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Alive Page 7

by Janice L Wick

  Looking at her phone it read: Seto, “See you tonight?”

  “Sure,” she sent,

  “Knock, knock it’s the police,” her roommate Jen said from the other side of the door.

  “Ok just give me one sec,” Mara answered.

  Jen handed her a package, and said, “This just came for you.” Mara looked at her, thinking back to see if she had ordered anything. “I don’t remember ordering anything,” she whispered.

  “Open it up!”

  “Yeah.” She undid the packing to find matching black lingerie and stockings. Her roommate gasped.

  Jen’s guest from the other room knocked on Mara’s door. “Hey someone’s at the door.”

  Jen looked at Mara and said, “I’ll get it.” A moment later, “Mara I’m going to need your help.” Mara walked to the door to see a flower courier standing there with a 2 dozen white roses and a note that said: These made me think of you.

  7:00 p.m.

  The street was a 3 lane street. She passed by the last gas station for a few miles, and then followed a 2 lane road. Until she pulled into a long driveway that circled around to a security checkpoint,

  “Hi,” she waved at the security guard, he smiled, and waved back as the iron fence lifted up.

  She entered the neighborhood crossing over a bridge with fountains shooting water in the air on either side. The gathering sound of her engine revved as she rounded the corners with the ac lifting her hair from her shoulder every few seconds. This car was huge and would not be expected her inside. She looked like a little kid behind the wheel of a semi-truck. She continued to drive deeper into the neighborhood passing by huge houses on both sides. Some with gates around there houses, others with no gate and just vast amount of land which connected to the neighborhood country clubs’ golf course.

  The sky was long and blue with clouds that reached across the sky hiding the sun. She had between her lips a cigarette just for the long trip into the neighborhood. She took one last drag and threw it out the window as she cornered her last turn.

  She pulled up to an estate with a keypad, linked to the gate, entered the code and pulled into the driveway. She sat on her car for a minute thinking of the discussion. Her thoughts were of the last time she had been to this house. It was on Mother’s day. Have I become too busy for my family, but the thought fell aside as soon as she stepped outside of her car.

  She walked out onto the driveway past the house and walked to the end of the backyard where the gate stopped. She stared at the huge river that wrapped around the neighborhood, in fact also through the city and state. She started to think- it will all be alright.

  She pulled the vibrating phone out of her pocket. And saw that Seto was calling and put it on speaker. “Hey.”


  “I'm coming over.”

  “I'm not home right now.”


  “No. I'm at my parents.”

  “Wait for me. I'm coming over.”

  “To my parents’ house?”

  “Yes. . . Is that Ok?”

  “Yea sure I'll wait.” the phone clicked.

  She texted him the address as she went back to looking at her reflection in the river before heading inside.

  Chapter 6


  Miranda got back to her huge estate not even looking at the window just lying in the back of the stretched town car, not too far from where Seto was hours ago.

  She thought about- his smell and his touch. And his taste. She rubbed her hand down her breast, arranging her clothing.

  When the car stopped, Boris helped her step out. She knew her husband was back from his trip. As she walked into the front door she stopped and watched Boris open the door. She didn't walk through. She looked at Boris for a second, before speaking then said, “Today didn't happen.”

  He looked at her, then into the house, then back at her, and said with clear pronunciation as he always did, "Mam."

  She went to her husband, both his hands were pressed against the kitchen counter, his eyes were skimming over papers and folders. He noticed her come into the room but kept on reading, “How was it?” she asked.

  “Was what?” he answered casually.

  “Your trip Nathan.”

  He responded without looking up at her, “The same as always, a lot of listening to the board, and then sand on the beach.”

  She glanced at him finding it hard to picture him on the beach being carefree. She walked over to him hoping for a kiss or a hug. “I was just out in the city trying to make friends.”

  “You have plenty of friends.” He said as a statement not a question.

  “No fun ones though.”

  “Who needs fun when you have . . .?” he stopped himself. He gathered his papers and said obviously, “I won't be able to get any work done here.”

  Normally this remark would have bothered her, but instead she began grinning on the inside knowing that another man had taken her. His touch. Taste. The most excitement in years. Much more excitement than stuffy parties and dull dinners.

  She realized nothing could bother her in this moment. She stopped herself and poured herself a glass of wine from the open bottle and walked upstairs.

  8:00 p.m.

  Seto texted, “I'm outside.” Mara buzzed the gate and watched him enter. She began to think- Am I nervous right now. As she watched him park his horse and walked the trail leading into the house. She went down to meet him. She heard the doorbell ring, as she hurdled down the stairs. The door opened with her father standing at one side and a guy dressed in tighter fitting clothes wearing unkempt hair, and a smile at the other end. His crisp white shirt left unbuttoned at the collar, sleeves rolled to his elbow. She thought- What if? Her thought was interrupted by Seto saying, “Hello Maras’s dad.”

  “Yes that's me, Hi, and you are.”

  “Just one of Mara friends.”

  Mara slid in, and said, “This is Seto.”

  “Oh well In that case call me Brian . . . Come on in.”

