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Tyehn Page 15

by Elin Wyn

  Every time my lips brushed her skin, every second of my tongue poking from my mouth to lick her, it all triggered breathy groans.

  “You drive me mad.” I breathed, desperate for her to know my insatiable appetite. Maki giggled, though her eyes still maintained the hardness of anger.

  “If you think that, you should try being around you.”

  It sounded like a joke, but I knew better. To show that I understood her jibes, I nipped at her sensitive skin, her body trembling at the sharp, sweet impact.

  I was tired of this cat and mouse chase now.

  I needed more. I demanded more.

  Lifting my bulky frame onto my hands, I gripped the edges of my top and rolled it away from my body. Her hands instantly suctioned to my bare flesh; the way she stroked gave away her hunger. She was playing coy, pretending to be in control, but I could tell she wanted to fall apart.

  Discarding my top, I moved to peel back her clothes to reveal the prize that lay underneath. Maki was a beautiful woman no matter what she wore. However, she looked best when she wore nothing except the skin that the creators had given her.

  A soft moan escaped from me now as her nipples hardened, shocked to be exposed to the cool air.

  I was glad to see she wasn’t wearing another layer below— how ravenous I was right now, I’d have likely ripped her underwear from her.

  Given how we were still “working through” our problems, destroying her clothes didn’t seem like a smart move.

  My eyes stared, unwavering, at her bosom. They were small but pert, the perfect size for my hands to engulf and massage.

  Some women had heaving breasts, as large as mountains, but Maki was a svelte framed female.

  “You’re staring…” She purred, amused by how absorbed by her I was.

  “I am,” I admitted. “You should expect more of that.”

  Not wanting to distract us further from our passion, I leaned down to clamp my mouth around one of her nipples.

  My tongue swirled around the pink flesh and she crumbled beneath me. I peered up to watch as her head tilted, her eyes rolling to the back of her head a little. Seeing how she savored this as much as I did, led me to move from one breast to the other, her waiting nipple eager to feel the wet warmth of my mouth.

  I was devouring her, slowly.

  Her fingers stroked up my back, her short nails grazing me, causing me to shake with pleasure. My whole body was rocked by her caress. I growled into a moan, struggling to keep steady.

  In that moment, I realized there were still too many clothes between us.

  Sitting up, my hands went to her trousers. I fiddled at her zipper just as she instinctively went to mine; we were both growing insane from not having access to every inch of one another.

  When the last of her buttons popped, unveiling her panties, I swiftly tugged at her trousers. They came away from her legs easily.

  Getting mine off however, wasn’t as simple.

  Begrudgingly, I stood to remove them. It was hard going, my rushed movements making my body sway dangerously as I attempted to take them off as quickly as my hands would allow. Maki tittered with laughter, clearly amused by my clumsiness.

  She wouldn’t be laughing soon, though.

  Before long she’d be baying my name, begging for me to stop because she couldn’t take the energy I was bringing.

  Then again, if memory served me correctly, she could bring the fire as much as I could.

  More so, even. My Maki was a feisty one.

  My Maki.

  My mate.

  It was the first time I’d thought of her like that, yet it fit well.

  Now that I’d said it inside my own head, I couldn’t ignore how satisfying it felt.

  She really was mine, and now I was going to show her how much.

  Standing fully naked, I looked down at her and grinned. Her eyes twinkled back at me. I could see how deeply she was moved by what she saw, my growing length hard to ignore.

  I reached my arms out, motioning for her to take my hands with her own. She willingly obliged, her anger finally subsiding.

  Once they were clasped in mine, I pulled her up so that she was on her feet.

  One of her eyebrows arched at me in a quizzical expression — she wasn’t sure where this was going. It made me grin all the more.

  I spun her around before she could ask, then bent her over. She folded gracefully, her hands easily able to touch her own toes.

  Coming up behind her, my crotch lined up nicely with her behind, my skin against hers an electrifying experience. Especially as I could feel her wetness seeping from between her thighs. She smelled incredible. I licked my lips, savoring the scent.

  Placing my hands on her behind, I pulled her towards me. My shaft nestled snugly between her legs, her lips slightly open and waiting for me.

  She held her breath in anticipation and, to my surprise, I did the same.

  We’d been here before, yet it felt like the first time all over again.

  True, I hadn’t had her like this, but that didn’t make much difference — I could fuck her in the same position for the rest of our lives and it’d never get old. Maki incited too much passion from me for it to ever be dull sex.

  Taking my hard cock in hand, I lined it up with her opening, making sure to teasingly rub up and down before easing myself inside.

  As my head felt the ridges of her entrance envelope me, I nearly lost all sense of self. She felt amazing. Unlike any other woman I’d been with.

  My exploration of her depths was slow at first, my aim to take my time, make her wait… make her beg. But I found it hard to stick to that plan.

  When she wiggled her ass further into me, I decided I didn’t care much for soft and slow beginnings. It needed to be as rough as my feelings for her.

  If the last few days had taught me much, it was that I was consumed by her in every sense, for good or bad. It was ugly, it was intense, it was a part of me I had no control over anymore.

