Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 68

by Manda Mellett

  “Good man.” I slap his back while eyeing where the front of our clubhouse was. Won’t need electric when we’re missing part of the wall and half the windows.

  “Looks like a fuckin’ bomb went off.”

  I roll my eyes as I turn to greet Bomber.

  “Dead? Injured?”

  I update Drummer, who passes a hand over his beard when he hears about Thumper.

  “And them?” He points to a dead Italian.

  “Got six dead, eight alive. Some injured, but not fatally. They’re down in the basement.” I grin at Drummer. “Far as they know the place is burning down, with them trapped in it.”

  His sharp eyes meet mine. Then he gives a wicked grin. “They came here to kill everyone in the compound, women and the kid. Think a bit of mental torture is apt punishment.” He pauses and looks around. “I’ll get Viper up here to assess structural damage, and whether you need major work.”

  He has a whole construction company back in Tucson. We’re not total strangers at a bit of DIY, but don’t want to patch something up if it’s in danger of falling down. “Thanks for the offer, Drum, a bit of advice would come in handy.” I step closer to the hole in the wall; now the fire’s out I can get nearer to it, warily eyeing the ceiling above my head.

  “What you going to do with the dead Mafia crew you have lying around?” His mouth twists in distaste as he sees the bodies we’ve pulled inside, out of view of the street, piled up like cordwood.

  My lips curve up. “Thought we’d get Lucio to collect them. He’ll want to know who was involved in this, anyway, seeing he doesn’t want to start a fight with the Devils.”

  Drummer laughs and slaps my back. “Fuck, I’ve no idea if the dominant would have come in on our side. Taking over the drug trade may have attracted them. But the threat of the Wretched Soulz having our backs worked, didn’t it?”

  “Like a fucking charm.” My eyes convey how grateful I am. I don’t have the clout of the mother chapter president. The same words out of my mouth wouldn’t have carried so much weight.

  I stand for a moment watching my men, and those here from the other chapters, getting to work. They’re not waiting for instruction but assessing what needs to be done and getting on with it themselves.

  “Hey, Prez. Just going out to get some boarding and sheetrock.”

  I raise my hand toward Bomber and Rusty acknowledging their self-imposed task. Wills and Dan are sweeping up the debris that had been blown inside, Skull is taking charge of a broom himself. Paladin seems to be sorting out bricks that can be reused, and Thunder and Mace are knocking out the remaining glass in the shattered windows. Slowly some order is being restored, the clubhouse looking less like a war zone.

  A couple of Drummer’s men, Rock and Beef are carrying burned tables and chairs outside to pile in a heap. And there’s Twister and Indian from Vegas, carrying the couch that really has seen better days. Well, out of disaster rises opportunity. It was past time the clubhouse had new furniture, and it could do with a lick of paint. Only problem is, we obviously don’t carry insurance. I continue cataloguing the losses as I slowly turn around. Well fuck me, and dammit. The jukebox obviously took the full force of the explosive thrown in. That had been a relic from the old days and will be missed.

  “This going to hit our plans for the tattoo parlour, Prez?” Liz pops up from behind the bar and asks as he walks past, emptying a dustpan full of broken glass into a garbage bin.

  “Have to speak to Buzzard, Liz. Once we can estimate the cost.”

  “Got any full bottles behind there?” Not that I want a drink now, but I’m not taking the chance on the bar running dry tonight. After the day we’ve had, everyone will want to get their throats wet.

  “Surprisingly, yes.” He grins. “Made fucking sure the flames were kept well away.”

  Ink chuckles beside us. “First thing Liz did was grab an extinguisher and stand guarding the spirits. Wanted to make sure he’d be able to get his whisky when the excitement had died down.”

  Probably just as well. Wouldn’t have wanted the amount of alcohol we keep here adding fuel to the flames.

  Having checked on everyone, I find a quieter corner and place a phone call. “Lucio, it’s Demon.”

  “I am glad to hear your voice.”

  “Angel tell you what he had planned?”

  Lucio’s voice sounds weary. “Indeed. I presume, as you’re alive, I’ve got dead men.”

