The Tulip Terror

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The Tulip Terror Page 22

by C L Bauer

  Dev attempted to remain serious as he pulled his arm away from her body to snap a salute. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll get right on that, ma’am.”

  Their combined laughter was replaced by whispers of each other’s name. Afterward, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Their final vision before slumber took them away was of that beautiful tower.

  Back at the Louvre, Jackson and Ari were watching a bowl. Two super agents on the international level were watching a blasted bowl. The bowl had not moved. They were doing a fine job of watching. The guards had been doubled, and the United States Ambassador was regaling the crowd with a story about his first trip to the famous museum. He’d lost his wife somewhere around the Mona Lisa and found her three hours later in the gift shop. Jackson rolled his eyes.

  “I’ve heard that damn story at least three times on this mission alone. The man needs to get some new material.”

  Ari continued to scan the room. “He’ll have a new tale if Khalid makes his move.” Ari’s eyes targeted the figure on the farthest side of the room, near the main exit. Khalid stood with arms folded. He was smiling at Ari.

  “I see him,” Jackson muttered as he followed Ari’s line of sight. “He seems very relaxed, too much even for him.”

  “I’m baffled. I don’t know what his next move will be, nor ours.”

  “Who’s the bodyguard next to him? He looks American or German.”

  Ari sighed. “Brad Keeting, CIA. At least he was CIA when we all knew him. Dev knows more about him. I believe one of your brother’s friends had a thing with him, something about a tank.”

  “Ah, it was the priest.”

  Ari laughed out loud. “A priest?”

  “Well, in fairness, he wasn’t a priest when he pranked Keeting. The man didn’t think it was too funny. I don’t know much more than that.”

  “I like the priest.”

  Jackson glanced at his partner. “You know him. Do you remember Dan? He’s a priest now.”

  “Really? He and I drank Arak for hours one night.”

  “What does that taste like?”

  Ari’s head tilted as he watched Khalid begin to move out of the throng of people. “Anise, what you might know as the taste of licorice. I liked him.”

  “So, what do we do about him?” Jackson pointed toward the moving figure.

  “Absolutely nothing. We can’t do anything until he makes a move. We’ve done all the leg work. INTERPOL has their eyes watching everything. We just stand here watching a bowl.”

  Jackson touched his earpiece and spoke quietly. “The target is on the move. We’re staying here with the Ambassador and the bowl. We’ll need cleanup tonight for all the drugs in this place and has anyone found Henri Dupont?”

  Brad Keeting looked back toward the two international agents. “They just don’t know what to do.”

  “They most certainly do,” Khalid stated. “Don’t doubt that we are being followed. They are not idiots. I may want their deaths, but I do not underestimate them.”

  “Then should we go after Pierce tonight? Our men say he is back at the hotel.” Brad Keeting wanted to do something. Walking away was just not his style. Besides, he became nervous while doing nothing.

  “No, Agent Keeting. Leave him be. He is on his honeymoon. We can give him a few months to enjoy his little wife.” Khalid continued to move through the crowd, smiling at many of the gala benefactors. Several shook his hand and thanked him for his monetary support of the arts.

  Brad Keeting wasn’t happy with the instructions, rather the lack of them. “But it would be easier here in Paris, tonight. It’ll be more difficult when he is back on his home turf.”

  Khalid ignored him until they stood waiting for his limousine. He had a plan. He didn’t want to hear excuses or arguments, especially not from an American. “It will be done when I say. I want him with his friends. I want them to suffer together. Maybe I meet their wives first. Yes, that would make it all real to the soldiers.” He stopped and relished in his plans. “Keeting, you must have patience.”

  “Oh, I can have patience, I just don’t like waiting. They are all out of the Army now. I ran into Pierce over a year ago. You need to know he works for the DEA now, tracking drugs.”

