The Nik of Time

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The Nik of Time Page 14

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

Justice sighed. “And wasn’t that so much fun?”

  Jaxon chuckled. “You were just pissed it was Jesse who trained you.”

  “This isn’t going to be a rush in.” James looked at all of his men. “We do our homework. I’ll pull up satellite images of the surrounding area. I don’t want anything going wrong.”

  “Well then.” Stefan clapped his hands together. “Let’s eat and get down to business.”

  ~*Chapter Eleven*~

  Colin stood on the back deck and looked over the lake. His part in all of this was to simply walk to the front door and knock — so to speak. Carmine would know it was a trap. He just wouldn’t know the extent of the army coming to kill him. Colin sighed. He didn’t even care. He didn’t consider Carmine Rizzo his father. He had two fathers and they had raised him from six months. He had a home, a sister and a brother and friends he could count on. Now he had a boyfriend as well.

  Colin couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Nikolai Markov. His ‘Tigger.’ He just wished that Nik could remember all the time they’d spent together, whether it was at the pond or in the tree house. Colin looked over to the left and smiled. The tree house had been rebuilt for the next generation. After the accident, Stefan had torn the rest of it down and rebuilt it along with Jordan and Colin’s uncles.

  Ducks glided across the lake and faint sounds from the highway met his ears. It was peaceful here. It was home. After he turned fourteen, he’d spent a lot of time away from home. Going away to school meant being far enough away from Nikolai to try and get over him. Colin snorted. Yeah, that hadn’t happened. The minute he saw Nikolai again in the football locker room at college, he was right back where he’d been before. In love and in misery. His ‘Tigger’ had forgotten all about him.


  Colin looked over his shoulder to see his dad, Mark, smiling at him. His fondest memories were of his fathers holding him and reading to him at night. They’d always treated him as their biological son even if he didn’t resemble either one of them. Phoebe was biologically his father Mark’s, where Conner was Paul’s. He’d never felt different. Not once.

  “Hey, Dad.” Colin turned to receive the hug from his father.

  “How are you?” Mark held his son close.

  “Good. I know what’s coming my way.”

  Mark pulled out of the hug and held his son’s face. “You don’t have to do this, you know that, right? We can take care of Carmine and you don’t ever have to be involved.”

  “But I do. He’s put my family and everyone I care about in danger. He’ll never stop coming until he has me, Dad.”

  Mark balled his fists. “That son of a bitch. Who the fuck does he think he is?”

  “He thinks he’s my father.” Colin took his dad’s hands. “But he’s not. I know who raised me, who loves me. I know who I am.”

  “You’re a Greystone, Colin.” Mark wiped at his eyes.

  “I am,” Colin nodded.

  “You might be a Markov someday,” Mark smiled.

  “Stop trying to marry me off.” Colin rolled his eyes.

  “Oh please. It’s so obvious that you’re in love with Nikolai. You always have been. The way your eyes lit up whenever Andrei and Vince came to visit, the way you held Nikolai in your arms and read to him – it all gave you away. He followed you everywhere and you him. You two are meant to be, you always were.”

  “He doesn’t remember everything, Dad,” Colin sighed sadly.

  “He doesn’t need to.” Mark took Colin’s face in his hands. “That man would die for you; whether he remembers the past is irrelevant. The future is all he sees and he sees it with you. His memories will come back in time.”

  “I can see now why Uncle Andrei was so scared about Devin remembering who he is. He went through the exact same thing with Uncle Alex.”

  Mark nodded. “As soon as Alex remembered Dylan, he couldn’t get back to him fast enough. Andrei was hurt; he understood, but it hurt him nonetheless. You and Nikolai are different. You are the only one he remembers, there is no other great love,” Mark said. “You’re it for him.”

  “Yeah, he is.”

  Mark looked over his shoulder to see Nikolai standing behind him.

  “So, on that note,” Mark coughed lightly and winked at Colin. “I’ll leave you two.”

  Nikolai smiled as Mark passed him, squeezing his hand. He leaned against the deck railing and glanced over at Colin. The sun on Colin’s features made him even more gorgeous. Nikolai leaned into Colin’s shoulder and then hip-bumped him.

