Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series Page 95

by A. M. Myers

  “I just needed a little fresh air.”

  He sighs, sinking into the chair next to the door as he studies me. “Did you have fun at the barbecue?”

  “Yeah,” I murmur, a soft smile gracing my face. “It was really nice to spend time with everyone.”

  “You seem different.”

  I meet his gaze and shrug as I remember the talk I had with the girls. “Maybe a little bit. Can I ask you something?”

  Shock blankets his face and he stares at me for a second before slowly nodding. “Of course.”

  “How much did you know when you started following me?”

  “I… uh, I knew your name and Theo’s name. I knew what you looked like and all the basic information like your address. And that your mom had died.”

  I think back to the morning I found the camera feed on his phone and the photo of Theo and me on the beach. “That picture you had, where we were spreading Mom’s ashes. Was that when you started watching me?”

  “Just about,” he answers with a nod and I sigh.

  “When did you learn everything?”

  “Tate,” he whispers, leaning back in his chair as he shakes his head.

  “I want to know.”

  Sighing, he stands up and pulls his chair closer to mine so our knees are touching. “The night that I had to bail on Road House.”

  “Oh,” I whisper, sucking in a breath. “And you never once thought to tell me?”

  “Baby, I almost told you every fucking day. It was killing me but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t betray Blaze and I couldn’t walk away from you either.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You keep saying that but no one forced you to do any of this.”

  “I’m not trying to put the blame on anyone else,” he says, grabbing my hand and wrapping it between both of his. “I wish I could explain the way I felt when I first saw you. It was like someone punched me in the gut and it didn’t take long before just watching you wasn’t enough. And once I met you face-to-face in that diner, there was no walking away for me. It didn’t matter that I had avoided relationships for years or that I have a shit ton of baggage I carry around with me because what I feel for you is bigger than all that.”

  Tears sting my eyes as I watch him, searching for the right answer. “You made me fall in love with you and then you tore me apart in a single second. I don’t know how to let that go no matter how much I want to.”

  “But you do want to?” he asks, hopeful for the first time since this all went down. I shrug.

  “I don’t know.”

  He nods, the hopeful expression still on his face. “That’s okay. I’ll keep working to make this up to you, Tate. I’m never going to stop. I’m never going to walk away. My love for you is stronger than my mistakes.”

  I nod, turning away from him as I wipe away a tear and stare out at the night sky.

  “I do have one more question,” I prompt, glancing back at him and he nods. “Why the phone calls? Was it part of some game? Did you need me to truly believe I was in danger so when all this was revealed, I’d take it seriously?”

  His brow furrows. “Are you talking about the creepy breathing calls?”

  “Yes, among others.”

  “Baby, that was never me. I thought you said it was Reed.”

  I blow out a breath and lean my head back on the chair. “I thought it was but when I found the video feed on your phone, I thought it had been you doing that, too. I mean, the whole “beware the man you know” thing seemed obvious.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Sighing, I grab the gun and push out of the chair as he releases my hand. “Follow me.”

  We step inside and he closes the door behind us, making sure it’s locked up tight before he turns to me. I walk through the kitchen, to my bedroom, and go to the closet, pushing the clothes to the side.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  I grin as I glance over my shoulder at him. “You’ll see.”

  I press on the number panel and hear a quick intake of air behind me as it pops out and I enter the code. The door springs open.

  “What the fuck?” he whispers as I step inside with him hot on my heels. “This is where you were hiding when I couldn’t find you on the cameras?”

  I laugh, imagining him freaking out when I’d gone missing. “Yes. I started spending a lot of time in here after the first phone call.”

  “Right,” he says as I sit down in front of the computer. “What were you saying about that?”

  “Hang on, I’ll pull it up.” I click on the folder where I have all the important video saved and click on one where the answering machine picked up.

  “Taaaaaatteeee,” the voice says and a shiver works its way down my spine just like the first time. “Are you there, Tate?” It waits a few seconds before continuing. “Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man you think you know.”

  There’s a few seconds of heavy breathing before the maniacal laughter that’s tormented my dreams since echoes through the safe room.

  “Jesus Christ, baby. Why didn’t you ever tell me about this?”

  I roll my eyes, leaning back in my chair. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Lincoln, but my mother raised me to be pretty self-sufficient. I don’t like asking for help.”

  “Yeah,” he scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. “I noticed. Is there anything else?”

  Sighing, I show him the note that was taped to my door and he reads it before meeting my gaze. “Does this have any meaning to you?”

  “Besides the obvious threat, it was a play I performed in high school.”

  “King’s daughter,” he muses, staring back down at the note. “Dominic King.”

  I nod. I’d reached the same conclusion after Blaze told us all the truth. My mind drifts to a man I’ve never even met before as I watch Lincoln study the note.

  “Is he really that bad?”

  He glances up. “Who? Your father?”

  I nod and he scoffs.

  “You haven’t googled him yet?”

  I shake my head, glancing at the computer screen. “I’ve been too chicken.”

