The Tulip Terror

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The Tulip Terror Page 12

by C L Bauer

  She found the ibuprofen and the nightgown she had planned on wearing for her wedding night. It was black; black always made you look slimmer, with ivory lace around the edges. It was pretty, not sexy. Hopefully, it would do. As she exited, Dev remained asleep. She passed into the outer room and checked the refrigerator.

  “What are you doing?” Dev was right behind her. She nearly hit her head on the door.

  “You have to stop doing that!” She yelled. She grabbed her head quickly. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to be that loud.” She closed the refrigerator door to face him. “I was looking for food so I can take my ibuprofen. I know, that’s no surprise.”

  He wasn’t smiling, he wasn’t frowning. He was just standing there looking at her. “Sorry about the stealth-like behavior. I never knew I did it until now.”

  “Dev? Everything fine?” He was very quiet; too quiet, even for him.

  “More than fine. You look amazing.”

  She looked down at herself to discover what he was seeing, who he was seeing. Yikes, the nightgown clung like pantyhose on a hot day. That’s probably why she didn’t wear hose anymore. The material clung to every curve and every peak and hollow. She was feeling very much like an admired lamb, admired by a wolf!

  He turned back into the bedroom and grabbed his shirt to top off his lounge pants. “I’ll go get something down the hall. I’ll bring coffee too. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He was already out the door. In a matter of minutes he returned with two hot coffees, two breakfast souffles and a couple of danishes.

  The first few bites agreed with her stomach. She had been hungry. The danish melted in her mouth. “I love you so much right now.”

  “The danish or me?”

  “Mm, let me think on that. And I do love a good concierge level of a hotel.”

  “I did order brunch for later and they’ll deliver it here to the suite.”

  “That was very thoughtful.” She was sipping on the most glorious liquid in the world, caffeinated coffee. She’d finished her food before Dev. The headache had almost disappeared, and she was almost a human being again. He should be mad and hurt, but he seemed relaxed. Maybe he’d been too tired last night? Yep, keep telling yourself that, Lily, you little idiot.

  “Dev, are you done?”

  “I can be. What do you need?”

  She stood up slowly, took his hand and drew him up to stand in front of her. She unbuttoned his shirt and tugged it off his shoulders. “I need you. You know, I hear that wedding mornings are trending and have replaced wedding nights.”

  He followed her naturally, slowly into the bedroom. “Well, that’s because you’re usually so tired and have had too much champagne. Quality versus quantity is much more important.”

  She led him to the bed. “But I’ve heard practice makes perfect.”

  “Over the years, I’ve been very good at practicing. In fact, I’m a very good instructor. If you need basic training, I’m your man.”

  She slid under the covers and he was soon beside her, in each other’s arms. “And I’ve always been an A student.”

  “You aren’t going to make lists, are you?”

  She giggled. “Maybe, you’ll never know.” His laughter filled the room as his first passionate kiss nearly curled her toes. His hands slid up and down her satin covered form. Body to body, Lily couldn’t think of anything but how long she had waited for this man. Her hands held his head; her fingers massaged through his full hair. His lips trailed down her neck and both straps of her gown were gently lowered to expose her skin. Gentle hands moved up to caress her.

  She giggled again, and Dev’s head shot up. “What? Did I do something?”

  “You’re doing a lot of something, but I was hearing that song in my head. I wasn’t making lists, I promise.”

  He pulled back to glare at her. “What song?”

  His wife laughed again. “Oh a few songs about becoming a woman.” She snorted. She couldn’t stop herself. She was nervous and now she was the one deflecting. “What if this, we, don’t work very well together? I mean, we haven’t had much time to practice.”

  He pulled her even closer to him. “Then we keep doing it until we get it right.”

  “Ah, good evil plan.”

  “Now, stop thinking.”

  “That’s very hard for me to do.”


  Dev slid her nightgown up to her waist, caressing her backside. Lily began to giggle again. “That tickles.”

