Angel's Halo: Forever Angel

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Angel's Halo: Forever Angel Page 11

by Terri Anne Browning

“Shit,” he growled. “God, you taste so good.”

  I kissed a path from his lips down his throat to his chest. I felt possessed, unable to stop until we were both satisfied. My hands trailed lower, cupping him through his sweats and stroking twice before diving under the material and pulling him free. I licked my way down his hard stomach until I reached his cock.

  “Jos,” he grunted, his fingers tangling in my hair as I swallowed half of him.

  I sucked and licked until he was drenched then got back on my knees and positioned myself right over him. Wrapping my fingers around the base, I guided him into me slowly. The tip had barely entered me before he was cursing, his head thrown back in ecstasy.

  “You feel so good, baby,” he groaned. Catching the back of my head again, he forced my mouth to crash down on his. He thrust his tongue into my mouth, teasing, playing with me as I sat down fully on his cock, taking all of him inside me.

  I felt stretched almost to the point of pain, but it felt so damn good. Tanner kissed me, distracting me until my body was able to adjust to his size invading my body. When the slight pain eased, I began to move my hips, riding him slowly. Feeling his groan vibrate in his chest, I pulled back, worried that maybe he wasn’t ready for this yet.

  Before I could ask if he was okay, he leaned forward, pressing his forehead to mine as he helped me move my hips faster, riding him harder. His breath came in harsh pants, his fingers biting into my flesh.

  “Fuck, I’m about to come, sweetheart,” he gritted out. “Can I come in you? Is it safe?”

  Oh hell! I’d forgotten about protection. How could I possibly take that risk when he hadn’t even met the kid he already had?

  “I’m still not on the pill,” I moaned.

  “Shit,” he muttered, lifting me off him just as thick, white streams released from his tip. I cupped my hands around his shaft, stroking him through his orgasm.

  Breathing hard, he released me to use his shirt to clean up the mess, then pulled me back down onto his cock. He was still rock hard even after coming so forcefully, but I wasn’t going to complain. Not when I was still aching for him. “Sorry, baby. That had been building for a while. I’ll last longer this time, I promise.”

  I fell against his chest, my hips already rocking as I rode him once again. “You sure you’re okay? Nothing hurts? You don’t feel weak?”

  “Weak is the last thing I feel right now, sweetheart. And the only thing that hurts is my cock because I want to come inside your tight little pussy.” He nipped at my shoulder, his fingers biting into my hips once more. “Fuck me all night, Jos. Give me what I’ve been dying for the past two years.”

  My walls clenched around his thickness, and I gave him exactly what he wanted.


  A pitiful moan jerked me awake.

  For a moment, I thought it was Reid having a bad dream, but when I opened my eyes, it was Tanner who was making that heartbreaking sound. His head moved restlessly on the pillow, his heart pounding under my ear.

  I lifted my head to see sweat beading on his brow.

  “Tanner?” I murmured softly, trying not to startle him.

  “Fuck you,” he growled. “Shut your filthy mouth about her… Jos… Stay away from Jos!”

  My stomach bottomed out because he wasn’t just pissed, he sounded a little scared too. Swallowing my own fear, I tapped him lightly on the face. “Tanner, baby. Wake up. It’s just a dream. It’s okay. Wake up.”

  His eyes snapped open, and he sucked in a few gasps before focusing on me. “Jos?” I gave him a weak smile, and he wrapped his arms around me so tight it was hard to breathe for a moment. “Thank God you’re here. Baby, ah fuck. I can’t let him get to you.”

  I kissed his chest, my free hand stroking up his side in an attempt to soothe him. “He won’t.” I tried to reassure him. “You’re here now. You won’t let him touch me.”

  He shuddered so hard, it made my own body shake. “I’ll gut him if he even looks at you,” he vowed, his arms tightening so forcefully it was painful. I mewled at the discomfort, and he instantly eased his hold. “Sorry. I’m sorry.” He kissed my forehead over and over again. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”

  “It’s okay. Just relax,” I urged. “Try to go back to sleep.”

