For the Love of Peter Jones

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For the Love of Peter Jones Page 10

by Adaeze Okoli

  She rolled down the window. “Do you know how to drive Peter?”

  “Yeah of course, I learned a while ago. I never had a car though.”

  I chuckled a bit, and Trinity flashed her smile at me.

  “Would you mind driving me to school? All of a sudden I can’t remember how to work the brakes?”

  She asked the question with a goofy look on her face.

  “Of course, I can drive you to school ma’am, that’s unfortunate you forgot how to work the breaks in your car.”

  Trinity laughed at me as if I was a comedian on Saturday Night Live.

  “But hey, if we get pulled over, that your fault,” I chuckled.

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. I got in the truck and we were on our way. Thanks, mom I thought. Before she got too sick she taught me how to drive in case an emergency ever came up. Trinity popped in a CD and immediately after System of a Down came on. We both screamed out the beginning of their song B.Y.O.B.

  I felt awesome pulling into the parking lot of our school. Trinity and I got out the truck holding hands and walked onto our campus. While we were walking I noticed a lot of people staring at us. For once people were actually noticing me, and it felt good. I felt…how was I feeling, important? No wrong words, I felt like an actual person who existed. Most of the time when I’m at school no one talks to me, the only time people notice me is when I’m getting bullied.

  Trinity and I came to a stop; it was Josh standing in all his hideous glory.

  “What is this, help for the poor and desperate? You know this school isn’t made for broke pathetic people like you. Richman High school may be a public school. But in case you haven’t noticed it’s in a wealthy neighborhood. Only kids with money attend this school. You’re the only loser here, how did you even get in here? I know you couldn’t afford those clothes on your own Peter.”

  Josh’s adam apple kept moving up and down. I wanted to punch him in the throat so it would stop moving. His small beady eyes stared right into mine. There was so much hate spewing from him.

  “Josh leave us alone Peter and I are happy the way things are.”

  Trinity was furious you could see it all in her face. Her nose was scrunched up, and her lips were pursed together. Trinity’s clenched her jaw.

  “Come on Peter lets go,” Trinity said.

  Trinity adjusted her purse that held her school books. Right when were about to turn in the other direction to walk away, I heard Josh following behind us.

  “Josh back off and…” I stopped talking mid-sentence. Josh hit me in the center of my face. I was stunned, I was caught off guard. Josh’s punch was full force. His punch was so powerful that it caused me to trip and fall to the ground. Josh gave me a big smirk as he watched me fall. Josh turned his attention over to Trinity. Josh had a goofy smile on his face, and slapped Trinity on the ass and gave her a wink.

  “It’s time we finished what we started last week Peter. I’ve been waiting for Monday to roll around so I could do this.”

  I was still on the ground. I was confused. How could a human being have so much hate bottled up in them? I’m sure being such an angry person could kill you.

  I looked all around me, no one was saying a word. By looking at some of my peers faces, you could tell they knew what Josh was doing wasn’t right. Yet they stood there, not saying anything. Not a single student even thought to get a teacher. I was pissed. I saw some other kids passing by in the background who glanced over at the altercation, and then kept it moving.

  Trinity stood with her mouth open for a bit. Trinity had the look of disbelief on her face. Trinity walked up to Josh and slapped him. Her slap was hard, making his cheek turned red. I heard a lot of people gasp, no one was prepared for what Trinity did. Josh sucked in his breath and rubbed his check for a split second.

  “Huh, cute,” Josh said.

  Josh gathered enough saliva to to make a spitball. He stepped up to Trinity and spat next to her. Josh’s hand balled up into a fist. He released his fist and then clenched again. Josh’s lip began to twitch.

  “Okay, two can play that game Trinity,” Josh said.

