Rebel Without a Clue

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Rebel Without a Clue Page 8

by Cathy Gaitan

  Was Kailani able to blood bond with anyone else? I ask her.

  I don’t know. I haven’t been able to reach her in a couple of hours. I’m a little bit worried. She replies back. In Mercy speak that means she’s a lot worried. She always downplays her emotions.

  Do you want me to come to you or do you want to come here? I ask her. Immediately there’s a knock at my hotel room door. She must have already been in the hallway.

  When I open the door she saunters in clutching a bag of Twizzlers and a box of Skittles. I see she brought the big guns. She must be even more worried than I thought.

  She settles into a chair and asks, “So how is your army coming along?”

  I give her the thumbs up. “The Pinkerton Floyd Army is 15 strong now. It’s a good start.”

  She munches on a Twizzler stick and tilts her head in thought. “I’m thinking I might form my own group of Ninjas,” she announces.

  I chuckle because the image of 15 others like Mercy is amusing as hell. “And where would you start your search,” I wonder. “A candy shop or a bakery?”

  She doesn’t take offense at my question. She actually takes it into consideration. “Those are pretty good suggestions actually.”

  It wasn’t a suggestion. It was sarcasm. I don’t bother correcting her because what’s the point? She lives in her own world half the time.

  “So where are your new recruits?” She mumbles around a mouthful of Skittles. “Does Julia know about them yet?”

  I shrug. “It’s a free army. They go wherever they choose,” I inform her. “I give them the highlights and leave them to it. And no, I haven’t mentioned it to Julia. She encouraged conversion so I’m doing it my way.”

  Mercy takes this in and nods. “That’s a good idea. I should try it that way.” I can just picture it now. A bunch of initiates as clueless as Mercy stumbling their way through Zombiehood. It’s a little frightening.

  “I can help you if you want,” I offer. I’m not much for volunteering but with Mercy I just can’t seem to help myself.

  “Thanks. I need to think about it a little more first,” she replies. It’s not surprising really. She mulls over everything. Procrastination is her superpower. Do not tell Mercy I said that!

  “Okay. Just let me know when you’re ready.” I won’t hold my breath.

  She goes really still for a moment then says, “Kailani just checked in. She says she performed a blood bond with Mary Mary, Templeton, Paisley and Denim.” She looks at me sadly. “Abel is injured pretty badly. He and Caine tried to fight back and the Humans used a flamethrower on them. Abel must have tried to protect his brother because Caine was not as seriously injured.”

  “Do you think the Witches can attempt a healing from here,” I ask, though I know she doesn’t know the answer. I pick up my phone and dial Bibidee Bea’s number. She doesn’t answer so I text her a message to call me.

  “They’re having a Wiccan meeting today. Boom Hildie said they’d be Skyping for the next hour or so,” Mercy explains. “She said they had a lot to discuss.”

  I bet they do. Starting with the Dragon Lady’s return. I imagine that alone has the Wiccan community losing their minds. From what Bea said that hag is at the top of the Wiccan’s most wanted list.

  “I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that meeting,” I joke.

  Mercy grins. “I wouldn’t say that around Bibidee Bea. She’d probably jump at the chance to turn you into an insect,” she laughs. She’s probably right. That Witch has it in for me.

  “No kidding,” I say. “I’d most likely end up in one of Boom Hildie’s bubbling potions.”

  “Eww, that’s so gross but it’s probably true,” she’s says with a giggle.

  “We better call Julia and let her know the status of the Woodley brothers,” I decide after a bit. “She and Titus will want to know.”

  “And Carmony,” Mercy adds.

  “And Carmony,” I agree.

  Bibidee Bea

  “The Dragon Lady is no longer at the address you reported,” Cornelia, the Supreme Witch, announces. “Though we did find the body of a Human who we believe to be the ‘Scott’. Most of his body was discovered in the furnace. His eyes, tongue and hands however were found in a jar inside the refrigerator.”

  Boom Hildie nods approvingly. “That’s a great idea. Potions work best when the ingredients are fresh.”

  I don’t smack her but I am sorely tempted. “The she-devil ducked the hangman’s noose again,” I growl in case that part somehow escaped her.