  He lay back down, and I moved so more of my body was on top of his. I’d put on one of his extra T-shirts earlier after going to the bathroom, and it hiked up as I wrapped one leg over both of his. His four-fingered hand was under me, rubbing over my hips in a nonsexual way, but he still caused goose bumps to pop up. It felt so good to have him touch me, and soon I was falling back to sleep.

  Heavy footsteps entering the room had my eyes popping open sometime later. I lifted my eyes to see who Spider had let enter and saw Bash holding two takeout bags from Aggie’s and a drink carrier full of coffee. The smells coming from both were making my stomach growl, and I sat up beside Tanner, who was still sound asleep.

  Feeling me move disturbed him, though, and he jerked awake, his hands grabbing me when I tried to shift off the bed. “Don’t leave me,” he grumbled, half asleep. “Need you here.”

  “Yo, cousin,” Bash said as he dropped everything on the rolling chair. “Brought you some breakfast.”

  Tanner woke fully, his stomach growling even louder than my own. I untangled myself, blushing when Bash’s brows lifted at the sight of me in only an oversized T-shirt. Considering Tanner was completely naked under the covers, there was no way we could deny what we’d been doing the night before.

  “Good to see you’ve got your strength back,” Bash said dryly.

  “Fuck off,” Tanner grumbled. “Jos, put some clothes on, damn it.”

  “That was my plan,” I assured him, picking up my stack of clothes from where I’d dropped them and walking into the bathroom. Quickly, I pulled on all my clothes and folded his shirt as I crossed back to the bed.

  Tanner and Bash were already tearing into their breakfast sandwiches like wild wolves who hadn’t eaten in days. I was a little worried for my fingers as I snatched the paper bag and pulled out my biscuit. Sometimes I wondered if the Reid men were human or beasts.

  “What’s on the agenda for the day?” Tanner asked after stuffing the last of his breakfast into his mouth and reaching for his coffee.

  “You have more physical therapy today,” I reminded him, taking a sip of my own coffee after loading it with plenty of cream and sugar. “And I need to go to the office and start taking care of business. Barker Construction isn’t going to last long if I don’t start working.”

  “Damn, can’t it wait until I’m out of here so I can go with you?”

  I shook my head, popping the last of my biscuit into his mouth. “Nope. It’s already piling up too much to wait even another day.”

  “Bash, go with her,” he ordered.

  “I can’t. I’ve got to go into the garage. Flick is dealing with all the office stuff for Uncle Jack’s business, but Trigger and I have to figure out something to do about everything else. Gracie is turning it over to her dad, and Trigger wants me to step in as a partner.” He tossed the trash into the wastebasket, stretching his large body.

  “Well, someone better go with her. I don’t want her going anywhere alone.”

  “I hear you, man. Don’t worry. Your female will be protected.” Bash nodded toward the door. “I’ll take her back to the clubhouse now. Her dad will go with her, and I’ll get one of the other brothers to help out. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” he said, but he didn’t look happy about any of it. “And Reid? Who’s going to be taking care of him?”

  “You don’t have to worry about the boy. Raven and the other women are spoiling him rotten. He’s happy, Tanner. Doesn’t have a care in the world. Right, Jos?”

  I nodded, smiling reassuringly. “I’m a little jealous, actually. He doesn’t even miss me anymore.”

  “Fuck, I just want to get out of here and see him,” Tanner muttered. “Thi
s waiting sucks balls.”

  “A few more days won’t kill you,” his cousin assured him. “Just focus on getting back on your feet, and we’ll make sure your woman and son are taken care of.”

  A knock on the door was followed by Spider pushing it open to let in a nurse. She was pushing her meds cart. “Good morning, Mr. Reid. Time for your medication and vitals before I turn everything over to the day shift nurse.”

  I watched as she took his blood pressure and temperature before giving him a cup of his normal morning meds. Now that his IV was out, everything was in pill form, but I’d made them tell me what everything was the first time he’d taken them. I eyeballed each one as he took it, making sure he didn’t get anything he shouldn’t, or didn’t miss any he should.

