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by Miles Taylor

  23. Madras Times, 23 March 1870, 3; ‘Address’ (25 March 1870), Geheimes Archiv QQ XVI, Staatsarchiv Gotha, VIII/8.

  24. ‘Memorandum’ (12 May 1870), Mayo papers, Cambridge University Library, Add. Ms. 7490/82/16 (totting up); ‘Memorandum’ (30 December 1870), ibid., Add. Ms 7490/82/21 (diamonds and shawls); Girdlestone to Burne, 11 March 1871, ibid., Add. Ms. 7490/82/123 (Alfred taking home all the gifts); Clerk to Burne, 1 April 1870, ibid., Add. Ms. 7490/82/11, fol. 15 (donation to schools). For Prince Alfred’s Indian haul, see: A guide to the works of art and science collected by Captain His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, K.G. during his five-years’ cruise round the world in H.M.S. ‘Galatea’ (1867–1871) and lent for exhibition in the South Kensington Museum, February 1872 (London: John Strangeways, 1872), and Catalogue of the collection . . . of specimens of oriental art formed by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, etc. (London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1875). For Mayo’s contribution, see: N. A. Chick (comp.), In Memoriam: A Complete Record . . . of . . . the Late Earl of Mayo, etc. (Calcutta: Thomas S. Smith, 1872), xii; and A Few Letters on the Indian Administration of the Earl of Mayo, etc. (Simla: privately printed, 1877), 29.

  25. W. H. Russell to Mayo, 22 July 1869, Mayo papers, Cambridge University Library, Add. Ms. 7490/81/7; Clerk to Burne, 22 March 1870, ibid., Add. Ms. 7490/84/26 (photographs); Prince Alfred sent on to his mother his photographic portrait taken in India: Alfred to Queen Victoria, 12 March 1870, RA VIC/ADDA20/1311. Copies (showing the Prince in a pith-helmet) are in the Staatsarchiv, Coburg.

  26. Madras Times, 29 March 1870, 2; Frederick Tyrrell, The Royal Viceroy (London: Edward Stanford, 1874).

  27. The fullest description of the tour remains W. H. Russell, The Prince of Wales’ Tour: A Diary in India, etc. (London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1877). Two of the prince’s companions later produced accounts too: Joseph Fayrer, Notes of the Visits to India of the Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales and Duke of Edinburgh, etc. (London: Kerby & Endean, 1879); Lord Suffield, My Memories, 1830–1913 (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1913). Recent analysis of the tour includes Kaul, ‘Monarchical Display’; Reed, Royal Tourists; Milinda Banerjee, ‘Ocular Sovereignty, Acclamatory Rulership, and Political Communication: Visits of Princes of Wales to Bengal’ in Frank Lorenz Müller and Heidi Mehrkens (eds), Royal Heirs and the Uses of Soft Power in Nineteenth-century Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 81–100; Jacqueline Banerjee, ‘Bertie’s Progress: The Prince of Wales in India, 1875–6’, http://www.victorianweb.org/history/empire/india/33.html (accessed 4 April 2018).

  28. Kaul, ‘Monarchical Display’; cf. Hazel Hahn, ‘Indian Princes, Tigers and Dancing Girls: The Tour of the Prince of Wales through India and Ceylon, 1875–6’, Postcolonial Studies 12 (2009), 173–92; Joseph de Sapio, ‘Technology, Imperial Connections and Royal Tourism on the Prince of Wales’ 1875 Visit to India’ in Martin Farr and Xavier Guégan (eds), The British Abroad since the Eighteenth Century: Volume 1. Travellers and Tourists (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), 56–74; Ruth Brimacombe, ‘The Imperial Avatar in the Imagined Landscape: The Virtual Dynamics of the Prince of Wales’ Tour of India in 1875–6’ in Veronica Alfano and Andrew Stauffer (eds), Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), 189–214.

  29. J. Drew Gray, the Daily Telegraph’s correspondent, wrote up the journey in his The Prince of Wales in India; or, from Pall Mall to the Punjaub (Toronto: Belford Bros, 1877).

