Chase: A Secret Millionaire Romance Novel

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Chase: A Secret Millionaire Romance Novel Page 9

by Violette Paradis

  He turns around like the gentleman that he is. I peel off my white dress and hang it on the branch of a nearby tree. Thankfully I’m wearing cute underwear—my black pin-up style high-waisted underwear and a matching black bra. They’re a remnant of my brief but intense rockabilly phase last year. Pulling off my sandals, I make my way to the rocky area and climb to the top. When I’m at the top, I look down into the water. It’s about a thirty-foot jump into the deep, dark water.

  “Gabe!” I call out.

  He turns around and searches for me on the shore. He finally spots me on top of the small cliff. He grins.

  “You’d be crazy to jump!” He calls out.

  “I guess I’m crazy then.”

  Without waiting another beat I jump off the edge. I’m weightless for what seems like forever. When I finally pierce the water’s surface, I feel the ice-cold river consume me. The shock paralyzes me for a moment as bubbles roar around me. The water is fast, just like Gabe said. Stretching my arms out, I propel myself up to the surface.

  “Amber!” Gabe grabs me. “Are you okay?”

  Through my blurry eyes, I can see the concern on Gabe’s face. I laugh.

  “That was awesome!” I push my hair out of my face.

  We’re both treading water as the river flows around us, I can already feel us drifting down the shore a bit.

  “Oh my god, this feels amazing.” I dip my hair back into the cool water. Closing my eyes, I let my body float on the surface as the river takes me.

  “Not so fast.”

  Gabe grabs me again as he grabs a nearby branch from a tree leaning over the river. I grab the branch as I float on the surface of the water. The sun warms the top of my body as the water cools the bottom. A warm breeze tickles my exposed skin.

  “There,” he says. “Now you won’t end up in the ocean.”

  I smile. “Maybe I want to end up in the ocean.”

  He hesitates a moment. “I’d be sad if you did.”

  “You can come with me.”

  He stays silent.

  I close my eyes and feel the sun on my eyelids. The cold water rushes over my body.

  “This is heaven,” I say in a soft voice.

  Feeling like I’m at a spa, I listen to the chirping birds, the burbling of the river, the sound of my breath. When I open my eyes, I see Gabe staring at me.


  “I’m looking at your tattoos,” he says. “I didn’t realize you had so many.”

  I instinctively touch my ribs where I have a tattoo of a flower. “Yeah, I guess I do have a lot.”

  “I know what the birds mean, but what does the flower mean?”

  I smile as I close my eyes again. “I got that when I played a live show for the first time. I have this idea that I’ll get a tattoo whenever I hit my big milestones. My first one was to write my first song—which is when I got my birds. The flower represents my first gig which was at the Magnolia. My next tattoo will represent my first official album. One that’s available in stores. That’s where the Rock Heart Festival comes in.”

  “What are you gonna get?” He asks, treading the water next to me.

  “I don’t know yet. That depends on how everything unfolds.”

  “I see. Well, I’m sure it’ll be awesome because the ones you have are already pretty cool.”

  I smile. “Thanks. I like them too.”

  “Do you ever get freaked out that you’re gonna have them forever?”

  Closing my eyes, I relax against the water again. “Nothing is forever. Not even tattoos.”

  I put my arms out and skim the top of the water.

  “Yeah, I guess you could get them removed,” he says.

  “And even if I don’t, my body will decay and my tattoos will decay along with it. I only have this body for another sixty-something years anyway, if I’m lucky.”


  I open my eyes. “What?”

  “I never thought about it like that. Some things feel so… permanent.”

  “Nothing is permanent. Everything is changing, always. The leaves, the water, my emotions, your thoughts…”

  The sound of cicadas and running water fill the silence. I open my eyes again to look at Gabe. He’s staring at me with a lustful stare.

  “What?” I push myself upright so that I’m looking at him.

  “Nothing,” he says. “Just looking at you.”