  “Mmmmm, Tyehn… yes…” Maki whispered my name through labored moans, the way she sighed between each word adding to the beauty of her abilities. She was a woman who knew her body.

  It allowed her to appreciate what it could do, both to herself and to the people she was with. It was what made being inside of her so euphoric: she knew herself comfortably, thus allowing her to embrace and adapt.

  I wanted to spend hours like this. It would be amazing to while away the time deep inside her pussy, either with my tongue or fingers — or both — and then back to using my cock. But time wasn’t on our side. It never was.

  We knew time was short, but that didn’t take away from our moment together. As I strummed my fingers against her clit, my length pounded into her. I was sure to keep a steady, even pace, right up until she started rocking wildly.

  She was there, I could feel it. Exerting more pressure, I matched my fingers with my thrusts.

  “Ohhhh, oh shit, Tyehn…!” I loved how she cussed as she came. It was so fitting for her, so right for her personality and no nonsense attitude. But I didn’t have time to be amused, because I was soon exclaiming my own mix of words as her walls milked me dry.

  “Maki, reck… oh, oh, reck…” I couldn’t think. Couldn’t speak. The two of us were foul mouthed, lustful creatures, unable to think of any other words suited to the intensity of our lovemaking.

  Once again, the sense of matching one another perfectly came to the fore of my mind.

  Emptied of my load, I rolled backward, taking her with me. Although I left the warmth of her between finishing and landing on my back, it was still wonderful to feel her glistening flesh against me.

  Panting at one another, Maki turned over so that she was on top facing me. My legs opened so that she could slot in between them.

  We stared for a while, though my hands couldn’t remain still even though our mouths could. I played with her hair as I gazed into her rich, golden brown eyes.

  “I truly am sorry for how I behaved,
Maki,” I pleaded with her with more than my words. “I was a fool. I shouldn’t have ever treated you like there was something wrong with you — there isn’t. There never could be. Please, please forgive me.” I wasn’t above begging, not for a woman like her.

  Maki smiled at me, finally. It had taken some time to break through, so much so that I’d started to panic. “You idiot. Of course, I forgive you, just never do that dumb shit again. Deal?”



  Last night was still playing out inside my head. My own private film. Whenever I wanted to immerse myself in the memories of his touch, of his breath on my neck right before we climaxed.

  That should have been enough to keep me sated, but I was never one to settle. Not even when it was good enough for everyone else.

  I’d always try for more.

  At least, I would have done, if it hadn’t been for Teyhn and his team wanting us to head back out to the EcoBright site in the Sika Jungle again.

  I appreciated that it made sense to return there, given how much of an epicenter for trouble it had been of late, however I much preferred the idea of spending more time with Tyehn. Preferably with him naked.

  On top of me…

  “The pair of you need to get a room.” Jalok moaned. “Or at least go back and get that bike of Maki’s and ride off somewhere private.”

  “Vhrex is bringing back the bike this evening when he goes with Sylor to retrieve the shuttle,” Tyehn said. “And we did get a room.”

  “I think they did ‘get that room’ really hard last night, isn’t that right you two?” Cazak chuckled at our embarrassed looks, both Tyehn and myself not sure what to do with ourselves.

  I wasn’t ashamed of our lovemaking, far from it, but I didn’t want it to be the only topic of discussion.

  “Will you two lay off of it, you’ve been on all morning with this.” Tyehn rolled his eyes, but there was a smugness to his actions — he was enjoying being able to say that I was his.

  It made me beam, both inwardly and outwardly, to know he was happy for others to know. Not that it was possible to keep anything from this group.

  Nearing Sika, an ungodly racket drew all of our attention, the joy of our jokes soon dispersing like morning mist. The noise invading our ears wasn’t normal, it didn’t fit with the jungles of this region.

  Tyehn nodded to the others, with Sk’lar motioning in agreement. As one, all five of them charged on ahead; Tyehn’s hand had been on his sword as he’d moved past me. I prepared myself too, though I didn’t have the might of a large sword to go swinging about—

  Now isn’t the time for jokes, Maki.

  I chastised myself while I followed them, my light frame easily able to keep up with them.

  When I barged through a dense undergrowth of foliage after them, I came to a halt as suddenly as they had. Initially I couldn’t see what they were watching with mixed curiosity and worry. But when I peeked past Tyehn, I soon spotted their cause for concern.

  In front of us were a small but able-bodied group of possessed, tirelessly digging over the earth.

  Some of them had broken away to destroy large portions of the jungle, though why they were doing this none of us could say.

  If they were searching for something in the ground, why did they need to attack anything above ground level?

  Before we’d get a chance to ask them — not that I suspected they’d be capable of reasoning — they noticed us. I’d expected them to attack, but instead they fled.

  Tyehn went to give chase, but Sk’lar called for him to stop his pursuit.

  “They’re no threat. If they wanted to fight, they’d have moved on us.” I was inclined to agree, though I kept my mouth closed for now.

  “But what were they doing?” Tyehn asked tersely. “And what was EcoBright doing out there?”

  “That’s what I wanna know too!” I exclaimed. “Someone authorized them because I got a job to monitor them. But I have no idea what they were doing.”

