Ajos: The Restitution - A Sci-fi Alien Romance, Book 1

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Ajos: The Restitution - A Sci-fi Alien Romance, Book 1 Page 24

by A. G. Wilde


  Somehow, they stumbled back on the bed. The mattress he’d gotten for her was still there, and it cushioned their fall.

  Pleasure shot through her as his tongue found its way into her mouth.

  She didn’t know what it was about him, didn’t understand why her body lit up like a sweet fire when he touched her, but she was suddenly weak in the knees, having only the strength to hold on to him.

  “Keh-reh-nah,” he groaned as he nestled between her legs, tearing his lips away from hers to look down at her.

  Their breaths came hard, making their chests heave against each other.


  Fuck, she didn’t want him to stop. The last thing she wanted was for him to release her.

  “I can’t do this,” he said, pain showing through the wildness in his eyes.

  Disappointment swelled within her, quelling the heat that was spreading between her legs almost immediately.

  Kerena stiffened. “What? Why?” She pushed against him.

  To be fair, she was annoyed. A bit pissed too.

  Had she been stupid to think there was something there between them? Something more than a one-night-stand kind of thing?

  Ajos breathed hard and rested his forehead against hers.

  In the back of her mind, she realized he wasn’t letting her go.

  “I can’t…”

  “You can’t what?” She pressed against him again. “You can’t kiss me? You can’t fuck me?”

  He released another breath, and his shoulders shook a little.

  He was laughing.

  “Oh, I can definitely do that.” His eyes focused on hers. “As a matter of fact, it’s all I want to do.”

  Kerena frowned at him.

  Then what was stopping him?

  They were both adults.

  They knew what they were doing.

  “I don’t deserve you,” he said. “I…”

  He eased off of her then and sat.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He didn’t answer. If anything, he seemed to go into himself even more.

  “I thought…” She let the words die on her lips.

  She’d thought they’d shared something in that forest. Something more.

  He shuddered again and the fleshy fin-like structure at the back of his head looked like it pulsed.

  Ajos groaned and walked toward the door, pressing his fist against it.

  She was beginning to understand what this was.

  She was no biologist but she knew that some species went in heat, with the urge to mate becoming so strong it was overwhelming.

  Only Ajos was fighting his—for what reason, she did not know.

  She opened her mouth to say something else to him when a thought struck her.

  Maybe he was holding back because he knew he was going to leave after this heat of his was over.

  “V’Alen is coming,” he said as he raised his head.

  The door slid open then and the robot man stood in the center of the frame.

  “Commander,” he said before his eyes slipped over to her.

  “Report, V’Alen,” Ajos said, a note of pain and annoyance in his voice.

  “The device you found,” V’Alen began, “I have information on it.”

  “Report,” Ajos repeated, grimacing as he did.

  “It is ancient.” V’Alen paused and only then did she realize he’d been staring at her the entire time.

  Ajos stepped in front of his friend and blocked his view.

  “Ancient how?”

  “I have scanned it and cross-referenced records within the archives. I found nothing. I had to connect with the archives from my home world. That’s when I found…something.”

  “Go on.” There was still that note of annoyance in Ajos’ voice.

  “It is a relic from the era of the Vikteki…”

  There was silence as they both stared at each other.

  “That’s not possible. Everything from the Vikteki was destroyed.”

  “Apparently, not,” V’Alen answered.

  Staring at them, Kerena could see the tension between them and that made her uneasy.

  “Is that bad? What’s the Vikteki?” she asked.

  Ajos turned to look at her, his golden eyes softening a little.

  “They were a great ancient civilization that, based on the archives, developed some of the most advanced technology ever to be made in our universe. They knew things that they should not have known, were stronger than they should have been…it is written that their technology was…remarkable.”

  “They built things that we are only just beginning to understand,” V’Alen added.

  Kerena’s gaze flicked from one male to the other and she brought the blanket around her as she sat up a little.

  “So, why do I get the sense that is a bad thing?”

  Ajos glanced at V’Alen then looked back at her. “Because the Vikteki were wiped out. Completely. Even with all their knowledge, they could not save themselves.”

  Kerena frowned. “Save themselves from what?”

  Ajos crossed his arms. “We do not know.”

  Well, fuck.

  This world just seemed to be getting better and better.

  Kerena’s eyebrows rose as she settled back on the bed.

  It blew her mind that humans were so behind on things.

  They all thought they were safe on their little planet, but…there was a whole universe out there teeming with life.

  Kerena blinked. She’d just referred to humans as if she wasn’t human anymore.

  “What does this mean?” she asked after a few moments.

  “I surmise the Tasqals have somehow uncovered some Vikteki tech and have found how to use it to their advantage,” V’Alen answered. “It’s how they managed to jump right from hyperspace directly into the base and exit as well.”

