Skeleton King (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 9)

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Skeleton King (The Dirty Heroes Collection Book 9) Page 13

by Charity B.

  She worries her lip while resting her warm hands against my chest. “Votes on what?”

  Fear settles over me as I realize being exiled is now the least of my worries. “If I’m guilty or not.”

  With wide eyes, she speaks in a cracked voice. “What if they vote that you’re guilty?”

  Holding my hand against the back of her head, I hug her against me. “Then they decide whether to take my residency, my freedom, or…” I shrug to lighten the blow, “my life.”

  November 18th ~ Morning

  Before I open my eyes, I savor the feel of Sarah’s heated body wrapped around me. She’s barely taken her hands off me since learning about the trial. My cock hardens beneath the sheets, and I wonder if she’ll ever stop having this insatiable effect on me.

  Slowly lifting her arm from my chest, I carefully slip from the bed so I don’t wake her. Nothing’s nails tap on the floor as he follows me to the kitchen. I put the coffee on before getting the eggs boiling in a pot.

  Sarah walks in just as the bagels pop out of the toaster, wearing my button-down shirt and rubbing her sleepy eyes. The sunlight shines through her red hair, creating a halo effect. I still can’t believe she’s really here.

  While feeling her lifeforce is intense and jarring, I’m becoming more accustomed to it. The moment she walks around the counter, I grab her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. “Good morning.”

  Her lips quirk as her cheeks turn crimson. “Good morning.” Taking one hand from her waist, I reach over to turn off the stove and remove the eggs.

  “Do you like coffee?”

  She glances at the coffee pot with a shake of her head. “I’m not allowed to have caffeine.” Something clicks in her mind making a grin take over her face. “Well, I wasn’t, but now I guess I can have anything I want! So, sure, I’ll try it.”

  Fink has controlled every aspect of her existence for more than half her life. Seeing the excitement on her face because she’s free from that, makes my chest feel strained, as if my heart is actually growing larger.

  She’s not the only one experiencing new things for the first time.

  Lifting her up on the edge of the counter, I stand between her open legs to gently touch our mouths together. As much as I want to trust everything that she’s told me, old habits die hard. Every kiss is terrifying when I think about the possibility of it being the last.

  “I’ve been curious about something.” Slowly pushing my T-shirt up her thighs, I allow my lips to travel down her neck.

  “What?” she whispers, her hot breath releasing in puffs against my cheek.

  She makes me brave, and I’m elated by that power when my fingers slide inside of her hot entrance. “What you taste like.”

  I’ve eaten dead pussy once or twice, but it was disgusting and did nothing for me. This is different. I want to taste the juices that come out of her when she comes.

  Dead girls never come.

  Lowering to my knees, I’m face to face with her already wet cunt. I continue to pump my finger, and when I add a second one, she grabs her knees to open herself up to me. Whenever she shows me what she likes, she focuses my touch on her clit, so it would make sense that the same will apply to my tongue. I lick at the little bump, not sure how much pressure or how fast I should go. It doesn’t take long before her hands are tugging on my hair, shocking me at how hard that makes my dick twitch.

  “Right there, John. Keep doing what you’re doing—Oh, God.” She writhes against my face, softly moaning her arousal. I can’t believe how insane this is. I never would have guessed giving pleasure was just as much fun as receiving it...if not more. The faster her hips thrust, the more aggressive I get with my fingers and tongue.

  As she cries out, her fluid expels down my face and neck. Even though it makes it difficult to breathe, I don’t stop until I’m drenched and she’s pushing my head away. A grin raises her lips as she heaves, watching me stand.

  “You’re really good at that.”

  She’s so fucking beautiful. My palms force down my sweats as fast as they can. Her fist wraps around my shaft the very moment it’s free, making my heart pound. Guiding me inside her, she whimpers against my neck as I stretch her body. I squeeze her ass, pushing myself deeper.

  I don’t know if I’ll ever stop being scared that she’ll change her mind about me someday, but in these moments with her, I’m convinced they’re worth the fear.