  Feeling myself blush, I look down. It’s not usual that I get bashful like this but there’s something about Gabe that pulls it out of me. My gaze lands on his chest. I see those deep scars on his skin. Reaching out I linger my fingers over them. I look up into his eyes to see if this is okay. His lips part but he doesn’t say anything. I lightly touch the scar on his chest. His throat moves as he swallows. He pulls back slightly and so do I.

  “Sorry,” I say. “Do they hurt?”

  He shakes his head. “Only the memories do.”

  “What happened?”

  He pulls his gaze away, squinting as he looks out at the glistening river. He remains quiet.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have pried.”

  He looks back at me. He treads closer. He’s so close that I can hear his heartbeat on his breath. I wonder if he can hear mine too.

  “You’re an interesting person, you know that?”

  I smile. “Well, I’ve always known that I was different. Interesting? Sure, I’ll take that.”

  He stares at me with an intensity bordering on the intimate. He gets closer as if he wants to touch me… or kiss me. I know I told myself no more guys, but the rebel in me is curious to see what can happen between us. What’s wrong with a little innocent fun anyway? Gabe reaches for my cheek. His icy cold fingers are a welcome relief against my heated skin. At first, I assume he’s going to lean in and kiss me. But instead, he picks something off my cheek and holds it on his fingertip.

  “An eyelash,” he says. “Make a wish.”

  I let out a short laugh, realizing how much tension I’m holding in my chest. “Let’s see, I wish—”

  “No,” he says. His voice drops to a deep timbre. “Don’t tell me. It won’t come true if you tell me.”

  My cheeks warm instantly as I look into his dark eyes. The chemistry boils between us. I can barely think when he’s looking at me like that. All my wishes for the past six months have been the same thing—getting a recording contract at the Rock Heart Festival. But with Gabe looking at me this way, I think I might have a new wish. Without breaking eye contact, I lean in and blow on his finger. The eyelash doesn’t move. There’s too much moisture on his fingers.

  He raises his eyebrows. “Does that mean it won’t come true?”

  I grab his hand and push it under the water. “My wishes always come true.”

  We’re so close, I can smell his minty breath. With our hands under the water, his thumb runs along the length of mine. A shiver runs down my spine.

  What am I doing?

  Loosening my grip, I give the impression that I’m pulling away. I can’t get entangled with Gabe, not when I’m trying to get out of this place. But something about him is just so irresistible. As I look into his dark eyes, I feel myself tumbling deeper and deeper into Gabe’s world. He tightens his grip on my hand, keeping me close. Though I’m trying to hide my emotions, a subtle smile plays on my lips. Yearning, thick and undeniable, grows deep inside my belly. He leans in and I stare at those plump lips that are just begging to be kissed. A shiver of anticipation ripples down my spine. Ready to sink like quicksand into this experience, I lean in.

  Just as I’m about to kiss him, a bell rings in the distance. We both freeze as Marigold’s voice calls out for Gabe. Gabe and I look at each other. I hope for a moment that we can ignore that and continue what we’re about to do but the bell rings again and again.

  Gabe shakes his head and smiles subtly. “I guess we should get back there before Marigold sends a search party.”

  “Yeah… I guess so.” I let out a
soft sigh. “I guess I have just enough time to do this—”

  Leaning in, I lick his nose. As I pull back, I see his surprised face just before I inhale deeply and disappear under the water. Smiling to myself, I swim away before coming back up for air. As I push my hair out of my face, I hear him laughing.

  “You think you can get away with that?” He dives into the water and starts swimming after me.

  I let out a squeal as he grabs my leg. Pushing him off, I start swimming as hard as I can toward the shore but he’s too fast. He grabs me and pulls me against him. His body feels hot and strong. I let out a cry of protest before grabbing him and pulling him under the water with me. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me against him. Lingering for a moment, I indulge myself in his arms. When he starts to relax, his fingers sweep gently across my belly. I place my hands on his chest, touching him for a moment before pushing away and re-surfacing. He pops up a few feet away.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” he says, swimming after me again.

