A Sister's Courage

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A Sister's Courage Page 7

by Molly Green

  ‘Never mind that,’ he said abruptly. ‘I have something to discuss with you. I understand you’re a qualified pilot.’

  Her heart leapt.

  ‘Yes, sir, I have my licence.’ She couldn’t stop the note of pride that pervaded her answer.

  He nodded and picked up a sheet of paper from the top of a pile, his eyes flicking from one side to the other, taking his time.

  As though he hasn’t already read it.

  ‘This letter …’ he waved it in the air, ‘is from the ATA – that is, the Air Transport Auxiliary.’

  ‘Yes, I’ve heard about it,’ Raine said coolly, though inside her heart was beating fiercely, silently thanking God that Doug had explained who they were.

  Foxy gazed at her as though he couldn’t believe she was not some empty-headed slip of a girl. ‘I’ll give you the thrust of it,’ he said, breaking off to wink at her. ‘It’s from a Miss Gower. Apparently, she’s in charge of a ferry pool …’ he rolled his eyes that a woman should be in charge of something so important, ‘and she urgently requires pilots. She’s even asking for women as well as men.’ He stared at Raine. ‘My God, she must be desperate.’

  Don’t annoy him, Raine. Let him think he has the upper hand.

  ‘She needs highly experienced pilots, of course.’

  Raine’s heart dropped. She hadn’t flown for nearly a year. But at least this Miss Gower was asking for more women. Those eight female pilots must be doing a good job. It gave her a sudden hope.

  ‘Does she say how many flying hours … sir?’

  Please let me have enough.

  He sent her a steely gaze. ‘How many hours do you have, Miss Linfoot?’

  ‘Twenty-five.’ It was actually nineteen, but she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  A smirk crossed his thick lips, but he said nothing.

  Was her dream about to come true – or be smashed to pieces? He was deliberately keeping her in suspense.

  ‘How many hours does Miss Gower require?’ Raine asked, her heart beating hard.

  Foxy glanced down at the letter again. ‘I’m afraid Miss Gower requires pilots with two hundred and fifty … minimum.’ He sent her a triumphant look. ‘So you only have ten per cent of her requirements.’ He paused to let that sink in. ‘I’m afraid we will have to put that idea aside.’ His mouth twisted.

  ‘But with the war, surely—’

  ‘I’m afraid there’s no more to be said.’

  She could see her chance slipping away before her.

  ‘Please, sir, if I could—’

  He held his hand palm upwards towards her. ‘I’m sorry, but you simply don’t have enough experience. And by the time you increase your hours the war will be over. Without any help from women.’ Before she had time to react, he said, ‘But there’s something else I want to talk to you about.’

  The tone had become ominous. Raine deliberately kept her eyes on him, trying to ignore her thudding heart.

  ‘I’m afraid …’ he paused as though for effect (dear God, if he said he was afraid one more time she would cheerfully throttle him), ‘we no longer require your services at Biggin Hill.’

  Her jaw dropped. She hadn’t been prepared for this. His eyes were narrowed in malice. What a nasty little man, enjoying the power he had over her. She could have kicked herself for threatening him. This was his moment of triumph. Her punishment for daring to stand up for herself. Well, she wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

  ‘Doesn’t my time here count for anything?’ she said in as reasonable a tone as she could muster. ‘I’m showing the ropes to a new girl who’s supposed to be helping me now we’re busier, but she has a lot to learn before she can be left on her own. And she can’t possibly do my job and hers.’

  ‘Miss Rogers is perfectly capable of being left,’ he said in a firm voice. ‘And there is always someone around if she needs advice, or indeed any help. Me, for instance.’ He gave her what passed for a smile. ‘I’m sorry, Miss Linfoot, but I’m giving you notice. You have until the end of the week to hand over all your work to Miss Rogers and explain everything she needs to know. But for now, please give me your key to the filing cabinet. We wouldn’t want any nosy parkers let loose in my office, would we?’

  He held out a pasty hand.

  Raine could barely hide her fury as she returned to her office. Only Linda Rogers was there, frowning over a stack of files on her desk. She looked up as Raine stormed in.

  ‘Whatever’s wrong?’

  ‘Only everything,’ Raine said, biting her lip hard to stop herself from bursting into tears of frustration and anger. She caught Linda’s stare. ‘Foxy’s just given me notice to be out by the end of the week.’