  November 18th ~ Afternoon

  I think today has been the most peaceful day I’ve ever had. No corpses, no graveyards, just playing Operation and drinking coffee with Sarah. Coffee that requires four scoops of sugar and a ton of milk for her to drink, apparently. Her laugh is a sound I’ve heard so many times today. I swear it’s made the room visibly brighter. Things between us seem so easy, so natural that I’m almost superstitious enough to believe that maybe we were supposed to be together all along.

  Her tweezers touch the edge again, making the buzzer go off and the nose light up. “Darn it!” She clenches her fists in frustration. “That stupid piece of bread is impossible!”

  Sincerely laughing gives me a floating feeling that I’ve felt so rarely in my life. As I take the tweezers from her, the sound of my phone ringing drifts through the house. “Hold on.”

  In the kitchen, I take the phone off the receiver. “Hello?”

  “Tonight’s the night,” Mayor Greer’s gruff voice announces without so much as a greeting. “Soon, I’ll alert the town of the meeting. We won’t inform them of the trial until everyone has arrived.” He sighs in my ear. “You should know, I have your back, son. My testimony will be on your behalf.”

  Air rushes out of my lungs at his comment. The Mayor’s testimony can have a profound impact on the town’s final decision. “Thank you, Mayor Greer.” Sarah walks into the kitchen with Nothing and leans against the doorframe with curiosity distorting her features.

  “Be at the Old Town Hall at seven. The trial will start at seven-thirty. And it might be a good idea to wear the paint. Remind them who you are and why they need you.”

  I nod, even though he can’t see me. “I will.”

  “All right then. We’ll talk tonight.”

  Sarah’s arms wrap around my waist as I hang up the phone. “Is everything okay?”

  Kissing her head, I hold her closer. “It’s happening. The trial.”

  She looks up at me with that scared and sad expression she gives me every time the trial is mentioned. “Tonight?”

  Nodding toward the parlor, I attempt to change the subject. “Come on, I have a game to beat you at.”

  Her hair flops around as she shakes her head. “I don’t want to play anymore.” She takes my hand, and I allow her to lead me up the spiral staircase.

  Every kiss, every touch is soaked in desperation. She falls to her knees, frantically undoing my pants to take me into her hot mouth. I wrap my hands in her hair and close my eyes while memorizing every impeccable sensation. I’ve been so scared that she would one day, despise me and walk away, when in reality, it might be me who has to leave.

  Taking her arm, I lift her to her feet, kissing her as I back us toward the bed. I undress her slowly, reveling in every detail. Scars are scattered across her pale skin, her rosebud nipples rising with each intake of oxygen. The beauty of watching her breathe is so erotic to me.

  I lay her on the bed, refusing to take my lips off her skin. She claws at my back the moment I slide inside of her. She’s so wet, her body consuming mine in earnest. Her quiet gasps fill my ear, and I can’t believe this could be it. The last time I ever hear her breathing, feel her warmth encasing me. It’s an intense feeling to be fully accepted and loved for exactly who I am. She chose me, and I don’t know how to ever repay her for that. Or if I’ll even have the chance to.

  It’s odd that I’m less scared about being hanged than I am about losing her. At least if I’m dead, I won’t know what I’m missing. She would, though, and while I can’t stand the thought of hurting her more,
knowing that she would mourn me has my hips thrusting harder, driving me deeper.

  I force myself to slow down because I need this to last as long as possible. Pulling out of her, I kiss down her chest and stomach before settling between her legs. I’m slow and soft with my tongue, taking my time, indulging in her taste.

  Though I know it was my choices that brought us here, it’s still so unfair that I could lose her when it feels like I just found her.

  Her fingers are soft as they trail down my arm, her head resting on my chest. “Are you scared?” she whispers. “About tonight?”

  I move the hair covering her eye, reminding myself that I can be honest with her. Sighing, I lift her chin. “The only thing I’m scared of is losing you.” Her eyebrows crease when she pushes up on her arms to kiss me. When she pulls away, the words lurch from my throat in a frantic whisper. “I love you.”

