The Tulip Terror

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The Tulip Terror Page 10

by C L Bauer

  Of course, all eyes were on the bride and groom as they entered the famous restaurant. Many patrons clapped.

  Dev looked over the menu, but Lily knew what she wanted, she just didn’t know how much she could have before the Spanx went splat.

  “What time does the cocktail party begin?”

  Dev flipped his menu down on the table. “Six. We should be there a little before.”

  The server stood by, staring at Lily and ready to take her order.

  “I’d like a single burger with no onions. I’d also like a chocolate soda.”

  Dev shook his head. At least she hadn’t ordered onions. “I’ll have the same.”

  “Oh, and an order of onion rings,” Lily added.


  “What? They are wonderful.”

  Dev came closer across the table. “Onions?”

  “It’s not like we’ll be kissing later,” Lily joked, laughing so hard she snorted. “I’ll get a mint, or two?”

  Dev shook his head. “What have I gotten myself into?”

  “Sheer bliss,” she answered quickly as she held his hands across the table.

  “Nice ring, lady.”

  “Dev, you really have outdone yourself.”

  “I can’t figure out if you are thinking about Abby and the flowers at the reception.”

  She looked out the window and looked over at the building where normally she’d be working on a reception. She looked down at her ring. “I’m not thinking about anything but,” she looked up at her husband, “those onion rings.”

  “Keep it up and I’ll eat them all.”

  “Didn’t you listen to those vows? You have to share everything with me.”

  “And you have to obey me.”

  Lily winked at him. “Keep telling yourself that, buddy.”

  “Where has my sweet, unsure Lily gone?” He smiled as he tore the last onion ring in half and offered it to her.

  “She’s still here, but when it comes to onion rings, well it is every man and woman for themselves.”

  “So that’s how it is going to be?”

  Lily ate the deep fried wonder and stretched across the table for his hand. He freely gave it. “Sometimes, well you know how I am. I know I should be more confident, more patient, more of a lot of things, but it’s hard work. You’ve seen me every which way. You know I’m confident with my work, and I’m unsure on the inside. But with you, I’m better. Since I know you are out there in the world, even if you aren’t with me, I am a better person.”

  “Well, that was very thoughtful and serious. I really just wanted the onion ring to myself.”

  Lily smiled. “So this is how it is going to be.” She slowly dipped two fingers into her water glass and flicked in her husband’s direction. “And don’t you dare retaliate. This dress is too expensive.”

  After lunch, they made a couple of stops for photos and so Lily could give a quick hug to a couple of vendors she knew that couldn’t be part of the day because they were working. They headed onto the hotel, the same one Abby, Jeremy and she had fled to for safety two years ago.

  “This is even nicer than the suite we had when Tom brought us here. Same concierge level. That’s right, you weren’t here then.” She was quiet for a second and then began her examination of the room. This time there was a panoramic view of the Plaza below them. The living room featured a well accommodated wet bar, fully stocked. There was a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket and a bouquet of white hydrangeas placed on the cherry dining table. Cute, Abby, very cute.

  Lily was examining every little touch, the lovely Waterford crystal flutes beside the bucket, chocolate covered strawberries, hydrangeas, and the long-stemmed Amnesia antique lavender roses. She was touching the sofa and turned, to strike directly into her husband’s chest.

  “You have to make some noise so a girl knows you’re there.” He’d already locked her in an arm hold. He sensed Lily was thinking way too much, maybe memories, bad ones, he needed to erase.

  “Oh, I’m here.” He brought his face down for a long kiss that made her melt into his chest. She reached inside his coat to hold him closer as his lips trailed down her ear to her neck.

  “Um, you need to slow down, soldier. Besides, I’m very hot and sweaty.”

  Dev continued his soft assault to the top of her shoulder. “Then let’s get this dress off. I love this open back.” He turned her around. His lips left a trail of heat everywhere he touched. Lily was beginning to regret the keyhole opening on her beautiful dress.

