Stuck with You

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Stuck with You Page 18

by Alexandra Moody

  I couldn’t listen to her anymore. Mom always put others first, but if she kept going at this rate, it was going to kill her. She wouldn’t even consider telling her work no, and I knew there was no way I could change her mind.

  “I have to go do my homework.” I stalked from the room.

  “Aiden…” she called after me, but I didn’t look back.

  It was only once I got to my bedroom that I remembered the homework excuse didn’t really work right now. We hadn’t had classes in weeks and weren’t starting school again for a few days.

  I let out a sigh and collapsed on my bed. I was sick of worrying about my mom, but it didn’t look like that would be stopping anytime soon. A flicker of guilt went through me because of how I’d reacted. Mom was only trying to help people, but she needed to look out for herself too. Still, the way I’d stormed off didn’t help anyone.

  The evening had been going so well. It had been easy to forget why we were all stuck at home while we’d been solving the puzzle together. Reality was never far away though, and Mom getting called into work only reminded me of it. I had to wonder just how long the pandemic would be messing with our lives.



  I stared after Aiden’s retreating figure. His body radiated tension as he stalked from the room. Jade’s shoulders slumped with disappointment as she watched him leave. He’d been smiling and joking only moments ago, but his demeanor had completely changed as soon as his mom told him she was working tonight.

  “Is he okay?” I asked.

  She sighed as she looked toward me. “He’ll be fine. He just worries about me too much.” She let out another sigh before she carried the dirty plates she was holding back to the kitchen.

  I didn’t share Jade’s optimism about Aiden though. He’d looked really upset. I probably should have just ignored it and gone upstairs to read a book. Instead, when I reached the upstairs landing, I found myself stopping outside his bedroom door.

  I hesitated for a few seconds, gnawing on my lower lip as I decided whether I should see if Aiden was okay or take the far safer option of retreating to my room. A few weeks ago, I would have let him be without a second thought. But there was a swirling pit of concern in my stomach I couldn’t seem to ignore. I was worried about him, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to relax until I’d checked on him.

  I lightly knocked on the door but didn’t wait for an answer before I pushed it open. Aiden was lying on his bed, resting an arm across his face. He didn’t even acknowledge my presence.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I asked as I slowly ventured farther into the room.

  “Peachy,” he replied.

  I sat on the edge of his bed, unsure what else to say. He was acting like he wanted to be on his own, but I knew how much it sucked being left alone with your thoughts. Especially at times like this.

  “You don’t seem peachy,” I eventually replied.

  He lowered his arm slightly and looked at me with one eye. “What gave me away?”

  “I mean, it’s a toss-up between you storming off from dinner and you hiding in your room…” I gave him a shy smile, and his expression relaxed.

  He slowly removed his arm from over his head before he sat up. “I’m fine, really.” The fun twinkle his gaze usually held was gone though.

  “So, your mom…” I started.

  “My mom works too hard and refuses to look after herself. It pisses me off that she never listens to me.”

  “She’s only trying to help people.”

  “Yeah, but who’s trying to help her? The hospital is working her too hard.”

  I slowly nodded. I couldn’t imagine being in his position, seeing his mom drag herself through each day. She’d been looking increasingly exhausted during my time here, and I could see why it would upset Aiden that she’d been called into work on her day off. I could also see why she didn’t feel like she had a choice. It was a difficult situation.

  “You look after her,” I finally said.

  He nodded, and a sad smile curved his lips. “I try, but it’s never enough.”

  Aiden had always acted like nothing ever bothered him. He was always so playful and flippant on the surface, and before we lived together, I’d suspected he didn’t care about anything at all. It was clear he loved his mom and brother though, and tonight had shown me just how much.

  “She’s lucky to have you.”

  The sadness that had filled his eyes when I entered the room seemed to ease at my words, and a little of his usual sparkle returned. “How about you? Do you feel lucky to have me?”

  I swallowed, unsure how to respond. He definitely wasn’t thinking about his mom anymore, and his question seemed to strike right at the heart of the confusion I felt whenever I thought of Aiden.

  “Um…” I stammered, grasping for an answer.

  Aiden was watching me closely, but his eyes suddenly flared. “Wait, what’s the time?” He jumped across the bed and reached for his phone. The screen lit up, showing it was nearly 8:30 P.M. Aiden swiftly stood up, took hold of my hand, and dragged me toward the door.

  “What’s going on?” I wasn’t sure what had prompted him to suddenly burst into action, but I also wasn’t complaining. He’d saved me from attempting to answer his question, and I still wasn’t certain what I would have said.

  “I told you I’d show you proof that Herb and Rosalind love each other more than anything.”

  “And you want to show me now?”

  “Now’s the only time I can,” he replied.

  Aiden kept hold of my hand as he pulled me down the stairs and through the house. It wasn’t until we were on the front porch that he finally let go. He gestured toward the porch swing, indicating for me to take a seat. I didn’t comply straightaway though.

  “Aiden, what’s this about?”

  “Just trust me and sit.” His gaze was sincere, and there was an earnest tone to his voice.