  “Geez, Lily.”

  She tightened her lips and frowned. “I’ll be serious, I promise. I’m sorry. Go for it.”

  Now Dev was laughing, but his irritation was rising as was another area of his body. “Go for it? First, you fall asleep on our wedding night and now you’re cheering me on as if I’m going for a first down or hitting a homerun?”

  “I’m sorry. Just nervous and overwhelmed by everything this week. I didn’t even get you a gift.”

  He pulled her close again. “You will, right now.”

  Lily aggressively sought out his mouth and kissed him with everything she had. His unshaven face didn’t even bother her; its friction strangely spurred her on. They both pulled back breathless.

  “That was some kiss.”

  “I am a fast learner.”

  She rubbed his back slowly as the tone of the morning changed and they began to make love. Gretchen was right, he was delicious and frighteningly passionate. And he was a bit of a dork. After they made love for the first time, he was retelling some of the advice everyone had given him about her. And he explained how he did want the fireworks at the reception, but he knew she wouldn’t and it probably wasn’t the safest idea given the fondness for explosives that some of his guests had. He also wanted the Army fight song played, not the mule, but he knew she wouldn’t. Playfully, he explained he had sacrificed a lot for her perfect wedding day, and she owed him.

  Lily rested, playing with the light hair on Dev’s chest. She found a grey one. “Dev, I have one bit of advice for you.”

  He was concerned. Her voice was like velvet, the murmur of it felt near his heart. “Honey, what? What can I do?”

  “I need you to remember only one thing.”

  “Fine, whatever it is, I’ll do it.” Her soft face was looking up into his.

  She kissed him and then softly said, “Go Navy, Beat Army.”

  He rolled her over in one swift move. “You are going to pay for that dearly, Mrs. Pierce.” His playful tickling turned into another trending wedding morning practice session of lovemaking.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The lights in the cabin of the plane had dimmed for the overnight trip to France. Despite a very long day of flying into Reagan International Airport, lunch and visiting with Dev’s dad, and then heading to Dulles Airport for an international flight to Paris, Lily was wide awake.

  She’d never flown in business class to fly overseas, and on this French airline, they served real food, not just a cheese tray that cost a fortune. The seats would actually lay down with their own pillows and blankets. She cradled a glass of wine in her left hand and leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder. That was still so weird to say, but she was happily getting accustomed to it.

  “Paris? I can’t believe we are going to Paris for our honeymoon. I’m not sure I can sleep.”

  Dev’s eyes were already closed. “You better get at least a few hours of sleep in. This is our honeymoon, but I do have to do a bit of work.”

  “Normally, I would care, but two to three weeks in Paris is unbelievable. After being away from you off and on these last few months, I’ll take what I can get. Do you know how many hours you’ll have to work?”

  Dev smiled. “It doesn’t really work that way. I’m meeting up with an old friend. Claude is currently working at the Louvre in antiquities.”

  “That sounds romantic.”

  “Old stuff in an old building is romantic?” Dev mumbled.

Louvre, antiquities, not old stuff,” Lily mocked. “Are you asleep?”


  “Nevermind. Go to sleep. I’m way too excited. But one question, why Paris?”

  He turned his head to steal a look at her bright eyes. “Where else would you take a foodie?”

  Lily giggled. “That is true. Well, I’m very happy. You sleep and I’m going to watch a movie or read, or something.”

  She finished her wine and placed the headphones on her head. She selected a movie and within a few minutes was dead to the world. When she woke, the sun was streaming in through the window and her husband was gone.

  “This better not be a bad airplane movie,” she whispered as she removed her headphones and moved a bit in her seat. You come on with your husband, and he suddenly vanishes on a perfectly good plane.She raised her head over the row in front of her and saw Dev’s form. He was talking to two of the flight attendants. As he finally turned, she saw he was carrying two coffee cups.