  “Qef…” Ajos murmured. “This isn’t good. This isn’t good at all.” He paused. “Send word to all the commanders. We must meet and discuss this.”

  V’Alen jerked his head before she heard the door slide shut.

  Ajos stared at the closed door, his back turned to her and she let her eyes roam over him.

  With V’Alen gone, the tension between them suddenly returned.

  Her mind went back to what they’d shared in that forest.

  She’d never felt such pleasure in her life before.

  It felt as if each time he came, a tsunami of pleasure washed from her cervix straight up through her.

  Nothing had ever felt so good…

  And nothing had ever made her feel so alive.

  Staring at him now, she shivered a little—more from the fact that it seemed she still had the chills than anything else.

  He didn’t look well.

  The protrusion on his head was still red.

  “You need more medicine,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about me, Keh-reh-nah.”

  Anger washed through her so fast, she didn’t see it coming. “Maybe I wouldn’t worry about you if I didn’t care. Maybe if you left me alone, I could forget about you and then you could forget about me. Then we wouldn’t have this problem.”

  She knew her response was defensive, but the feelings he was inciting in her were confusing.

  He turned on her then, his eyes dark, the gold completely gone.

  “You wish to forget about me?”

  She stared at him, her frown so severe she could feel it stretching her forehead downward.

  Kerena blinked.

  This wasn’t like her at all.

  The only time she let her emotions get the best of her was when…



  She was falling for him.

  But she knew that…didn’t she?

  Only, she hadn’t wanted to face it because she’d had no idea what it meant.

  She turned from him then, blinking at the wall as she got her thoughts in order.

nbsp; “I should go,” she heard him say.

  Yes, he should.

  He was confusing her. Not only that, she suddenly felt open, vulnerable.

  You could only get hurt if you cared—she’d learned that lesson many, many times—and fuck her if she didn’t care about this tall minty man.

  She cared.

  A hand touched her back and caused her to shiver.

  At his touch, she slipped from the bed, landing on her feet in a move Cindy Clawford would have approved of.


  Her heart was hammering in her chest as she now faced the door to the bathroom, her back turned to him.

  She stared at the white surface in front of her and crossed her arms, swallowing hard.

  She’d been abducted from Earth, leaving everything she knew behind. She’d found herself in the arms of a man she hardly knew anything about, but who drew her to him in a way she never knew was possible. And…she was falling for him.

  Falling for him!

  And he wanted her too…or didn’t. She didn’t really know.

  It could just be the heat. His actions could just be spurred on by his need to mate.

  “I should go.” His voice sounded tortured this time, and closer, as if he’d taken a step toward her.

  Maybe he didn’t know it, but he was playing with her feelings.

  “Then why don’t you!” She spun on him only to have the breath lodge in her throat.

  He suddenly advanced, pressing her back into the door behind her.

  His body pressed against hers as she glared up at him, her breaths coming hard.

  He planted both arms on either side of her as he leaned down, his dark eyes on hers.

  “Because,” he said, “despite that it’s the right thing to do. I can’t seem to leave you alone, Keh-reh-nah.”

  He leaned down farther. “I told you…there are only two things I want to do…”

  Kerena gulped but her gaze never wavered from his. “And what’s that.”

  “Qef,” he said as he moved his hand to her throat, grasping it lightly. “And kill.”


  This should turn her off. It really should.

  A tall, powerful alien had his hand around her throat and he just told her, without mincing his words, that he felt like killing something…but the only thing she could focus on was his first word.

  For he’d just said he wanted to fuck her…and right now, she wanted him to do just that.


  Ajos’ mouth crashed into hers as she went on tiptoes to meet him.

  The groan that rumbled from his chest vibrated against hers and he took her into his arms, his palm settling on each side of her ass cheeks as he lifted her off the ground to plant her back against the door.

  She couldn’t breathe as she cradled his head and pulled him toward her, the kiss deepening into something more than a kiss, something feral, something full of need.

  Her hands settled on the fleshy fin at the back of his head and it pulsed against her fingers.

  She stroked it, and Ajos groaned deep into her mouth.

  For some reason, the door behind them opened and they stumbled into the bathroom, but Ajos held her fast, and she was mildly aware that they ended up in the shower stall.

  Her back was pressed against the wall again as he pressed her to him.

  One of his hands found its way into her hair as he held her head and almost painfully, he broke their kiss, panting as he looked down at her.

  “Shower,” he said and Kerena blinked at him.

  He wanted her to shower now? But before she could open her mouth, water began raining down on them.

  Ajos pressed her against the wall some more, securing her there as he stripped out of his shirt.

  His pants went next and he used his legs to kick them off his feet.

  The entire time, he watched her, those dark eyes of his seemingly seeing everything and Kerena bit her lip as her gaze fell down him.

  The shadows of the forest had only hidden his magnificence.

  His hard chest heaved and when her fingers touched the lines of muscles there, his breath hitched in his throat.