  Khalid smiled. “Then our paths will definitely cross. Civilians are so much easier to track down.” His driver arrived, and the two men entered the large vehicle. “My that was a nice night, but it is too early to retire. Tell the men to be ready in one hour. Make sure Henri is ready. We have a long night ahead of us.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Are you sure you have enough chocolate? I think Switzerland and Germany may still have some left, but France is tapped out thanks to you, honey.” Dev asked as he held up the two shopping bags in his hands. Lily and he had just spent the entire day shopping. He needed a drink. A nice cognac would warm him and calm his nerves. The woman could shop. She was deliriously happy. Dev had to admit he was happy too; he’d never had that much fun shopping. But the good time was over as they entered the hotel.

  “Agent Pierce, I’ve been waiting for you.” The man who greeted them as they entered the foyer was nicely dressed, but Dev only noticed the American flag pin on his lapel. “I have a message for you from the State Department.” The man extended an envelope in Dev’s direction.

  Dev handed the bags over to Lily. “Honey, why don’t you go on up? I’ll be there in a few minutes.

  Lily’s smile decayed, dying in reality. She reached up, kissed him on the cheek, and grabbed the bags. “I’ll call for the Marines if you aren’t up there in fifteen minutes.” Insolently, she glared at the man and turned toward the elevator. Over her shoulder, Lily saw Dev take the envelope and follow the interloper into the bar.

  She made her way back to their room, dropped the shopping bag and removed her boots. She sat down on the window seat and looked down on her Paris masterpiece. From the stone streets to the Tuileries below her, Paris was beyond belief. She was in love with a city. Well, she was also in love with a wonderful man. For the first time in her adult life, she wasn’t worried about her future, her paycheck, or even her self-confidence.

  Had it been fifteen minutes yet? She also didn’t have a watch on for the first time in years. Now, what was going on? We’re supposed to leave tomorrow afternoon.

  Lily sighed. She wondered what Abby was up to. Was she really settling into the daily routine of running a flower shop with her boss?

  “Stop it,” she said out loud. “Where are you, Dev?”

  As if he heard her question, her husband entered the suite. “I’m here. Everything is fine.” He made his way to her and kissed the top of her head. “Looking at my rival?”

  “Yes. Paris and I are in love. We’ve been meaning to tell you.”

  Dev chuckled. “I knew that since the first night when you preferred looking at the tower instead of your husband.”

  Dev headed toward the sofa and took off his shoes. He stretched his long legs out over the small coffee table. Lily rose and sat down next to him, stretching out her own legs to touch his.

  “Dev,” she said as she looked into his eyes seriously, “I won’t give up Paris, and I’m not going to divorce you either. You’ll just have to live with this relationship.”

  Dev laid his arm around his wife and pulled her close. “That’s fine until we visit Rome or London. We are not adding any other city to this marriage.”

  “Agreed.” Lily was resting her head against his chest. She looked up into his eyes. “Are you going to tell me about your visitor?”

  “He was from the State Department, via the Embassy. He was updating me on some things, and we also have a stop before we leave tomorrow. Bernard Notte remains in a coma, but he is safe in a military hospital, well as safe as possible. We need to meet Claude back at the Louvre. It’ll be a good thing to say goodbye.”

  “Are you angry with her?”

  Dev’s chest rose and fell deeply. “More disappointed than angry. I have no words for what
happened with Tom and now all her dealings with drugs and diamonds.”

  “And do we know what will happen to her?”

  Dev rubbed his wife’s back slowly. “Apparently, she is still at the museum so I’m not sure anything will. INTERPOL and UNESCO may have some sort of arrangement. I’m not asking. Frankly, I’ll be happy to get back to my own drug dealers, less intrigue.”

  Lily pushed back and kissed him on the cheek. “Very funny. Less intrigue, right. At least my encounter with the Notte family is all over for now.”

  “Unless the matriarch starts dealing.” His smile elicited a shove from his wife. “Seriously, if Bernard survives, he’ll always be looking over his shoulder for Khalid. He’ll also have major prison time, hopefully. Now, I have reservations for dinner at a fantastic restaurant tonight. I’m going to knock your socks off with romance and food.”

  “That sounds wonderful, but I’m not wearing any socks.”