  I pushed past him then, my aim to set as many probes into the earth as I could before whatever they were looking for was lost.

  If they were tracking an energy signature, that could rapidly increase and decrease depending on multiple variables. This is what caused me to act with haste, I didn’t want to miss any data.

  Whatever the EcoBright team was looking for, I wasn’t sure it was entirely innocent. Something malevolent was going on and it was aimed against the Puppet Master. I couldn’t prove it. But I knew I wasn’t wrong.

  None of them tried to stop me. They merely watched as I rushed about taking little devices from my pack and then bedding them down into the ground.

  Once I had a good number of them scattered across the site, I then took out some specimen vials too. I could collect a few samples while I was here; it paid to be diligent.

  Stepping back to observe my handiwork thus far, I was plagued by all the reasons why they could be digging.

  None of them were pleasant.

  Going off of what we’d experienced and what the Puppet Master had said, there was no way these possessed were doing anything good. Arguably, that’s what made this so tense right now: they could be doing anything, all equally sinister as the next.

  Seeing as how my mind was eager to torment me with more wild theories, I was happy to see my devices ready with their initial reports. Going back to them one by one, my elation soon turned to annoyance. By the time I took the final reading, I was shaking with barely contained frustration.

  “What’s wrong?” Sk’lar enquired.

  “There’s… nothing. There’s nothing there at all.” I twisted my face in irritation. “It makes no sense, there has to be something…”

  I was talking to myself now, my speech muffled and low. Tyehn came over and placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes crinkling as he gave me a smile.

  “We’ve done all we can here, let’s move on.” As much as it pained me to agree with him, he was right.

  Later that night, I was still troubled by our journey into the Sika Jungle. We hadn’t anticipated running into the possessed, but now that we had, all I could think about was their frenzied faces while they’d dug.

  It was bugging me not knowing what they were looking for.

  And with the scans still coming up empty, I was at a loss at what else to do.

  “Still getting to you, huh?” Tyehn asked as he settled down on the couch next to me. I shook my head, exasperated.

  “I know it’s silly,”

  “I didn’t say that.” He quickly pointed out.

  “But it’s driving me mad that the scans are all normal — they wouldn’t be digging there if it was normal, everyday, run of the mill dirt.”

  Tyehn shifted so that he was fully turned to look at me now; his face told me he thought I needed to let it go. Even if he tried to deny it, it was etched into his features. I sighed.

  “I’m annoying you, aren’t I?” I probed, the focus of my ire moving from the possessed to him. Instantly he became more guarded, readying himself for a stinging attack. It made me madder seeing him react to me like that — I didn’t like being painted as an unreasonable, hysterical woman!

  However, if I was logical about it, I understood why he expected that of me: I was known for going from hot to cold at lightning speeds.

  “You’re not, no. But,” My eyes narrowed into small slits as he said this. “I think you’re overthinking it, Maki.”

  “How, how can you say that?” I couldn’t believe the nerve of him.

  “I’m saying it because your scans are normal — if there’s nothing showing up, you can’t work miracles.”

  “I know that, Tyehn, but I fail to believe they just decided to get down onto their hands and knees and play in the dirt. Does that sound plausible to you!” My voice was rising to dangerous levels, Tyehn was braced for impact and buckled up ready.

  “I mean, you never know, the Ancient Enemies could like sensory play.” I gawked at him.
r />   “You did not just say that.”

  “I really did.”

  He pretended to bow his head in shame and, for the moment, I was free of my worries. They were still there, and they would be for the rest of the night, however I was now able to laugh about it a little.

  Not too much, mind, as there was still something unnerving about what we’d witnessed. Nonetheless, for the time being, I had better ways to occupy my mind.

  I snuggled into Teyhn and rested my head on his chest. It felt good to be close to him once more. And while the same animalistic thoughts crept in to tempt me, all I wanted to do was be in his arms. There was a simplicity to it that I needed this evening. If I kept that simplicity close, I was able to hold back the niggling fears I had about the Ancient Enemies plans…

  They planned something big.

  I knew it.

  Could feel it.

  It made me tense at the idea of it, all of me unable to relax now that they’d gripped my mind once again. I prayed we’d soon be rid of their wickedness, but somehow I felt that was wishful thinking.

  “Try to relax, Maki.” Tyehn murmured while he played with my hair.

  If only he knew how badly I wanted to do just that.

  I longed for nothing else.

  And he was just the person to help me with that.

  I grinned, as I reached for his waistband.


  It’d been several days since I apologized to Maki and we sort of made our relationship official.

  Several days of reconciling my idiocy and realizing that my mistrust was not with her, but with myself and my fear that I would be unable to handle that part of her past.

  I was grateful for Dax’s help with what had quickly become labeled ‘The Tyehn Excuse.’

  I had great friends and teammates.

  This morning, we had been called into Rouhr’s office for a new assignment. “We have reports of a new compound in the mountains to the west. Some people have reported that it is an anti-alien compound, one of the nasty ones. I want you to investigate and report. Do not engage unless in self-defense, and then only enough for a tactical retreat. We don’t want any extra deaths on our hands if possible.”


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