  30. Julia Stone, Illustrated India: Its Princes and People: Upper, Central and Farther India, up the Ganges and down the Indus: to which is added an Authentic Account of the Visit to India of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (Hartford, CT: American Publishing Co., 1877); Letters from India during H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’ Visit in 1875–6, from William S. Potter to his Sister (London: E. Lawless, 1876). Potter was a traveller, collector and erotic novelist. Mary Elizabeth Corbet, A Pleasure Trip to India: During the Visit of HRH the Prince of Wales; Afterwards to Ceylon (London: W. H. Allen, 1880). Corbet (née Grey-Egerton) was the wife of a Cheshire landowner and huntsman.

  31. Lord Lawrence to Wood, 23 January 1865, IOR Mss Eur. F78/113/6, fols 53–4; Begum of Bhopal to Queen Victoria, 19 February 1872, NAI, Bhopal Residency Records, 134; Calcutta Gazette, 15 January 1872 (Queen’s telegram to India), RA VIC/MAIN/N/28/70; NAI, Foreign Dept Proceedings B (October 1874), 29–30.

  32. For press competition, see: Frere to Knollys, 7 October 1875, RA VIC/ADDC07/0964; Ponsonby to Queen Victoria, 13 September 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/468/43. For Reuters see: William Howard Russell, ‘Diary for India’, News International Archives (entry for 10 February 1876).

  33. Graphic, 20 October 1875; G. A. Sala, India and the Prince of Wales (London: Illustrated London News, 1875); W. and A. K. Johnston, Map of India, to Illustrate the Travels of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (London: n.p., 1875).

  34. Mrs Bauboo, Il.avaracu/The Heir-apparent: Being a Brief Account of Life His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (Madras: Satthia Theepam Press, 1875). For The Royal Tourist, an illustrated journal, see: Straits Times, 8 January 1876, 6; W. S. Thomson (comp.), Anglo-Indian Prize Poems, by Native and English Writers in Commemoration of the Visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to India (London: Hamilton Adams, 1876).

  35. Tagore, English Verses set to Hindu Music, in Honor of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (Calcutta: n.p., 1875); Englishman, 7 December 1875 (portraits).

  36. The Times, 20 March 1875, 9. For the leak, see: Knollys to Ponsonby, 20 March 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/T6/8a–8b. Mary Macmullen, the widow of a Bengal army officer, claimed the trip was undertaken ‘solely at the instance of H.R.H. himself’: Macmullen, India . . . and the Prince of Wales’s Visit to the Far East (Taunton: n.p., 1876), 33.

  37. Queen Victoria to Disraeli, 17 May 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 78/3, fols 267–8; cf. Queen Victoria to Lord Salisbury, 18 March 1875, 3rd Marquess Salisbury papers, Hatfield House Library, 3M/F.

  38. Salisbury to Queen Victoria, 2 June 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/468/13 (enclosing Fayrer’s memorandum).

  39. Queen Victoria to Disraeli, 9 June 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 78/3, fols 314–18.

  40. ‘Memorandum’ (Ponsonby), c. May 1875, Salisbury papers, 3MF; Northbrook to Salisbury, 29 April 1875 (copy), RA VIC/MAIN/T6/10; cf. Salisbury to Ponsonby, 3 July 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/468/24.

  41. For the avoidance of royal honours, see: Queen Victoria to Lord Northbrook, 23 July 1875, Northbrook papers, Hants. Record Office, NP6/3/2/11, vol. II; For her disapproval of the medal, see: Ponsonby to Disraeli, 30 June 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 78/3, fols 340–1.

  42. Francis Knollys to Ponsonby, 4 June 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/T6/18.

  43. Northbrook to Philip Wodehouse, 3 Aigist 1875, IOR Mss Eur. D726/7; Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 41–2.

  44. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, xviii.

  45. Maharaja of Jaipur to Northbrook, 15 August 1875, Northbrook papers, Hants. Record Office, 92 M95/FS/2, fol. 69 (‘future emperor’).

  46. John Martineau, The Life and Correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere, 2 vols (London: John Murray, 1895), ii, 125–6.