  “I thought you’d wake up if you smelled coffee.” He handed one cup to her. She gathered it up in both hands and took a sip.

  “Oh, that’s so good. I’m having a spiritual moment here. Are we almost there?”

  Dev settled into his seat. “No, we have a little while. They’ll serve breakfast in a few minutes. Next stop, Paris.”

  “Have you been awake very long?”

  “No, not really, but I took a walk in the quiet plane. I thought I saw someone I knew as we were boarding so I was asking the flight attendants.”

  “Of course you were. A bad someone or a good someone?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing to worry about, but if it is him, you never know until it is too late.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s comforting. Well as long as he isn’t the T word.” She could tell he didn’t understand her reference. “Terrorist,” she whispered.

  Dev sat quietly and didn’t answer her non-question question.

  “Really, Dev? You think you saw a terrorist, on our airplane?” Her voice was barely audible. If there was a marshall on the plane, she didn’t want to be the one taken away in handcuffs.

  “Oh great, breakfast is coming.”

  That good old family trait of deflection was getting old rather quickly. But breakfast was coming and she was famished. She’d let it slide, for now. She also wanted to know a little more about what kind of work he’d be doing on their honeymoon. But, for now, again, she’d just enjoy.

  After a much needed bathroom break, she returned to her seat to see the distant suburbs of the city of light out the window. She understood enough French to know they were instructing everyone to return to their seats to prepare for landing.

  “When do we meet Claude?” She tightened her seat belt.

  “I thought we’d have a few days to ourselves. I made a list, organized it and planned everything. I think you’ll be happy with that. Sorry, no post-it notes.” Lily wrinkled her nose at him and his attempt at humor. “Oh and there’s this gala we’ll be attending later. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I hope I brought an appropriate dress. I’m not sure I’ve ever been to a gala. Where’s it at?”

  “The Louvre.”

  Lily gulped. “You make that sound like we’re headed to JT’s for a game party. The Louvre and gala in the same sentence is much more. I’m not used to parties like that. I only provide the flowers for those sort of events, but I never stay.”

  “It’s not a big thing.”

  “Who is it for, some charity?”

  Dev was packing up their electronics into his carry-on. “For the President of France and the art patrons, I believe.”

  Lily’s mouth dropped open. “Dev, I now know I don’t have a dress for something like that.”

  “I have to get a tux; we’ll get you a dress. Don’t worry about it.”

  He said that so calmly. Don’t worry? Did he know her? Geez.

  Less than thirty minutes later, she could make out the dome of Sacré Coeur and the streets of Montmatre. She was landing in Paris with her husband. She grabbed his hand in hers and held on.

  “My life has certainly changed with you in it.” She kissed him on the cheek.

  Dev smiled, but he had an odd feeling. The hairs on the back of his neck were at attention. Someone from behind was boring a hole into his head. He didn’t want to alert whoever was doing it, but he’d have to be on guard sooner than he’d expected. The flight attendants had looked up the man’s name after Dev showed them his credentials. Omar Sands. What an idiot name to use. But they allowed him on the plane. I know who you are, I just don’t understand how you are here, and have been in America. The man was dead, yet here he was. Dev knew he couldn’t tell Lily. He shut his eyes. Damn, what was she going to do to him when she found out? Was he placing her in danger one more time? No amount of post-it notes, wine, food or lovemaking was going to protect him if Lily’s honeymoon was destroyed by a mission. He had to lie to her again.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dev was with the gentleman who had brought them up to their room. He was one of the hotel managers. Lily looked out their window at the view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance and the Tuileries below her. Most of the trees had lost their leaves, but there were still a few who held onto the golden leaves of fall. They could literally walk to The Louvre and the Champs-Elysees. Heck, she could probably wear short heels and feel comfortable. The city of Paris was at her feet. This was much different than the school trip. She’d worked nearly a year in the flower shop during highschool just to go to France. As students, they never had a view like this, nor stayed in any hotel with a star rating. This one had five stars for the view and the hotel.