  The more she touched him, the more he groaned, till she felt something brush against her slit.

  It was hard, wet, the tip smooth and Kerena’s eyes fluttered a little at that one touch, that one promise of more to come.

  His body was tense as he allowed her fingers to explore him and when Kerena met his gaze once more, it felt like she could drown in the intensity of his gaze.

  Slowly, he let her slide down him till she was on her feet. And they were facing each other.

  The water from the shower sluiced down them both, soaking her hair and dress and wetting his brilliant skin.

  She let her eyes fall, straight to the thing she’d felt earlier, and her lips opened a little at the sight of it in daylight.

  It was white. His cock was white.

  A stark contrast to his skin, it stood out like a beacon.

  Big. White. Thick. And smooth.

  There was a slit in his groin, like a pocket that it extruded from and at its base, his balls looked swollen and firm.

  His cock jerked at her attention as she reached out to touch it, but she didn’t get a chance to.

  Ajos grabbed her hand, his chest still heaving.

  “You first,” he said and before she could answer, he was kneeling before her.

  His hands found her hips as he lifted her onto his shoulders, his face immediately buried against her.

  “Keh-reh-nah,” he groaned and his hot breath brushed against her clit. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”

  Kerena blinked. Really?

  She couldn’t form any words though, because his tongue darted out to swipe straight from her entrance to the hood of her clit.

  She cried out against him as he began to run his tongue over her bundle of nerves. She gripped his head, bit down hard on her lip, and tried not to scream in delight at the host of feelings suddenly shooting through her.

  She was glad he was holding her, because otherwise she’d have fallen because it felt like she’d lost all energy in her body once more.

  Everything was concentrated in her center with an intensity she’d never experienced before.

  Her moans filled the room, echoing against the walls as she cried out his name.

  Vaguely, the thought that V’Alen was bound to hear them crossed her mind, but she didn’t care.

  All that mattered was the man who’d just closed his entire mouth over her, sucking and moaning her name.

  His tongue was hot and smooth, and when he slipped it deep inside her, Kerena bucked against his face as a climax shattered her from inside out.

  But even as she came, he didn’t stop. He lapped at her slit, drinking every drop of wetness that she produced.

  She jerked against him, unable to control her body anymore as each swipe of his tongue sent another shock wave through her.

  And when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, he removed his tongue only to slip a finger deep inside her.

  She looked down only to see him remove that finger and place it in his mouth.

  “So sweet,” he said.

  Between the ecstasy still coursing through her and her own shyness, she couldn’t blush harder.

  He placed his mouth over her again and Kerena shuddered once more, her eyes rolling back into her head as she screamed his name again.

  She wasn’t sure she could take any more.

  But Ajos didn’t stop.

  He kept his mouth over her, his tongue writing a letter dictated but the gods themselves and she felt another climax building within her.

  She’d never climaxed twice in one session before him. She hadn’t been promiscuous, but none of her exes had been able to manage such a feat.

  Heck, some of them couldn’t even get her to orgasm once.

  But this was the second time Ajos was doing it, and he hadn’t even entered her yet

  He groaned then, his body shuddering underneath hers too and when he finally released her, and her feet touched the floor, she saw the streams of his own climax hanging from his tip.

  He’d come…from giving her pleasure.

  The thought only made her heated.

  Ajos moved forward to grasp her again, lifting her off her feet once more and this time, she was face-to-face with him.

  She could smell her musk on his lips and see the pure lust in his eyes.

  He gripped her hips tight as his eyes settled on hers.


  It seemed like the only word he could say but she understood his meaning.

  He needed her.

  He needed her now.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered before joining her lips with his.

  With a groan, Ajos surged upward, the tip of his thick rod forcing its way past her lips and deep inside her.

  The fit was tight, but his cock found its way, taking the path it had carved so many times before.

  Kerena screamed into his mouth, she couldn't help it, but neither could she let go of him.

  She kept their lips sealed, forcing him to swallow her screams as he pistoned into her.

  Her entire body was trembling and when she felt that swelling at the base of his cock rise within her, stretching her even more only to culminate at the tip of his cock, her memory came back just before the pleasure burst within her.

  She was ready for it this time—remembered it from that night when it had happened first.

  It felt like his cum was a drug.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head and she couldn’t see.

  Sight didn’t matter.

  Thoughts didn’t exist.

  Only feelings.

  And she was feeling everything.

  Her body jerked, her breasts bouncing as his rhythm continued.

  Vaguely, she could feel his spend running from within her, washed away by the water raining down on them, and vaguely, she realized one thing.

  This all felt too good to be true.

  And if it felt too good to be true…chances were…

  It was.


  Three days passed and there was no sign of Ajos.

  It’s like he’d completely disappeared from the base.

  Kerena kept her head high, her shoulders straight, as she went about the day-to-day.


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