  “Seven, yes. Six still breathing. They are yours if you want to collect.”

  A moment of silence. “I would appreciate dealing with them, Demon. And I’ll take the dead bodies off your hands. No one would want to risk them being discovered.”

  I bristle slightly at the implied inference of us being unable to deal with a dead body, but him taking them means less work for my men. At the moment I’d rather they wielded hammers rather than shovels.


  “I’ll bring him when I come to collect. I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  I end the call, realising he hasn’t confirmed whether Angel will be delivered alive or dead. I find I’m not too bothered either way as long as the threat has been removed. Revenge, it seems, isn’t as important as Vi and Theo being alive, and safe.

  “It’ll be okay.” Thunder’s hand lands on my shoulder when I emerge from my corner. “We’ll come back better than before. Now why don’t you go to Mo’s and check up on your wife and kid? Not much you can do here. Unless you got bricklaying skills I don’t know about?”

  I haven’t. But I still can’t walk out on my men. I tell him that.

  “You keep telling me, Demon, that I have to act as your second-in-command. Well, how about you let me get on with the fuckin’ job? You’re stressed about Vi, hell, deserve to be. She was one step away from being raped from what I heard. Saved her, yeah, but she needs you, man.”

  Red, walking past, overhears. “You know what they say about too many cooks, Demon? Well, that probably goes for MC presidents too. More than enough of us here. Take a time-out, you need it.” When Thunder slaps my back and walks off, brushing off my grunt of appreciation, Red leans in and adds, “Take a break. You’ve been living on adrenaline since your fuckin’ weddin’. Thunder’s right. You need some time with your wife and kid.”

  I can’t just leave them, can I? “How’s Snatcher?”

  “Snatcher’s fuckin’ fine.” I hadn’t seen the man himself was behind me. Swiftly I spin, noticing today he has more colour in his face and seems to be holding up well enough.

  “Look, fuckin’ sorry about Thumper.”

  He meets my eyes, nods, but there’s nothing else to say. No words can express the pain he’ll be feeling, losing one of his men, and no words of sympathy adequate from me.

  “Red’s right. We can do without you here. Doesn’t look like your men need their hands being held.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “They’re fuckin’ sure. Now, scat.”

  Drummer’s bark makes it a complete order. Outside I find Pyro, obviously happy the fire has been beaten, as he’s with Wills. They’re picking up stricken motorcycles and assessing the damage.

  A tow truck appears with one of our trusted civilian mechanics from the shop. I’m glad he’s acted fast and is looking to get us all mobile again. What good is an MC without its motorcycles?

  He waves away my offer of help, saying he has extra hands coming along.

  “You can trust them to keep their mouths shut?” This destruction, until we can get the place tidied up, is not going to help our reputation in Pueblo if someone with a loose mouth sees and starts describing the scene.

  “I do, yeah. But I’ll slip some extra in their pay checks. That’ll do the job.”

  Satisfied, I at last mount my bike with a sense of relief that everything appears under control. Duty had kept me at the clubhouse, but with Vi is where I really want to be. As I ride, I realise I’ve been pushing myself to the limits since the ride home from my wedding was dis
rupted. The attack on Lucio’s compound, the anxious wait to find where Angel was. While everyone had been worried, I’d had the additional burden of my personal concern about the woman I love, for twenty-five years as the sister of my friend, and more recently, as my wife.

  She’s here. Angel won’t be a problem any more, and Theo is safe. That’s the mantra that goes around my head when I pull up outside the home where I grew up. I stay on my bike for a moment, the ticking of the cooling engine sounding loud. Even from here the house looks like a hive of activity, people milling around in the living room.

  Unable to hold back from seeing my woman any longer, I throw my leg over the seat. Walking to the front door, I use my key to step inside.

  Mo and Jeannie have the club girls working. Plates piled with food are coming out of the kitchen, but the person I want to see most isn’t in sight.

  Hellfire walks toward me. “Update?”

  “Fire’s out. Clean-up’s in progress as we speak. I don’t think there’s any structural damage, but Drummer has Viper coming to check that out. If he can get a seat, should be flying up tonight, so we’ll know what we’re dealing with soon. Windows are being boarded up. Pyro’s dealing with the bikes.”