  She laughed nervously. Her responsibility gene was actually yelling at her. You are never going to make it to your own reception! You let him take it off, you’ll never get it back on! But now, her non-responsible gene was yelling. It never did that, well there was that time when she’d gone drinking with that softball team many, many years ago, but that gene had been muted for years. It was screaming at her to let him continue. Who cared if they were late? Wouldn’t they have to wait for them?

  “Guys, I’m here.” The weak voice was coming from behind the bedroom door.

  Dev and Lily looked up, suddenly questioning what they were hearing and their sanity. “Abby, is that you?” Lily yelled out.

  The bedroom door opened slowly and there stood a very uncomfortable florist, a bag of rose petals in her hand. “I was decorating the bed, floor and around the tub with petals.” Her voice was cracking as she held up the bag. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your--I’m just going to stop talking now.”

  The couple continued to stare as she shuffled slowly over to her shoes, purse and supply bag behind the counter of the bar. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to still be here when you two, oh, I’m going to just leave now.”

  Dev moved over to her and removed the items from her hands. “Stop, Abby. Have you had anything to eat today?”

  Abby shook her head negatively. She hadn’t had time. She’d been working since five this morning and had just finished setting up the reception with Jeremy and the hotel staff’s assistance. The general manager had allowed her into the suite to “romanticize” the bedroom, forming a huge heart on the bed with the petals.

  “I’m going down the hall to get you some food and when I get back, the three of us are going to have a champagne toast.” Dev removed his jacket, leaving it on a chair as he grabbed his key card. “I’ll be right back.”

  Lily waved goodbye and Abby and she collapsed on the sofa. Within seconds, both women had their naked feet propped up on the table.

  “I am not wearing those heels down to the reception,” Lily announced. “I think I should have those strappy sandals in my bag. Is it in the bedroom?”

  “Yes, the hotel staff brought up your bags while I was here. Dev’s is there too.”

  Lily looked over at Abby’s pale face. She really did need some food. “How are you doing? Everything is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much again.” She patted her assistant’s hand.

  Abby rolled her eyes. “This is a lot of pressure.”

  “Yep, every weekend.” Lily played with the satin on the skirt of her dress. “It’s much easier to play dress up. I once told one of the wholesale flower distributors that they had to get the flowers right, well as much as they could, but they didn’t understand that I just couldn’t be one hundred percent right, I had to be one hundred percent right for every bride, every weekend. It doesn’t become just a job, it’s a life.”

  Abby understood completely, especially after today, being totally responsible for making this very special bride happy. “Are you having a good time?”

  “The best, Abs. I never ever thought I could have a day like today, and I get the guy. I can’t believe he did all of this, well with help, for me.”

  Dev returned in a few minutes with plates of fruit, cheeses and a couple of small tea sandwiches. He opened the champagne, the loud pop emoting cheers from the couch. He handed the women the glass flutes and poured into another glass. Abby switched with him.

I’m not using your special bride and groom glasses.”

  “Fine. So, to the ladies,” he toasted. “When I was assigned to Kansas City I never thought I would meet my wife or gain a friend like you Abby. Here’s to Lily’s and all the weddings over the years. None have been as beautiful as today’s, nor as wonderful as the ones to come in the future.”

  Once Abby finished her food and the bottle was drained she headed off to make sure everything was perfect in the rooftop lounge and reception area. Dev took her place next to his wife.

  “I wonder if she made a list.” Dev took Lily’s hand and brought it up for a kiss.

  Lily leaned her head on his shoulder, careful not to lean her made-up face on his shirt. “Are you ever going to tell me how you pulled all of this off? I asked the other night.”

  “And I said later.”


  Dev looked down at the top of her head. “Our tenth anniversary or a long plane ride, whichever comes first.”

  “I love you for it, for it all.”

  He looked at his watch to check the time, examining his hand and the new wedding band. He fingered it with his thumb as Lily rested against him. The ring was platinum and it had been partially purchased with some gift certificate Gretchen had given Lily. There was a story!

  “We probably need to get going or we’ll miss our own cocktail hour.”

  “What?” she murmured. “Sorry, I was falling asleep, but before we go I have to go to the bathroom, and this time you’re going to have to help me.” She stood up and began to pull him up. “Come on. I have to go. I know there’s a few buttons at the top of the neck, and I’ll just need you to lift the skirt up for me.”