  Due to Josh having no respect for women he hit her back, hard. He didn’t slap her like she did to him, Josh had to take it a step further. He punched her as if he were fighting a man. This made me snap right back into reality. What kind of monster is he? Who raised him? I stood up and noticed a big crowd of people had formed. I understand no one moving to prevent me from getting hit, but Trinity? When Trinity got hit no one even thought twice. My mom always told me that if you see someone is in danger or about to be harmed, you need to step in and do something about it. She reminded me that bystanders are as bad as the people doing the physical damage. Bystanders know that certain situations are wrong. Being a bystander gives the person who’s doing wrong a green light to continue.

  I exploded, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Is this who you guys look up to, and let control your school life? This ass that thinks it’s okay to hit girls?”

  I was yelling, and I didn’t care. I was going to make my voice heard. Everyone became quiet, even Josh fell silent.

  “He hit a girl most of you guys have been trying to get at for years. You guys hate me so much that you’re now willing to attack Trinity for showing me kindness? What the hell is wrong with you all?”

  Everyone stayed silent. Some people who had their phones out, began to put them away, while others casted their eyes downward. One girl who I always use to see Trinity hanging around pushed through the crowd. The girl extended her hand out to Trinity to take. Trinity looked hesitant but took her friends hand who got her out of the big crowd. I looked around, where did Josh go? I looked around in a frenzied state, but then I spotted him. Josh eyes were heartless, but I wasn’t scared. This time I was ready for him. Josh started running towards, gaining a bit of speed with each step he took. I didn’t let Josh get the first hit in. I punched him in the throat. Josh was taken aback. Josh looked at me as he gasped for air. I wasn’t finished with him. To hear him be the one gasping for air, instead of me gave me a rush of energy. I was sick of putting up with his shit; I’ve been dealing with him since elementary. I grabbed his neck and started choking him, his face started to turn red. I saw Josh vein on his forehead, and left side of his throat begin to bulge out. I could feel his pulse through his neck. His pulse began to accelerate. He pushed his hands in front of my face, trying to put up a struggle. I felt Josh’s body begin to go limp. I lightened my grip around his throat, and soon enough let go all together. Josh fell to the ground. Josh had passed out from not getting enough oxygen to his brain. Before I could do more damage, Trinity came and stopped me. Trinity brushed my hair out of my face.

  “Relax Peter. It’s ok. Everything is ok,” Trinity cooed.

  Trinity stood amongst the crowd and hugged me. By this time the security guards came and tried to break up our hug.

  “Stop, leave us alone,” Trinity said.

  The security guard replied, “I’m sorry Ms. King he needs to come with us.”

  Sweat and McDonald’s grease is what it smelled like in the principal’s office. For being in a rich neighborhood, the principal’s office sure did look tacky. I had never been in here before. The two walls on the left and right side were painted lime green. The ceiling looked like it was made out of cottage cheese. The wood on the floors was the only thing good that was in this room. My principal had two different chairs in his office. One chair was a blue plastic chair that resembled the chairs we use to sit in when I was in elementary. The other chair was a black leather spin chair with cracks in the interior. Of course I choose to sit in the leather spin chair.

  “Mr. Jones we’ve tried to get in contact with your father and mother, but neither are picking up.”

  My principal was a short stuffy looking man. He was starting to lose some hair in the middle of his head. His gut protruded far out, and his mustache is so thin it should be shaved off. My principal clasped his p
udgy hands together and walked over to his desk. No kidding my father didn’t pick up, I thought to myself. When my dad kicked me out I’m pretty sure he also threw out having anything to do with me. He doesn’t consider me his responsibility anymore. My principal Mr. Carter doesn’t know how much I wish my mom would have picked up the phone. I don’t care how made she may have been to receive that phone call, at least she’d still be here. Which is better than her not being here with me. Mr. Carter straightened out his tie, and waited for me to respond back to his statement.

  “My mom is dead.”

  Mr. Carter began shifting his eyes from left to right. He started fiddling with his expensive looking suit. He was reacting as if I had said something that offended him. Shouldn’t this be the other way around? I’m the one that should be feeling uncomfortable, not him. My principal didn’t know what to say after I told him the overwhelming news of my mother passing away.