  Instead of trying to out-swim him, I splash him until he grabs me. He’s able to reach the bottom as he stands and lifts me out of the water. I’m able to feel just how strong he is as I drip all over him.

  “Gabe!” I try to reach down and splash some more water on him. I move my center of gravity back and forth so that he loses his grip but he’s strong. Really strong. I protest some more and he throws me in the water. I take the opportunity to make my way to the shore. We laugh as we climb out of the water, the fabric of our underwear clinging to our bodies. As Gabe walks past me to grab his clothes, I can’t help but glance over at his body. His muscles are on full display as he reaches for his jeans. He truly looks like a model as he pulls his jeans on and pushes his wet hair back.

  Trying to keep my eyes to myself, I retrieve my dress and sandals, pulling them back on. My hair drips down my back, quickly making my clothes damp. It doesn’t matter. The cold water feels good. Gabe is just pulling on his shirt when I walk up to him. He gives me a subtle smirk. Good god, those dimples are cute. A cool breeze blows through, rustling the crisp leaves.

  “Come on, Phoenix,” he says. “Let’s not arouse any suspicion.”

  Well, we’re certainly arousing something. Unable to hide my smirk, I walk alongside him as we make our way back to the house.




  Over the next few days, I try to focus on my chores but I’m too tempted to write new songs on my guitar. Gabe and Marigold’s insistence that I play on my own has given me newfound excitement for my craft. Finding a secluded spot in the downstairs parlor, I ready my guitar. Thinking about all the history I’ve had with Ghost, I place my fingers on the old familiar strings. Muscle memory causes me to start playing an old Dirty Laundry song. Shaking out my hand, I reposition my fingers and try something new. I play around until I find some chords I like. Humming an upbeat melody, I try to think of some lyrics. Lifting my gaze, I look out the window at Gabe who is working by the apple trees outside. His gold skin and broad shoulders glisten under the sun.

  “Let’s get lost together,” I sing under my breath. “Let’s find our Bermuda. Come on, let’s disappear.”

  Grabbing my notebook, I jot down the lyrics. It sounds good. It sounds like me. Pulling my laptop closer, I create a quick and dirty beat to go along with it. Cleaning up the lyrics a bit, I repeat the rhythm on the guitar until it becomes second nature. I play until the music vibrates through my bones and becomes a part of me. I can’t remember the last time I felt this creative, this inspired.

  “I like being around you.”

  I pause to scribble a few words in my notebook.

  “That doesn’t look like the work Miss Marigold asked you to do,” a deep silky voice says.

  “Gabe!” I jump. He’s standing in the doorway wiping himself off and pulling on a clean white shirt. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “I like being around you,” he sings.

  My cheeks instantly feel hot. “You’re not supposed to be eavesdropping!”

  He laughs. “I can’t help but hear you play. I work like twenty feet away and the windows are open.”

  He walks over and picks up my notebook.

  “Hey, give that back!” Getting onto my feet, I reach for the notebook but he holds it up and out of my reach. I can smell his masculine musk from working outside all day.

  He starts reading the notebook. “I like being around you, and I know you like being around me too…”

  “Gabe!” I pull at his shirt as I try to jump and grab the notebook. He looks at me with a quizzical stare.

  “So, you don’t want me to read this?”

  “Of course not! I’d rather you sift through my panty drawer!”

  He raises a contemplative eyebrow.


  He laughs. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “I’m not sure about that…”

  “What’s wrong with reading your lyrics anyway?” He asks. “It’s not like I’m reading your diary or anything… unless this song is about me… Is it?”

  He fully knows that he’s poking the bear.

  “Gabe,” I say in a tone of annoyance. “I have work to do.”

  A knowing smirk spreads across his face. “It is. You have a little bit of a crush on me, don’t you.”

  I turn to face him. “Yeah, I’m totally in love with you.”

  He raises both eyebrows.

  “I mean, who wouldn’t love someone who steals my notebook and eavesdrops on me while I’m working?”

