “Need as many as possible back there.”

  “I’ll stay. Want to know what Lucio�
�s planning.”

  I dip my head at Drummer, glad to have his company. There’s no way on earth I’m not sticking close to Lucio’s side, needing to be the first to know where the fuck Angel has Violet.

  “Don’t like splitting our resources, but we’re going to have to. While an attack might be imminent, we also need to be able to respond to whatever situation your girl’s in. Need manpower for that.” Drummer’s hand tugs at his beard. “I suggest we send the VPs back, but we’ll stay,” he breaks off to jerk his chin toward Red, “and perhaps half-a-dozen others.”

  “I’m going nowhere,” says Hell. “That’s my daughter-in-law we’re talking about.”

  I’m happy to defer to Drummer and not make all the decisions myself. I’m torn as to what to do. If I rescued Vi, but lost the compound and Theo, well, that’s unthinkable.

  In the end, it’s Pyro, Beef, Rock, Indian and Twister who remain. The VPs and Snatcher, who’s looking paler by the moment, though he’s trying to bluster his way through, will be returning. After catching my eye, as it’s a multi-club front we’re putting together, Drummer takes over, giving his precise instructions for how the lockdown is to be handled. Apart from being the national prez, Drummer’s had a hell of a lot of experience with fending off attacks, and I’m happy for him to give advice which I might not have thought about. Face it, I’m not thinking straight about anything other than getting my woman back.

  “You keep your fuckin’ eyes peeled,” Drummer warns the group about to leave. “If I were Angel, I’d have eyes on the compound.”

  “Could be an ambush,” Wraith agrees, eyeing the men who’ll be riding with him. “You keep your fuckin’ guns handy. Any truck, SUV that gets too close, shoot the fuckin’ tires out.”

  “You want us close formation, or spread out?” Crash calls out.

  “Close. Don’t want him to be able to pick us off one by one.”

  They’re right to be cautious, but my money’s on Angel not being organised yet. He doesn’t know what’s gone down, whether his plan succeeded. At the moment, he has no reason to instruct his men to attack.

  Watching Wraith leave, Drummer turns to me. “When you going to get sorted and get a fuckin’ VP, Demon? Once we’re on the other side of this, make that your fuckin’ priority.”

  He’s right. Everything’s all on my shoulders at present. While Thunder’s more than capable, he’s holding part of himself back. Unfortunately, it shows.

  “Thunder will be okay,” I tell him, pinching the bridge between my eyes.

  “Sure he will. But your second needs to be able to take the helm, and I don’t think Thunder will do that.” His eyes soften slightly as his hand clasps my shoulder. “Not stepping on toes here, Brother, but told Wraith to step up. Do what’s necessary if Thunder is lagging.”

  I don’t mind. Don’t mind that at all.

  “Thunder’s the best sergeant-at-arms,” I tell him.

  “He is. But the VP spot needs more than that.”

  “We have a problem,” Red starts. “If Angel is watching this house, he’ll be aware of this Roberto arriving. I don’t like anything that might make him suspicious.”

  “No, he won’t.” Lucio, who’d stayed in the background until our men had left, comes over to join us, and picks up on the last comment. “I’ve got a secret access which very few people know. A tunnel under the grounds. I’ve warned Roberto to come in that way. The rear entrance is the code I used in our conversation. No one will see him arrive. Angel knows about it, but under the circumstances, I suspect it’s highly unlikely he’ll have a man looking out for anyone using it.”

  Only a few moments later, there’s a sound in the hall, and a doorway opens. It’s hidden in the panelling and impossible to see unless you knew what you were looking for. Hell and I glance at each other. That wasn’t on the plans, he mouths.

  Without waiting, Lucio introduces the newcomer as the mysterious Roberto. Then he wastes no time giving his consigliere an explanation.

  Roberto’s face goes through a range of emotions. At last he turns to me. “Your woman got in the middle of a mess which is not of her making. Angelino, well,” he breaks off, turns to Lucio, his head shaking sadly. “Angelino’s gone too far this time. I have warned you not to trust him.”

  Pain lines form on the don’s face. He ages in front of my eyes. “As any father would, I hoped Angel would temper his ways with time. It seems it was a mistake to give him too much free rein.”

  “You made him the underboss, Lucio. It was then he started to get power-hungry. Wanted to take the famiglia in different ways. But now, it’s time for action, not reflection. Time to bring the capi together. We both know who we can trust, and who have been swayed to Angelino’s more violent ways.”

  Lucio nods. “You call them, Roberto. Get them here.”

  “Won’t that be suspicious?” Drummer asks.

