Own Me, Daddy

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Own Me, Daddy Page 12

by Zoe Blake

  His men had taken off their robes to create a makeshift bed for Phoebe so she wouldn’t be on the cold ground. Michael laid her down gently. Black smudges of soot marred her nose and mouth, the rest of her face was deathly pale. Pinching her nose between his two fingers, he pressed his lips to her own and breathed. He could hear the distant sirens from the ambulance as it drove up onto the grassy quad.

  He breathed again.

  And again.


  “God dammit, princess. You better not fucking die on me. I command you to open your eyes,” he shouted in frustration.

  Her eyelids fluttered then opened. Her beautiful green eyes shimmered with tears.

  “I don’t think you’re allowed to talk to me like that,” she whispered. Her voice hoarse and raw from the smoke inhalation.

  Michael’s own eyes teared up. Cupping her face with his hand, he replied, “Finally, a command you obeyed!”

  The rest of their conversation was drowned out by exuberant shouts of “Hooyah!”

  The paramedics placed an oxygen mask over her face and strapped her to the gurney. All the while, his men looked on anxiously. It seemed he was not the only one Phoebe had charmed in her short time at the academy.

  Looking over his shoulder, Michael saw the sheriff standing nearby. “You had better hope you find that woman before I do, Sheriff,” he warned.

  The sheriff nodded. “Wouldn’t blame you one bit, Colonel. You head on to the hospital. We’ll find her. Don’t you worry about that.”

  Michael gave the older man a nod before hopping into the ambulance beside Phoebe.

  Chapter 15

  Two weeks later

  “After stealing a fisherman’s boat and leading the local police in a chase across Buzzards Bay, the suspect Anne Ludtz was finally apprehended with the help of several midshipmen and their Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Lawson, who also gave chase in the Puller Academy boats. She is currently under psychiatric care as she awaits a trial date on two counts of first degree murder and one count of attempted murder,” read Henry out loud. Picking up his cigar, he took a long drag before turning to Phoebe. “Helluva job, Wilson. Helluva job!”

  Phoebe plucked the cigar from his fingers and snubbed it out in the ash tray on his desk.

  “Hey, it’s after noon! I’m allowed,” complained Henry.

  “Let’s just say I have a whole new appreciation for life and you should too,” responded Phoebe as she took a sip of her usual mocha latte, wrinkling her nose at the harsh, burnt coffee taste. It wasn’t as good as the mocha lattes from the little cafe Amber and she frequented in Buzzards Bay.

  Buzzards Bay.

  She actually missed the place. Missed the raw beauty of the bay at sunrise. Missed the challenge of lighting a spark in her midshipmen students about Dickens or Shakespeare. Missed the camaraderie of the other teachers.

  She especially missed Michael.

  For days after the bonfire, he never left her side. He even insisted on sleeping on a cot in her hospital room rather than going home to rest.

  If she hadn’t been certain before, her time spent together with him then with his constant caring attention, sealed her fate. She was head over heels in love with the man.

  It was a strangely wonderful time. Sure, she had to suffer through chest scans and blood tests and the whole gamut to make sure there wasn’t any real damage from her brush with death but through it all…there was Michael. He entertained her by reading poetry. She especially loved when he read from Lord Byron. His dark, deep voice was a perfect match for the moody, mercurial poet’s poems. They talked for hours about their childhoods, his time in the military and all sorts of the silly things people talk about to get to know one another.

  They talked about everything…except the future.

  It seemed like neither wanted to broach the subject. Whether it was because they were afraid what the other may say or even more afraid of what they might not…talk of love and a future together remained unspoken. Soon it came time for her to leave, to return to her old life in New York.

  Secretly, she kept hoping he would command her to stay…but he didn’t.

  He just let her go.

  Since then there had been long phone conversations and emails, mostly about the case against Ludtz. No mention of her returning to the academy…or love.

  And worse…she had sent him the article on Ludtz earlier this morning and hadn’t heard a word from him. She had to be fair in her reporting. Phoebe had hoped he would understand that. It wasn’t her fault the Navy looked the other way for so long. She did her best to be impartial and not lambaste them like other reporters would have done, but the truth was the truth, besides the Navy made good in the end. If it wasn’t for Michael’s help, Ludtz may never have been found out and caught.

  “Are you even listening to me?” groused Henry.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “I asked what you plan to do next. What have you got for me?”

  “There’s talk of a bribery scandal about to break in the mayor’s office,” responded Phoebe absentmindedly.

  Henry nodded. “Could have some legs on it. What else?”

  “Um…there’s that thing about the tainted rice in China. A source tells me some of it might have made its way into US products.”

  “That thing that killed all the kids?”

  Phoebe nodded her head.

  “That sounds promising. Nothing like a good scare to sell newspapers.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Wilson. Are you even paying attention? Ever since you got back from that Buzzard assignment it’s like your heart isn’t in it anymore.”

  She could never get anything past Henry. “You’re not going to like this…but I don’t think it is.”

