The Nik of Time

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The Nik of Time Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Seems your goons didn’t get your order to keep me alive.” Colin hung up the phone and threw it into the fireplace. He turned to Nikolai. “We don’t have a lot of time. Get rid of the tracking device on me and check Ruslan for one, then I’ll grab all the weapons I can. Where are we going?”

  “The enclosure,” Nik said, taking out his own cell phone. “We’ll lure them there, and then lock them in.”

  “Seriously?” Colin tilted his head.

  “Yup.” Nikolai dialed Hayden’s number. He answered on the second ring.

  “Yo, Nik, what’s up?” Hayden chuckled.

  “We have a problem, Hayden. Who’s patrolling the enclosure right now?”

  “John Quinton and his boys. What kind of problem?”

  “Carmine Rizzo.”

  “I’ll send the message to John. He’ll meet you at the gate.”

  “Thanks, Hayden.”

  “No prob.”

  ~*Chapter Nine*~

  Nikolai glided over the snow with ease. He kept his eyes on Colin’s snowmobile ahead of him with, Ruslan sitting behind him. God, but he wanted to shoot the little prick. Even now, Ruslan had his arms wrapped around Colin’s waist as they sped through the snow-covered forest. The enclosure came into view and Nikolai sped ahead.

  They had crept out of the house through an underground passage and made their way to the snowmobiles parked under the cover of camo nets and treetops a half a mile away. Nikolai smiled to himself. Right now, Carmine’s men were searching a house with no one in it. He’d found the tracking device on Ruslan - on his neck, under the hair - and had taken great pleasure in cutting the man to remove it.

  Nik slid to a stop by the gate and John ran out of the forest.

  “Hey, John,” Nikolai smiled. The older Quinton smiled at the group.

  “Hello, Nikolai. Having some trouble?” John looked behind him and frowned. “Who are they?”

  Nikolai pulled Colin close to him and grinned. “This is my boyfriend, Colin.”

  “Nice to meet you, Colin,” John smiled as he unlocked the gates. “And the other?”

  “A turncoat sent to try and take out Colin.” Nikolai grinned as John’s skin rippled; his inner wolf wanted to come out and play.

  “He’s working with us, Mr…?” Colin extended his hand.

  “Quinton, John Quinton.”

  Colin started as four wolves came out of the forest. They were all black with green eyes. One of them seemed to raise an eyebrow at him. Colin narrowed his eyes.

  “Wyatt?” Colin’s mouth dropped open.

  “Yeah, no time.” Nikolai looked over his shoulder. He pushed Ruslan forward through the gates. “This is Ruslan Borkosky; he’s working with us to keep Colin safe.”

  “Bet that hurt to say, eh, Markov?” Ruslan crossed his arms over his chest.

  John grabbed the young man and spun him around. “Make no mistake -what you see here stays between us. Understand? We will protect you as long as you keep your mouth shut. If you are who Nikolai says you are and you’re helping us, then they want you dead, too. You need us. Is that understood?”

  Ruslan nodded. The four wolves made their way closer and low growls escaped them all. “Shouldn’t you be worried about, um, them?”

  John grinned wide. “Those are my sons. They will kill you if you choose to work against us. Is that clear?”

  Ruslan nodded. “So they are…?”

  “Werewolves,” John narrowed his eyes. “And hungry.”

  Ruslan put his hands up in defense. “I am on your side.” Werewolves? Ruslan eyed the four wolves. They seemed to like Colin, brushing up against him. Colin had called the one Wyatt, as in Wyatt Quinton? Ruslan narrowed his eyes at the one that was sniffing the air close to Nikolai and Colin. Its head turned and their eyes met. Ruslan’s mouth dropped open as the wolf seemed to smile at him and raise an eyebrow at the same time. It did look somewhat like Wyatt, even in wolf form.

  Nikolai spun at the sound of another wolf. Before he could react, a large, copper-colored wolf jumped on top of John. Its head reared back and a loud growl escaped through bared teeth. Wyatt, Grayson, Sawyer and Xander circled the copper wolf, the fur on their haunches standing up. The copper wolf motioned to the trees with its muzzle.

