The Nik of Time

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The Nik of Time Page 10

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “No other way, Uncle Lorenzo. Thanks, bye.” Colin hung up and looked at Nikolai. “We need to split up.”

  “No way,” Nik shook his head.

  “Yes, way. We need to take them by surprise.” Colin checked his gun again and smiled. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  Nikolai laughed at the excitement on Colin’s face. “I thought I was the only one who looked like that at the thought of taking guys out.”

  Colin wiggled his eyebrows.


  Sure enough, four men were waiting in the parking lot: two by Nik’s bike and two by Colin’s Jeep. Colin crept across the parking lot, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. He stopped two cars away from his Jeep and waited for Nikolai to make his move. It didn’t take long. Grunts carried across the parking lot and both of the men by the Jeep turned to look. Colin made his move. He jumped on one of them and grabbed the arm holding the tranquilizer gun, shooting the other man with it. Man number one decided he wasn’t going down without a fight and Colin’s adrenaline surged as they fought over control of the dart gun. Colin head-butted the man and stepped back as he fought to stand upright. He shot a round into him and knelt down by his unconscious body.

  “You are going to have quite the headache,” Colin chuckled. A sound to his left made him spin. Nikolai put his hands up in the air.

  “It’s just me. Shit.” Nikolai smiled at the two guys on the ground. “You left them alive. Nice.”

  “Well, I figure they’ll be easier to interrogate if they’re breathing.” Colin raised his brows. “You did keep at least one alive?”

  Nikolai grimaced. “Oops.”

  “Ah, well,” Colin stood up and dropped the tranquilizer gun by the two men on the ground. “Let’s get them rolled under my Jeep and out of sight. We’ll take your bike.”

  After hiding the men, they took off on Nik’s bike bound for an airstrip. Colin closed his eyes as Nikolai’s warmth seeped into him. Now that he knew what it was like to kiss him, he didn’t think he’d ever get enough. They went through town for quite a few miles, and then headed down dirt roads. It seemed to take forever. Finally, they pulled into what looked like a small garage out in the middle of nowhere. Nikolai parked his bike inside and then checked his saddlebags for his equipment.

  “Where’s the plane?” Colin asked, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

  “Come on.” Nikolai put his hand out. He half expected Colin to shrug him off, but Colin took his hand, entwining their fingers. They half walked, half ran to the small airstrip and Nikolai took them through a little copse. Camo nets were suspended from the treetops and then Colin got his first look at the plane.

  “Is the glue still wet on the wings?”

  Nikolai chuckled. “She’s a lot tougher than she looks.”

  Colin cocked his head to the side. “Cessna 182?”

  “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  “Learned how to fly one, along with jets, helicopters—”

  “Oh, now you’re just showing off,” Nikolai winked. “Come on, flyboy. We’re going to have to refuel a few times.”

  “Ya don’t say,” Colin drawled.

  “Oh, this is going to be such fun!”

  Once they were airborne, Colin finally relaxed in the comfortable seats. The sun was coming up. It seemed like mere hours since he and Nikolai had kissed — and touched. Nikolai’s hand gripped his and Colin tightened his own grip. Years he had waited to be with Nikolai. He wanted to know what it was like to make love to him — to hold him and touch him. Colin’s cock grew thick with need and he tried to shift in the seat.

  “Don’t worry. I’m thinking the same thing,” Nikolai smiled.

  “Ass,” Colin muttered.

  They landed on a small island between the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska to refuel. Colin closed his eyes.

  In what seemed like minutes they were landing at an airport. Nikolai eased the plane to a smooth stop in a small hangar. They grabbed their gear and Nikolai held his hand out to Colin as they disembarked.

  “I’m not a girl, Nik,” Colin glared at Nikolai.

  “Yeah, your thick cock gave you away as it was choking me.” Nikolai raised his brows.

  Colin’s cheeks heated. He looked away before Nikolai could see his embarrassment.

  “Don’t do that.” Nikolai gently turned Colin’s face to his. “Don’t be ashamed of what you have or how you feel.” Nik pulled Colin into his arms. “You make my heart slam against my ribs.” Nikolai took Colin’s hand and placed it over his heart. “You feel that? You are the only one who’s ever made me feel like this.”