  “What?” Colin grinned.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. I just want this over with.”

  “So, um, you kissed Ruslan, huh?” Nikolai clasped his hands and looked at the floor of the deck.

  “It wasn’t like that. It was a peck, Nik. I’ve dated guys, don’t get me wrong, but it never went past the kissing or fondling stage.”

  “What kind of fondling?” Nik’s head shot up.

  “You really want all the details? I could ask about all your tawdry sexcapades. But I think it would make me ill….”

  “Point taken. From here on out, we don’t talk about the past — as far as other men go.” Nikolai put his hand out to Colin.

  Colin shook Nik’s hand and pulled him into his chest. He wrapped his arms around Nik’s waist and kissed his chin. Nikolai brushed his lips across Colin’s forehead and breathed him in.

  “Are you smelling me?” Colin chuckled.

  “Yes, I love your scent. It’s like lavender and vanilla. What is that?” Nik inhaled Colin’s skin at his neck.

  “Probably my soap.”

  “You travel with your soap?” Nik raised his brows.

  Colin narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I do. It reminds me of home.”

  Nikolai sobered and searched Colin’s face. “I know you can take care of yourself, really, I do, but you have to know I’m not just going to sit back during all this. I’ll protect you.”

  Colin reached out and caressed Nik’s face. “You have it all wrong.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes, you do. It’s always been my job to protect you, Nikolai. I don’t care if you’re bigger, stronger, faster or meaner, it’s been my job from the moment you were born and it will continue to be until the day I die.”

  “Well, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. We have years of being apart to make up for.” Nikolai cupped Colin’s face in his hands. “I want to start making up for lost time.”

  The sliding glass door opened and Nik looked over his shoulder. Colin’s brother, Conner, stood smiling at them. Nikolai sighed and stepped back from Colin. Conner was an exact replica of his father, Paul. He had raven hair and clear green eyes.

  “Conner,” he nodded. “How are you?”

  “I’m still alive,” Conner grinned.

  “I’m surprised,” Colin snickered. “Dating Lorenzo’s daughter could be hazardous to your health.”

  “Uncle Lorenzo’s not bad,” Conner smiled. “You just have to know how to handle him. Juliet and I –” Conner looked from his brother to Nikolai, and then swallowed hard. “He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?”

  Colin nodded slowly.

  “Hello, Conner.” Lorenzo leaned over Conner’s shoulder. “You were saying?”

  “Um, nothing?” Conner stepped forward, out of his uncle’s reach.

  “Lorenzo.” Reece stepped out on the deck. “Leave poor Greystone alone.”

  “But it is fun, my love.” Lorenzo winked at Colin.

  Reece rolled his eyes. “Come on back in guys. We’re getting ready to eat.” Reece waited for Lorenzo to go back in, and then smiled at Colin and Nikolai. “I love seeing you two together. True love conquers all.” Reece shook his head and then went back inside.

  Colin coughed slightly and motioned to the door. “Well, let’s go.” Nikolai searched his face and Colin gave him a weak smile. Nikolai hadn’t said those words yet. Colin knew how he felt, but he wasn�
�t going to say it first. That was opening up way too much. No, he’d wait for Nikolai to use the ‘L’ word first.


  The house was packed as all the men sat around eating while discussing their plan of attack. The Skull Blasters would leave early in the morning along with the werewolves to stake out the complex. They would fly over under the cover of night and parachute in. Satellite imagery of the area was grainy, but they got a good feel for the building. It was a stronghold of sorts in the middle of Bad Freienwalde, a national park.

  Ruslan had given them more than enough information and his life was now in jeopardy; Carmine Rizzo had probably already put out the hit. He would go to Alaska with Wayne Maccon, where he’d be protected. The alliance among Andrei, Devin, Vince, Nikolai and Ruslan was strained, but necessary.

  Ruslan had mentioned the wolf he’d seen at the enclosure to Hayden.

  “Black with golden eyes?” Hayden’s brows pinched in thought. “That doesn’t sound familiar and I’ve seen all of the wolves in that enclosure. Was it a female?”

  Ruslan’s cheeks colored. “I believe it was male.”