  “The Italians?”

  “Are Lucio’s problem. Got six alive, Hell.” I brush my hand over my face. “I’d rather hand them over for him to deal with. Doesn’t sit right to just take them out.”

  “They killed Thumper,” he reminds me.

  “But lost seven themselves. Thank fuck you and Snatcher were prepared for it.”

  Hell nods, then gives me an intense stare. “You holding up, okay, son?”

  I spare him a quick grin. “I sure can understand why you passed over the gavel. But yeah, I’m okay. Just need to make sure my woman’s alright.”

  He raises his chin fractionally, then jerks it toward the hallway. “Put her in your old room. She’s in there with Theo. Son,” his hand rests on my arm, “she’s been through one fuck of a lot. May need treating gently. Focus on her. I know I didn’t step up into the VP spot, but right now, I’m your father, and grandfather to that kid, and Vi is my daughter-in-law. Take some time with her. I’ll go back to the club and get shit handled.”

  “Thunder’s doing okay,” I tell him.

  “Nevertheless, I’ll return and back him up if he needs it.”

  I nod gratefully. He’s had twenty-years-plus experience of doing my job. There’s no one better to stand in my place.

  As Hell yells to Mo where he’s going, I avoid other conversation and make my way down the hall.

  My childhood bedroom is much as I left it before I moved into the clubhouse. At least it has a queen-size bed in it. I pause outside the door for a moment, hearing no sound, I quietly turn the knob and open it, then stand and take in the sight that I see.

  Theo’s in the portable crib by the side of the bed, asleep with his thumb in his mouth. He looks so cute a wave of emotion washes over me. He’s mine. Then my eyes fall on his mother.

  Violet’s sleeping. My gut clenches when I see her red sore eyes which suggest she fell asleep weeping. Christ, everything she’s been through over the past day, days, weeks—jeez, over the past year and a half. It’s no wonder she needs a minute to cope with it. As I watch, her face scrunches, her hands twitch, and a sound comes from her mouth. She’s dreaming, but it’s not a good one. Vowing nothing will ever hurt her again, wanting to keep even her nightmares at bay, I shrug off my cut and shirt, then take off my jeans and boots, and lie down beside her.

  As I pull her back against my chest, she stirs. “Hush, Vi, sleep. I’m here, I’ve got you. Sleep now.”

  The warmth of my body seems to soothe her. Without fully waking, she relaxes. Although last night I got no sleep either, I can’t turn off my brain. I breathe in her perfume and relish in the feeling of just holding her. My woman, my wife. Christ knows what an ass I was to even try to deny my real feelings for her.

  She’s now sleeping so soundly, so when Theo stirs, I rise gently. With his changing bag slung over my shoulder, I pick him up from his crib and carry him out of the room.

  “You okay, Dave? Want me to take him?”

  “Nah, Mom. I got this. Can you get a bottle ready?” Knowing Vi she’s probably sorted that shit out before settling down with him.

  “I’ll heat one up.”

  Ignoring that I have an audience, I open the bag, spread the changing mat out on the floor, then remove and dispose of Theo’s dirty diaper in the bag I’d remembered to get ready. He wriggles and turns over, I tickle his tummy when I turn him back. “Behave,” I admonish him gently. Taking a firm hold of his legs in one hand, I proceed to clean him, put his cream on, then fasten a new diaper around him. There’s a fresh onesie in the bag which I put on him. As I fold up the mat and put it away, I realise the room has gone silent around me.

  I stand, picking up my son, and take the bottle of warm milk from Mo’s outstretched hand. My focus on Theo, I note, but can’t interpret, the weird look on her face. As my intention is clearly to sit there, Titsy rises from the chair I’m heading to, and points that it’s now free with her hand. I sit, settle Theo in my arm, then hold the bottle to him. He doesn’t take a moment to suck the nipple into his mouth.

  “Christ, I think my ovaries just exploded!”

  Bella’s statement rings out and seems to echo, then it starts a round of conversation.