  “It seems to be her specialty,” says Australian Witch. “Along with power sucking, soul destroying and fire breathing.”

  “We believe she’s using the Warlocks as her own personal battery chargers,” I remind Cornelia. “We need to find a way to cut off her supply.”

  Cornelia sighs tiredly. “The Warlocks won’t even answer my summons request. They protect her,” she pronounces.

  “I think she protects herself,” I argue. “She’s got control over them and she uses it to her advantage. That old Witch is a master at manipulating her circumstances.”

  “Be that as it may, the results are the same. She’s found refuge within the Warlock community and Human society,” Cornelia declares.

  “Were you able to get an accurate head count of active Witches,” I change the subject because we were getting nowhere.

  “Twelve Witches are unaccounted for,” the Supreme Witch informs us hesitantly. “We can’t be certain she’s responsible.”

  Her argument is weak and she knows it. “It’s her. You know it’s her,” I insist. “I shouldn’t even have to argue about this. Those Witches won’t be found and we know exactly who is responsible for it.”

  “We completed a blood bond with the Zombies that accompanied us on this Witch Hunt,” Boom Hildie announces. “It turns out the Zombie nerd had completed a blood bond with one of the captured Zombies prior to leaving town. We have hopes that it will enable us to channel our powers through her.”

  Cornelia looks excited at the prospect. “Do you think this Zombie nerd is receptive to persuasion,” she asks us.

  We look at one another and nod in unison. “Oh, yeah,” mutters Boom Hildie.

  “Definitely,” DaniElle agrees. free@symbianize k'12

  “It’s kind of sad how easy it is to persuade her,” I tell her. It’s strange but I actually feel guilty speaking about Mercy like that. She’s my favorite Zombie. No wait, she’s my second favorite. Titus is my favorite.

  “Excellent,” Cornelia exclaims. I consider telling her about the longevity potion that Hildie, DaniElle and I took but for some reason I hesitate. I’m not sure why, but I never ignore instinct. I’ve mentioned my epic survival instincts. It’s no joke.

  “The Zombie nerd is the one you intended to use as bait for the Dragon Lady, is that correct,” the Supreme Witch tries to clarify. I really wish I hadn’t mentioned that to her.

  I think Hildie and the Aussie might be feeling the same way. They both give me side eyed glances. “The Warlock volunteered so I’m using him,” I find myself saying. Oz won’t be happy to discover he’s the only goat but whatever. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

  Cornelia pins me in place with a narrowed eyed gaze. “You trust him,” she asks.

  I don’t know why my instincts are so out of control today but I go with it. “As much as any Witch can trust a Warlock, I guess,” I reply in an offhanded manner.

  “Keep the Zombie on standby,” orders Cornelia. “Warlocks are unpredictable. If the Zombie is as easy to persuade as you say she may be the best alternative. Dorinda can’t seem to resist the opportunity to forcibly control another.” Dorinda is too benign a name for somebody as vile as the Dragon Lady. Most of the Witches refuse to use her given name but Cornelia had been friends with the hag long before she went rogue. I guess old habits, like evil Witches, die hard.

  “As you wish, Supreme Witch,” I mutter through clenched teeth.

  “Let me k
now if you need assistance with the Zombie rescue. I’d be happy to lend support,” offers Cornelia.

  “Thank you, Supreme Witch, but I think we have it,” I say with more confidence than I have.

  “It’s in the bag,” Boom Hildie brags.

  “It’s like taking candy from a baby,” Australian Witch exaggerates.

  “We’ll talk later,” says Cornelia. “Right now I have a meeting with the families of the missing Witches.”

  “Thank you for your time today, Supreme Witch,” I say.

  “Yes, thank you,” Hildie and Australian Witch say at once.

  She ends the Skype meeting and the three of us stare at one another. “Was I the only one getting weird vibes from that meeting,” I ask.

  “Nope, I wanted to exit three minutes in,” DaniElle replies.

  “Ditto,” Boom Hildie agrees. “I think we need to keep this local. All in favor say aye.” We all say aye.

  “Good,” I breathe a sigh of relief. “The less she knows the less we have to backtrack on.”