  “Then we’ll have to remove some other item of clothing.” He reached out for Lily as she quickly stood up.

  She shook her finger at him. “You are very good at that.”

  “Among other things. We have time before dinner for me to show you my proficiency.”

  As Dev came toward her like a stalking tiger, she headed to the bed and plopped down. This was a honeymoon!

  That evening, Lily enjoyed her last bite of chocolate mousse. It was the final course, following french onion soup, cheeses, escargot and her favorite duck confit de canard. Who knew duck could taste so good? But escargots are just too slimy. Garlic and butter make them better, but those items make everything better. The candlelit dinner was a dream.

  “It’s getting late. We should probably get back to the hotel.” Dev finished paying the bill and asked for their coats.

  “Shall we walk back?” Lily wanted one more opportunity to relish in Paris’ light. The November skies were pitch black, but the city glittered. The darkness couldn’t hold a candle to the glowing romance she was living in.

  “I insist.” Dev helped her with her coat. “You are going to love it outside.”

  “I’m not sure about that. I’ll need a coffee or hot chocolate to help thaw me out, but I just want one more walk at night.”

  Dev led her through the restaurant and then stopped her short of the door. “Close your eyes.”


  He turned her around. “Close your eyes and I’ll lead you out. I have a surprise for you.”

  “Devlin Pierce, you are a very weird man. Fine, I’ll close my eyes, but don’t let me run into anyone or anything.” She did trust him, didn’t she?

  She felt the cold air on her face. He had his hands on her shoulders and his face near hers. “Paris has one more gift for you. Open your eyes, Lily.”

  Lily felt something wet on her face as she slowly opened her eyes at his direction. Her eyes became wider. It was snowing in Paris, and it was beginning to accumulate. “Oh my goodness.”

  Dev stole a kiss on her cheek and gathered one of her hands in his. “Nothing else? Could it be that snow makes you speechless?”

  Lily swept away a tear. “It’s like magic.” She leaned her head up to see the flakes in one of the city lights. “This is one of my dreams.”

  “Any others?” Dev couldn’t stop watching the awe and joy on her face. She was like a child sometimes, and maybe that’s what drew him to her. He did need to lighten up, to enjoy the life he had. They had both been workaholics who were just looking for that perfect partner in crime and in love. “I hope I can make all your dreams come true, Lily. I really do.” He brought her gloved hand up and kissed it.

  Lily Pierce was silent as she watched him romance her. How did I get so lucky? The entire day had been perfect. It was hard to believe that tomorrow they would be heading back to the United States, to Dev’s home.

  Her husband and she walked hand-in-hand across her favorite bridge. There was no mention of any secret agents, terrorists, family or even any sort of intrigue. She heard distant police sirens. We aren’t involved, thank God. There was only talk of their life together. There was even mention of beginning a family as soon as they could. They weren’t getting any younger.

  There was music playing out into the street from a small club. Dev pulled her in and they sat at a table in a dark corner. Her husband was very good at enticing her to be very bad. He nuzzled her neck and caressed her shoulders slowly.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  “Is it working?” he whispered.

  “You know I’m a ‘given’, don’t you? I’m a sure deal. There’s no reason to persuade me. We are married.”

  “Ah, but if I don’t keep you happy, you’ll stay here with Paris.”

  “Devlin, you had me at chocolate, and you paid for it.”

  Dev laughed. “Let’s go back to the hotel.”

  “I thought you’d never get to that.”

  Later that night, Lily woke from a nightmare. She was breathing hard from the dark dream. She had seen a figure in the shadows. The man reminded her of Khalid. He was coming after her. Then he turned, and he was headed toward Father Dan, then JT, then Paul and finally, the terrorist pulled out a gun and shot. The shadows cleared, and a spotlight was on the body laying on the ground. It was Dev, his eyes closed and blood staining his shirt. She turned to face the terrorist, and he was raising a glass of champagne in her direction.