  “Don’t pull. I’m getting up. Geez, latrine duty. I have fallen so far so quickly.”

  Lily walked through the bedroom door. “My dress fits through the door. It’s bigger than my living room in here.”

  “Mama Mia,” he murmured and then laughed out loud. Abba? Really, Dev? “I’ll be right there, honey.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Abby stood in admiration of her hard work. Every table was perfectly set with glass stemware, china, and elegant champagne colored tablecloths. Each centerpiece, and she knew each one of them intimately, was stunning featuring whites, creams and touches of antique lavender roses. Vines and greeneries with hydrangeas surrounded orchids, roses, ranunculus, and touches of lilies. She’d splurged on gardenias, tulips, peonies, lilacs and lily of the valley from Holland. Those flowers were so out of season, but Dev had approved of the expense. “Whatever you need to do, Abby. Just make it amazing,” he’d said. The fragrance was of heaven but not overpowering. She didn’t need her boss collapsing from some allergic reaction to a flower. No one knew it, but Lily was allergic to some of her favorite blooms.

  She felt Gretchen pat her on her back. “Abby, this looks amazing. She’ll be so proud of you.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You know I told Lily that she and Dev were perfect for each other, but I did doubt. They were perfect in a weird way, like they knew each other in a past life and were rushing head long to discover each other again.”

  Abby was shocked. “I’ve been thinking the same thing!” Crud, she was agreeing with Gretchen Malloy. The world was coming to an end.

  “Gretchen, thanks for everything you’ve done.”

  “I owed them. Dev really rescued me on a wedding. I’m sure you heard about the dog that ate the license, well he found that judge with a new license. The client fired me that day. I’d never had that happen on a wedding day, but I heard from them later. Dev had told them it was all my idea to get the new license and the judge. He saved my career when I acted very unprofessionally. And Lily, well, you girls have never judged me or treated me badly. She’s been through so much over the years I just wanted to do something special.”

  Abby chose silence. If Gretchen ever knew what they used to say!

  “You know, Abby, I’ll probably be sending a lot more business to the little shop.”

  Abby placed the perfect fake smile on her face. “Oh joy.” She couldn’t wait to tell Lily that good news, or threat depending on your frame of reference. But Gretchen could be tolerated, not for long periods of time, but at least throughout the planning of this wedding and promises of liquor at the end of the day.

  The couple had finally made it to their own reception. Dev was talking to Gretchen and Abby in the cocktail lounge complete with darkened windows and candlelight as Lily wandered into the main dining and dancing area.

  The flowers were breath-taking. She could only imagine the cost of this elaborate setup. Actually, she could imagine. Dev said he paid all the wholesale bills and had handed an envelope to Abby with a generous amount for all her hard work. Lilacs, Lily’s favorite flowers, were completely out of season, but Abby had worked white and lavender stems in through the assortment of flowers. The tall centerpieces featured sprays of orchids spilling onto the table with calla lilies stretching to the ceiling. The lower arrangements were fluffy with hydrangeas and all the other flowers. There were candles everywhere that would offer ambience once the sun set. Across the head table there was a row of blooms from one end to the other.

  Abby’s work proved she was no longer just an assistant. She could do it all on her own. Her eyes tracked to the center of the room. Cake, finally, cake. Lily clapped at the sight. She could smell the icing, no doubt buttercream. She knew her friend had made it just by the look of each delicate layer. Each tier featured a different design with clusters of blooms here and there. There was a simple monogram on top with sprigs of lily of the valley caressing the letters.

  Lily turned her head to spy on Dev. He was laughing about something with Abby and Gretchen. She surveyed the room. No one was there. She slowly removed a peony and swiped her finger across the icing, placing the flower to hide the hole she had just made.

  The bride placed the icing inside her mouth and relished every buttery, sugar-filled calorie that was flowing into her body, well actually to her left hip. She even licked her finger. She twirled around in the room taking it all in. Her wedding was perfect.

  “Everything to your approval?”