  Henry nodded sagely. “Is it that commander fella; the one you wrote about?”

  “Why would you say that?” Phoebe shifted in her seat as her cheeks began to heat.

  Henry held up the newspaper, giving it a tap with his index finger. “Because you make the guy sound like Batman and Superman all rolled into one.”

  Her cheeks grew even hotter. “You’ve been hanging around Jimmy and his stupid comic books too much.”

  Pointing at her with one stubby finger, Henry rejoined. “And you’re ignoring the facts.”

  Phoebe toyed with the cardboard sleeve of her empty mocha latte cup. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You love him, Phoebe. It’s as plain as the nose on your face.”

  She looked up and met Henry’s sympathetic eyes. “Yeah, but what does that get me? I have a career. Women from my generation aren’t supposed to give that shit up for love.”

  Henry shrugged. “There’s nothing to say you can’t freelance once in a while and besides…to my thinking…it’s more what you’re gaining then giving up.”

  “You’re my boss. Aren’t you supposed to be convincing me to stay?”

  He nodded. “I’m your boss…but I’m also practically a father to you…and I say to hell with this dog and pony show. Go get your soldier!”

  “Marine,” said Phoebe without thinking.

  “Is there a difference?”

  Phoebe jumped up and gave Henry a hug around the neck. “I’ve been told many times there is.” Laughing as she grabbed her shoulder bag and prepared to leave, Phoebe was already checking her phone for flights out of New York when there was a huge commotion outside Henry’s office.

  She opened the door to see Michael marching through the Ledger offices in full dress uniform.

  He looked magnificent, over six feet of impressive uniform, muscle and…anger? Uh oh…he also looked pissed as hell, thought Phoebe as she took in his lowered brow and clenched jaw.

  Phoebe defiantly placed her hands on her hips. Narrowing her eyes, she prepared to meet him head on. “Nothing I wrote in that article was untrue, so if you got a problem with it, then you are not the man I thought you were!”

  Without missing a step or saying a wor
d, Michael swooped down and lifted Phoebe into his arms. He turned and started to walk out of the office.

  “What are you doing?” exclaimed Phoebe as she was forced to grab onto his neck.

  “I don’t give a damn about that article. I tried to be a gentleman. Tried to give you space to make the right decision but my patience is at an end, babygirl. You’re mine and I’m taking you home,” ground out Michael as his determined gaze pierced her astonished one.

  “Do I get a say in this?”


  God, she loved this arrogant, demanding man!

  “Well, are you going to at least admit that you love me?” huffed Phoebe as her cheeks heated knowing they were being observed by every member of the Ledger’s staff.

  Giving her a suggestive look he said, “I’m going to do a lot more than just admit I love you, princess. I’m going to make you scream who’s your Daddy.”

  Burying her head in his neck, Phoebe tried to hide her satisfied smile. “You’re being very An Officer and A Gentleman right now,” she teased.

  Michael’s lips quirked. “Gere’s character was a naval officer candidate. I’m a Marine officer.”

  Flicking the tip of her tongue against the edge of her teeth, Phoebe grinned. She loved baiting him. “What’s the difference?”

  His arms gripped her tighter. “I plan to spend a lifetime showing you.”


  Two years later

  “Time to wake up, Professor Lawson.”

  Phoebe opened her eyes and smiled at Michael.

  “Or should I say Dr. Lawson?” he asked with a wink. “You don’t want to miss your first class of fall semester.”

  Phoebe had taken the last two years to earn her doctorate in English Literature so she could become a full professor at Puller Academy. Not a day had gone by where she regretted leaving her life in New York behind to be with Michael. The murder case which brought them together was a distant memory but their life hadn’t become any less exciting. With Michael at the helm as Commander, Puller Academy had finally made the transition into a co-ed military academy. The addition of women had added a whole new energy and dynamic to the school, and kept them both busy creating all new procedures, classes and traditions.

  She still liked to challenge and fight with Michael, keep him on his toes…or as he would call it…push his buttons, but oh it was so much fun to make up with him! Her now-husband had a penchant for taking her in semi-private places around campus; like the library, gymnasium and empty classrooms. It was a miracle they hadn’t got gotten caught yet…although they did have several close calls which made it that much more exciting for them both.

  He had also gotten quite creative with his punishments.

  Pulling on her bound right wrist which was secured with a black silk tie to the bedpost, she teased, “Then perhaps you had better untie me.”

  Michael leaned in to give her a quick kiss before untying her wrist. As she got out of bed, he swatted her ass with a rolled up newspaper.

  “Hey!” Phoebe laughed as she scooted out of the way.

  “Thought you might like to see your latest article. Henry sent up a copy.”

  To Henry’s delight, she had continued to write the occasional feature piece for the Ledger, usually during the summer or winter breaks. Michael wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as she opened the newspaper to check out her headline and article.