  She slowly moved from the bed and grabbed the hotel’s robe. The room was cool again. She turned on one of the lamps in the corner of the sitting area and shuffled to her favorite seat. Lily looked out the window and saw her beloved tower. It was the last time she would see it. Even her obsession with it could not warm her; that nightmare had left her heart cold. She grabbed her shoulders. She was shaking from fear and the lowered temperature.

  “Lily, honey, come back to bed.” Dev’s voice was filled with sleep. What was she doing in that window seat? “You’ll freeze over there.”

  She fled her view and walked quickly back to the bed. His body warmed the sheets. Lily moved her cold feet onto his legs.

  “Geez, Lily. Are your feet always cold?”

  “I guess so.”

  “That’s something I should’ve known before I married you, but we haven’t really spent a winter together.” He pulled her closer and rubbed her back. “You are so cold. What were you thinking about over there?”

  Why did he have to be so darned perceptive? “I was just thinking.”

  “Oh no. That means you were probably making lists.”

  Lily didn’t smile. He was attempting to be charming. “I wasn’t. I was just thinking.”

  Dev softly lifted a curl that had drifted down into her eyes. He could tell she was thinking, thinking hard. But maybe he saw some fear, or was she just cold? “Honey, is everything alright? Are we alright?”

  Lily nodded and shut her eyes. Tears were forming. Her lids shut tighter in a vain attempt to stop the leakage. She failed. Dev’s finger swept the tear from her cheek.

  “I don’t know what is bothering you,” he whispered, “but I know that whatever it is, we, you and me, we can conquer it together. We always do. I used to think I worked very well in a team, a team of three, five or more, but you and me, well we are the best together. You’ve taught me that.”

  She nudged her head under his chin and took her position on his chest. “Just hold me.”

  Her husband wound his arms around her back and held her close. He stayed awake until he heard her even breathing. He didn’t understand the dragon she was fighting, but he would carry the sword to protect her at any cost. Holding her close, intimately in his arms, was the best job he’d ever had. This marriage thing was pretty good. Hopefully, it would survive the reality of every-day living and the huge changes she would have once they arrived back in the United States. She was coming from brides to boredom in Alexandria, Virginia.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Lily could see that Dev was hesitant. She knew he hid any nerv
ousness at all times, well maybe except for their wedding day. He did seem a little different that day. She knew his tells and he had used them during the service, including running his hand through his hair and tugging at his watchband a couple of times. She wouldn’t say he was nervous as they entered the Louvre one final time, but she would say he was on guard.

  They were led by one of the security guards through the side entrance, through the hall where once stood flower urns and columns filled with drugs, to the exhibit hall where the tulip bowl sat in captivity.

  “Well, at least Khalid didn’t succeed in capturing the old bowl,” Dev murmured to her. His hand was secure around Lily’s. He tightened his grip as he saw Claude standing near the exhibit. She smiled slightly. Her eyes were red.

  The French woman took a few steps towards them and opened her arms to embrace Lily. She seemed to be holding on for dear life to her new friend. “I’m so sorry, Lily,” Claude whispered into her ear. “I don’t know how I can ever make it up to you.”

  Lily patted her back. “You gave me a wonderful day trying on designer dresses. We had one beautiful day.”

  Claude pulled back. “We did, didn’t we? Maybe someday we can have another?”

  Lily nodded. “Yes, of course.” The women stepped back from their embrace. Claude stood as a prisoner awaiting a verdict and sentencing from Judge Pierce.

  “What can I say to you? Will you ever forgive me for all of this? For Tom?” Claude’s voice caught as she said their dead friend and love’s name. Lily was holding back tears. She could see Dev swallowing hard.

  “There’s nothing to say. You did what you thought was right for what you wanted.” His gaze tore through Claude. If he was Superman, his x-ray eyes would have obliterated the woman.

  “I’ve done some things I am not proud of, but for good reasons.”

  Dev nodded. He understood doing bad things for the greater good, but usually when he acted on that skewed principle it was to save a life, not a piece of art or an old clay bowl. It had been in the heat of battle, not at a restaurant in Paris. He had to live with his decisions, now Claude would have to live with hers.


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