  She looked toward Seto and noticed him staring at her. Her dad noticed and walked back to the kitchen and said, “Dinner is almost ready. . . I hope you’re hungry,” not saying directly to Seto; more just out loud to both of them.

  “Well Seto probably won’t stay long.”

  Seto looked back toward Brian. “I would love to try some.”

  “Oh,” Mara said with hidden relief. Seto walked in and hugged her then leaned back looking at her and kissed her on the cheek. “Sweeney Go ahead and show Seto around. We just put new seats in the theater.” Brian said boastfully, not in a bragging manner. She looked at Seto and said, “Yea let me show you around.”

  “OK Sweeney.”

  She looked at him feigning anger.

  They walked up a spiral staircase with a wooden handrail and iron pickets. He stared at her body as she walked in front of him. “You guys have a theater?”

  “Yea, I’ll show you.”

  “Mara what does your dad do?”

  “He’s a lawyer, his office is close to downtown.”

  “That explains a lot.”


  “Your career choice, your authoritative voice, your . . .”


  “And what does your mother do?”

  “My mom works as an accountant, but she also works at an arts and craft store.”

  “I remember you telling me your dad worked close to downtown, I don’t remember you telling me he was a power lawyer.”

  “Must’ve slipped my mind.”


  “Yep,” she twisted the knob on the door and walked inside. “This is it,” they walked into a room with an overhead projector with a cat babysitting the room, which ran out as they walked in. Twelve leather dark brown recliner chairs in rows of 3. They sat down.

  “Comfortable. . . Where’s your room.” Her eyes looked down and then back up at him. “Come on I’ll show you.” They walked down a
long path, alongside looking down you could see the downstairs into the living room.

  “Who are these?”

  “For my sisters and my brother?”

  “So which one is yours?”

  She answered by pointing to the all pink door, she smiled. Seto lifted his hand and said, “After you.”

  They walked into the room and she looked into the mirror and said, “It’s not much.” Mara looked out the window at Seto's horse. Seto was not looking at her room, or judging her. Instead he was laying back on her bed tossing a stuffed animal up and down. “Leave him alone,” she said, as she walked over to him.

  He looked at her then back at the ceiling. He left his hand behind his head, the other to his side.

  She looked at him and thought- “So I guess he must really be mine,” she climbed on top of him. Putting her hands under his shirt feeling his skin, and kissed his neck.

  “What did I do?” he said. As he tried to kiss her. She used her hand and wrapped it around his throat and choked him pushing him back against the bed. She could see the excitement in his eyes. He slid his hand up her shirt grabbing her breast and smiled.

  Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Seto grabbed her and rolled over, leaving her on the bed and stood up and looked out the window and said, “Come in.”

  She pulled down her shirt, picked up her phone and said, "What?"

  "Dad wants to talk to you." the soft voice and giggling from the other side of the door. “You want to meet the Rugrats?”

  8:30 p.m.

  A blank look on his face, as he stared off into the distance. ”Hmmm,”

  “What is it dear?”

  “Oh nothing. . . I was just going to ask about . . .” he stopped and continued to stare,

  “Some of the details, the car, when is the car going to pick us up?”

  “It says here in 2 weeks hun,” Lise said walking into the room with her robe on.

  “Right, ok.”

  “George, I told you I would be leaving this a month, going out of the states for a week, 2 weeks at the most,”

  “I hope you’ll be back for the wedding.”

  She smiled and looked at him and said, “Yes Hun, of course.”

  “I just hope your taking this as serious as I am.” His eyes do not go to hers as he’s fixated on his favorite team halftime report. She began thinking- is this all there is. Her thought was interrupted by his booming laughter, accompanied by the laughter of the announcers and commentators from the TV set and soon forgotten.

  Same night

  Around 10:30 p.m.

  “What am I doing?” Seto asked himself. This pain it felt so good. He didn't know what to exactly do. He just lay there listening to the electricity from his headphones that normally gave him enough energy to spring into action. That didn't work. He went to some of his favorite blogs to get inspiration. He even tried to call a friend, none of this worked it still persisted, just an emptiness. He could move his body only to change songs. The rest of his body was still inanimate. He looked at the time but, discarded the thought as if the clock was broken. He just lay there completely still, wearing some of his best clothes as if he was ready for a night out, or to zip around the city.

  But no. He could not move. For if he moved he would stop being in pain. Laying here now it hurt so much. So much that he wasn't paralyzed from the pain. But he was paralyzed by the happiness. It started down below the knees, then rose all the way through his gut.

  He thought it was because he was hungry but he had eaten recently and had no appetite. Then he thought of his body, and the women he had been sleeping with, and their faces. This feeling of being worn out.

  He just lay there looking out the window at the reflection of the sky cast unto the building. The music which blared from his headphones was now hurting his ears and would lead to a headache. But he didn't care. He asked himself- What is this pain? Where did it come from?