  “Huh.” Hayden tilted his head. “A male in the female enclosure. I mean we have some - Walter, Roy and Carson, but that's it. Are you sure it was a male?”

  “Well, the testicles hanging from it kind of gave it away,” Ruslan said, averting his eyes from Hayden’s.

  Hayden looked around the room and found Wayne in the corner with Seth. He sent a mental message and Wayne made his way over.

  “What’s up, Hayden?” Wayne sat down.

  “Isn’t there a Russian pack?”

  Wayne nodded. “Yes, there is, but I have not allowed them to join with us. When I spoke to their alpha, he did not pass the test.”

  “What test?” Ruslan asked.

  Wayne turned to face Ruslan “All the packs that want to combine with us are asked one simple question — do they have a problem with gays. If that answer is yes, they are not allowed into my pack. The alpha of the Russian pack was very homophobic.”

  “Ruslan saw a male in the enclosure,” Hayden said. “The description doesn’t fit any of the males already there.”

  “A lone wolf?” Wayne’s brows furrowed. “It’s possible. We’ll look into the matter further once this mission is complete.”

  “I need a favor, Wayne,” Hayden said hesitantly.

  “What is it?”

  “If you send a team to investigate, I’d like to go — along with Jude.”

  Wayne grinned. “You want to try again? Was the wedding cake on your ass not a clue as to his feelings for you?” He shook his head and laughed. “I’ve never seen anyone get thrown quite that far before.”

  “I’m not giving up,” Hayden groused.

  Wayne had to smile. Hayden was persistent.



  By the end of the day, plans had been made and the men were ready to suit up. They’d be leaving in the morning for Germany. Colin closed his eyes as Nikolai’s hands massaged his sore shoulders. They were spending the night in Colin’s house on the opposite side of the lake. He hadn’t been in it since his freshman year of college. His fathers had built it for him, along with Vince and Andrei. It was supposed to be his and Nik’s house — now it truly was. He’d gotten the keys from Stefan earlier with a knowing smile.

  The king-sized bed in their bedroom was covered in a down quilt and Colin relaxed into the oversized pillows. They had three bedrooms in the house. One was going to be a nursery. His fathers weren’t subtle about expecting him and Nikolai to have kids. The other was a workout room.

  Nikolai’s fingers dug into his lower back and Colin let out a low moan. The room was comfortable. A fireplace in one corner was heating the room. Two upright dressers occupied one wall while an entertainment center covered the adjacent one. The house was well stocked with food and anything else they would need. Right now, however, Colin was in heaven. Nikolai was sitting on his ass and those fingers were working miracles on his sore body.

  “How’s that feel?” Nikolai leaned over, kissing Colin’s shoulder.

  “God, there are no words to explain how relaxing that is,” Colin sighed in utter bliss.

  Nikolai looked around the room with a grin.

  “So, our house, huh? I love it. It shows both sides of our personalities.”

  “There are no dead animals on the walls,” Colin chuckled.

  Nikolai swatted Colin’s ass. “I don’t hunt.” He furrowed his brows. “Well, not animals anyway.”

  “Yeah, well we’re certainly not putting those trophies on the wall.”

  Nikolai guffawed and resumed his kneading as Colin went on.

  “Do you think we’re weird? You know, the way our families are?”

  Nikolai paused in his massage. “I don’t know. I mean, if you look at how we all came together it’s not so weird. All the guys met through mutual friends. My pops was brought on board and he became friends with everyone. Well sort of. Now we have a whole other set of friends and allies.”

  “How weird was it to find out Devin was Uncle Tanner?” Colin chuckled.

  “I’m just glad Devin loves my dad. He went through a lot. My pops loved my dad, you know? It just wasn’t what he feels for Keegan.”

  “Well, now he has Uncle Tanner — Devin, whatever; that’s confusing.”

  “He doesn’t remember being Tanner, so he’s sticking with Devin. I get it though, you know? You’re someone for so long, you don’t know how to be anything else.” Nikolai realized how that sounded and leaned over to kiss Colin’s shoulders. “Except for me; that’s different.”

  “It is?” Colin closed his eyes as Nikolai’s hands slid up his sides and kisses rained along his shoulders and neck.