  47. Frere to Knollys, 5 May 1875, RA, VIC/ADDC07/0969.

  48. Bombay Gazette, 29 October 1875, 3 (carriage).

  49. Disraeli to Queen Victoria, n.d. (c. early July 1875), RA VIC/MAIN/Z/468/33 (‘royal progress’); Queen Victoria to Disraeli, 13 June 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 78/3, fols 325–6; Ponsonby to Disraeli, 4 July 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/T6/30. The queen was reported as ‘still opposed’ even after the House of Commons voted through the money in July: Earl of Camperdown to Northbrook 9 July 1875, Northbrook papers, Hants. Record Office, NP6/3/2/11, vol. I

  50. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, xv–xvi; ‘Journal of H.M.’s ship “Serapis”’, 95, TNA ADM 101/271.

  51. Lord Carnarvon to Disraeli, 13 September 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 79/1, fols 156–7 (Princess of Wales’ residence); W. Kn
ollys to Lord Salisbury, 15 October 1875, 23 October 1875, Salisbury papers, 3M/F (telegraphs); The Private Life of King Edward VII (By a Member of the Royal Household) (New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1901), 86 (carriage and ponies).

  52. ‘List of Chiefs from Beyond the Bombay Presidency, who are Expected to Arrive in Bombay MSA’, Pol. Proceedings (1875) vol. 217, 260–2. A Telugu account was produced of the Maharaja of Mysore’s trip: Polluri Mutyal Das, Chamra Vadeyaravri Cheritramu (Bangalore: Vicara Darpana Press, 1876) (QLB Mysore). For his tutor’s report of the visit, see: G. B. Malleson to R. A. Dalyell, 1 January 1876, Palace General Office papers, Mysore District Archives, Mys. 21, fols 71–9.

  53. NAI, Foreign Dept Proceedings B (February 1877), 89–95. The controversy was set out in H.R.H. The Prince of Wales’ Visit to India. Correspondence between Sir Salar Jung . . . and C. B. Saunders . . . Relative to the Meeting Between the Prince of Wales and the Infant Nizam (London: Yates & Alexander, 1876). For Salar Jung’s arrival in Bombay, see: MSA. Pol. Proceedings (1875), vol. 214, 134.

  54. Circular from secretary of the Government of India to secretary of the Government of Bombay, 3 September 1875, MSA, Pol. Proceedings, (1875), vol. 216, 129 (request for information); secretary of the Government of India to chief secretary, Government of Bombay, 12 November 1875, ibid. 21, 76–7 (solicitations); Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 16–17 (prisoners’ decorations).

  55. Bombay Gazette, 9 November 1875, 2–3; Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 56.

  56. For the Baroda gift, see: Hindoo Mythology Properly Treated: Being an Epitomised Description of the Various Heathen Deities Illustrated on the Silver Swami Tea Service Presented . . . to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales . . . by His Highness the Gaekwar of Baroda (Madras: Gantz Bros, 1875); Ajay Sinha, ‘Baroda as Provenance’ in Prya Maholay-Jaradi (ed.), Baroda: A Cosmopolitan Provenance in Transition (Mumbai: Marg Foundation, 2015), 26–7. The ceremonial sword is now at RCIN 38023.

  57. ‘Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Prince’s Dock, Bombay with Masonic Honours . . . 11th November 1875’ (printed programme), Archives, The Library and Museum of Freemasonry, NJ63 MAN, 1. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 162–3.

  58. ‘Notification’ (23 December 1875), Palace General Office papers, Mysore District Archives, Mys. 21, fols 47–8; Duke of Buckingham to Disraeli, 25 November 1875, Dep. Hughenden, Bodleian Library, 121/2, fols 185–6 (‘extreme disappointment’).

  59. Graphic, 25 December 1875, 628. For arrangements in Baroda, see: MSA, Pol. Proceedings (1875), vol. 221, 149–59; ‘Visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’, Huzur Dept, Daftar 806/21–2, Baroda State Archives.

  60. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 187–210.