  Her eyes widen before her lips lift into a grin. My chest instantly throbs in pain. It literally feels like my heart is ripping down the middle. She giggles, and the rage burns in my gut, waiting to bubble up to the surface. She’s mocking me. I don’t understand…after everything, why would she—

  Cutting off my thoughts, her mouth crashes to mine as she hugs her arms around my neck. “I’ve loved you since I was nine years old. All I’ve ever wanted was to hear you say that.”

  Every dark and damaging thought festering in my mind evaporates the moment I process her words. Expelling a relieved breath loosens my every muscle, and my own grin raises my cheeks. I hold her hand, kissing every scar on every finger as I tell myself once again that she’s trustworthy. So many years were spent overlooking her. I can’t believe I allowed her abuse every single day, knowing it was happening just down the street.

  “I need you to know, I will always regret not stopping Fink the very first day I met you.”

  “John, there’s nothing you could have—”

  “Yes, there was. I could have stood up to him. I could have talked to Mayor Greer about kidnapping kids being a step too far. There is a lot I could have done, and the truth is, there’s no excuse. I hid behind fear and my own best interests while telling myself it wasn’t my place. I am so, so sorry for that.”

  She sits up with a smile. “I never thought that was your responsibility, John. Besides, if you had, we wouldn’t be here, together.”

  “Which is more than I deserve.” Shifting to throw my legs over the edge of the bed, I feel her hand wrap around my arm.

  When I look at her, she cups my face and whispers, “You deserve everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  She’s so…intense. There’s never been anyone in my life to affect me on every level—emotionally, mentally, physically—like she does.

  I kiss her forehead before reaching down for her dress. Sometimes she strikes me dumb with her kindness, her…love. I can’t think of anything profound to say. “Come on. We should probably eat something before I need to start getting ready.”

  We go downstairs, and I leave her in the parlor with Nothing to make dinner. When I return with chicken and rice, I find her staring at the television wearing a frown. “Was this you?”

  Handing her the plate, I turn toward the TV to see the news playing, immediately recognizing they’re filming at the graveyard where I took Wendy. A blonde, middle-aged woman cries into the camera, saying she’s her mother.

  Please, the woman begs. Please return her body. Whoever you are, whatever your reasons… We won’t look for you or press charges, just please bring us back our baby, and let her rest peacefully.

  My lungs deflate, refusing to circulate oxygen as my mouth drops open, and I slowly sit next to Sarah. The woman looks so…defeated.

  She asks me again, “John? Was this one of your girls?”

  I nod, trying to swallow as I remember dumping Wendy on my back porch as if she were nothing more than spoiled food.


  “She looks so sad.” Sarah’s voice is filled with sorrow, and I can’t understand how she so easily feels for someone she’s never met. I honestly hadn’t thought that what I did had any effect on the living.

  When my mother died, I didn’t see her body as her anymore. The person she was had disappeared, her skin just a vessel that served as a mode of transportation for her essence while she was alive. Our essence is what makes us who we are, what matters most. I’ve never considered the fact that not everyone feels that way.

  “I…I didn’t think I was hurting anyone.” My appetite has suddenly vanished, so I set my plate on the coffee table.

  Sarah leans back against the couch, swallowing a bite of rice. “Maybe you could apologize?”

  Crossing my arms, I tilt my head, genuinely curious about her suggestion. “And how the hell would I do that?”

  “Do you remember all the girls you’ve had? Where their graves are?”

  There’s no way I could ever remember all the bodies I’ve acquired for pay, yet those I spent intimate time with have burned their way into my brain. “Yes. All of them.”

  “What if you wrote apology letters to all their families and left them at the empty graves? Tell them you’re sorry and that their loved ones are at peace.”

  “Are they, though?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know, but I don’t think that’s what matters. As long as it makes them feel better.”

  I don’t know how my heart will ever survive her as it swells in my chest. “You’re really smart, you know that?”