  “You say that as if you aren’t staring at me all day while I work.”

  My cheeks flare with heat.

  “See? You’re blushing.”

  I touch my cheeks. “That’s because I’m high on music. And caffeine. I’ve been playing all day. Look at my calluses.”

  I hold out my hand. He leans in and looks at my hardened and blistered fingertips.

  “That looks painful.”

  “Beauty is pain.”

  “You’ve obviously gone through a lot of pain then.” His dark eyes watch me.

  I’m momentarily taken by his words. Flirting happens so easily with him that it’s hard not to get swept away.

  “You’re turning pink again,” he says.

  “Give me my notebook.”

  “But I was just getting to the good stuff!”

  I give him an expression of annoyance.

  “Fine.” He hands it back to me.

  “Why are you so difficult?”

  “Because you’re cute when you’re annoyed.” He grins.

  “Or maybe you bug me because you’re the one who’s actually in love with me.”

  “Correct me if I’m wrong,” he says, “but am I sensing some sort of mutual attraction between us?”

  “Oh my god, Gabe!”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Are you intentionally antagonizing me? Is this how you entertain yourself out here?”

  “Is there any other way?”

  The floor creaks in the hallway and we both freeze. I see a shadow in my periphery.

  “Amber!” Rita pushes the door open. “Oh—”

  She narrows her eyes when she sees how close Gabe and I are to one another.

  We pull back.

  “What are you two doing?” There’s a note of suspicion in her voice.

  “I’m just taking a break,” Gabe says. “I’m just taking notes on creativity from our resident artist.”

  I look from Gabe to Rita, who is now looking at me as if waiting for the answer.

  “Notes on creativity… well, hmm… I like to find the beautiful in the unusual.”

  Gabe’s lips curl into a smile. “The beautiful in the unusual. I like that.”

  “Were you two about to kiss?” Rita asks.

  “Definitely not,” I say.

  “Wow. You said that way too quickly,” he says.

  I laugh.

  “What do you think,
Rita?” He looks at her. “We’d be an attractive couple, right?”

  Rita scrunches her nose. “I don’t know. She’s too cool for you.”

  “Ha!” I smirk at him.

  “Too cool? Why? Because she wears a lot of black?” He looks at my black dress and combat boots. “I can wear more black. Would that help?”

  I cover my mouth as I giggle.

  “Are you going to take her out on a date?” Rita asks.

  “Wow, you’re blunt,” I say.

  Gabe narrows his eyes. “Aren’t you a little young for that stuff? How could you possibly know what a date is?”

  Rita holds up her book which has the image of a mysterious man on the cover. “Nolan Hardman goes on dates all the time.”

  “Nolan Hardman?”

  She clutches the book to her chest. “He’s the smoothest talking man of mystery in the west.”

  “Smoother than me?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “Ew, definitely.”

  I can’t control my giggling. Gabe shoots a sharp glare in my direction which only makes me laugh harder. “She said it, not me.”

  “So?” Rita asks. “Are you going to ask her out on a date?”

  “Yeah, Gabe.” I look up at him and quizzically tilt my head to one side. “Are you going to ask me out on a date?”


  “Maybe?” I raise my eyebrows.

  “It depends on what you want to do on that date.”

  I shake my head. “Nope. If you ask me out, you have to plan the date.”

  “What would you plan?” Rita asks as she stares attentively with her big violet eyes. “Nolan Hardman always takes Penelope on the most romantic dates.”

  “Yeah, Gabe.” I watch him with a devious smirk. “You have to top Nolan Hardman, the smoothest talking man of mystery in the west.”

  He smirks at me. “Well, first we’ll have dinner and wine at a really expensive restaurant.”

  “Show off,” I mutter.

  Rita chortles.

  He’s clearly taken aback by my response. “You wouldn’t want to go on an expensive date?”

  “Hell no. No expensive dinners, no flashy gifts. That stuff’s lame.”

  “Hmm, okay. Nothing fancy.”


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