  “No,” Roberto replies. “If, indeed, Lucio was dead, that’s what Angel would expect to happen. Much like yourselves, I suspect, we consider it no business of the authorities, and a council of war is the first step we’d take.”

  The consigliere’s face mirrors the misery on the don’s. It seems both knew this day was coming, but hoped it was still a long way off. Sideways glances thrown our way also indicates they’re uncomfortable airing their dirty laundry in public.

  I’m sympathetic, sure, but despite the pain they’re feeling, I have a different goal than who’s leading the Mafia family. “I need to know where Angel is. Where he’s taken Violet. What he’s planning for my club. Other than that, we stay out of it.” I’ll fight for Violet, sure, but I’m not having the club brought into the Mafia power struggle.

  Roberto’s eyes come to mine. He pauses a second, then accepts the condition I’ve laid down. “Understood. We’ll get your answers. I’m confident we’ll have the majority of our men on our side.”

  I’m antsy, impatient. The men Roberto is calling together may well hold the key, the information I need on Violet’s whereabouts. But I hate this delay with every fibre of my being.

  I pace while he’s placing his calls, arranging a meeting for later on this evening. Far too slow, but he needs time to get all the capos together.

  My phone rings. It’s Cad.

  “Got a list of properties owned by Angel.”

  “How many? Can you text it to me?”

  He gives me a number and a ping shows he already has. I end the call and pass the info to the others.

  Drummer’s stroking his beard, his steely grey eyes watching me, giving me the lead and letting me decide what to do. Christ, what a fucked-up situation this is. I curb my initial reaction to tear off and start searching because I need to be here, adding my thinking into how we’re going to take Angel down.

  “I’ll get Mace, Lizard and Ink onto it.”

  “That enough?” Hellfire queries.

  I let him in on my thought processes. “All we have are addresses of what we know he owns. Need to check them out, see where might be likely, whether there’s been movement there. I trust those three to cross off those which are possibilities. If they’re suspicious about one, they can call help in.”

  Hell nods. “I’ll get onto it.” He takes out his phone.

  “Oh, and Hell? I want in if they think they’ve found the location.”

  Drummer, still listening carefully, nods at this instruction. Doubt if he’d be able to hold back if it was his woman who’d been taken.

  “We could send more than one team out,” Red suggests, his hand staying Hell from pressing connect.

  Fucking decisions. On one hand, more men out searching could get results quicker. On the other… I shake my head. “We don’t know whether Angel’s going to make a play for Theo, or whether to launch an attack. I don’t want to leave the compound short-handed.”

  “How about I go with them?” Hellfire offers.

  “Need you here.”

  Hell’s not happy, shooting me a look that says he’d rather be taking actio
n. We’re brothers, both sharing the same frustration at seemingly sitting on our hands while Violet’s suffering. But Hell’s experience with the Mafia might come in handy. I stare back steadily, letting him know there’s no point in arguing. He sighs in exasperation and turns away. Shortly after, I hear him issuing my instructions.

  A car arrives, shortly followed by another. Then more.

  Ten men, each accompanied by one or more of their soldiers appear. Ten capos, each responsible for a decina. While they’ve not brought the whole lot with them, it strikes me how Lucio has at least one hundred men at his beck and call. Even with the extra fifteen at the compound, we’re heavily outnumbered. If Angel had managed to turn them, we wouldn’t have had a chance.

  Roberto comes up beside me. “I didn’t call all the capi. Just those who I’d stake my life on can be trusted. One, Capo Ferri, let me say is sympathetic to Angel’s ways. Another couple I couldn’t say either way and thought it best to exclude them. Even Sanna has a question mark over his head.”

  He has not made the situation better.

  Lucio doesn’t waste time, ushering us all into a large dining room. The table is enormous, can easily seat thirty. He sits at the head, Roberto beside him. Then beckons me to the seat on his left. I raise my chin in acknowledgement of the honour. Red, Drummer and Hell are also invited in, leaving the rest of the MC and the soldatos to mingle awkwardly outside in the hallway.

  When everyone’s seated, Lucio looks around the assembly, his glance landing briefly on each one of his men. My eyes follow his, waiting to see if anyone flinches or reacts when his assessing gaze settles on them. No one acts suspiciously I’m pleased to see. They’re clearly curious as to why they’ve been summoned, and why three current and one former MC presidents are sitting around the table with them.

  One man, whose grey hair betrays his age, is impatient. “What the hell is going on, Lucio? There are holes in the walls. Have these bikers…”

  “Gallo. If you will give me a chance to explain.” His eyes flick to Roberto, then he takes a breath to fortify himself. I’m not surprised. What he has to say will be devastating, for him to admit to his famiglia, and for them to hear. “I was set up. To be killed.”


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