  Nikolai pulled the gun from his waistband as a man emerged from the trees. He raised the weapon. Carson Drake. The man had not only beaten his sons for being gay, but had turned Conner Maccon into a werewolf, as well as Caden Fournier. And that was just the beginning of his many transgressions.

  “Back off, Drake. I don’t think this wolf likes you.” Nikolai motioned to the wolf currently protecting John Quinton.

  Carson smiled. “Anya doesn’t like anyone. Isn’t that right, Anya?”

  Nikolai’s jaw dropped. The wolf was a female?

  “I can see your little brain working, Nikolai. Yes, she’s obviously a female. Look at her size.”

  Anya snarled and advanced on Carson.

  “Looks like someone has a crush.” Carson winked at Anya.

  John sat up in astonishment. “What?”

  “You’ve never met Anya? Oh, that’s right, she stays clear of men. Hmmm, until now. Well, seems Anya sniffed you out.” Carson smiled wide.

  The copper wolf looked back at John and huffed. Emerald eyes seemed to bore right through him. John stood up and wiped his jeans off.

  “Um,” Ruslan lifted his hand in the air. “Not to break up the festivities, but bad men are getting closer.”

  “Split up,” John looked at his sons. “Lure them toward the houses. Carson, can we expect your help?”

  Carson Drake clasped his hands. “Oh, I suppose I could be in on the fun.”

  “Then go. The four of us will lure them to you.” John smiled at Nikolai. “Ready to be the white rabbit?”

  “When aren’t I?” Nikolai laughed.

  Wyatt huffed.

  “What?” Nikolai gripped the fur on Wyatt’s neck.

  Wyatt jerked his muzzle toward the gate.

  “They’re closer?”

  Wyatt nodded.

  “Okay, let’s play.” Nikolai rubbed his hands together gleefully.

  “I’ll take Ruslan to the nearest snowmobile.” John pushed the man in front of him to get him moving. “Don’t even think about double-crossing us.”

  “Oh by all means; you wouldn’t want to end up here,” Carson drawled.

  “Move it, Drake.” Nikolai shoved Carson.

  “Let the games begin,” Colin grinned.


  Colin had to admit, this was actually fun. He’d been sent out on a few missions with the guys from home before, but this was different. Carmine Rizzo thought he could just snatch him up and be done with it? Did the crazy bastard really think he’d just roll over and give up on his life, his true family? Colin chuckled. He spotted Nikolai practically skipping through the snow. This was Nikolai’s favorite game: ambush. He’d heard all about his methods from Lorenzo. The young man was just as ruthless as his father, Vince, and took immense glee in taking down very bad men.

  Colin slipped through the trees and came to rest against one. He crossed his legs at the ankles and regarded his nails. Chewing on the end of one, he eyed the forest casually. Sure enough, about fifty feet away, one of Rizzo’s idiots was watching him.

  Colin sighed and glanced from side to side, pretending to look for back-up. His eyes followed asshat as he made his way around Colin’s position, trying to come up from behind him. Colin rolled his eyes and readied himself. A hand came around his neck and Colin pretended to struggle.

  “Oh no,” Colin squealed. “What shall I do?” He gripped the man’s wrist and pushed in on his pressure point.

  “Ow!” the man howled.

  Colin grinned and pulled the man around. He threw him to the ground, keeping pressure on his wrist. Colin shook his head and tsked the man.

  “Now, now, don’t you know it’s not nice to sneak up on people?”

  “Let go!” he pleaded.r />
  Colin crouched down and raised his brows. “Say please.”


  “Nope.” Colin hauled the man up and dragged him towards the cabins.

  “But you said—”

  “I said ‘say please,’ I didn’t say I’d let go.” Jeez, this guy really was an idiot.

  Another man flew out of the trees and Colin pulled his prisoner around in front of him. A dart pierced the man’s torso and Colin laughed. Nikolai flew onto the man with the tranquilizer gun and turned his hand around, effectively making him shoot himself. Nikolai looked up with a grin and Colin couldn’t help but laugh. Loud howls sounded around the forest and Nikolai picked up the man, throwing him over his shoulder.

  “Got your guy?” Nikolai jerked his chin to the man at Colin’s feet.

  Colin grabbed the man by the bicep and hauled him over his shoulder.