  Colin closed his eyes. Nik’s heart was racing. A shiver raced down his spine as soft, warm lips covered his. Colin moaned as Nik’s tongue slid across his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and allowed him to sweep inside. It was cold in the hangar, but Colin felt nothing but pure Nikolai Markov heat. His cock filled, straining his jeans, and Colin gripped Nikolai’s hair in his fists, deepening the kiss.

  “Jesus…” Nikolai groaned. Colin’s tongue was investigating his mouth. Nikolai pulled Colin up into his arms and pinned him against the hangar wall. Legs wrapped around his hips and a very hard cock rubbed his stomach. The kiss became wild, with Colin thrusting his hips against him, hands gripping his hair tightly. Nik broke from the kiss, out of breath.

  “Holy shit.”

  Colin opened his eyes to see Nik’s gazing into his. They were black as hell, his pupils blown. Colin grinned and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

  “We should go, right? It’s going to get colder.”

  Nik coughed slightly and blinked a few times. “Yes. I’ll get the car.”

  Colin had to smile as Nikolai walked away from him. He was leaning slightly to one side and pulling at his erection. Colin adjusted his own and touched a finger to his lips. They still tingled. The sound of an engine made him jump. Colin turned to see Nik drive out in a red orgasm. His mouth dropped open. The car pulled up next to him and Nikolai leaned over the passenger seat, opening the door.

  “Get in.”

  “Are you kidding me? A Lamborghini Aventador? This thing does, like, 2oo miles an hour!”

  “Two-twenty, but who’s counting?” Nik winked. “We have it for the quick getaway.”

  Colin slid into the seat and ran his hand across the dashboard. “Nice.”

  “Yep, shouldn’t take too long from here.” Nikolai shut the door and put the car in gear. He looked over at Colin and wiggled his eyebrows. “Hang on.”

  Colin looked out the window as the car sped along the open highway. Snow was packed on either side of the road and topped the trees. It was beautiful out; the sun reflected off the white snow. Colin closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Nikolai’s fingers. He couldn’t believe they were actually together. Over the years he had wondered what it would be like to kiss Nikolai, to hold him; now that day had come and no fantasy compared to the reality. The way Nikolai kissed him — Colin almost sighed at the memory.

  “We’re here.”

  Colin opened his eyes and they widened.

  “I thought you said it was a cabin?”

  Nikolai pulled into the garage and cut the engine. “It is.”

  “This is a chateau,” Colin laughed.

  Nikolai shrugged. “Whatever. I live in Dad’s mansion. This is a shack compared to that.”

  “Pretentious ass,” Colin snorted.

  “Come on.”

  They made their way into the house, where Nikolai kicked off his boots by the back door and strolled into the chateau’s main room. Colin looked around; it was comfortable. A large area rug filled the middle of the main room. A fireplace took up one wall and a facing sectional couch surrounded it. Colin kicked his own shoes off and wandered into the kitchen. It was equipped with all the comforts of home and Colin took note of the coffeemaker in the corner. Thank God. Going without coffee was like…Colin shivered at the thought.

  “Are you cold? I can make a fire and then take you on a
tour.” Nikolai walked to the fireplace and set logs on the grates. He stiffened when hands slid down his sides.

  “I would love a tour; can we start in the bedroom?” Colin breathed into Nikolai’s ear.

  “Um,” Nikolai swallowed hard. What was wrong with him? He was actually nervous. You would have thought he was the virgin in this scenario. He’d only just come to realize his deep feelings for Colin. “Sure?” It’d come out as a squeak and Nikolai coughed, clearing his throat. “Yeah, I could do that.”

  “What’s wrong, Nik?” Colin moved behind Nikolai and slid his hands beneath the layer of cotton on Nik’s back. Muscles twitched and a small shiver raced down Nik’s back.

  “Nothing,” Nikolai insisted as he turned to face Colin. “Let me show you where everything is.”

  The bottom floor included four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Upstairs there were four more bedrooms and two more bathrooms. An office at the end of the hall caught his attention and Colin stopped to peer in.

  “What’s this place used for besides safety?”

  “The guys come here when they check on the female werewolves. Most of their time is spent at the park, but they come by to eat and sleep if things are mostly calm over there.” Nikolai pushed the curtains back and Colin looked out the window. “See that fence way out there? That’s where the females are kept, along with some shady characters.”

