Danny (Big Northwest Book 1)

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Danny (Big Northwest Book 1) Page 24

by Janice M. Whiteaker

  Surroundings the Bellamy brothers clearly weren’t as familiar with.

  They might have been better off taking the single road out of town. The police would have struggled to find them more than the sisters were.

  The light chirp Charlie used sounded to Danny’s left, barely carrying on the breeze the sisters were careful to use to their advantage, staying on the downwind side of it to keep their own scents moving away from the target they tracked.

  Frankie was the fastest at this game. She was the shortest, which meant it was easier for her to stay low to the ground, avoiding the branches that if caught, would reveal the offenders location instantly. The barely-there sound of fingers rubbing together in a noise similar to a scrambling rodent kept her spot on their radar. She was at the front of the arc, speeding along while the rest moved behind her, listening for any sound the Bellamy brothers weren’t alone in whatever this was they were doing.

  It was something Danny couldn’t think about. Not right now. Finding Sam was all that mattered, the why would have to wait until later.

  A short scratch of claws against bark made them all freeze. Danny held her breath, snapping back the senses she was letting run free, pulling them in tight and stuffing them down. She closed her eyes, using everything she had to smother herself out.

  To hide from someone just like them.

  It was how their father never knew of their nighttime activities. They learned to hide. Not just in the literal sense.

  The scratch came again as soon as the weight of a beast’s senses pulled away, sweeping in another direction.

  And once again they moved, going as fast as possible, until one of them felt the weight of their target’s senses as they watched their backs.

  It meant they knew the sisters would be coming for them.

  Danny stopped. This was not what it seemed to be. By design.

  She cupped one hand beside her mouth, gently exhaling, opening and closing her lips in a way that anyone else would mistake as the sound of the air moving through the trees.

  Instantly each of her sisters stopped and waited, hunkered down as Danny’s mind raced.

  Alex was the closest, her sharp presence moving toward her with careful, almost cat-like steps. She crouched at Danny’s side. “What’s wrong?”

  “They know we’re chasing them.” Danny checked to be sure no one else had moved, but Frankie and Charlie were still stopped and still. “I think they’re trying to catch us all.”

  Alex was close enough Danny could see her eyes widen in the dark. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. It just feels like a trap. They aren’t even trying to hide their senses.” Each sweep the Bellamy brothers made was heavy and obvious. Even a normal person would feel like they were being watched when it happened.

  “They don’t know what we are. They think we’re normal.” Alex pulled Danny close, holding tight as another sweep of the brother’s senses moved past.

  Danny waited for a full minute after it disappeared. It was more important than ever that the brothers not know where they were. “They have to know what we are, otherwise they wouldn’t be looking for us. We only knew they were in the woods because we could smell her trail. Normal people can’t do that.”

  Alex was silent for a minute as they stared at each other. “Shit.”

  Danny grabbed her and both sisters dropped their heads, focusing completely as another sweep of senses passed, this one coming sooner and moving slower than the rest.

  The Bellamy brothers didn’t know they were there.

  The second the sweep was gone Danny was up and moving, pulling Alex along with her. “They can’t find us. They don’t know we’re coming yet.”

  The brothers were probably confused as hell, wondering why they weren’t coming for their kidnapped sister.

  Danny and Alex closed in on the spot where Charlie was hiding, still waiting to know what was happening. Danny quickly and quietly filled her in and the trio moved on to collect Frankie from her spot at the front of the pack.

  Frankie’s eyes narrowed as Danny explained her suspicions. “What in the hell would they want us for?”

  Charlie chewed her lip, eyes moving around her sisters. “What if someone picked up where he left off?”

  They fell silent as the possibility that one of the people who followed their father in life, might have decided the lies he spewed carried a promise they couldn’t pass by.

  One that guaranteed control. Manipulation.



  “They would want us to carry on his plans.”

  “But that doesn’t explain the brothers being beasts.” The words were barely out of Frankie’s mouth before her eyes widened in realization. “Oh no.”

  Charlie nodded, slow and even. “Did either of them hit on you?”

  All the sisters slowly shook their heads.

  “They’re his.” Frankie’s head fell to her hands. “Fuck.”

  They were hunting their kin. Brothers who might carry the same need for power their father used as a weapon against everyone around him.

  “We have to get Sam.” Danny stood, the memories of their childhood racing through her mind. “And I think I know how we can do it.”


  “I CAN’T SIT here and wait for her to come back.” Craig paced the tree-line, listening for any sign the sisters found what they were hunting. “I need to go after her.”

  Lance squinted into the brush. “Shut up.” He held one hand between them, closing his eyes.

  Craig didn’t even breathe, his heart racing as Lance listened.

  “Shit.” Lance’s palm dropped as he scanned Craig from head to toe. “You willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe?”

  Craig didn’t even hesitate. “Anything.”

  “It’s time to go then.” Lance peeled off his shirt, shoving it at Craig as he pushed into the brush. “Stick with me and keep your mouth shut.”

