Bun in the Oven

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by Jamie Knight

  Bun in the Oven

  A Thanksgiving Billionaire and Baker Secret Baby Romance

  Copyright © 2019 Jamie Knight Romance.

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One


  Chapter Two


  Chapter Three


  Chapter Four


  Chapter Five


  Chapter Six


  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight


  Chapter Nine


  Chapter Ten


  Chapter Eleven


  Chapter Twelve


  Chapter Thirteen


  Chapter Fourteen


  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter Sixteen


  Chapter Seventeen


  Chapter Eighteen




  Sneak Peek of Little Pumpkin

  Chapter One


  My best friend Reece and his broad, Gia, lived in a fucking palace.

  I sometimes forgot how big the house was. All of us in our circle of friends were rich, but Reece was stupid rich. Richer than anyone I’d ever known, and that was saying something, since I was richer than anyone most people had ever known.

  When I said stuff like that, people would think I was bragging. And I guess I was proud of my rise to billions thanks to my tech genius.

  But really, I would probably brag anyway, because I was a boastful New Yorker. It was what we did. If you were a kid from Brooklyn who made it anywhere in this world and you were not bragging, then I’d say there was probably something wrong with you.

  Most Americans, as far as I knew, didn't tend to have stately mansions as homes, and in New York, they were even harder to come by. The best I had managed to do in my 20’s was a three-floor condo on the Upper West Side. To get a detached house anywhere near Manhattan required next level wealth, which I hadn’t acquired until my 30’s.

  Reece had all that, and even more, but the kid was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, thanks to his grand-dad’s money. Mine had been made the “new money” way: with the sweat I poured into my keyboard as I coded.

  Once I got to Reece’s huge house, I handed the keys of my Ashton Martin to the valet and made my way up the stairs, turning my collar up against the gathering autumn cold.

  I was always happy to see Reece and the guys, but these particular circumstances were a bit weird. I had never been to a baby shower before. The way I understood it, they were supposed to be female only affairs, the “baby rabies,” as my sister SISTERNAME referred to that stage where every woman wants to have a baby, just dripping off the walls.

  Not that this was a bad thing, mind you. I ain’t no sexist. I've been to many male-only gatherings and thought baby showers were usually female-only, is all. I'd just never heard of such a crossover — a co-ed baby shower — and wasn't sure how it would work.

  I didn't know much about babies. It had been so long since I had been one and, as a single guy doing my best to avoid having a baby, I wasn’t really that interested in learning about them.

  I just hoped there would be booze. If I couldn't hide out at home and be depressed, like I was used to doing these days, then I could at least drink and be depressed.

  "Jäger is on the table," Reece said, taking my coat.

  "How did – "

  "Lucky guess," he said, heading for one of his many bedrooms.

  "Thanks," I said, heading for the drinks table a bit too quickly to be dignified.

  I hurried to get myself good and drunk, so I would feel less out of place, and also so that I would have liquid courage to successfully dodge – or answer, if I had to – all the questions I was anticipating people would ask me. Everyone had been really worried about me lately. And some people were just fucking nosy.

  I don't know what the medically recommended number of Jäger shots was, but I was pretty sure it wasn't thirteen.

  "Don't," my good friend Simon said, literally covering the bottle to stop me from pouring number fourteen.

  "What are you - "

  "Stopping you from making an even bigger mistake," he replied.

  "Yeah, you’re probably right," I said.

  "Are you still, you know, down in the dumps?" Simon asked.

  That was one way to put it. It was quite a nice euphemism, if you really thought about it. I sometimes did feel as if I was in some garbage pile somewhere, no one noticing me down there as more trash continued to be dumped on top of me.

  Simon knew better than to go into specifics. Particularly about my "On The Go" app. That was more than could be said for others.

  It was part of why I was relieved to see that Derek hadn't shown up. He was asking me nosy questions.

  It had been a brilliant idea. Basically, it was a celebrity tabloid meets Wikipedia meets Snapchat meets Facebook’s or Yelp’s “Check In” feature, in which people could tag themselves out and about with whomever they happened to be cavorting with, and dish the dirt on themselves and others.

