Inked (Going All the Way, 1)

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Inked (Going All the Way, 1) Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  Her clit hit the root of his shaft with every down stroke, and soon she felt her climax rising violently to the surface. But it was when Cadeon reached up and took both her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, pinched them hard enough that pain spiked inside her, and then pulled and tweaked them that she felt her orgasm burst through her like a turbulent storm.

  “Oh. God. Cadeonnn.”

  He groaned as soon as she finished crying out his name. He started lifting his hips, slamming himself up and into her every time she pressed down on him. She swore she could feel his cock pulse and thicken as he came, and that had her orgasm intensifying. When the pleasure finally receded, she was so exhausted that she collapsed on top of him and couldn’t stop herself from shaking uncontrollably.

  He moved his hands along her shoulders and only used his fingertips to skim along her flesh. “Baby, you okay?”

  She nodded but couldn’t speak as she tried to gasp for air. He lifted up but kept her close to his body as he sat on the edge of the table.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think I’ll be able to move.”

  His deep chuckle speared right through her, and she relaxed against him even more.

  “Good, because I don’t think I’ll be able to either.” He chuckled again and tightened his arm around her shoulders right before he shifted her so she was now sitting on the table. He started picking up their clothes, and she couldn’t help but blush at the sight of him bending over. Every part of him was so hard with power and colored with a collage of ink.

  “Um…” She looked down at her hands, not feeling at all self-conscious over her nudity, but suddenly feeling a little awkward on how things would proceed from this point forward. She sensed Cadeon step up to her and lift her head to stare into his eyes. “What now, Cadeon?”

  “Stella—” His sentence was cut off when there was a loud bang on the front door.

  She covered her chest despite knowing whoever was on the other side couldn’t see her.

  “Here, baby, get dressed.” Cadeon was putting on his shirt and pulling up his pants before she even had her shirt fully on. There was another round of banging on the door. “Whoever is knocking down the fucking door clearly doesn’t know we are closed.” There was a growl in Cadeon’s voice, but he waited until she was fully dressed before he stalked toward the entrance.

  She turned and glanced at herself in the mirror and made sure she at least looked like she hadn’t just gotten fucked. Her side was starting to throb now that the adrenaline high was wearing off. Stepping away from the table and more toward the waiting area, she heard another loud bang on the door, and then the sound of Booshie calling out, “Cadeon, what the fuck? Open this goddamned door.”

  Cadeon stopped and turned to glance at her with a confused look on his face. “He come with you?”

  She shook her head and smoothed her hands over her T-shirt once more. Dammit, what is he doing here? Cadeon unlocked the door, and Booshie came bursting in.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, feeling her annoyance that her dad most likely sent him to keep an eye on her. Who knew how long he was sitting outside just waiting for her to come out.

  Booshie stepped fully inside, looked around, and stopped when he caught sight of her. “Prez wanted me to come and check on you, since you didn’t answer your cell.”

  She had grabbed her purse before walking toward the door, and when she reached in and grabbed her cell, she saw there were a few missed calls from her dad. Stella had heard it ring, but talking on the phone had been the least of her worries. “I was getting a tattoo. I wasn’t about to tell him to stop just so I could answer the phone.”

  Booshie shrugged and looked from her to Cadeon then turned back toward her. “I thought I heard a scream.”

  Stella’s face heated, and she looked away. Acting as though she had done so to get something in her purse, she closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. It wasn’t like Stella was afraid of anyone knowing what she and Cadeon had done, but she certainly didn’t want to have this “Yup, I just got fucked” look on her face and have Booshie beat Cadeon’s ass on principle alone. If this was more than a one-night occurrence, she wanted to be the one to talk to her dad and the guys about it.

  But she honestly didn’t know if this had just been a quick screw, because right when they had been about to talk about what happened, Booshie started beating on the door like he was the police and had a warrant.

  She turned back around and pasted on what she hoped looked like a genuine smile. “I’m fine. I was just getting ready to pay and head home. You must have heard something outside, or maybe a car stereo from one of those kids that ride around with the damn things turned up too loud. Or maybe it was those cats. Maybe they were fighting or got their tail stepped on. You know how many strays there are around here.” She shrugged and smiled wider. “I don’t know, but everything is good in here.” Oh God, she was rambling and making herself look guilty. She looked at Cadeon, saw the smug asshole smiling at her, and narrowed her eyes. When she looked at Booshie, it was to see him staring at her with this confused look on his face.

  “You sure you’re okay? You been drinking?”

  She shook her head and felt her face heat even further the longer Booshie clearly examined her.

  “You sure? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this red in the face or go on and on about guys and their stereos or a cat getting its tail stepped on.”

  “I’m good. I should probably get going.”

  Booshie didn’t move, but he did cross his arms, causing his cut to stretch across his big body, and glared at her. He was stubborn, just as frustratingly stubborn as the rest of the MC, and that was one thing that annoyed her to no end. It was also clear he wasn’t buying her bullshit.