  “Shady characters?” Colin asked.

  “Yes, werewolves that went rogue, or just assholes who can’t be trusted.”

  They headed back downstairs and Colin stopped in one of the bedrooms. A large, queen-sized bed was placed against the far wall, with nightstands on each side and a dresser against the side wall. The floor shone with cherry wood, and a large area rug warmed up the middle. A small wood-burning fireplace occupied the wall opposite the bed.

  “I like this room. Can we sleep in this one?” Colin turned eagerly to face Nikolai. His mouth was hanging open and Colin smiled. “What? Something on my face?”

  “You want me to sleep with you?”

  Colin walked slowly towards Nikolai. He shut the door with his foot and pushed Nikolai into the wall.

  “Yes, I want you to sleep with me.” Colin searched Nikolai’s face. The hunger was there, as well as some uncertainty. Colin played with the hem of Nikolai’s shirt, sliding his fingers under the fabric as his other hand slid down Nikolai’s stomach to the waistband of his jeans.

  “Um. Are you hungry?” Nikolai swallowed the lump in his throat. He was pretty sure his dick was about to spurt and Colin hadn’t even touched it yet. “I can make food.”

  “You cook?” Colin lifted the shirt and sank to his knees, kissing Nik’s abs.

  “Yeah. I cook. I can make...ah! Toast.” Nikolai squirmed as Colin’s tongue flicked his belly button.

  “I think I’ll need more than toast.” Colin looked up at Nik’s face as he unbuttoned his jeans, deliberately sliding the zipper down slowly.

  “Ramen. I can make ramen,” Nikolai blurted.

  Colin smiled. Nikolai’s breathing had quickened as he lowered his jeans past his ass. He nuzzled Nikolai’s groin through his black boxer briefs. “Everyone knows how to make ramen.” Colin laved Nikolai’s cock through his underwear.

  “Oh fuck me,” Nik whispered, watching Colin bite his cock through his boxers.

  “Not yet,” Colin pulled the boxers down and finally got a look at Nikolai’s cock. It was gorgeous. He knew it would be.

  He’d always wondered what it would feel like in his hands, under his tongue. Colin looked up, locking eyes with Nikolai as he traced the head of the throbbing dick. He flicked his tongue in the slit and Nikolai groaned. Colin helped him get his pants and underwear kicked off, and then spread Nik’s legs out as he went to work, going purely on instinct.

  Nik’s dick oozed precum and Colin licked around the rim, sliding his tongue through the pearly liquid beading on the slit and spreading it over the head. Nik’s hands threaded into his hair; they didn’t push, just massaged. Colin trailed his tongue down the throbbing pulse in Nik’s dick and buried his face in his balls. They pulsed under his tongue as he rolled them and sucked them lightly. Nikolai’s legs shook as Colin traveled back up, licking, biting and sucking his way back to the head of the dick. His finger pressed at the smooth skin below Nik’s balls.

  “Fuck, Colin, so good…won’t last…” Nik gripped Colin’s hair and spread his legs out further at Colin’s insistence.

  “Good, I want to taste you,” Colin purred, taking the sizeable dick to the root and back up, gliding his teeth up the rock-hard shaft. Drawing on the knowledge he gained watching porn, he coated a finger with spit and massaged the tight rim of Nik’s ass. The puckered skin trembled under his fingertip and Colin took another long suck at Nik’s cock before sliding his finger in. Nik gasped and Colin slid in further.

  “Tight,” Colin groaned, sucking Nik’s prick like it was the best damn thing on Earth — because it was. After years of wanting to know how it felt, he finally had Nik right where he wanted him.

  “You have a virgin ass, Nik, just like mine. You’ve never bottomed, have you?” Colin slid another finger in and scissored them back and forth, pushing into Nik’s body and crooking them, searching for the magic spot.

  “No,” Nikolai gasped as Colin hit that spot inside him. “Never.”

  “Good,” Colin growled with a mouth full of dick. “I’m going to fuck you.”

  That was all it took. Nikolai came with a cry, fingers gripping the wall behind him. His head was thrown back as a seismic orgasm ripped through him. Colin was sucking every last drop from him, greedily lapping up his cum as it spurted. Nik slumped against the wall, his legs refusing to hold him up any longer. He slid to the floor and tried to regulate his breathing. Colin’s lips feathered across his and Nik opened his mouth. Colin snuck inside, teasing at his tongue and licking his teeth. Jesus.