  Linda’s eyes widened. ‘Why? What are you supposed to have done?’

  ‘It seems I’m no longer required. That you’re perfectly capable of doing my job … as well as yours.’

  As she was speaking she put the cover over her typewriter and retrieved her handbag that was tucked underneath the desk. She swung it on her shoulder and turned to Linda.

  ‘Right, then, I’m off. Best of British and all that.’

  ‘But you said the end of the week.’ Linda came round from her desk. ‘I can’t do the job without your help. And anyway, I don’t want to be stuck in this office on my own with hardly anyone around. When anyone does come in, they just dump stuff on the desk, give me a wink and a smile as though that’s all that’s needed to set me up for the day, then rush off.’

  Raine felt sorry for Linda. She’d be leaving the girl on her own to face Foxy every day. But she couldn’t stay in this place a moment longer. Hartman had been abrupt enough, but he wasn’t unfair. And he didn’t make obnoxious passes, either. That was something she wouldn’t stand for.

  There was no reason to stay to the end of the week, especially as Doug was no longer here. If only she knew where he’d been sent, but she’d drawn a blank with everyone she’d asked. Foxy would have known, she thought bitterly, but she wouldn’t dream of asking anything of that creep.

  ‘Sorry, Linda, I don’t want to hang around any longer. I need to decide what to do now. But I’ve enjoyed working with you and wish you all the luck. I mean it.’ She turned towards the door.

  ‘Raine, wait a minute …’

  There was an urgency in Linda’s tone that made her stop.

  ‘Can we go to the NAAFI and have a cuppa?’ Linda said. ‘I need to talk to you about something, and I also want to know the reason why Foxy has sacked you.’

  Raine hesitated, the image of Foxy’s eyes roving over her legs. Maybe she should warn Linda that he had a lecherous streak so the girl was prepared. Linda might only be seventeen but she was as well developed as any woman.

  ‘All right,’ Raine said. ‘I could do with one – and maybe treat us to a bun,’ she added with a thin smile.

  They walked companionably but silently to the canteen and took their trays to a table in the corner.

  ‘I detest that Foxy,’ Linda blurted as soon as they sat down. Her eyes shone with indignation. ‘Whenever you’re out of the room he comes in and hangs over me when he asks me to type a letter. His hair oil stinks. It makes me feel sick. And yesterday when you went to the Ladies’ he came up behind me and put his hands on my breasts and told me to keep quiet or he’d get rid of me. He’s tried to touch me before but always pretended it was accidental. This time, there was no mistake – it was deliberate. With you not around he’ll be even worse.’ She looked at Raine, her eyes beseeching. ‘I need my job, Raine, and he knows it.’

  So this was what Foxy giving her notice was all about. He wanted full access to Linda without Raine curtailing him. What a pig! This was far more serious than she’d imagined.

  ‘He tried it on with me when he first came to the section,’ Raine said.

  Linda’s eyes were wide. ‘What did you do?’

  ‘Threatened to report him. And didn’t I pay for it … with my job.’ She looked at Linda. ‘What did you say to him?’

  Linda swallowed some tea. ‘I asked him to please stop, but he gave them a quick pinch, which really hurt ’cos I had the curse, and just laughed.’

  ‘The filthy beast. I wish you’d told me earlier.’

  Linda shook her head ‘What was the good? I wanted to forget it. But I feel sick every time I see him.’

  ‘Let me think for a minute.’ Raine spread some margarine on her bun and took a bite. ‘Ugh. I’ll never get used to marg. And now they’ve rationed that as well as butter.’ She scraped it off, then took another bite, slowly chewing, savouring the spicy flavour, all the while with Linda’s anxious face in front of her. Then she smiled. ‘I always think better with a currant bun.’

  She noticed Linda hadn’t touched hers.

  ‘Okay, Linda,’ Raine said after a minute or two. ‘I have a plan. I’ll help you if you’ll help me.’

  ‘Anything,’ Linda breathed.

  ‘First of all, I’ll stay until the end of the week. It’s only four more days but we have things to do.’

  The next morning when Flight Lieutenant Fox put his head in the door Raine was quietly at her desk working.

  ‘I’m pleased you’re conscientious about doing a proper day’s work in light of our conversation, Miss Linfoot,’ he said.