  She stopped in full turn, embarrassed at her actions. “You really are going to have to stop sneaking up on me.” Lily pulled him by the lapels into a warm kiss.

  “The quietness is an occupational hazard from my training,” Dev murmured. “I’m thinking from that kiss that all of this makes you happy. Do you feel like a bride now?”

  She waved him away as she moved over to the head table. “I felt like a bride the minute I tried this dress on the other day.”

  “I’m warning you, I’m behind you.” He embraced her, holding her against his chest. “And I do love the back of this dress. You are so beautiful.”

  “You won’t say that tomorrow. It’s going to take me hours to get this makeup off.’

  Dev nuzzled her neck. “You seem to forget I’ve seen you in Elmo slippers and sweats, and I thought you were beautiful then.”

  “Liar,” she joked. Her eyes focused on a small box at her seat. Abby had placed her bouquet beside it.

  “There’s many forms of beauty, darling. There’s model beauty, a child’s beauty, and a muppet’s beauty.”

  She escaped his hold and reached for the box. “What’s this?”

  “A gift for my wife. I hadn’t given her anything yet.”

  “You’ve given me these pearls, a wedding band--”

  “Those I gave to my bride.” Dev touched the top of the velvet box. “This is for my wife. Open it.”

  Her eyes widened as she lifted the necklace out of the box. The simple gold chain held a cluster of diamonds with gold leaves surrounding it.

  “It’s supposed to look like a hydrangea, you remember that flower, well actually the drugs that brought us together. I hope to make all your dreams come true.”

  “Wow, you are going to have your work cut out for you. I’ve been making a very long list
over the years.”

  They were both laughing. He silenced her with another kiss. They both looked up as they heard voices in the hallway. Dev could hear his father with his friend Paul and his wife.

  “I guess we need to greet our guests.” Dev took her by the hand as another elevator door opened.

  “Wait, do you think the necklace will be safe if I just keep it in the box on the table?”

  Dev stared at his new wife. “Really, Lily? I hope to heaven it will be. We have former Army and Navy, a Marine, a judge, FBI and DEA agents, even the CIA and a couple of police officers.”

  “Wait, one more thing,” she added as she ignored his litany of law enforcers. As she placed the box near her bouquet, she leaned over and smelled the lilacs and lily of the valley. It was a new sensation to literally stop and smell the flowers.

  As with any reception, Lily felt like the hours were going by in warp speed. The day would be over so quickly. The cocktail hour was a good time to hug those friends and family who had travelled so far. Dev’s aunt in Virginia had already planned another reception at her vineyard for those who couldn’t make it to Kansas City. Lily was reeling from the Pierce family surprises. It would be an opportunity to meet more family and to see her own brother and sister again. Maybe she’d finally meet Dev’s wayward brother. Dinner followed with numerous toasts. Father Dan gave a blessing and a few others brought their own speeches forward, some serious others not so much, like JT’s.

  “I just want to say that on behalf of the guys, we really like you Lily. You are the only woman ever invited to our game day festivities. Just remember,” he said solemnly as he raised his glass, “Go Navy, Beat Army.”

  There were numerous catcalls, Lily taking note of who was one side or another. The elegant reception had turned into a war of two arms of service. Then someone yelled something about the Air Force. Dev stood and tapped his glass.

  “I want to thank all of you for coming to this surprise party, I mean our wedding.” He looked down at Lily and smiled. “I wasn’t sure this would really work out, but I’m so happy it has. I’ve travelled to many places and none felt like home until I came here and found you, Lily.” He lifted his glass to his wife. “I’ve been many miles and no place has felt so far away as when I’m away from you. I’ve been to war and in dangerous situations, and yet you offer me the peace and that soft place in your embrace. I’ve lost my heart to many, well a few, but only one woman has found mine and protected it in her hand. We read from St. Paul today at the wedding and his beautiful words about love, but I want my new wife to believe these words I found from Solomon. Lily, you are altogether beautiful; there is no flaw in you. To my wife, I love you.” He raised his glass as did everyone else in the room. He thought he saw Gretchen crying. Really, cracks in the dragon lady’s demeanor?


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