  “Mine fucking, too.”

  Glancing up, I see a look of longing on Breezy’s face. When she catches my eyes on her, she giggles. “You’re the prez, Demon. A rough, tough biker. I never thought I’d see the day when you changed a diaper and then sat patiently feeding a baby.”

  My eyes narrow as I look at her, then note the similar expressions of astonishment on the faces of the other girls, and then my gaze falls on my mom, who’s smiling broadly. I shake my head and return my focus to Theo. His bottle empty, I put him over my shoulder to burp him.

  “Here.” Mom’s handing me a cloth.

  Thanking her, I lift him slightly and put it between him and my shirt. I can’t for the life of me understand why changing a diaper and feeding my son is such a big deal for the women. Like anything, it was a job that needed doing, and now, it’s done. Content, happy, burped and clean, I put Theo on my lap and start bouncing him gently. Not too much, I don’t want his feed to reappear.

  “You’re a natural,” Mom tells me, the tone of her voice proud.

  I shrug. I’m doing no more than she and Hell had done. My son settled, my thoughts return to Violet. “Do you mind taking him for me, Mom?”

  “Oh, let me, please.” Tulia’s holding out her arms for him.

  “You only want him now he’s clean,” Breezy laughs.

  “True.” Tulia’s grin is unapologetic.

  I’m happy to pass him over, knowing he’ll be in safe hands. But I do issue a warning. “He’s just been fed, so go easy.” Then, having handed him off, I again catch the eyes of my mom.


  She walks over and hugs me. “Proud of you, son.”

  “Only doing what you taught me.” Can’t understand why everyone seems to be making such a big deal of me looking after the kid. I suddenly realise who’s missing. “Where’s Jeannie and Sindy? And Jayden?”

  “Jeannie’s gone back to her house, Sindy went with her. It was getting a bit crowded her.” Makes sense. “Jayden’s gone back with Pal to the clubhouse.” She pauses and grins. “Those two don’t like being apart.” I know how they feel.

  I returned to my old bedroom at exactly the right time. Violet’s sitting up, rubbing her eyes, and staring at the empty crib. Not in consternation, but with just a touch of motherly concern.

  I put her at ease immediately. “Changed, fed and now being amused.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  After being saved from being raped for the second time by Angel, after the commotion at the clubhouse, Mo and Hell’s home seemed at first a hive of a
ctivity while the club girls and old ladies sorted themselves out, then an oasis of peace. Refreshments seemed the order of the day. Though I could feel the adrenaline that had kept me going for the past day disappearing, I’d tried to help. With her sharp eyes Mo had realised I was fading and pointed me to Demon’s old room. I made no protest.

  Having laid Theo down, I stretched out on the bed beside him. I thought I’d lost him today. It was at that point I broke down. Sobbing quietly with my hand stuffed into my mouth so I wouldn’t disturb him, I relived the terrors in my mind. I suppose I must have been exhausted, a night with no sleep, and not much the night before, for two totally different reasons. Eventually, with tears still wet on my face, I must have gone to sleep.

  Vaguely aware of someone lying behind me, I’d woken from a bad dream starring Angel threatening my son. I’d heard Demon’s voice, but it had been his aroma inhaled with each breath which had done most to help me settle. I’d let myself relax into sleep once again, this time without dreaming.

  I’d only just awoken and noticed Theo was missing, when Demon appeared, as though I’d summoned him.

  “Changed, fed and now being amused.” He eases my mind, knowing instinctively what I need. I wonder who sorted him, then put it to the back of my mind as Demon stalks toward me. His hand reaches out and lifts my chin, and his dark eyes flare as they look into mine. “Vi,” he chokes, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Angel should never have gotten to you. I didn’t do enough to protect you.”

  He did. He saved me. He saved my son.


  “Won’t be breathing much longer. That’s if he’s still alive now. He went against his family, Violet. Set up his father, wanted to become boss.”

  I shake my head, unable to talk about the details, some of which I already know, some I expect I’ll learn. At present it’s sufficient to know he’s no longer coming after me.

  “He told me this story, D. A story about my father.” An unbelievable tale.


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