  “Yes, it is. I don’t want anyone but you, Colin. I mean, I’m never going to stop being a killer; that’s been ingrained in me since Yuri.”

  “I don’t want you to change that part of who you are. And you and the others are doing the world a service by killing who you do. But the having sex with lots of different men? Now that I can live with you changing,” Colin chuckled.

  Nikolai rolled Colin over onto his back and leaned into his face. Those eyes revealed so much. Colin was laughing, but inside he was hurt by Nikolai’s conquests.

  “I will never be with anyone but you. You have my word.”



  “Make love to me.”

  Nikolai moved in. “Anything you want.”

  Colin gasped as Nikolai moved inside him. He was getting used to the pressure, and the pain, and the all-out pleasure. His fingers dug into Nikolai’s biceps as Nik kept up a nice slow fuck, slowly easing in and out, rubbing his cockhead against Colin’s spot relentlessly. Nik’s hands were planted on either side of Colin’s head as they kissed - slowly, searching, tasting. Colin’s legs wrapped around Nik’s hips and he arched into the next thrust. Nik groaned in his mouth and Colin’s dick leaked more precum.

  Nikolai’s dick pulsed in his ass and Colin felt the familiar tingle in his spine. Heat exploded in his ass and Colin cried out, his dick spurting cum up his stomach. Nik growled in his mouth and the kiss became feral. Colin’s fingers gripped the bigger man’s hair and tightened his fingers in it. Nik’s tongue brushed against his teeth and Colin opened his mouth further, inviting him in. The kiss slowed and Colin’s nostrils flared as Nikolai slid his cock slowly back and forth inside him.

  “Nik,” Colin breathed.

  “Colin,” Nikolai moaned. He could do this all night. He loved making love with Colin. It was like Colin was made just for him, from the way they kissed each other to their movements during sex. Nikolai pulled out slowly and kissed Colin’s forehead.

  “I’ll be right back,” he whispered.

  Colin closed his eyes. It was hurting less when they made love, probably because they were doing it so often. Colin chuckled softly. Warmth covered his stomach and then traveled between his legs.
Colin opened his eyes to see Nik with a washcloth.

  “That feels good.”

  “Are you sore?” Nikolai spread Colin’s legs out further and crawled between them.

  “It’s getting easier,” Colin gasped as Nikolai kissed his inner thigh.

  “I should be biting you for that crack you made about Hayden,” Nikolai grinned mischievously and bared his teeth near Colin’s inner thigh.

  “What’s up with that? Doesn’t he have a boyfriend?” Colin sank his fingers into Nikolai’s hair, loving the softness of it.

  “Hayden has it bad for Jude Brooks. You’ll probably see Jude in the morning. The story with them is that Hayden wasn’t always a werewolf. He was human up until he was sixteen. Rogue wolves killed his parents and his dad bit him to save him.”

  “This Jude dude doesn’t feel the same for Hayden?”

  Nikolai shook his head and Colin arched his brows. “Why not? Hayden doesn’t seem like an asshole.”

  “He was when he was younger. He used to pick on Jude all the time. He had feelings for him and instead of dealing with them,” Nik shrugged his shoulders. “He picked on Jude relentlessly for being gay.”

  “But now?”

  “Now he’s trying to make up for it, but Jude isn’t having it.” Nikolai climbed up Colin’s body and hovered above him.

  Colin cupped Nikolai’s face. “You are it for me Nikolai. You know that, right?”

  Nik smiled and leaned down to kiss Colin.

  “And you for me.”

  “We should get some sleep; we’re leaving in the morning.” Colin sighed in bliss as Nikolai kissed his neck.

  “Night, Colin. Go to sleep.”

  “You go to sleep,” Colin chuckled.

  Nikolai blinked and looked into Colin’s face.

  “What?” Colin searched Nikolai’s features.

  “I said that.” Nikola’s brows pinched in thought.

  “You did,” Colin smiled. “The memories are coming back?”

  Nikolai nodded. “A little at a time. I’ll get it all back, Colin. I promise.”

  “Shh, come here,” Colin pulled Nikolai into his arms. “Get some rest.”


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