  Mr. Carter flashed a nervous smile, but I looked him coldly in the eyes. I showed him no emotions and didn’t try to feed him the right words to say. You could see perspiration starting to form around like beads on his forehead. When he smiled I noticed he had pink lipstick on his teeth. I chuckled a little bit and thought it must have the secretary that he thinks no one knows he’s screwing. And this is the guy who is supposed to be leading the school? What a joke, he can’t even handle the first basic of don’t mix your personal life into your work life.

  “Mr. Carter, I tried reaching his parents several times. Each time went to voicemail,” the secretary said.

  I looked at her while she was speaking she looked like a complete mess. Her high bun was falling out of place, her buttoned top wasn’t buttoned all the way, and her pink lipstick was smeared. The secretary was tall and thin, except for in her hip area. She always wore her skirts a little too tight and short to be considered professional.

  Disgusting, they thought no one knew what was going on. I watched my principal’s eyes as he looked at the secretary as if she were a snack. His lust filled eyes roamed over her body. A little laugh escaped my lips. Mr. Carter came out of his trance and began to focus on me once more.

  “Something funny Mr. Jones?” my principal asked.

  I smirked, “Actually yes…” he cut me off before I could finish what I was going to say and told me to save it.

  “You’re a good kid Mr. Jones, but our school has a no fighting policy.”

  Now it was my turn to interrupt him.

  “Sir, don’t most schools have a no fighting policy?”

  Mr. Carter started turning red. It was obvious I had irritated him.

  “Your smart mouth earned you a week suspension. I was only going to give you a three-day suspension, but you couldn’t keep your rude remarks to yourself.”

  Wait a second, the first time I stand up for myself, I end up on suspension?

  “What about Josh, Mr. Carter? He charged at me, he hit Trinity. He’s been bullying me for years, and the one time I find the courage to fight back you suspend me?” Mr. Carter tapped his fingers on his desk.

  “Don’t worry about Josh. We will get to him later.”

  From that response alone, I already knew Josh wasn’t going to get into trouble. He’s untouchable. The principal didn’t show the slightest ounce of concern when I told him what Josh had done. Mr. Carter disregarded the words I said.

  “Your suspension is to start immediately after this meeting. We will continue to try and reach your dad, so for now until we can get in contact with him sit tight.”

  Did he think him giving me a week suspension was hurting me? I hope Mr. Carter wasn’t that stupid.

  “Cool, I’ll take my suspension as a vacation, I don’t like you or this school anyways. You’re real smart, you know? Give the kid who protected himself in a fight a suspension. Not the one who hit one of your prize female students.”

  He was livid now, it was clear I had hit some kind of nerve. He shouted for me to get out of his office.

  I got up and murmured, “My pleasure.”

  I turned around, “But wait, what happened to me sitting tight Mr. Carter? If I move will you up my suspension?” I asked.

  “I’m not going to ask you again, get out of my office Mr. Jones.” I had one more question for my principal. I asked him if he wanted to know what made me laugh, and he told me to get out of his office again.

  “You sound like a broken record, this is the third time you asked me to get out of your office.” Mr. Carter looked like he had anger pouring out of his pores.

  “Well, I’m going to tell you what made me laugh anyways. I laughed because you have pink lipstick on your teeth.”

  I was smiling ear to ear when I walked out of the office. I felt proud, and it was hilarious to hear how loud the secretary gasped.

  I could care less that I got kicked out of school for a week because even though it seems like I’m handling life okay, I’m not. As each day passes, I begin to break down more and more. I’m trying to keep myself motivated. I keep trying to remind myself, that life is worth living. But it’s getting harder for me to believe that. Problems keep coming at me, at a pace I’m not prepared for. I want to catch a break. One is all I’m asking for. Fingers crossed, this week off will give me some time to make sense of everything. I need time to myself, time that won’t be taken up by bullies like Josh. I wanted to sleep and never wake up again, but I have to stay strong. Stay strong for my mom and to show to everyone including Trinity that I’m not a loser.