  He almost smiled and laughed then he realized, that was impossible. Laughter not possible. Joy not possible. Friends... He stopped himself placed his hand on his forehead as his manicured fingers rested inside his hair. He looked at his phone and began typing a long text message, hitting all caps then starting off with, "You were always there for me," I love you like a brother or sister hell even more. You said you would do anything for me so I do have one request. It is simple and you may forget at times or at sometimes it may be harder for you because sometimes I can be heavy. But I'm asking you this because you have never told me no, unless I needed to hear it. So if this is one of those times where you must say no. I will pester you not any longer. I just ask will you forgive me for everything I've done everything I'm going to do and just love me and ride with me from here until the.”

  He waited a moment before pressing send.

  He heard a knock on the door. This signature knock could’ve only came from a handful of people, he thought- Slim. Then stood himself up, opened the door and there he was waiting on the other side of the door, motorcycle helmet in hand. He shook his hand and welcomed him in. He didn’t walk in, “You still going on that trip?”

  “Yep, were supposed to leave tomorrow night.”


  “Yea me and 2 of my friends.”

  “I see . . . one last ride before you go?”

  “I’ll grab my stuff . . . is it just you?”

  “The rest of the guys had work.”

  “I’ll be right out.” He closed the door as his friend Slim turned back to the hallway leaning against the wall. He walked out of the apartment and locked the door. In full gear with his helmet on. He looked toward Slim, smiled and said “Are you ready?”

  Slim laughed and said, “Yea.” When they got down stairs 2 other men on motorcycles were parked next to Seto’s horse, these men were Ian and Andrew.

  “Hey . . . Slim said you guys couldn’t make it.”

  “Miss riding for work? Yea right.” Drew said.

  “Yea I’m ready,” said Ian. Seto started his bike and let it warm up. The others did the same.

  “So this is really the last time?”

  “Guys I’m going on vacation, I’m not dying.” They all laughed as they hopped on their horses and began rolling.

  “Can you hear me now?” Slim’s voice echoed through the riders’ helmets.

  “Alright guys my name is Slim and I’m going to be your copilot today.” As the riders corner there first turn and wait at the red-light.

  “Alright guys this is going to be a speed lap so if we hit traffic were breaking through.”


  “Same as always.” Seto said.

  “Why does he feel like he has to repeat this every time?” asked Andrew.

  “Fuck you guys,” Slim said, clearing the red light seconds before it turned green smoothly with confidence, and the other riders followed, not far behind.

  “Guys I love you but I’m turning on Sade.” Seto remarked.

  “Just don’t get left behind,” Ian said, sticking up his middle finger, not so much to the other riders but to the world. In the heat of the high speeds Seto looked towards the other rider, as their 300 horses and rider became one shooting star. That moved with the precision of engineering, cutting underneath the darkening sky. Their blurred taillights raced up the white lines and disappeared into the golden headlights of the cars they darted pass. The four horsemen took the night, under the city lights, with a smiles on their faces focused on the road ahead of them. They completed the lap and pulled into the apartment lot. “Great fucking ride.”

  “Just so you don’t forget what the boys at home are about.”

  12:00 a.m.

  After he said goodbye to his nakama, he went upstairs and walked in his apartment, placed his helmet on the counter, walked towards the bedroom and then had an odd feeling as if someone was watching him.

  “Hello,” a warm voice. He turned to see Mara laying on the couch with a bottle of wine on the table.

  “I’m glad I gave y
ou that key.”

  “You know if I was a robber.” she said sunnily. He walked over towards her unzipping his jacket. “I saw you.”

  “Sure you did.”

  “I did.”

  “Could you tell I was wearing this?” she opened her jacket wearing nothing but her bra and panties. “I got your message and yes, I’m going.”

  “Or not wearing. . . I’m ready to serve,” Seto said picking her up, and immediately carried her to the bed room and tossed her on the bed. He gave her a smirk, looked her in the eye placing his hand on her cheek and neck, and his finger slid behind her ears. He grabbed her hand. She didn’t jump, then kissed her deep. He kissed her thigh, dubbing his nose against her stomach, and then moved up, eye to eye with her, where their lips met. His hands slid around her back and undid her bra. It was quiet. There was a faint soundtrack from the music left playing from his ride, he kissed her neck and told her to lay back. He kissed her lips through her white satin panties. She’s lay on the bed staring at him as he took his shirt off. He slid his hands down her panties.

  He clenched one of her hands above her head holding on to her wrist, then grabbed the other and held them there with his hands. He used his other hand slowly easing in, then thrust inside of her. He pulled back, put the tip in again, her lips opened to accept him. He entered her fully she pulled forward and placed her hand on his back, her other hand was still held down. He kissed her on her ear as he thrusted deeper and deeper each time, as he stared into each other’s eyes. He removed her hand from his back pinning them back above her head. She smelled like she just got out the shower and you could still smell the strawberry shampoo in her hair, she’s warm. She was so warm, she moaned into his ear every time there chest touch, her warm breath on his neck, their tongues kissed and played for a while. Sweating, he rolled over and looked at the ceiling placing his hand behind her head. She leaned into him not able to feel her legs, and relaxed her head onto his chest they just lay there in each other’s arms. He pretended to fall asleep first then actually did. Then she did. They lay there in the in the wet bed. Still.


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