  “Yup. How far is the cabin? This guy must eat a lot of Twinkies,” Colin huffed.

  “They don’t make them anymore,” Nikolai sighed.

  Colin stopped mid-walk. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Well, he needs Subway.”

  Nikolai chuckled and put his hand out to Colin. “Come on.”


  Ruslan moved through the trees on the snowmobile. Carmine’s men had found their tracks in the snow and reached the enclosure minutes after they had spread out. Looking over his shoulder, he spotted two men running through the trees trying to catch him. He veered right and something hit the snowmobile right above his left thigh. Ruslan lost control and the snowmobile flipped, sending him face down into the snow. He crawled for cover as the men broke free from the trees. The snowmobile was on its side, but still drivable. He just had to get to it.

  Peeking out from behind the rock he was using for shelter, a shot whizzed by him, actually moving his hair. Ruslan ducked back behind the rock and checked his gun. He would have to shoot them. It wasn’t his first time taking a life but, unlike his brothers, he didn’t enjoy it. Ruslan eyed the snowmobile and made a run for it. A shot rang out and he stopped in the middle of the snow.

  “Drop the weapon and turn around, Ruslan; I refuse to shoot you in the back,” one of the men said.

  Ruslan turned slowly.

  “I said drop the weapon.”

  “If you’re going to shoot me, I’d rather go down fighting.” Ruslan held his gun up.

  In the blink of an eye, the man pointing the gun at him was on his back. A wolf had come out of the trees and was pinning the man down. Another man broke from the opposite side of the forest and aimed for the wolf. Ruslan shot him. He went down, staining the snow crimson.

  Ruslan approached the wolf carefully. It was completely black and for just a moment he thought it was one of John’s sons - until it focused its golden eyes on him. Ruslan’s jaw dropped as the wolf snorted, then huffed. It padded over to him, all while keeping an eye on the man he’d just attacked. Ruslan stood stock still as he was sniffed from head to toe. Then, just as it appeared out of nowhere, the wolf was gone.


  Ruslan turned to find Colin running his way. He hit the man on the ground in the head and made sure he was incapacitated before turning his attention to Colin.

  “Are you all right?” Colin asked, sliding to a stop in front of Ruslan.

  “Fine. I have a werewolf to thank for saving my ass, however.”

  “Which one?” Colin looked around for the wolf.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see that particular one when we came in.”

  “Well, come on.” Colin grabbed Ruslan’s jacket and pulled. “We have them corralled in the main house. We have to get you back to U.S. soil. They’ll take care of you there.”

  “Colin.” Ruslan took Colin’s hand. “Thank you, for not killing me. And for not letting junior Markov kill me.”

  Colin smiled. “I have my moments.”


  After a placing a call to James Jacobs and Stefan Santorno, the men boarded a plane for Texas. Carmine’s men were being watched by John Quinton and his sons until a team could come and transport them to Arizona for questioning.

  Carson Drake had not only helped, but had stayed in the enclosure after the men had been captured to help guard them. His incarceration in Siberia, brought on by years of deliberately causing grave harm to others, would continue. But Wayne Maccon was willing to make a few allowances now, such as phone calls — if sons Jagger and Taylor even wanted to talk to their exiled father. Carmine’s men would be questioned by James and Derek Jacobs. Colin squeezed Nikolai’s hand and stood up.

  “I think Ruslan knows more than he’s saying,” Colin spoke quietly.

  Nikolai nodded.

  “I’ll be back,” Colin whispered, leaning down to kiss his boyfriend.

  Ruslan was in the back, looking out the window. Colin sat down next to him and smiled. Even after knowing who Ruslan was, he couldn’t help remembering the man he had come to know from class. From the first day, Ruslan had taken an interest in him, making room for him in the front of the class, carrying his lunch tray when Colin’s hands were full. Ruslan gave him a shaky smile as Colin took his hand.

  “You want to know where Carmine is, don’t you?”

  “Yes. I think it’s best if we come at him instead of constantly killing all his men.” Colin tilted his head. “Although it is fun.”

  Ruslan chuckled. He sobered and palmed Colin’s face. “You are so wonderful; I don’t want you to change. Carmine will make you into someone you are not.”