  Pushing her long soft curls aside, Michael kissed her on the neck just below her ear. “So, have you decided what your next project will be?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The school is co-ed and you have your doctorate which means you now have free time on your hands, which I know from experience can be very dangerous. I need to keep you occupied and by my side so you don’t go running off to chase down some crazy headline for the Ledger halfway across the country.”

  Turning in his arms, Phoebe wrapped her arms around his neck. “There was a headline I was particularly interested in, but I think it’s something only the school newspaper would print.”

  His brow lowered. “What would that be?”

  “Lieutenant Colonel Michael Lawson and Dr. Phoebe Lawson welcome first child.”

  “Are you pregnant?” asked an astonished Michael as he gripped her hips and lifted her into the air.

  “Why, Commander! I don’t think you’re allowed to ask an employee that,” teased Phoebe with false affront.

  “I’m asking anyway,” he growled as he carried her back to the bed. Laying her down among the rumpled covers, he covered her body with his own.

  Running her fingernails down his naked, muscled chest, she cooed, “Maybe if you ask me nicely, I’ll tell you.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m a Marine. We don’t do…nice.” Michael ran his hand over her stomach to cup one full breast as he nipped at her shoulder.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Phoebe.

  Later that night, Michael surprised her with a celebratory dinner. He made them spaghetti and meatballs, her favorite. He drank wine. She had grape juice.

  About Zoe Blake

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author in Dark Romance

  We are all attracted to the forbidden. Addicted to the rush we get from reading something naughty...something kinky. We love to lose ourselves in the fantasy. The powerful lord who sweeps the lady away to his remote estate to ravish her. The cowboy who takes the sassy city girl over his knee to teach her a lesson. The devilishly charming pirate who seduces his beautiful captive.

  I write those dark fantasies.

  Check out Zoe’s website here!

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  My Wantonly Wicked Reads

  Papa’s Prey

  Trapped in a world of dark decadence, the innocent Corinne is now bound to obey her new husband’s every depraved desire.

  Broken Doll

  I am his captive. No one is coming to save me.

  Dangerous Daddy Series

  Fight Me, Daddy

  Subjecting her to pain and punishment, he won't relent, not even when she submits and calls him Daddy.

  Own Me, Daddy

  The harder Phoebe fights him, the more determined Michael

  becomes to bend her to his will.

  Bite Me, Daddy

  He will have her on her knees, begging for forgiveness. It's time she learned why they call him, Paine

  For more of my books check out my Amazon Page!


  Bite Me, Daddy Teaser

  Chapter One

  She had been a thief most of her life; tonight she would become a killer.

  The night was still and peaceful.

  Surveying the quiet city street, she was careful to stay within the shadows.

  He had chosen his safe house well. It was just on the edge of Potomac Park in D.C. The small, unassuming brick house was moments away from Independence Avenue which would allow a quick getaway to the highways. Plus, it skirted the edge of the Yards, a low-rent, high crime area. The perfect place to score equipment, a quick smash and grab crew or fake I.D.s from people who didn’t ask a lot of bothersome questions. Of course, that was why he was considered the best.

  They called him Paine. Doubtful it was his real name. None of them used their real names. Reals names were for people with families, memories, and normal jobs…a real life. In her world, there was only the moment. The adrenaline rush of a heist. The pride in a good score. Living for the day because tomorrows are not a promise. In her world, trust was a fantasy of the foolish and love was a weakness. Too bad she had forgotten all that, allowed herself to trust and fall in love, to actually believe she could have a chance at a normal life.

  Then Paine took it all away from her.

  Killed the man
she loved.

  And now he would pay.

  First, she took away the only thing of real value any criminal had…their reputation…but it was not enough. It should have been. Watching him get burned, not knowing who had set him up. Watching him twist and spin as her web closed tighter and tighter around him.

  It had all been perfect. The perfect setup. The perfect deception. The perfect revenge.

  She could feel the warm stone between her breasts. The Raj Pink Diamond. The thirty-seven carat diamond he was hired to steal.

  She’d gotten there first.

  She’d stolen the diamond and let The Syndicate, the crime outfit they both worked for, believe Paine had double-crossed them. She had been thorough, posting on the dark web to make it look like Paine was searching for a buyer. Then she started dropping hints among the dirty dealers that he had sold fake jewels and artwork to them over the years and that Paine’s reputation as a master thief was a sham.

  The final piece was retuning a Vermeer he had stolen and sold two years ago back to the museum in Brussels. The Vermeer was an exceptionally well done fraud, not that the museum cared. They primly ignored the signs and announced the triumphant return of their masterpiece, while Paine’s underworld and very influential buyer seethed. Assuming he had been deceived by Paine, he was demanding his five million back. The best part was, assuming it was of no value, the underworld buyer had practically tossed the original Vermeer aside, placing it in storage on one of his estates. She had snatched it up with no problem. It now graced her walls in her London flat. A reminder of her perfect revenge on Paine.

  It really had all been perfect. The perfect setup. The perfect deception. The perfect revenge.


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