  “Booshie, I am fine and can get home on my own. I live like ten minutes away.” Still, he didn’t move a muscle. After a minute, she sighed and let her arms fall to her sides. “Fine.”

  She walked over to Cadeon, who was leaning against the counter and looking like he was far more amused by what was going on than she was. She tried to convey that she was sorry about this, but he didn’t reveal anything in his expression aside from continuing to grin at her.

  “How much do I owe you?” This incredible evening had ended up being uncomfortable and awkward.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He straightened away from the counter and crossed his arms in the same manner as Booshie had.

  “I insist.” What was it with men and their stubbornness? For a second, he just stared at her and then narrowed his eyes.

  “Stella, I said don’t worry about it.”

  Maybe it was foolish for her to think, but if she didn’t pay for her tattoo, it almost seemed like this was some kind of prostitute one-night hookup, like she had paid for the ink by spreading her legs. She clenched her jaw and saw Cadeon mimic the act.

  “What in the fuck is going on?” Booshie’s loud voice broke up the weirdness that had bounced between her and Cadeon.

  She turned and looked at the burly biker. “Nothing. Let’s just go.” She reached into her purse, grabbed a couple hundred dollars, and set them on the counter beside Cadeon. Booshie had already turned and was heading toward the front door, but before she could leave, Cadeon grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him so his mouth was right by her ear.

  “This isn’t over, baby. Not by a fucking long shot.”

  She snapped her eyes toward Cadeon’s.

  “But I can see you’re two seconds away from flippin’ the fuck out. When you’re ready, we will be talking about what we did and how I have no damn plans on just letting you walk away.” He let go of her and gave her this self-assured cocky grin that should have pissed her off but instead made her pulse increase with desire.

  She turned and quickly made her way out the front door. Well, she supposed that answered her question about what tonight had been about and if this was only a one-time hookup.


  It had been
two days since he had given Stella her tattoo, but he hadn’t spoken to her. He tried calling her the day after she left his shop, realizing he had not even told her the aftercare instructions for her ink. His mind had been pretty chaotic after he finally had her. His cock, although semi-hard right after he had come, had been like steel once more when he had gone to bed that night.

  But she hadn’t called him back after he left a message, and he wasn’t about to stalk her ass like some kind of psychopath. Yet there was no denying he wanted her. And for whatever reason, he wanted Stella like he had never wanted another woman before. He thought maybe it was because she was off-limits, in a sense, and maybe that had been the initial reason.

  Cadeon was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted, but with Stella, it was more complicated. He couldn’t explain why he felt this need to be with her, but after he finally had her, he felt this deep, proprietary desire for her. He wanted to protect her, take care of her, and make sure no assholes messed with her or he’d break their bones.

  “Yo, Cadeon,” Naggie called out.

  He lifted his head from the stack of papers in front of him. She had a pair of black gloves on and was getting ready to do some nipple piercings. “What?” He leaned back in his chair, and the leather creaked.

  “I asked if you could order some more twelve-gauge needles.” The girl behind her looked like Naggie’s twin with her pixie cut, slender frame, and numerous piercings.

  “Yeah, I’ll put a requisition in.”

  She nodded, but he didn’t miss the strange expression that covered her face. He lifted a brow and tipped his chin toward her client. She pursed her lips and turned around. Cadeon knew he had been acting weird the last couple days, but he hadn’t been able to help it. All he had thought about was Stella and that he wanted to see her again.

  Of course he wanted to fuck her again, but it was more than that. He wanted to get to know everything about her and wanted to learn things that casual conversation between them hadn’t revealed in the last few years. But Cadeon had never chased after a female, and the fact that she hadn’t returned his call made it seem like he would be doing just that if he pursued her more.

  “Creep” by Radiohead played overhead, and it somehow matched his mood today. He glanced at his phone that was beside him on the counter and felt like some kind of hormonal teenage needing his next Stella fix. But he didn’t reach for it and instead focused on his paperwork again, trying to push her out of his thoughts.

  He wanted her like no one else. But he wasn’t about to go sniffing around her if she didn’t want him to. That was the reasonable action to take, but Cadeon had never been a reasonable man.

  The sound of the bell above the front door dinging as it was opened had Cadeon lifting his head. A silent groan left him when he saw Tally walk in. She wore a micro-mini skirt and a halter top that hardly covered her breasts. It had first started off with her coming in for some tattoos over the last year with some heavy fucking flirting coming from her. He’d always been polite, but apparently she’d thought it had been more than friendly conversation.

  Because after that, she thought there was something going on between them, some kind of exclusivity. It didn’t matter how often he told her that there wasn’t anything there, she was persistent.

  Of course, at first, he hadn’t been so coarse or bastard-like when he had said that, but after the fourth time of her trying to have him fuck her, he had just come out and told her that he didn’t want her. But Tally was one of those females who thought her pussy was the tightest fucking thing and God’s gift to men and clearly couldn’t understand he didn’t want any part of that.