  I look at my phone to see Pinkerton called. Great. What does that wily Zombie want? I don’t have time to play his games. He’s only got one favor coming to him. I don’t care how well he plays the angles.

  Pink picks up on the first ring. “What’s your game now Zombie?”

  “No game,” he denies. “We need to talk. Do you have time now?”

  Great. Two meetings in one day. Lucky me. “Fine, but it needs to be quick. I have plans,” I lie.

  “We’ll be right over,” he ignores the last part.

  Five minutes later Zombies have invaded our living space. “So, you need a remote healing for Dumb and Dumber?”

  Julia gets her hackles up right away of course. “Their names are Abel and Caine Woodley,” she corrects me.

  “I know that but Dumb and Dumber are my affectionate nicknames for them,” I tell her. It’s not true but it irritates her so I go with it. “You know like Queen Z or Twisted Titus.”

  “Can you do the healing or not,” she decides to ignore the nicknames and get down to business. Sometimes she’s a total drag. Just kidding. Not sometimes. Always!

  “Of course, we can,” I declare. “We’re not showboat Witches we’re the real deal.”

  “But it’s gonna cost you,” Boom Hildie warns because she’s all about the dollars and no sense.

  “No,” I stare her down. “It won’t cost anything.” Has she forgotten we dropped the ball with the protection spell? I feel it’s my duty to remind her. “Consider it a reparation gift.”

  Boom Hildie rolls her eyes. “When did you grow a conscience?”

  “When the wicked Witch of the beast turned me into Bibidee Botched,” I respond. How could she possibly forget my humiliating fumble?

  “Shake it off already, Bea,” Boom Hildie replies in consternation. “You’re a Hall of Fame Witch. Sometimes taking risks means taking falls.”

  She has a point. I am a Hall of Fame Witch. Or at least I was on track to be one when I tripped over the Dragon Lady’s tail.

  “One loss doesn’t ruin your record it just makes it interesting,” says Australian Witch.

  I do have a great record. I know I should focus on the wins and learn from the loss but it’s so much easier to say than to do. I just need something to go right. I need a win more than I need my next breath.

  “We are doing this healing. I need this,” I insist. Julia’s staring at me. “Well, they need the healing but I need it more.” It’s the truth and Queen Z can suck it if she doesn’t like it!

  “Let’s do this,” Australian Witch exclaims. Boom Hildie’s rubbing her hands together in anticipation. The Zombies are standing around staring at us.

  “You know the drill,” I tell them. “Everyone hold hands. With a remote healing there’s strength in numbers. Mercy, see if you can get Kailani to do the same with those she blood-bonded with. If they can lay hands on the Woodley’s that would be even better.

  I wait to see if she is able to communicate with the other Zombie. “She doing it. Mary Mary is holding Caine’s hand and he’s touching Abel’s shoulder.

  “Great! Now everyone, just picture the Woodley brothers in your mind. Imagine the healing light shining over them,” Boom Hildie instructs them.

  “Envision them happy and healthy with the light dancing on their skin,” Australian Witch’s voice is low and soothing.

  “Can you see it,” I ask.

  “Yes,” Mercy is the first to respond. “Kailani says she can actually see the light.”

  Better than I thought. “Wonderful. Now as you’re visualizing this focus on lending them your energy. It might help if you imagine the energy are streams of color connecting you to the Woodley’s.”

  Mercy smiles and nods. “I can see it,” she informs me. She’s doing remarkably well at this. I need to make it a point to work with her one on one. I make a mental note and continue with the healing.

  “Awesome! Now imagine those colors are filled with a repairing kind of heat. Visualize that heat soaking into their wounds healing and soothing everything it touches,” I’m focusing on Mercy because she seems the most responsive and also because she can forward the message to the other Zombie.

  “Kailani says Caine is almost healed and Abel is sighing like the pain is easing,” Mercy announces. “It’s working.” She’s really getting excited now. Luckily she hasn’t let go of Julia’s or Pinks hands.

  “Good, stay focused,” I murmur. “Keep picturing that light. Keep envisioning the colored energy streaming from you to them. “

  It’s a good hour before we break the circle. According to Kailani the twins are infinitely better than they were before the session. Which is more than we could have hoped for considering the Humans used them as a torch.