  Once she was gone and Tanner was comfortable again, I reluctantly asked Bash to take me back. I didn’t want to leave, but I really did have to take care of work. It wasn’t just about me not upholding my grandpa’s legacy. He had men who relied on their jobs, jobs that wouldn’t be there if I didn’t start taking care of the company.

  Leaning over the bed rail, I brushed a kiss over Tanner’s lips. “I’ll come back for dinner, okay?”

  “You going to spend the night again?” he asked with a smirk, his four-fingered hand grabbing my ass and squeezing.

  “That we will have to wait and see about, mister.” I kissed him again before forcing myself to step back. “Be good today. Don’t give anyone any trouble.”

  “I can’t make that promise, sweetheart.”

  “Try, and I’ll consider staying again tonight,” I offered.

  “Fuck. I’ll do my best.” I was at the door before he called out to me again. “Jos.” I glanced back at him, curious as to that odd note in his voice. “Give Reid a hug for me, okay?”

  My heart melted at the uncertainty on his face. Smiling, I nodded. “I will, babe.”

  Chapter 18


  As quietly as I could, I opened the bedroom door and stuck my head out enough so I could look down the hall. Glancing left then right, I breathed a sigh of relief that there wasn’t anyone going to their room or lingering to talk.

  Still being as quiet as I could, I shut the door behind me and was about to make a run for the back door when the door across from mine opened and Colt leaned against the doorframe, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

  I swallowed my groan and glared at him. “Why are you hiding like that?”

  “Why are you sneaking out?” he countered.

  “Because I’m getting cabin fever. You can’t keep me locked in this room forever, Colt Hannigan.”

  “Did Doc say you could do regular activities?” His brows rose when I mumbled a reply. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Was that yes or no?”

  “No!” I yelled, feeling like a petulant child being scolded. “But he also didn’t tell me to stay holed up in bed all damn day either. I’m fine, Colt. There’s no pain.” Much, I thought. But hell would freeze over before I admitted that. “And I’m not tired. I just want to go outside and breathe in the fresh air.”

  Pushing away from the doorframe, he took my hands in both of his. “I just don’t want you to overdo it,” he said in a quiet, gentle voice. “You’re just getting over being shot, baby. I don’t want you to have a setback.”

  “But I’m fine now,” I assured him, melting into him. It felt good to have someone to lean on. Other than the rare occasions when my mom wasn’t stuck up my father’s ass, I hadn’t ever had anyone who cared about my well-being. Now, it seemed I had an entire family, with Colt front and center. Always worrying about how I was feeling, if I needed anything. Loving me.

  “All right, let’s go outside for a little while. But then promise me you’ll take it easy the rest of the day.”

  I might have actually jumped up and down in excitement if I’d known he wouldn’t send me straight back to bed. I curbed the urge and linked my fingers through his as we walked through the clubhouse.

  “Hey, Kelli,” one of the ol’ ladies called when she saw me. “How are you feeling, honey?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Good to see you up, Kelli,” another said with a warm smile as we passed through the main room.

  I returned her smile, but I kept walking, needing to see the outside world, breathe in the fresh air. Our bedroom was starting to smell stale to me, the four walls seeming to close in on me a little more every hour I was stuck in there.

  Instead of going out the front, Colt led me through the kitchen, grabbing a paper plate and loading a few sandwiches onto it from one of the platters that always seemed to be set up this time of day. Handing me two waters, he took my hand again and walked out to one of the picnic tables outside.

  The back parking lot was like a ghost town. No cars, no motorcycles, and no people scattered around eating or just shooting the shit. The air wasn’t as chilly as it had been lately, but Colt still sat close to me, as if trying to keep me warm with his nearness. Picking up one of the sandwiches, he offered it to me.

  “Eat, then we’ll walk around the parking lot a little before you go back to bed.”

  I didn’t argue, figuring I would only be wasting my breath if I tried to just yet. Instead, I bit into the turkey and cheese sandwich. I didn’t know if it was the fresh air or if I was just that hungry, but I devoured the meat and bread like I hadn’t eaten in days rather than just a few hours.