  “Wait here,” he growls, tossing the note down as he storms out of the safe room and disappears into the living room. Glancing up at the camera feed, I watch him walk over to his bag and rip a folder out of the side pocket before turning back to the bedroom. He barges into the safe room again and slaps the folder down in front of me.

  “That is your father.”

  I grab it and flip it open, my mouth dropping at the first newspaper article’s headline: Family of Four Killed in House Fire.

  “Are you saying he did this?” I ask, whipping my head in his direction and he nods with a grim expression on his face.

  “No,” I whisper, turning back to the folder and flipping through more articles, each one worse than the last.

  Man Skinned Alive

  Woman Killed in Acid Attack

  Missing Child Suspected Dead

  “How could someone do all this?” I whisper, tears burning my eyes and Lincoln grabs the arms of the chair and spins it to face him.

  “Dominic King will do anything to the people who betray him and even their families aren’t safe from his wrath.”

  I shake my head as a tear streaks down my cheek. “Just like me.”

  “No, baby,” he says, kneeling in front of me. “You are nothing like this man.”

  “I… I shot you in the leg because you hurt me. I tased you over a misunderstanding and again just to cause you the same pain I was feeling. I’m a monster.”

  “No,” he growls, fisting my hair. “I don’t ever want to hear you talk like that again. Before me, had you ever hurt anyone?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Okay, then. I deserved this,” he says, pointing to his leg. “And I don’t care. Do it to me again. Hit me, tase me, shoot me; as long as you’re
mine, I’ll take it all.”

  “That’s sick. We’re sick,” I whisper and he smiles, leaning forward and pressing his forehead to mine.

  “So be it, baby. If loving you makes me a little sick, I don’t give a shit because I also think loving you makes me a better man and I’ll take that trade any day of the week.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “This is not up for discussion!” Lincoln yells from the bedroom and I laugh as I stomp away from him in a pair of shorts, pulling my diner t-shirt over my head. It’s actually quite admirable that after being shot and tased twice, the man still has balls left to challenge me.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, Lincoln Paul Archer, but you don’t get to tell me what to do. Not when we were together and definitely not now that we are split up.”

  “Goddamn it!” he roars and I pick up my pace when I hear the pounding of his boots running after me. Ducking into the kitchen, I’m certain I have him beat but when we both enter the living room at the same time, I skid to a stop. With a huff, I turn back to the kitchen and pretend like I’m going back to the bedroom before I double back and book it for the front door. I’m almost there when I feel his arms wrap around my waist and lift me up in the air as I scream.

  “I said no,” he growls, pinning my back to the wall and I grit my teeth.

  “I don’t give a shit what you said.”

  “Uh, morning, y’all,” Smith mutters, walking down the stairs with sleep still in his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “She’s trying to go into fucking work,” Lincoln snarls and I roll my eyes. It’s not like I’m walking into a lion’s den and besides, they could watch me there just as easily as they could here.

  “Y’all can just sit in a corner booth and watch me there,” I say, trying to placate them.

  Smith shakes his head. “It’s not a good idea, Darlin’.”

  “Whose side are you on?”

  “Whichever one keeps you alive.” He walks into the kitchen and heads straight for the pot of coffee I made this morning.

  “You want something to do, baby?” Lincoln asks and I narrow my eyes at him. “Why don’t you cook us some breakfast?”

  “Oh, shit,” Smith whispers, turning to face us as I glare down at Lincoln. He probably expects me to whip a gun out of my waistband for that comment but sadly, none are within reach.

  “Really? That’s your solution? Let’s get the little woman in the kitchen where she belongs?”

  His eyes widen and he shakes his head as I pull my arm back and punch him in the adam’s apple. He releases me in an instant and I land on my feet as he stumbles back and coughs.

  “Not your brightest idea, dude,” Smith mutters as he sits down at the dining room table and pulls out his phone as he smirks. “I’m gonna get Fuzz to grab some donuts for us.”

  “Are you laughing at your own joke right now?”

  He glances up at me, unable to hide his laughter. “What? It’s funny. Getting donuts is the perfect job for a cop.”

  “Oh my god,” I whisper, rolling my eyes as he glances back down at the phone and sends the text. Glancing around the living room, I realize Lincoln is gone and I sigh.

  “I think you hurt his ego.”

  I turn to Smith. “His ego is fine. Have you ever been punched in the throat? That shit hurts.”

  “Maybe he just realized that you are allowing us to keep you here because if you really wanted to leave, we’d both be unconscious and you’d be out the door.”

  I put my finger over my lips and furrow my brow. “Shh. Don’t spill my secrets.”

  “Why don’t you ease up on him? He’s just trying to protect you.”

  I sigh, sinking into the seat across from him. “And going about it all wrong. Would you ever allow someone to pick you up and push you against a wall? Men tend to think they can pick women up and toss them around as long as they are protecting them. The only difference here is I’m perfectly capable of defending myself.”

  “Well, shit,” Smith mutters, staring down at his coffee.

  “If I promise to stop, will you stop punching me or tasing me?” Lincoln asks from behind me, his voice hoarse. I turn to him and nod.