  Craig nodded, shoving his way into the undergrowth, picking up Lance’s discarded clothing as it fell. He followed the path the beast in front of him made, the thick hair covering Lance’s body working as a protective barrier against the rough terrain. Lance’s beast was wider than Craig by a fair bit, so there was little left he had to duck or dodge, making it easier to keep up with the decent clip the beast moved at.

  They’d been walking less than ten minutes when the beast stopped, freezing.

  Craig did as the beast did, holding perfectly still.


  The only sounds were familiar.

  The soft scrabble of a raccoon up a tree.

  A mouse running across the debris covering the forest floor.

  The soft breeze as it lifted new leaves.

  A second later the beast started moving again, this time veering to one side.

  Craig followed, listening for any sign of Danny.

  She was going to get hurt.

  Or worse.

  The beast stopped again, one arm out, halting Craig.

  Slowly his head tipped back, eyes scanning the trees. A second later the hair on his body started to drop, landing in a pile almost like the one they found with Jude. The only difference was the color. While Lance’s beast was covered in a light brown, almost dark blond shade, the hair they found was dark brown. Almost chocolate in color.

  “Shit.” Craig’s eyes snapped up to Lance as his friend pulled on his clothes. “They’re beasts.”

  Lance’s eyes narrowed in the opposite direction. “And they’re the least of our problems.”


  DANNY HELD FRANKIE’S face in her hands, looking into her eyes. “Be careful, please.”

  Frankie smirked. “Just because you’re scared of it, doesn’t mean everyone is.”

  This made her sick to her stomach, but it was the only way.

  The only thing they had that the Bellamy brothers wouldn’t see coming.

  And hopefully it was enough.

rankie’s smirk turned to a full-on grin. “I’m going to make them shit their pants.”

  Then she turned and was gone, her lithe body scaling the tree in front of them without a sound.

  Danny looked to Alex. “Ready?”

  “Hell yes, I’m ready.” Alex straightened the baggy t-shirt she wore. “How do I look?”

  “Pretty sure it doesn’t matter.” Charlie adjusted her glasses. “Just keep them busy until Frankie shows up.”

  “I’m sure I can accomplish that.” She gave them a silent high-five and then one more sister disappeared into the darkness.

  The Bellamy brothers were no longer moving. They’d stopped at an old logging road, but they were still doing sweeps almost constantly, scanning the woods.

  That meant she and Charlie had to stay hidden. Keep the brothers from knowing where they all were as long as possible.

  Danny watched Charlie as another wave of senses passed around them, forcing all her focus on keeping herself hidden. Tamping down the buzz of energy and emotion the brothers were seeking.

  The second it passed she nodded to Charlie and they moved in tandem, making it as far as they could before it was time for the next sweep. You could almost set your clock by them now, which made them easy to anticipate, but difficult to work around since they were coming so frequently.

  Again, the second it passed the sisters pressed on, trying to keep up with Frankie as she moved above their heads, each trying to get into place before the brothers discovered Alex.

  The woods were oddly silent as they closed in on the spot where the brothers were stopped. Sam’s scent was strong here, but the anger Danny smelled at the beginning was gone.

  She fought the urge to push herself out, let Sam know they were coming. That she was almost safe.

  Regret stabbed deep and sharp. She should have gone to her sister sooner. Apologized. Let her know she understood.

  Now Sam was alone and afraid. Thinking Danny was against her. An enemy.

  Charlie shook her head, mouthing a single word at her.


  Danny dropped her head down as another pass came their way, sending Charlie crouching beside her.

  This was just the game. That’s all.

  See who could get closest without being caught.

  They’d done it a million times. Enough to know each other’s strengths.

  Frankie was quick. Quick but less careful.

  Alex was sneaky. Willing to try new techniques that may or may not work.

  Danny was the practical one, always keeping it simple and steady.

  And Charlie was the one who usually won. Patience and silence served her well.

  That’s why she was the one chosen to get Sam. Hopefully the brothers wouldn’t know she was gone until they were facing down three sisters ready to do terrible things to make sure they were never a problem again.

  Alex’s voice carried through the trees, smooth and low. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  Charlie gripped Danny’s shirt, pulling her along, moving fast through the trees as the Bellamy brothers faced their first distraction. In less than a minute they were at the edge of the road, crouched behind the last line of scrub thick enough to hide them from view.

  “My feelings are a little hurt you didn’t want me.” Even in sweatpants and a worn t-shirt Alex could convince a man to sell his soul.

  “Who said we didn’t want you?” The bigger of the brothers moved close to where Alex stood, sizing her up like a hog as he circled her.

  Most people would shrink down under the scrutiny. Not Alex. Her full lips stayed crooked in a sly smile that someone who didn’t know her could mistake as seduction.

  If you knew her then it was a knowing smirk. One that should have made the brothers realize she knew something they didn’t.

  Danny eased lower, peeking through the barely-filled-out saplings toward the area around the brothers. There was no sign of Sam. Nothing but a large canvas bag sitting on the ground behind them.

  Her eyes rested on it.

  No. Not that. They couldn’t.

  Danny started to stand up, rage racing across her skin like fire on oil. Charlie yanked her down before her head cleared the brush.