  61. Bombay Gazette, 26 November 1875, 2; Fayrer, Notes, 46 (Monier-Williams).

  62. ILN, 1 January 1876, 1; ibid., 8 January 1876, 48.

  63. B. Bastiampillai, ‘The Colonial Office and Sir William Gregory, Governor of Ceylon 1872–7: A Study in British Imperial Administration’, Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies 9 (1966) 20–43, K. M. Da Silva, A History of Sri Lanka (London: C. Hurst & Co., 1981), ch. 23.

  64. ILN, 8 January 1876, 48; Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 250–2.

  65. Robinson Duckworth to Ponsonby, 8 December 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/468/124; Graphic, 8 January 1876, 25; ILN, 15 January 1876, 72.

  66. Gregory to Lord Carnarvon, 15 December 1875, Ceylon despatches, TNA, CO54/498, fols 446–60.

  67. For the drawn-out planning of the hunt, see: Bartle Frere to Carnarvon, 1 September 1875, TNA, PRO 30/6/4, fols 92–5; Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 278–86 (the kill); Cf. Jamie Lorimer and Sarah Whatmore, ‘After the “King of Beasts”: Samuel Baker and the Embodied Historical Geographies of Elephant Hunting in Mid-nineteenth-century Ceylon’, Journal of Historical Geography 35 (2009), 668–89.

  68. ‘To His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales’, Missions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Missions of the Church Missionary Society; ‘Translation of a Tamil Lyric, Sung at the Reception of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, at Maniachi, Tinnevelly’; ‘Autograph Reply of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales’ (10 December 1875), Church Missionary Society papers, Special Collections, University of Birmingham, CMS/B/OMS/CIZ0209/14A, /15A-B, /16.

  69. Madras Times, 23 December 1875, reprinted in The Royal Visit to Madras, December 1st to 18th 1875 (Madras: Madras Times, 1875); Knollys to Disraeli, 18 December 1875, RA VIC/MAIN/T6/64 (‘hardly anyone to be seen’); Indian Charivari, 12 November 1875, 115.

  70. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 313–28; Russell, ‘Diary for India’ (entry for 13 December 1875); ‘The Royal Visit to Madras’, Stowe Mss, Huntington Library, San Marino, STG India Box 1 (2).

  71. Englishman, 25 December 1875, 2–3; Graphic, 22 January 1876, 83–4, ibid., 29 January 1876, 104–5; ILN, 22 January 1876 (special supplement); Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 208–17; Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 351–9; NAI, Foreign Dept Proceedings (March 1877), B, 71–7 (Burmese delegation); ibid. (May 1875), B, 4–5; ibid. (June 1875), 16–17 (portable throne).

  72. Englishman, 28 December 1875, 2; ibid. 29 December 1875, 2; ‘Programme of the Undergraduates’ Welcome to His Royal Highness’, IOR Mss Eur. F86/163.

  73. Englishman, 4 January 1876, 2–3; Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 370–5.

  74. Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 375–6.

  75. ILN, 22 January 1876, 92; Graphic, 19 February 1876, 176; C. J. Metcalfe to Richard Temple, 13 January 1876, IOR Mss Eur. F86/162 (indigo petitioners).

  76. Dighton Probyn to Queen Victoria, 7 January 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/8; Lady Couper to Queen Victoria, 13 January 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/11; Duckworth to Queen Victoria, 14 January 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/12.

  77. Arthur Ellis to Queen Victoria, 28 January 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/23.

  78. Graphic, 26 February 1876 (supplement); Lord Roberts, Forty-one Years in India: From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief (London: Macmillan & Co., 1901), 326–8.

  79. Indian Public Opinion, 20 January 1876, 235–7.

  80. Graphic, 26 February 1876, 194; ibid., 4 March 1876, 224 (Jammu).

  81. ‘Address from the native Christians of the Punjab’ (24 January 1876), Church Missionary Society papers, CMS/B/OMS/CI1/13; Fayrer, Notes of the Visits to India, 93–4 (liberation of prisoners).

  82. Ada Smith, ‘The Prince’s Visit’ (24 January 1876), Church of England Zenana Missionary Society papers, Special Collections, University of Birmingham, EA4/1; Duckworth to Queen Victoria, 3 February 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/30; Fayrer, Notes, 104–5.