  “Include me in the conversation from now on instead of barking orders at me and yes, I will refrain from physically assaulting you.”

  He nods, rubbing at his throat as he sits next to me and grabs my hand. “You can’t go into work. There are too many points of entry and it would be impossible for us to keep our eyes on you constantly.”

  “I reiterate that I am perfectly capable of defending myself.”

  He sighs, squeezing my hand. “Please do this for me, Tate. I would lose my mind if we lost you and I need you to work with me on this.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, nodding at him and he smiles as he leans toward me. Just before his lips are about to touch mine, I put my hand up and shake my head.

  “Still not together.”

  He sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Stubborn ass woman.”

  “Caveman,” I shoot back at him and he bares his teeth at me, making my pussy clench with need.

  Oh, shit.

  The doorbell rings and all three of us turn to stare at it for a second before Lincoln stands up.

  “Expecting anyone?” he asks and I shake my head.

  “Check the cameras,” he orders Smith and Smith digs his phone out of his pocket, flicking through a few camera angles.

  “Whoever it was is already gone.”

  I stand up and take a step toward the door before Lincoln grabs my arm and shakes his head.

  “He just said no one is there,” I protest but he just shakes his head again.

  “Go check all the windows and doors to make sure they’re locked. I did it an hour ago and they were all good. I’m keeping Tate with me,” he says over his shoulder, completely ignoring me. Smith stands up and walks into the kitchen as Lincoln pulls a gun out of his waistband. I reach under the table and grab the gun out of the holster bolted under the top. He glances over at me and rolls his eyes.

  “All good,” Smith says, walking back into the living room and Lincoln nods, glancing back at me.

  “Stand back.”

  I roll my eyes as he unlocks the door and pulls it open. Just like Smith said, the porch is empty and something falls into the house as Lincoln pulls the door open further. He scoops it up before slamming the door shut again and locking both deadbolts.

  “It’s got Tate’s name on it,” Smith says, ripping it out of Lincoln’s grip and I inspect it as he hands it to me. I suck in a breath as I peel it open. Inside is a photo of my mother and a blonde woman I don’t recognize. Frowning, I glance in the folder and spot a little piece of paper folded up at the bottom. I pull it out and unfold it.

  You owe me a life.

  My hands tremble and I suck in a breath as I meet Lincoln’s eyes before glancing back down at the photo in my hand. The photo is from years ago, my mother’s face bright and worry free in a way that I had never seen her and I turn to the blonde, searching my mind for a connection but I come up empty.

  Lincoln steps forward, gently taking the note and photo from my hand before he glances down at them.

  “Fuck,” he hisses after reading the note. As he hands them off to Smith, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close, giving me the comfort I need right now.

  “Hey,” he whispers, getting my attention and I peek up at him. “It’s going to be okay. I’m not going to let him anywhere near you.”

  I nod, cuddling closer to him as I try to steady my breathing. After what Lincoln showed me and the research I did afterward, I can honestly say that my father terrifies me. There is no length he won’t go to, no boundary he won’t cross, and I understand all the things my mother made Theo and me do. I understand the drills and the training and I’m so thankful for them now but I can’t help but feel like I carry around the same evil he does – like somewhere deep down inside m
e is a person who’s capable of the terrible things he’s done.

  “I need to call Blaze,” Lincoln says, pulling back to look at me. “I’ll put it on speakerphone so you can give your input, too.”

  I nod, grateful that he’s really listening to me and we all congregate around the table as he dials Blaze’s number, puts the phone on speakerphone, and sets it in the middle of the table.

  “What’s going on, Kodiak?” Blaze answers and I sink into the chair as the guys follow suit.

  “Someone just dropped a folder off at Tate’s house.”

  “What’s in it?” he asks, apprehension filling his voice.

  Lincoln glances over at me and grabs my hand as calm washes through me. “A photo of Tate’s mom with someone else and a note that says, “you owe me a life”.”

  “Shit. Did you see who dropped it off?”

  Smith shakes his head, looking annoyed. “No, they were gone by the time we checked the cameras, boss, but I’ll go back and look at the feed beforehand.”

  “Good. In the meantime, I think we need to get Tate out of there.”

  Lincoln nods. “I agree.”

  “Well, I don’t,” I cut in. My house was designed to keep me safe from Dominic King and I tell him that.

  “I understand that, Tate, but he knows you’re there and it’s only a matter of time until he gets in. It’s just a house. I want you to come down to the clubhouse.”

  The thought of being under the same roof as Blaze right now is not appealing and I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

  He sighs. “Look, I get that I’m not your favorite person but this is the safest option.”

  “How is it safe? That will be the next place he looks for me and how the hell are we going to stop him? I’m not running from this man for the rest of my life.”

  “No one is suggesting that you do, baby, but the clubhouse is safe,” Lincoln says.

  I shake my head. “Nowhere is safe. He’s been following me for who knows how long and I’m sure he knows all the moves I can make before I even make them.”

  “Wait, what do you mean he’s been following you?” Blaze asks, an edge in his voice and I sigh before telling him about the note, phone calls, and text messages.


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