  “Will they be okay,” asks Julia. It’s not often Queen Z allows herself to be vulnerable but she obviously takes the responsibility of her team’s well being seriously. I guess that’s as it should be.

  “I think they’ll be fine,” I reply. “Abel will require some more healing sessions but I think he’ll pull through easily.”

  “Pinkerton was wondering if it would be possible for me to send one of Hildie’s potions to Kailani like I did the knives and the apples,” Mercy says quietly. “Like the potion she gave me.”

  More Zombies with powers. Cornelia would have a Witch fit. She doesn’t even know about Mercy yet. I’m seriously considering never telling her. Remember my survival instincts? I’m pretty certain this applies.

  “I’ll need to think about this. An army of magical Zombies sounds,” I pause to find the right word.

  “Awesome,” supplies Mercy.

  “Not the word I was looking for. I’m thinking more along the lines of ludicrous,” I finish.

  “Only because it’s never happened before,” says Pink inserting himself into the conversation. “The best things happen by happenstance.”

  “Exactly! Like twinkle lights or bubblegum,” agrees Mercy.

  “Zombies are weird,” DaniElle says from my left. “Can you imagine what the world will look like if they all had powers.”

  “Cool! Let’s do it,” Boom Hildie is always ready for some experimenting. That’s how all this started.

  “Let’s just reel this back a little,” I reason. What has the world come to when I’m the voice of reason? “Sometimes it’s best not to fool around with the unknown.”

  “Why bother now?” Great! Now Queen Z has entered the fray. “You sucked down that longevity potion without a single question as to what it was. I don’t see a difference except that you benefited from the last one and the Zombies would benefit from this one.”

  “That was quid pro quo,” I argue.

  “One Zombie to three Witches and a Warlock doesn’t sound like an equal exchange.” Excellent, here comes Titus. Normally I would be reveling in his attention but I want him on my side. Is that too much to ask? Don’t answer that!

  “Long life verses infinite wi
shes. Which sounds like the better deal,” I ask. I’m staring hard at Mercy because she’s the weak link.

  Before she can say ‘infinite wishes’ like I know she wants to, Pinkerton says, “Quit trying to play with her mind. It’s not one or the other. It’s both.”

  “Powering up all the Zombies doesn’t sound equal to me.” Who do they think they’re dealing with? This Witch wasn’t born yesterday.

  “It would be if you extended the longevity potion to all your Witches. Excluding the Dragon Lady of course.” Queen Z is determined to ruin my day. She’s got Titus (for now). Isn’t that enough?

  “What makes you think I want them all around for eternity?” They’re my fam. Of course I do. Mostly.

  “Because they’re your family.” So Julia is psychic now?

  “Here’s the thing.” It’s time to get real. “We don’t exactly have the authority to approve an exchange of power certainly not on such a massive scale. The fact that we did it once could have some serious repercussions for us. If the Supreme Witch found out.”

  Boom Hildie nods. “So do it and don’t tell.” She winks at me, “Got it.”

  “That’s not what I’m saying.” Is it?

  “Yeah, it is,” Australian Witch answers. “Is it a punishable offense? Sure but half of what we do is. We’re wicked rebels. It’s only a crime if we get caught.”

  “Right on, Witches,” Pinkerton grins.

  Carmony looks worried. “Would you really be in trouble if you did this?” How sweet. She’s concerned about us.

  Boom Hildie seriously considers Carmony’s question. “I don’t think we’d get the salted earth treatment like the hag,” she decides. “But I ain’t gonna lie. It won’t be pretty if the Supreme Witch finds out.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t do it then,” Carmony advises.

  And just like that I decide there is nothing else I’d rather do than create a regime of magic Zombies. According to the saying ‘He who hesitates is lost.’ That’s not me. I’m a winner! And everybody needs to understand that. Starting with Carmony and ending with, well, me.

  “Heat up the big cauldron, Hildie. DaniElle grab the ‘cookbook’. This brew needs to simmer for a long time if we want it done right. And we do want it done right. We are not half baked hacks. We’re the Wiccan version of the Dream Team.”


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