  I huffed out a breath before doing as he asked, and Aiden lowered himself onto the seat next to me. He was close enough I could feel the heat radiating from his body, and I felt the urge to move closer still. It was cold out tonight, and I wished I’d worn a thicker sweater. I rubbed my arms as I stared out at the street. I had no idea why he’d dragged me out here, but it was kind of peaceful as the seat gently rocked back and forth.


  He glanced at me, his eyes narrowing on my hands as they rubbed my arms. He quickly jumped up. “You’re cold.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  Aiden wasn’t listening though as he walked over to a box that sat in the corner of the front porch and pulled out a heavy blanket. He placed it over my legs before sitting on the swing at my side. As his warmth returned, I found myself moving in slightly closer to him so our legs were pressed together. Every cell in my body seemed to happily hum at his return, and I couldn’t remember ever feeling so content.

  “That better?” he asked.

  “Yeah, thanks,” I murmured. I was glad he hadn’t listened to me when I’d said I was fine before. I was feeling so much warmer already.

  We sat in silence. I didn’t feel the need to fill the air between us with talk. The crisp night was cool against my cheeks, and I was so cozy beneath the blanket I felt like I could stay this way forever. Aiden’s body was relaxed at my side, and his gaze remained on Herb and Rosalind’s house across the street.

  “What exactly are you looking for?” I asked.

  “Just be patient and you’ll see.”

  The words were barely out of his lips when the front door to the elderly couple’s house opened. Herb stood in the entrance, his elbow crooked, as he waited for Rosalind to join him. She linked her arm with his, and the two of them made their way out onto their front porch. They lowered themselves onto a porch swing that looked very similar to the one Aiden and I sat on.

  It was dark out, but their porch light illuminated the two of them as they sat and gently swung back and forth, staring up at the sky. I f
rowned at the sight, not all that sure how this proved Aiden’s theory.

  Aiden turned to look at me and smiled though. “The two of them go out and sit on their front porch every night. They never talk. They just quietly swing in each other’s embrace, looking up at the stars. They may fight like banshees most of the time and never back down, but every night, they come together and just enjoy the simple pleasure of being close to each other. If that isn’t love right there in front of us, I’m not sure it exists at all.”

  I turned to face the couple again. As I sat there silently observing them, I felt like perhaps Aiden was right. There was something incredibly romantic about how they didn’t need to say a word. They just enjoyed being close to one another.

  “Love isn’t always obvious or exactly how you expect it to be,” Aiden murmured.

  I swallowed as I turned to him. His light eyes seemed brighter under the moonlight, and it was impossible to ignore how my body was hyperaware of his. His every breath seemed to affect my own. His every movement made my gut clench in a feeling of anticipation.

  “I guess you can say the same about people. You’re not exactly how I expected you to be either,” I replied. There was a sweetness to Aiden that he hid beneath his playboy persona, and when you looked past all his teasing words, he was a genuinely good guy.

  Even today, he had surprised me. He’d shown so much concern for the girl behind the cash register at the supermarket, and tonight, he’d agreed to do a puzzle with his mom just to make her happy. Those moments were only just scraping the surface though. His kindness had really shone through when he’d gone out of his way to get medicine for his elderly neighbors. Then there was how much he’d worried for his mom when she’d been called into work again. He was always looking out for her and the people around him. It was strange to think I was one of them.

  He’d spent the day keeping me company when I was sad, and he organized an iso-prom so I got to wear my dress. He’d even included his little brother in our impromptu dance despite the fact Elliot seemed to drive him crazy. The fact he’d even noticed how much his elderly neighbors loved each other was something I never would have expected.

  Aiden was not simply the player I thought he was.

  “And how did you expect me to be?” he asked.

  I smiled at the question. “Well, for starters, I was certain I wouldn’t be able to stand even one day of your terrible flirting.”

  “Terrible?” He placed a hand against his chest. “Clary, I’m hurt. I’ve been giving you my best pickup lines since the moment you arrived.”

  I laughed and rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you have.”

  “What else did you expect?” He looked genuinely curious.

  “Well, I’m not sure. I knew you were a player, but living with you has made me realize that you’re actually kind of a good guy once you get past your cocky, annoying side.”

  “I’m going to choose to ignore the part about me being annoying,” he said with a smile. “But I like the rest.”

  I smiled in return, but staring into his eyes sent my mind racing. Why had Aiden only ever shown the arrogant, boisterous side of his personality at school? His kinder side had been there all along, but why had he hidden it? And why had it taken me so long to realize it was there? Right now, it felt like I was finally seeing Aiden clearly for who he was, and I really liked the guy I saw.

  “Aiden, why haven’t you ever had a serious girlfriend?” The question was out of my lips before I’d even really thought about it, and I had no idea where it came from.

  He didn’t hesitate to respond. “Because the right girl was never interested in me.” His answer was simple, but it made my heart flutter. From the way he was looking deep into my eyes, I felt like he was talking about me.

  “So, no girl’s ever been the right fit?” I clarified. My heart was racing as I waited for his response. I wasn’t sure why his answer mattered so much, but it did.