  Quinn had brought me a tray of oatmeal and toast that morning for breakfast, but she had been too busy helping to watch all the kids running around the clubhouse to have time to keep me company. Flick had come to take the tray a while later once I was finished, but she had been busy too. I knew everyone had responsibilities while we were on lockdown, and I would rather have been helping them out than stuck in that damn room all by myself.

  “How is Tanner?” I asked before washing down my last bite with my water.

  “Good. Should be coming home in a few days.” He finished off one sandwich and picked up another. “I’ve been meaning to tell you…” He glanced around to double-check no one was nearby, but he still lowered his head to whisper at my ear. “If you see Bates, you need to avoid him as much as possible. Don’t trust anything he tells you or answer any questions he might ask.”

  I widened my eyes at the seriousness of his face. “Okay. Not that I would talk to that creep anyway, but why?”

  “He’s responsible for what happened to Tanner.”

  Holy shit. I wasn’t expecting that. “And he’s still alive?” I asked incredulously.

  “For now.” Colt kissed my lips tenderly before lifting his head. “I mean it, Kelli. Turn and walk in the other direction if you see that motherfucker coming. And if you can’t get rid of him, call me. Actually, call me, regardless. I want to know if that bastard is anywhere near you.”

  “Yeah, okay. Avoidance is key. Gotcha.” I yawned, but when I saw the way his eyes darkened, I quickly snapped my mouth shut. “No, no, no. I’m fine. I’m allowed to yawn without you freaking out.”

  “You’re tiring yourself out, baby. Please go back to our room and take a nap,” he urged, his face full of so much concern, my heart turned to goo.

  But I wasn’t about to let his sinful good looks and that loving glaze in his eyes ruin my time outside. The air was crisp, and the sun was shining down on us. I was soaking up the Vitamin D and enjoying the slight breeze that was lifting my hair every few minutes. “I’m sick and tired of napping. I’m fine. Have a little trust in me to know my own limitations.”

  “You’re so fucking stubborn,” he grumbled, glaring at me as he took another bite of his sandwich.

  Grinning, I kissed his jaw as he chewed. “You love me, though.”

  “So fucking much.” Dropping the sandwich on the plate, he turned so one leg was on either side of the bench and pulled me between his thighs. I snuggled against him, pillowing my head on his chest. “I just want to take care of you. Ma
ke sure you’re okay. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I don’t want to risk missing even one day of that. I nearly lost you, Kelli. I can’t go through that shit again.”

  I sighed, a mixture of exasperation and annoyance. “Okay, fine. I’ll go back to bed… After you tell me everything that’s been going on lately that I’ve missed.”

  He didn’t tell me much unless I made him, and I knew it was because he didn’t want to “stress me out.” But not knowing what was going on around me was stressing me out more than actually knowing, damn it.

  Blowing out a frustrated exhale, he picked up his sandwich again. “Everyone seems to be pregnant lately, including Rory. You know about Bates. The election is only a few days away, so we need to make sure Jenks has all the support he can get. Willa said she’s having triplets, so everyone is watching her like she’s going to explode any minute, and she’s getting grumpy over it. And Quinn and Raider are getting married like next week or some crazy shit.”

  I blinked at his rundown of everything I’d apparently missed. I knew from what little I’d been able to catch that Gracie and Willa were both pregnant, but I’d missed the news that Rory was and that Willa was carrying multiples. Holy shit, that was scary. Quinn hadn’t told me she was getting married so soon, and I wanted to be upset she hadn’t mentioned it, but I understood how busy she’d been the last few days.

  “How did I miss all of that? You’ve been holding out on me.”

  “I’ve been kind of busy, sweetheart. I’ve barely had time to sleep lately.” He kissed the top of my head.

  “Yeah, I noticed. I’ve missed you.”

  He tightened his arm around me. “I’m sorry, baby. Things will slow down soon. Then we can start making wedding plans.”

  “Ugh. You’re not going to want a big wedding, are you?”

  “Just the family,” he assured me, but that didn’t make me feel any better. By family, I knew he meant the entire MC family. If that included everyone, it wouldn’t be nearly as small as I would have liked.

  “How about this. Me and you fly to the Bahamas, get married on the beach, come back, and have a reception afterward. Like two, maybe three weeks afterward,” I suggested.


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