  But it wasn’t fast enough.

  The smaller Bellamy brother turned their way. “What the—”

  “Get Sam.” Danny was out of the trees in a heartbeat, racing toward the bigger brother as Frankie dropped from the tree over the smaller brother’s head, a surprised yelp barely clearing his lips before she took him to the ground.

  Danny lunged, grabbing onto the shoulders of the taller of the two men who were the latest to try to break the sisters.

  And would be the latest ones to lose.

  The large man screamed, the high-pitch of it almost as shocking as the way he batted at her while he spun in place. After a few swings he managed to connect with the side of her face, the width of his palm jolting her head to one side, making Danny see stars.

  But she didn’t let go, instead locking her arm tighter around his neck as she shook off the lingering sting of the contact.

  “Oh, hell no.” Alex grabbed his face with both hands, thumbs sinking into his eye sockets. It was the same move they taught Jude, making him practice over and over. As the brother turned his attention to Alex, Danny blinked, clearing the last of the blurred vision making it difficult to decipher the chaos happening around her.

  The Bellamy brothers were turning out to be more capable than their initial reactions suggested, and it wasn’t long before Frankie, Alex, and Danny were standing back to back with the large men circling them, one glaring with watering red eyes, and the other covered in dirt and debris from his ground-fight with Frankie.

  “Now what?” Frankie lifted a brow, looking no worse for the wear after a drop from the trees and hand to hand with a man much bigger than her.

  “Now we wait.” The small man spit on the ground, leaving a blood-tinted spatter that was barely-visible in the moonlight.

  “For what?” Alex inspected one of her nails, frowning at the jagged edge. “Bastard made me break a nail on his eyeball.”

  “For him.” The big brother said it like they should be impressed.

  Frankie leaned in. “I’m pretty sure Charlie was right.”

  “Yeah. I got that.” Danny watched the brothers as they continued to circle. They couldn’t keep doing this all night.

  The best option they had was to split up and run. The brothers couldn’t catch all three of them.

  But Charlie would be moving slower with Sam. They had to give her extra time.

  “He’ll be happy we got so many of you at once.” The smaller brother smiled, dirt caking the lines between his teeth. “Four out of six isn’t bad.”

  The bigger brother leaned to look around them, his eyes searching the ground where the canvas bag sat.


  His eyes snapped to his brother. “Where the fuck is the bitch?”

  “Don’t call her that.” Danny couldn’t control the growl in her tone.

  The biggest Bellamy brother smirked at her, unaware of what he’d done. “We’ll see how full of herself she is now.”

  The ice in his tone only made the fire in Danny’s belly burn hotter. “If you hurt her I will—”

  “You’ll what?” The big brother moved in closer. “You’ll do nothing. You’re going back where you belong.”

  “I know where I belong, and I can promise you that’s exactly where I will be going.” Danny returned his smirk, the fire raging through her veins drowning out any fear or worry.

  The bigger brother snorted. “Stupid. It’s why you need to be put back in your place like your sister.” He reached out a hand toward his smaller brother. “Give them to me.”

  The small brother’s face split into a slimy smile. “Do them all.” He pulled a pair of long-bladed scissors from his pocket and passed them over.

  “It’s the dawn of a new day.” The bigger brother came t
oward her, the scissors looped over his fingers. “It’s time to put you back where you belong.”

  It’s the dawn of a new day.

  The comment sent a chill down her spine.

  How many times had she heard it as a child?


  Frankie and Alex glanced her way.

  Their time was up. Hopefully it was long enough for Alex to get away.

  Less than a breath later they were moving, taking off without warning.

  At least it would seem that way to the brothers.

  Danny ran toward Charlie and Sam, with Frankie and Alex taking off in opposite directions, slowing their pace to make them seem the easiest to catch.

  There was no time to hide her trail, conceal her steps. This was about making sure Sam and Charlie could get far enough away. Danny raced up the hill, adrenaline and rage fueling her pace and expanding her lungs, making the trek seem easy. Her breath barely sped as her feet ate up the ground.

  Alex and Frankie moved just as fast, racing along the other way, cutting toward the road with the Bellamy brothers crisscrossing behind them, trying to figure out who was where.

  It was what made it simple to run off the men who tried to camp outside town. The sisters could move fast and furious, disappearing before the sounds they made registered, making it seem like they were everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

  And it was clearly confusing the muscle-heads chasing them.

  Sam and Charlie’s trail suddenly got messier. Broken branches and prints littered the path.

  Danny moved faster. If her sisters weren’t being careful, then something had to be wrong.

  As she tore toward them an unexpected scent joined Sam and Charlie’s, one that both comforted her and terrified her at the same time.

  There was too much to lose in the woods already.

  She broke through the last of the trees, the force she was using nearly making her fall forward without the vegetation to hold her back. Craig caught her in his arms.

  “Where’s everyone else?” He was breathing heavy from carrying Sam to safety, and the hands holding her were scratched and bleeding.

  Danny pointed down the road. “There. The Bellamy brothers are chasing Alex and Frankie.”


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