  “You have to understand why Nikolai killed Yuri —”

  “I do; it does not mean I have to like it. I know what my family was, who they have killed. I am not proud of their actions, but meeting you and knowing what Carmine has planned,” Ruslan shook his head sadly. “I cannot allow it.”

  “So you’ll tell me where he’s hiding out?”

  Ruslan turned in the seat. “I will tell you anything you want to know.”

  “You know how I feel about Nikolai, but if things were different —”

  “But they are not. I hope and pray that Nikolai appreciates what he has in you.”

  Colin looked towards the front of the plane. Nikolai had a murderous glare aimed at Ruslan’s hand entwined with his own. Colin winked at him and Nikolai’s face changed into a smile.

  “Oh, he does,” Colin grinned.


  The limo stopped at the front entrance to the gated community where most of the gang lived and Colin felt a sense of peace rush over him. He was home. The code was punched into the keypad and the gates opened slowly. The limo made its way down the street slowly and Colin looked out over Lake Como. The sun was high in the sky, even in February. Valentine’s Day was weeks away and, for once, Colin looked forward to spending it with someone.

  Nikolai’s arm was around his shoulder, holding him close, and Colin rested his head against Nik’s chest. He was finally with Nikolai the way he’d always wanted to be. The only thing left was for Nik to make love to him — and he’d be working on that tonight. Colin chuckled at the thought, drawing a raised eyebrow from Nik.

  Ruslan was occupied with the view. The man had given up every bit of information he knew. The assassins on James Jacobs’ and Stefan Youngblood’s teams would be working together on an all-out assault on Carmine Rizzo’s compound in East Germany.

  It was going to get bloody.

  The limo came to a stop in front of Stefan and Jordan’s house and Colin smiled when he saw all his friends waiting. Nikolai exited the limo first and was crushed by Landon Reynolds, Jayden and Greg Reynolds son.

  “Dude! Damn you got tall!” Landon laughed, clapping Nikolai on the back.

  “Look who’s talking,” Nik laughed. He noticed Paul and Mark Greystone walking out of the house and smiled. “Uncle Paul, Uncle Mark. It’s good to see you.”

  “Well,” Paul shook Nik’s hand. “Looks like you got my son to date you after all.”

  “Yep, and it isn’t even my enemies coming aft
er him, like you were afraid would happen.” Nik shook Mark’s hand.

  “Is that my brother?”

  Nik turned at the loud squeal and was almost knocked down by his sister, Katiana.

  “Hey, you! Wow, you look great!” Nikolai smiled at his sister. Katiana was the daughter of Kyle and Dante Russo. His fathers and the Russos had used the same surrogate. “So, you still dating this guy?” Nikolai jerked his thumb in Landon’s direction.

  “Yes, I am.” Katiana put her hands on her hips. “Problem?”

  “Nope, just glad you dumped what’s-his-face.” Nik grinned as Kat rolled her eyes.

  “You and me both,” Landon grabbed Katiana and held her close.

  “Aw, you guys are so cute,” Nikolai laughed. “This one I approve of.”

  Stefan looked Ruslan Borkosky over. “So, you’re willing to help us?”

  “I am,” Ruslan nodded. “I would like to be the Borkosky who changed the rules. I am the only one left and do not wish to be hunted. I would rather live my life in peace.”

  “Well, let’s get this party started,” Nikolai grinned.

  ~*Chapter Ten*~

  James’ team would be joining them the following day but, for now, they were all in on a conference call to discuss the best way of taking down Carmine Rizzo. Colin suggested being used as bait and was swiftly shut down by all the men involved.

  His hands clasped tightly, he stood up and surveyed the men in the room.

  “If I was anyone else, you’d all be jumping on this. You know it’s the best idea! Stop treating me as if I’m some helpless woman!”

  “Hey!” Katiana stood up. “Watch your mouth, Colin! I believe none of the women here are helpless. In fact, some of us are even better at the gun range than you guys!”

  Colin smiled and took Katiana’s hand. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” Colin felt a smack to his head and turned to find his sister, Phoebe, glaring at him. “I said sorry!”

  “Humph!” Phoebe sat back down and glared at her brother.


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