  “Mmm, fuck you taste so damn good, Nik,” Colin growled, biting Nik’s bottom lip softly. “I want to mark your body.”

  Nikolai shivered and opened his eyes. Colin was licking his lips slowly, a look of utter need on his face. He palmed Colin’s face and kissed him.

  “You are the only man I will ever let make love to me.”

  Colin smiled broadly. “You said make love, not fuck.”

  “You’re more than just a fuck, Colin. I may not remember everything, but I remember enough. You were always there for me, through everything.”

  “Because I loved you, and you needed me.” Colin’s stomach rumbled suddenly and he laughed. “I think I’ll take that ramen and toast. Or I could cook.”

  “You cook?”

  “Yep, and I can make more than ramen and toast. Is there food in the fridge?”

  “Yes, the guys keep it stocked.”

  “Well, let’s see what I can make, then. You start the fire.”

  “I think you already did that.” Nik looked down at his dick coming back to life.

  “Oh, we’re not done by a long shot,” Colin laughed, taking Nik’s mouth. He was pushed onto his back and Nik’s body covered his. Fuck but it felt good. Colin wrapped his legs around Nik’s hips and gave himself to the kiss. He’d made out with other guys, but none of them had ever made him feel the way Nikolai did. They rocked together, Nik’s fingers deftly unbuttoning Colin’s pants and pulling his erection out. Colin gasped as Nik wrapped his hand around them both and began stroking them together. Velvet skin and precum paved the way for smooth, delicious friction; Colin moaned in Nik’s mouth and was rewarded with a purr. Their bodies moved faster, Colin gripping Nik’s ass. The buildup soon boiled over and Colin cried out, his seed spurting over Nikolai’s fist. Colin’s breath hitched as Nik’s orgasm took over. Their lips fused and neither of them could look away. Nik collapsed on him, breathing hard, and Colin wrapped his arms around him. Nik moaned and Colin smiled in his neck.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Nik chuckled. “I don’t think I can move now.”

/>   “Well, we’re going to be crusty if we don’t. How about we get cleaned up, I make food and then we shower?”

  “We?” Nik’s head shot up.

  “Yes, we. You said you wanted a relationship, didn’t you?”

  “Well, yeah.” Nik’s brows furrowed.

  “What is it?” Colin searched Nik’s eyes.

  “I don’t know how to do that. I mean a relationship.”

  “What do you want when you look at me?”

  Nikolai cupped Colin’s face with his hands. “I want everything. I want to wake up with you, go to sleep with you, grow old with you. I don’t want anyone else but you.”

  Colin raised his head and kissed Nik softly. “That’s a start.”

  ~*Chapter Eight*~

  Colin found chicken in the fridge and started making fajitas. His eyes kept wandering to Nik. He was kneeling by the fireplace adding wood to the already roaring fire. In all the times he’d spent with Nikolai, he’d never seen him flustered. Nik was definitely flustered now. It was cute.

  Colin’s eyes roamed up Nikolai’s impressive body. Damn but the man had filled out. He had on his black muscle tee, his biceps flexing with every flick of his wrist. Colin’s cock took notice of Nik’s tight ass in jeans. Nikolai Markov at twenty…holy shit. Colin licked his lips thinking about Nikolai in bed with him, in the shower, fuck, anywhere with Nikolai was good right now. Colin hissed as the knife he was using sliced his thumb.

  “Fuck,” Colin muttered running to the sink.

  “What!? What is it?” Nikolai ran across the living room and cleared the couch in one smooth jump.

  Colin’s jaw dropped.

  “What!” Nikolai grabbed Colin’s hand. “What happened?”

  “It’s nothing, just a little cut.” Colin raised his thumb. “See?”

  Nikolai grabbed Colin’s thumb and inspected it. “It’s not too deep.”

  A drop of blood oozed from the cut and Nikolai raised Colin’s thumb to his mouth, cleaning it off with his tongue. A small gasp came from Colin and Nikolai looked up. Their eyes met and Nik licked Colin’s thumb again slowly. Colin swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbed and Nik stood fascinated.


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