  “Madame.” Lily turned to the two men. The manager was opening a bottle of champagne and pouring two glasses full. She hadn’t had a drink of that stuff for over two months. “I also arranged for a petite respite after your long flight. Bottled water is provided.” Lily looked toward what seemed to be a small wet bar in the corner of the sitting room. There was plenty of seating too with a small sofa, chairs and even a window seat below each large window. Gold curtains accented this room. At the other end of the room was a separate bedroom and a very large spa bathroom. Yep, much nicer than a school trip.

  “If you need my services, just ring. It is a little cool today, but that’s November in Paris. Enjoy our lovely lady.” His hand swept toward the window and its views.

  After his departure, they toasted. “Lily, always remember I love you. Je t’aime.”

  They both smiled at each other as they took their drinks, but Lily’s eyes quickly squinted. “Why do I need to always remember that? What aren’t you telling me?”

  Dev ran his hand through his hair.

  “Ah hah! There is something going on, already. Holy Moly, not even our honeymoon is immune from intrigue and danger?” She plopped down in the very cushioned lounge settee, and began examining one of the overstuffed brocade pillows. “Wow, these pillows are absolutely stunning. Now, spill.”

  Dev sat down beside her and removed the glass from her hand. “At least our wedding was immune from my job.” His eyes were twinkling. Lily folded her arms over her chest defiantly.

  “And that was a surprise attack on me, remember? Now, tell me. What’s up?”

  He popped his wristband. Lily smiled. He better never play poker with all his tells. She’d watched him at the airport. He was his usual cool self, but he was different, more cautious, even more stealth-like if possible. He had occasionally looked over his shoulder and around the corner. She’d known then, but just wondered when he would tell her.

  “I think, I know, we were followed here to the hotel. I knew this man during the war and he was on the plane. I was right.”

  “And,” Lily prompted.

  “He’s very dangerous. He wasn’t part of my work here, honestly.”

  “Can you tell me what you are doing?”

  Dev looked calmly into her eyes. “I’m meeting up wi
th Claude to look over some documents. There may be a drug ring of some kind. That’s all.”

  “You couldn’t have looked at those documents over the internet like real people do?”

  “No, they’re very sensitive and very fluid, and well, we were already coming here so I sort of volunteered. I thought you would like the special treatment at the Louvre.”

  Lily nodded. “You sort of volunteered. Right. Well, I should be angry, but I’m getting used to this agent stuff, besides, I’m not complaining about this hotel or this suite.”

  Dev touched her hand. “That was all me, not the government.”

  “Good to know, it is beautiful. So what’s on your itinerary first?”

  “How about a walk over to Notre-Dame?”

  Lily smiled. “So I can light my candle?”

  “It would be a good place to start, so get some walking shoes on, but first.” He raised his glass and gave hers back to her. “To us and to Paris.”

  Their glasses clinked, the sound of an expensive clink. “And to our apparent adventures to come.” Her addition to the toast was met with eyes that turned dark at her slight sarcasm. He’d have to check in with the United States Embassy. He needed a gun.

  There was a sedan available to them for the ride. Lily waited in the lobby, surrounded by American flags, impressive artwork and Marines, several Marines. She’d never been in an embassy, and she’d never been this close to men in uniform, spit and polished, who carried guns. She had been near her brother when he was in the Army, but he’d never had a rifle or sidearm on him.

  She examined every inch of where part of her taxpayer money went, specifically to the decorating. Did they really need that painting? Could they really afford that lamp? Was it a Tiffany? The President’s painting was obligatory, but did they have to use that expensive frame? Her legs were crossed, one shaking from nerves. Checking in with the embassy upped her anxiety level. Of course, they didn’t want or need to talk to her. She was just the wife. The little woman wasn’t necessary. Well, this little woman helped take down a drug dealer!


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