  She looked over at him, and her red-painted lips stretched wide over her too white teeth. “Hey, Cadeon.” She walked over to him, and the sound of her six-inch stilettos clicking on the tiled floor seemed to drown out the music. She leaned on the counter, and her tits nearly burst free from the too tight material of her shirt. “Can you squeeze me in a little ink?” She leaned back and lifted her shirt nearly all the way to the underside of her breasts. “I want a little heart and rose right here.” She ran the pad of her finger around her belly button.

  “You make an appointment?” Tally might get on his fucking nerves, but she was still a customer. Yet that didn’t mean he had to be the one to give it to her. The last time he had given her a tattoo, he had known she got all fucking aroused by it.

  She was a needle junkie, and although there wasn’t anything wrong with that, there was something wrong with the fact that she had been moaning the whole damn time he gave her the ink. No more would he be the one to mark her up.

  She leaned on the counter once more and gave him what he knew was supposed to be this seductive grin. Instead, it just looked downright uncomfortable, and that was exactly how he felt around her. She was not much older than Stella, but where his girl had this innocence about her, Tally was just used hard and put away wet. She had seen a lot of fucking action and she was half his fucking age.

  Wait, did I just call Stella my girl?

  “When have I ever made an appointment, Cadeon?” Her grin widened, and even though he was seated behind the counter, she eyed him up and down. “Come on, can’t you just squeeze me in? The tattoo isn’t very big. I bet you could get it down quickly but make sure you were all sorts of thorough.” She lowered her eyes, trying to look sexy, but it just made her look like she was about to fall asleep.

  “You aren’t anyone special to this shop, Tally. You got in those last few times, because there were openings. There aren’t any now, so if you don’t have an appointment, you need to make one and come back then.” He didn’t break eye contact with her, because he wanted her to know this shit she thought was between them, wasn’t.

  She pouted, and he wanted to tell her she looked ridiculous as fuck. “Really? There isn’t anything you can do for me, nothing that can be pushed back so I can be next?” She made one of those duck mouth expressions, and he curled his lip in distaste. She tried to act like she was still in high school by wearing clothes far too young for her and her overall almost childish personality.

  “No, there isn’t anything. Now, do you want an appointment?”

  She huffed and pushed away from the counter. “Fine. What is your next available opening?”

  “I don’t have any. You’ll have to book with Naggie or Ziggy.” He kept his voice hard and void of any emotion.

  “But I was hoping you could give me another one.” She leaned forward so much that he knew she had to be on her toes. “I miss you.” She pouted once more. “I keep thinking about you.” Before he could respond, she was talking again. “I know there is something there between us, but I understand you’re not the commitment type.”

  “Tally—” He growled out her name, but she cut him off before he could finish.

  “I can make you feel ten times as good as any of those other whores you sleep with.”

  He stood so forcefully that his chair slammed against the wall. He heard the sound of buzzing needles stop and glanced to his side to see Naggie and Ziggy looking over at him and then at Tally. Naggie knew all about this shit. It wasn’t like he kept them in the dark.

  Naggie had narrowed eyes trained on Tally. Naggie was not a fan of the woman, not after Tally had come onto her boyfriend at a bar a few months back. Drama followed Tally like some kind of lost dog, and no matter where she went or who she interacted with, that fucking drama was with her and rubbed off on everyone.

  “Do you want an appointment or not?” He wasn’t about to be baited into having this conversation. It had been months since they had done anything, and he would have liked to say he was drunk when he had fucked her, but he couldn’t even use that excuse. He had just been friendly, and he was now stuck with Tally hounding him for something he wasn’t about to give her.

  She shook her head and narrowed her eyes on him. It was clear she was pissed that he wasn’t getting into that with her. “Fine, what do you have open with Ziggy this we

  He brought up Ziggy’s schedule on the computer and told her what was available. After she was set up, he told himself he’d have to make himself scarce when she came back. He didn’t want to deal with this shit again. He busied himself with his work and didn’t look up until he heard the bell ding at her departure.

  “Come on, Cadeon.”

  He looked over at Naggie. She was glaring at him. “What?”

  “You know what. You need to tell that tramp to quit coming in here.”

  He looked over at the girl Naggie was about to pierce, but the woman was busy on her cell. The client with Ziggy had a smile on his tattooed face. At least someone found this shit amusing, but that didn’t mean Naggie needed to be talking about it in front of customers. “Naggie, this really isn’t the time or place to talk about this.”

  “Pfft. That tramp needs to get a life.” Naggie turned toward her client, and Ziggy did the same.

  Cadeon leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. His cell vibrated, and he looked down. The way his pulse increased at the sight of Stella’s number flashing across his screen should have made him feel like some kind of pussy-whipped adolescent. But he didn’t feel that way, and he dared anyone to tell him otherwise.


  Stella shouldn’t have been so nervous, but she was, terribly so. She had called him earlier today after not getting in contact with him for the last couple days. It wasn’t that she was purposely trying to avoid him—not really—but she had done a lot of thinking. Since leaving the tattoo shop and having Booshie follow her home, she realized this really hadn’t been just a one-time thing with Cadeon. But the one time he called her was to leave a voicemail giving her aftercare instructions.


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