  With her scarred cheeks blushing, she turns her head and smirks. “Well, you’re the first to say it.”

  She doesn’t eat much of her food, however, I have no idea how much Fink used to allow her to consume on a daily basis.

  Reeeee er reeee. Reeeee er reeee.

  The town siren wails ominously around us. “Town meeting! Town meeting in one hour at the Old Town Hall. Town meeting!” Mayor Greer’s voice floats in through the windows as Nothing tucks his head between his legs and hides under the couch. He’s always hated that fucking siren.

  The Mayor’s voice magnifies through his megaphone as I pick up our plates and stand to my feet. “I need to shower and try to figure out what the hell I’m going to say. You can watch TV or read a book, whatever you’d like.” She nods, reaching under the couch to comfort Nothing.

  After I shower, I put on my skull face. And while it stings like a bitch around my cuts and bruises from my fight with Ingvar, I’m glad Mayor Greer made the suggestion. I’m always more confident with it on. It takes forever to apply the greasepaint, so when I finally finish, it’s nearly time to leave.

  Sarah’s on the floor in the parlor playing tug-o-war with Nothing and his rope. I scratch his ear before taking her hand to pull her to her feet. “I’m going to get going. I’ll see you there, okay?” She smiles, staring at my lips. Leaning down, I kiss her, still stunned that I’m able to do so with a willing, living girl. And not just any girl…with Sarah Stein. Slowly separating our hands, I walk to the door before adding, “Be sure to stay away from Fink.”

  Tilting her head with an unamused expression, she deadpans, “Obviously.”

  Grinning, I walk outside, wondering how she survived him all these years with her snark.

  The closer I get to Old Town Hall, the more I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack. My heartbeat sounds like a drumline, my guts are tied up in a slipknot, and I’m sweating my ass off. This night could end with a noose around my neck or worse. There have been times when the winner was given the opportunity to choose the loser’s fate. I’ve seen a woman buried alive and a man flayed to death. I left that part out while telling Sarah about trials because I didn’t want to make her more upset than she already was.

  Mayor Greer is getting out of his gray, vintage pick-up truck as I’m walking up the steps. “Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.”

  He grunts, pulling open the Town Hall doors for us. “I want to keep you separated from Fink until the trial begins.�
� He leads me to a conference room and gestures to a seat. “I suggest using this time to think about the points you want to make if you haven’t already. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  The door slams behind him, the quietness of the room allowing me to hear the pronounced click of the lock being put into place. I stare at the clock on the wall, watching the second hand ticking closer and closer to my possible demise. I’d love to be confident that the people in this town are my friends and would never sentence me to death for saving the girl that I love. That’s my main defense; I did everything because I love Sarah. And there’s no doubt in my mind I’d do it again. Today was easily the best day of my life, and it never would have happened without the choices I made.

  If things don’t go in my favor tonight, I don’t know if I’ll be allowed to talk to Sarah one last time. I regret not thanking her for everything she’s given me and wish I’d told her that I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her. I would also ask her to take care of Nothing and make sure he doesn’t just eat treats.

  Before I know it, Mayor Greer is unlocking the door. “Okay, John, it’s time.” Straightening my jacket, I follow him into the main auditorium. “Fink will give his testimony first, then you’ll speak. Sarah will be next, then I will give my assessment of the situation.”

  What?! My head jerks in his direction as I ask a little louder than intended, “Sarah is testifying?”

  His eyes narrow, reminding me to compose myself before I piss off the man trying to help me. “This is a good thing. She’ll help your case.”

  Maybe. Or this could go south and she’ll be branded a traitor.

  Word must have gotten out about what this meeting is about because the rows are fuller than I’ve ever seen them. Murmurs dance across the crowd as I take my seat behind the pulpit on the opposite side of Fink. I spot Sarah in the front row with Nothing, giving me a sweet smile. I shake my head, in a pathetic attempt to dissuade her from speaking. She clearly understands my meaning when she defiantly nods her head yes.


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