The Peacock Angel: Rise of the Decarchs

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The Peacock Angel: Rise of the Decarchs Page 29

by Glenn Dale Bridges, Jr


  The seraphim or "burning ones" as they came to be called, are the first and highest order of angels. They are few in number, I myself have known but four, and are inflamed by love for their creator because of their nearness to him. They are the only beings able to see and speak to the most high without special happenstance. They would become our teachers, guides, and castigators. I loved them almost immediately.

  The first of them simply appeared on the horizon as a tiny speck that slowly moved closer and closer. He seemed in no particular hurry, and he appeared to enjoy the lengthy walk to the pool. We had stopped our games as soon as we noticed him from afar. By the time he reached the pool we were standing motionless and silent, huddled together in awe just in front of the water. This was unprecedented. We had never before seen any other angels, nor had we ever entertained a visitor of any sort. In fact, I don't recall ever considering the notion of their being anything more than my brothers and our home before this most magnificent of creatures came to stand before us. I cannot convey the feeling of love that overwhelmed me as he opened his arms as if to embrace us all.

  "Sit," he said as we all circled around. It wasn't a command. It was more like an invitation. All were anxious to be near our visitor, and soon we were crowded about him, cross-legged in the grass, like schoolchildren at an assembly.

  "I am called Mikhael," he said. "That is the name given to me by the Uncreated. The Uncreated is my father and yours, the creator, the elect, everything . . . and although I may strive to be like him, I shall never be. For his glory is beyond us all."

  His words were simple yet complete. When he spoke of this Uncreated he radiated even more brightly than usual. His brilliant aura spilled over us, warming our insides and leaving us entranced. He continued-his words so sweet I could smell the honey.

  "I will teach you about the Uncreated and his love for you. I shall give you each names to be called and responsibilities you must honor."

  I wondered if my brothers were as excited as I was. The prospect of having something of my very own stirred me a bit. A name meant individuality, and although I never realized it, my yearning for such a thing must have sat quietly just below the surface. I was eager and impassioned. I thought about how my name might sound or what it would mean. My mind was awakened with possibilities and my head swam until Mikhael began to speak once again. I put such thoughts aside and focused on him.

  He was as easy to look at as he was to listen to. For the most part, he looked like the rest of us, but there were subtle differences that enhanced his appearance. And there was one not so subtle difference that completely elevated him above the rest of us. Mikhael was winged.

  Three sets of feathery appendages, decreasing in size, flowed from his upper and middle back. The extreme upper wings were the largest and most powerful. They were obviously responsible for any flying that was to be done. The two remaining sets were significantly smaller and hard to discern without some serious scrutiny. Only under close observation could one tell that the lesser wings were independent of the greater and that Mikhael had six wings instead of what appeared to be two. I always supposed that these secondary wings were to help with things such as balance and direction, but then again I have no way of knowing besides asking one of the winged, and that was something that I never did. After all, Mikhael was to become my primary teacher and confidant, and his wings seemed an afterthought to him-hardly worth mentioning-and so I never did.

  Mikhael never flew or even extended his wings whilst in our company. Not in the beginning anyway. I believe he felt that perhaps they would be a distraction, and he was never one to draw attention to himself. He was and is still the most glorious creature I have ever known, yet he remains completely unaware of his flawlessness. In his mind he exists only to serve and spread the love for the Uncreated that burns throughout him . . . a perfect servant.

  "Others will come after me to help with your education," Mikhael continued. "Although you were created with a vast amount of knowledge and understanding at your disposal, you still have much to learn. We will teach you. We will show you how to awaken the wealth of enlightenment that resides in each of you. All the secrets of heaven await you brothers, you must be overjoyed."

  I was beyond overjoyed. My thirst for knowledge had reared up immediately upon hearing Mikhael speak for the first time, and now my eagerness was in complete control. I had slowly maneuvered myself, using only my palms and rear end, to a spot nearest Mikhael; I was amongst those who sat in the inner circle. I wanted to stay there forever.

  I noticed the warmth that emanated from Mikhael almost as soon as I drew near to him. I had never before experienced temperature change of any sort outside of the pool, and although it was subtle, he did indeed raise the temperature in his immediate vicinity by a few degrees. How he did it, or why, I cannot answer. I can only say that it seemed involuntary, and Mikhael seemed completely unaware of his effect on his surroundings. To me the added warmth was comforting. I noticed that the others nearest to him also seemed to be slightly more relaxed than our brothers behind us.

  On the average Mikhael was larger than all of us. He may have been slightly shorter than the loftiest of our kind, such as Semjaza, but his muscularity was beyond reproach. He was dense and powerful with the arms of a warrior.

  His dark hair grew long past his shoulders. It was ever so slightly curly with sheen like glass. Thick and wavy, it appeared unkempt, yet never seemed to move at all. His face was ruggedly handsome, appearing strong yet kind, with a perpetual grin even though his message sometimes seemed a bit severe.

  "You will learn to be forces of good in the army of the Elect," Mikhael stated with slightly more authority in his voice than before. "Some of you will learn the skills of battle and the art of war. Others of you shall be taught the secrets of divining and become powerful sages. Still others of you will study the universe that surrounds us all. In it you will come to know of many wonders such as all the celestial bodies and their place in the larger scheme of things. Countless subjects we will enlighten you on, from the mundane to the most magnificent. Soon all will be revealed to you."

  Already I felt so many questions rising up to the surface of my tongue. I was anxious to know all of it . . . everything. It was hard to stop my mouth from opening, but I remained patient in spite of myself. I would not appear impetuous in front of Mikhael. For some reason what this stranger thought of me had suddenly become very important. I decided that there would be time later for all of my questions. After all, I had forever. For now silence remained the best option.

  "We shall see each other again," Mikhael told us. "But for now I must take my leave. There is always much to be done. Farewell for now. Know that I love you all, as does your Father."

  With these last words he made his way through the bodies, some of which were trying to scoot out of his way, and began to walk in the same direction he had came from. I remember hoping that he might launch himself into the blue above with powerful beats of his wings. What a grand departure that would be. But it was not to be. Not with Mikhael. Instead, he casually continued to walk until he was only a speck on the horizon, and then until he was no more. Gradually we realized that he was really gone, and we slowly began to rise up and meander about-trying to remember what we each were doing before Mikhael. Not that it mattered much anymore. Our existence would never be the same again. Everything we thought we knew was already beginning to change.


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