  I walked from school and headed back to my new home. The walk was a little over an hour for me, and that was to find a bus stop that would head in the direction of Inglewood. I used one bus token and a transfer to get to La Cienega. My fingers and knuckles were sore from hitting Josh. Despite that, Trinity and I started texting as soon as I got off the bus. My legs were super sore from the hour walk. Actually, scratch that. My who body was sore. It’s as if I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I’m not sure how much more of this weight I can handle before it crushes me. The house didn’t help with the way I was feeling. Ten bucks says if my father were to see my living conditions now, he still wouldn’t open his mouth to welcome me back home. I sighed before walking up the steps to the sanctuary house. I tried to bring myself comfort by telling myself that if mom were here, none of this would be happening. If mom were still here and she found out dad was cheating, the roles would be reversed. It would be my father out on the streets. Because my mom would have kicked him to the curb. I looked up at the withering house, but that’ll never happen. Not now, not ever.

  I opened the door to the new unfamiliar place I must call home. When I walked in the front door of X’s house, I stopped immediately after taking my first step. Looking at X face I knew something had gone wrong. Something horrific took place while I was at school.


  X sat on the dirty stained sofa in a daze; he didn’t look like he was in the real world. He looked like he had reserved himself a spot on an island of misery and doom. X dark brown eyes looked dark, his small yet wide mouth stayed pressed. Me walking in the front door didn’t even cause him to look over at me. X was sitting so still that it was hard to tell if he was breathing or not. X began to shake his leg. I waited for his raspy deep voice to speak. I wanted to know what happened, because I knew something was wrong. Yet I’m not sure if I’m even prepared for what he might say. I watched as X lit a cigarette, I guess that might explain the stale smell in here. He smoke without opening a door or a window.

  “Money had been uh, tight lately for us in the house. I made a deal with a guy so we could have some money.”

  I closed the door, dropped my backpack, and walked towards him.

  “Jasmine and uh, Austin wouldn’t keep quiet. Austin said he was, uh, uh, going to tell the cops what, uh, the guy I made the, uh, deal with did to, uh, Jasmine.”

  I waited for X to finish. I already knew X stuttered a lot. Usually this wouldn’t bother me. But him not being able to get to the po
int was starting to piss me off. Spit it out damn it. What was he talking about? Did this have anything to do with the message I found on my phone?

  “I made a deal with a guy who um…”

  X trailed off from his sentence. He took a long pause before he spoke again.

  “Well uh, the deal was that Austin would give him dope for money. Jasmine would, uh, be used for sex. Usually Austin and, uh, Jasmine are my helpers. They, uh, deliver the drugs I need distributed. But the, uh, the guy who wanted the, uh, drugs uh, took a special interest in, uh, Jasmine. He offered uh, money for her that would help us out.”

  This did have to do with the text message; this is what he was talking about.

  I was in shock I couldn’t speak. I found myself becoming angrier by the second, my breathing started to change. The more I looked at X the more my thoughts became erratic. My hands, they were shaking. I wanted to hurt X, I felt I needed to inflict the same amount of pain Austin and Jasmine had to feel. A piece of a broken mirror was hanging on the wall near the living room, I saw my reflection. The look on my face was utter bewilderment. I could see a long thick vein running down my neck, it’s the same vein that appeared on my dad’s neck when he would get upset. At this moment I could relate to my father and his explosive anger. My lip twitched, and my palms were getting sweaty. It was taking everything within me to not harm X.

  How could he sell a young girl for sex? How could he make a young boy do his dirty work?

  “Once the guy I uh, made the deal with was uh finished with, uh, Jasmine she went and told, uh, Austin.”

  X winced, and looked around as if the words he needed to say next would be scattered on the walls.


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