  Raine looked up, keeping her expression neutral. ‘I couldn’t do anything else, sir.’ As he turned to go she crossed her fingers that Linda was keeping a cool head.

  Half an hour later Linda came in, a grin plastered over her face, her thumb up.

  Raine stopped typing. ‘You managed it, then?’

  ‘Yes. I asked him if he had any letters to dictate. I could see the letter you’re talking about already in the filing tray. So I picked up the files with the letter on the top and asked what I should write back. He told me to ignore it. “Not worth a reply,” he said. “We don’t have anyone here who would be suitable.”’

  Raine clenched her fists. ‘Then what?’

  ‘As soon as he went out I copied the address. I have it here.’ She took a folded piece of scrap paper from her pocket and handed it to Raine. ‘Then I filed everything in the tray, including the letter which I put in a new file I made up called ATA, as I would have done normally.’

  ‘You don’t know what this means to me, Linda.’ Raine opened her bag and quickly tucked the scrap of paper inside the little pocket where she kept her mirror. ‘Miss Gower asked for a pilot with more experience than me, but I’m going to write to her anyway. Even if she puts me on a list. That way, if I can increase my hours I can approach her again.’ She glanced at Linda. ‘I can’t thank you enough.’

  ‘I enjoyed doing it,’ Linda said. ‘I felt like a spy.’ She giggled.

  Raine smiled. ‘So that’s the first part of the plan carried out successfully. The second part we’ll do on Friday, my last day.’

  ‘You know, I’ve been thinking a lot since yesterday,’ Linda said. ‘I don’t even like office work but it’s bearable when you’re here. Now you’re leaving I’m giving in my notice. So Foxy will lose both of us at the same time. Serve him right.’

  ‘Are you sure you’re doing the right thing, Linda?’

  ‘I’m very sure,’ Linda said mischievously. ‘I’m old enough to join the ATS. And that’s what I intend to do. Get in with some of the action.’

  ‘That’s a marvellous plan,’ Raine said, smiling. ‘I think you’ll be a real asset. But we should still report the swine, as who knows what he might do to the next unsuspecting girl. So we’ll keep our appointment this afternoon. Agreed?’

  ‘Oh, yes.’ Linda nodded enthusiastically. ‘I can’t wait.’

  An hour before the time the two girls were due to leave, the phone rang. Raine picked it up.

  ‘Flight Lieutenant Fox here. I’m ringing to tell you that appointment you and Miss Rogers have this afternoon with the CO has been cancelled.’

  Anger swept through her body. What was going on? Why was Foxy giving her the message? Had he somehow got wind of the reason the two of them were about to talk to his senior with some problem? His behaviour, for instance?

  ‘His secretary suggests Wednesday next week,’ he continued, ‘but of course you won’t be here.’ He gave a chuckle and the line went dead.

  ‘That was Foxy,’ Raine said to Linda who’d stopped typing to listen. ‘Our appointment’s been cancelled.’ Fury coated her words.


  ‘He didn’t give a reason but I think he guessed.’

  Linda chewed her lower lip. ‘Raine, it’s no good. It won’t get us anywhere – and I’ll be leaving anyway.’

  Raine sighed heavily. ‘Well, I suppose at least we tried. But I can’t bear the idea that he’ll get away with his disgusting behaviour.’

  She finished the letter she was typing for him, not bothering to correct his grammar. Let them all think what an ignorant little— She stopped the bad word before it formed. She banged the lever of the carriage to the left, typed the valediction, rolled out the letter and for the last time shoved the cover over the machine.

  ‘That’s it,’ she told Linda. ‘I’m not doing any more for that rat.’

  As though on cue, Foxy came in and pointedly looked at the covered typewriter.

  ‘I see you’ve already packed up,’ he said. ‘But there is one more thing.’

  Raine waited. What now?

  ‘According to the rules, when someone leaves, their bag has to be inspected.’ He smiled his oily smile. ‘Just a precaution. I’m sure it’s not necessary in your case, Miss Linfoot, but we’ll do it anyway, just so I can make a note on the file that I carried out the correct procedure to the letter.’