  83. Letters from India . . . from William S. Potter, 71–2; Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 328; Duckworth concurred: ‘Buckingham Palace with the Tower of London dropped into the inside of it’: Duckworth to Queen Victoria, 3 February 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/469/30.

  84. Gray, Prince of Wales in India, 314 (wooden whistles); Graphic, 18 March 1876, 272, 276. A photo survives of the scene (without the Prince) in the Jaipur City Palace archives.

  85. ‘Tiger-Mania’, The Prince of Wales in India, in verse (London: n.p., 1876); Graphic, 11 March 1876, 242.

  86. Ram Sahai, Gulgasht-i-Bagh-i-Lucknow: A Description of the Visit to Lucknow of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (Lucknow: Tamannai Press, 1876), includes a depiction of the prince in an open coach; Russell, Prince of Wales’ Tour, 512–13 (investiture).

  87. MSA, Pol. Proceedings (1876), vol. 208, 144–5.

  88. QVJl., 11 May 1876; The Return of the Traveller: A Sermon Preached in Westminster Abbey by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley . . . on Sunday 14 May, 1876, being the Sunday after the Return of the Prince of Wales from India (London: Macmillan and Co., 1876); The Times, 18 May 1876, 12 (Serapis); ILN, 1 July 1876, 19 (South Kensington display); C. P. Clarke, Catalogue of the Collection of Indian Arms and Objects of Art Presented by the Princes and Nobles of India to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales . . . on the Occasion of his Visit to India in 1875–1876, etc. (London: W. Griggs, 1898); William Simpson, Shikare an
d Tomasha: A Souvenir of the Visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales to India (London: W. M. Thompson, 1876).

  89. Frere to Queen Victoria, 10 February 1876, RA VIC/MAIN/T6/77.

  90. Russell, Prince of Wales Tour, 595.

  91. Hindoo Patriot, 27 December 1875, 603; Cf. Madusudan Sarkar, Bharate-Jubraj; or the Prince in India (Barisal: Satyaprakash Press, 1875); Hemchandra Banerji, Bharat bhiksha; or, India’s Petition (Calcutta: Roy Press, 1878) (QLB Bengal); Narayan Krishna Dharap, Swagatam (Poona: Duyan Chakshu Press, 1875) (QLB Bombay).

  92. George Aston, His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn: A Life and Intimate Study (George G. Harrap & Co., 1929), chs 9, 12–14; Noble Frankland, Witness of a Century: The Life and Times of Prince Arthur Duke of Connaught, 1850–1942 (London: Shepheard-Walwyn, 1993), chs 8–9.

  93. ToI, 16 October 1884, 6. The Connaughts were accompanied on the trip by the artist Herbert Olivier, who later exhibited views he painted there: Catalogue of a Collection of Drawings by Herbert A. Olivier Illustrating Life and Landscape in India and Cashmere (London: Fine Art Society, 1885).

  94. The Times, 13 April 1885, 9; NAI, Foreign Dept Proceedings (May 1885), 804–961.

  95. NAI, Foreign Dept Proceedings (February 1889), 32–42.

  96. Ibid. (January 1890), 181–5. For Prince Albert Victor, see: John Kiste, ‘Albert Victor, Prince, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (1864–1892)’, ODNB; Theo Aronson, Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld (London: John Murray, 1994), ch. 11.

  97. For the arrival at Bombay, see: Captain Charles Bateson Harvey, ‘Tour with Prince Albert Victor, etc. . . . October 25th 1889 to May 2nd 1890’, entry for 9 November, RA GV/PRIV/AA39A; Civil & Military Gazette, 11 November 1889, 2. For his stay at Poona, see: Duke of Connaught to Lord Elphinstone, 18 November 1889, RA VIC/ADDA25/87.

  98. Albert Victor to Queen Victoria, 29 November 1889, RA VIC/MAIN/Z/92/75. According to The Times, the nizam spent £200,000 entertaining the Prince: The Times, 28 October 1889, 5. For the ‘puffy cakes’, see: Harvey, ‘Tour with Prince Albert Victor’ entry for 17 November.


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