  He paused before he answered this time, a flicker of uncertainty entering his eyes. His gaze didn’t leave mine though, and when he spoke, it was with slow, precise words. “No, Clary. No girl has ever been like you.”

  All breath escaped my lungs as I looked into his beautiful blue-green eyes. His gaze was warm, and his voice was filled with genuine emotion. As I stared at him, I realized I wanted his words to be true. But, how could they be? This was Aiden: notorious flirt and the heartbreaker of Harford High. There was no way he was interested in me. This had to just be another prank of his.

  I looked away. “You don’t mean that.”

  He lightly took hold of my chin and turned me to toward him once more. My skin tingled from his touch, and his face was closer than it had been before. “Clary, I’ve never meant anything more in my life.”

  I shook my head. “But I know you don’t like me. You can’t. You only flirt with me to annoy me. It’s not because you actually like me.”

  “How couldn’t I like you?” he replied. “You’re beautiful and smart, and you aren’t afraid to give me crap. I flirt with you because I’m too damn scared to actually talk to you.”

  I shook my head again, desperate to believe his words but feeling so unsure.

  “I asked you out a few years ago because I liked you,” he continued. “And I’ve liked you more every day since.”

  “That was just a prank,” I murmured.

  “Clary, I only said that because I was embarrassed.” He laughed sadly under his breath as he recalled the day. “I was young and stupid, and I didn’t know how to deal with being rejected by the girl I’d been dreaming about for years.”

  There was a sense of longing in his eyes as he continued. “I’m not going to do that again though. I’m not going to pretend I don’t like you when you’re the only girl I’ve ever wanted.”

  My heart fluttered in response, but I tried to ignore the feeling as I focused on his words. I took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as I stared at Aiden. A million thoughts were racing through my mind, but in the end, only one thing really mattered: he wanted me.

  “You know you drive me crazy, right?”

  His smile was nervous as he nodded in reply. He looked so unsure but also hopeful. And, as I stared at him, I realized I was hopeful too.

  A warm feeling had ignited in my chest, and my skin prickled with electricity as I stared into his eyes. It was a feeling I’d felt so many times whenever Aiden was close. I’d always assumed it was because I found him irritating, but I realized now that I was wrong. This beautiful boy before me annoyed the crap out of me, but I loved every second of it, and I couldn’t deny it anymore.

  “I’m probably going to regret this,” I murmured before I closed the distance between us and kissed him. Aiden didn’t hesitate to kiss me back, and all the tension I’d been feeling seemed to release as we connected.

  My mind went blank as the feelings coursing through my body shot into overdrive. My heart was racing like I’d been running for miles, and my whole body tingled like every cell within me was fighting to get closer to him. The kiss was powerful and explosive. It was the kind of kiss that was going to leave my body in shock if it ever ended.

  I was breathless when Aiden finally pulled away, and it felt like I’d forgotten how to think. My mind was clouded with desire, but I didn’t need much brainpower to know kissing Aiden was the right decision. He leaned his forehead against mine and slowly started to smile. Aiden’s smile was like looking at the starlit night overhead. A sight so beautiful it was nearly impossible to tear your eyes away.

  I couldn’t understand how I hadn’t seen it before. How I hadn’t noticed the kindness in his eyes or how his beauty was more than skin-deep. The things I felt for him had come out of nowhere, surprising me when I least expected it.

  Now that I knew they were there though, I didn’t think I could lock them back up again. They rushed through me like spikes of adrenaline flooding my system. I liked Aiden Moore. It was something I’d never imagined was possible, but now that I knew t
he truth, I couldn’t believe I’d never realized it before.

  “So, you aren’t immune to my flirting,” he said.

  I let out a breathy laugh. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “And you like how I get under your skin.”

  “It’s more like a rash I can’t seem to get rid of.”

  “You like me.”

  I almost felt a natural reflex to deny it, but I couldn’t say the words. Not anymore. “Yeah, Aiden, I think I do.”

  His smile widened, and his eyes glittered. “Then I think I’d like to kiss you again.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  He chuckled as he moved to brush his lips against mine once more. The first kiss from Aiden had stripped my feelings bare. But the second one was my complete undoing. I didn’t just think I liked him anymore. I knew it. And there was no going back.



  The moment I opened my eyes in the morning, I smiled. Even in a groggy state of half-sleep, my thoughts went straight to Aiden and what had happened between us last night. It felt like it was a dream.

  I knew it had happened for real though, because I couldn’t have dreamed up a kiss like that. It was magical, like a perfect little pocket of time had been carved out just for us, and in that moment, everything had fallen into place.

  It was strange to think I ever could have disliked him. That I could have so easily ignored his flirting and been so immune to his good looks. I certainly didn’t feel that way now. I was just like every other girl at school, and I had fallen for Aiden hard.

  The thought made me sit up in bed, and a flutter of anxiety greeted me as I woke up a little more. This wasn’t just any guy I’d kissed. This was Aiden Moore. Every girl who had ever fallen for his charms had been convinced he liked them back just as much, and it always ended badly for them. Only the other week I’d seen Shelly’s heart get shattered on Aiden’s front driveway. Was I just another Shelly? Was I foolish to believe he wanted me too?


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