  Dear God, no. He knew. The incriminating evidence was there for him to find. She’d be in real trouble, but worse, so would Linda. Her heart thumping, Raine glanced at the girl, who seemed to have frozen, her eyes wide with dismay. She opened her mouth but Raine quickly shot her a warning look.

  ‘We won’t wait until five thirty,’ he said. ‘We’ll do it now and then you can go early. So just tip your things out of the bag where I can see them.’ He thrust out his chest and folded his arms, his attention focused on Raine’s handbag.

  Cursing inwardly, Raine opened it, deliberately taking out the items one by one and laying them on the desk. The fountain pen her father had bought her for her eighteenth birthday, a notebook, her purse, a sanitary towel wrapped in a brown paper bag (please don’t let him look in there), a small fabric bag she’d made at school to hold her comb and lipstick … everything except the mirror with Miss Gower’s address tucked behind it.

  ‘That’s everything,’ she said.

  ‘What’s in that paper bag?’

  ‘A woman’s item,’ Raine said, choking with rage that he should put her through this.

  He opened it and peered inside, made a grimace then dropped the paper bag back with the other items with a flick of his fingers as though it were something revolting. Just when she thought she’d got away with it, he put his hand out and jerked his head towards the bag.

  ‘Give me the handbag.’

  Pulse racing, she kept it open as she handed it to him.

  Keep calm, Raine. Don’t let him see you’re at all anxious.

  Her stomach growled in defiance as she watched him put his hand in the space, fingering all the corners.

  ‘Ah, a secret pocket, no less …’ He paused, his mouth twisting. Raine’s stomach clenched. ‘What have we got here?’ A flash of disappointment crossed his face as he laid the mirror on the table with the other items. ‘Now I think we can say the bag is empty,’ he sneered. ‘All right, Miss Linfoot, you can be on your way.’

  He marched out of the office, giving the door a slam.

  ‘Phew,’ Linda said. ‘I couldn’t have held my breath much longer.’ She gave a weak smile. ‘I really thought he’d find the note. Didn’t I see you put it in your handbag?’

  ‘I don’t understand,’ Raine said, shaking her head. She picked up her empty handbag and sa
t at what was her desk, running her fingers inside the mirror pocket. ‘Why didn’t he find it when he pulled out the mirror?’ She looked up, appealing to Linda. ‘I pushed the note behind it, but it’s not here.’

  ‘It must be.’

  Raine turned her bag upside down but nothing fell out. Mystified, she peered inside, then searched the mirror pocket again. It had to be in here. And then one of her fingers felt a flap in the lining and she remembered. Triumphantly, she pulled out the tiny piece of paper.

  ‘Here it is,’ she said as she waved it towards Linda. ‘There was a tear in the lining that it got caught behind. I keep meaning to ask Suzy if she’d stitch it. I’m glad I didn’t.’ Raine chuckled. ‘It saved my life where Foxy is concerned.’ She tossed the contents back into her bag. There’d be plenty of time to tidy it up later.

  ‘You’d make a great spy,’ Linda said, smiling now. ‘Oh, Raine, I’m going to miss you. Will you leave me your address?’

  Raine scribbled her address on a scrap of paper from Linda’s wastepaper basket. ‘You can get hold of me here,’ she said. ‘We’ll keep in touch. I want to know how you get on in the ATS.’

  Linda nodded. ‘Now, where shall I put this?’ she said, glancing at the address. ‘I don’t think I have a special slot for top-secret notes in my handbag.’

  Raine grinned and gave the girl a quick hug. ‘You’ll find somewhere, I’m sure. Maybe down your bra. Wouldn’t Foxy love to discover that?’

  ‘He’d wish he hadn’t,’ Linda said fervently, then caught Raine’s eye and they both burst out laughing.

  ‘I hope I shan’t be around for him to find out,’ Linda said. ‘Trouble is, I think I’ll have to wait until I’m officially accepted in the ATS before I give my notice. I need the money to help Mum with the other kids or I’d follow you out of the door.’ She rolled the carriage of her typewriter to pull out the last letter she’d typed. ‘I want to know if you get into that air transport place.’

  ‘The ATA?’ Raine said grimly. ‘If I don’t, it won’t be for want of trying.’

  Chapter Eight

  ‘I’m very content you have left that place,’ Simone said when Raine told the family at supper that evening the news that her services were no longer required. ‘Maybe you will now forget about flying and do something sensible.’


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