  It was like Facebook without the shame. And more popular, too, as it turned out everyone liked to pretend they were online “social media influencers” and famous in some way or another. I should have made millions but She Who Shall Not Be Named stole it out from under me – cut me out of my own invention, despite the fact that I fucking programmed it from the ground up.

  That was almost as bad as when I found out she was cheating on me after letting all the money and power got to her head. She actually wanted me to stay with her when I found out. Mostly to save face, of course. She never gave a shit about me or anyone else. She was a stone-cold social path through the and through.

  "Not really," I finally answered Simon, understating my feelings on the issue.

  The truth was that I still felt like shit and the fact that so many people were chatting and laughing together just made it worse, because I didn’t feel like doing any of those things. All the men here looked like they had thrown together their outfits in a fit of panic, not sure what to wear to such an event – or maybe that was just me.

  The women, though, had worn cute outfits and looked great. Reece’s cousin Maya was here, as were her friends Catharine and Amanda. Gia was here, of course. And there were other people I knew but I tried not to look in their direction, for fear they would come over and try to talk to me about She Who Shall Not Be Named – although her parents did name her, Jessa.

  "Can you believe what the Rangers are doing this year?" I asked Simon, for purposes of changing the subject, of course.

  "Not at all, man, it's ridiculous. Where I'm from, the fans would have rioted by now," Simon agreed.

  "We don't take our sports as seriously over here," I joked.

  "Apparently not. It is more of an ancient grudge situation, more to do with regional rivalry. Sunderland and Newcastle have hated each other since the 18th century."


  "We can certainly hold a grudge," Simon conceded.

  I wasn't sure if he meant anything by that but couldn't help but wonder. Simon could be very dry and somewhat hard to read sometimes. Perhaps it was a cultural difference.

  "Hey guys," Reece said, sidling up to the drinks table

  "Hello," Simon said.

  "Hey," I said, not meeting his eyes.

  "Is everything, alright?" Reece asked.

  "Yeah," I said, pouring a fourteenth shot of Jäger while Simon was preoccupied and couldn't stop me.

  "I’m kind of surprised – in a good way, of course – to see you here,” Mike continued. “I know you've been avoiding big social events. It’s hard to avoid the app, when everyone is using it."

  I didn't know what to say. Part of me wanted to tell him to go fuck himself for bringing up the thing I didn’t want to talk about. Some host he was. Another part wanted to punch him in the jaw but he was my friend, so I refrained from both and did nothing.

  "You're not wrong," is all I could muster up the thought to say.

  "That's why I invited you here,” Reece said. “It's just friends and family, yeah? Nothing to be scared of or self-conscious about."

  "Yeah," I said, unable to keep from feeling self-conscious, despite his assurances.

  Graciously removing myself from the party, I made my way into the quiet sanctum of the massive kitchen. It was pleasantly cool in there, with its spacious tile counter-tops and top-of-the-line appliances.

  I took a deep breath, revealing in the relative silence, having become a bit of a hermit, which I hated to admit.

  I noticed her ass first. She had been bending over into the fridge, putting her beautiful curves of full display.

  Coming up out of the fridge, she brought an elbow and then cake with her, careful to keep it away from her large breasts, to keep from getting icing on them. I imaged what that might look like, only minus her shirt and apron, and what it would taste like if I cleaned the icing off her using just my tongue.

  I could feel my cock getting hard.

  She really was gorgeous.

  "That's an interesting cake," I said, sliding up next to her.

  "Thanks. It's for the gender reveal," she told me, matter-of-factly.

  "A gender reveal?" I asked her, blankly.

  “Yeah; that’s the reason behind this baby shower.”

  "I haven't heard of this tradition."

  But then again, I hadn’t heard of a lot of things involving babies or parenting.

  "It’s when they let everyone know if they’re having a boy or a girl," she said, "based on the color of the icing that’s in this cake."

  "I don't know much about this kind of stuff, though I'm happy for Reece,” I admitted. “Are you a friend of Gia's?"

  "Her oldest friend actually, as well as the baker for this baby shower and gender reveal party. I think one lead into the other."

  "I'm Mike," I said, offering a hand.

  "Sally," she smiled, taking my hand, having already placed the cake on the counter.

  I had just met her, but I already felt better here in the kitchen with Sally than I had out at the party, with all the talk about babies and what had gone wrong with the app and my relationship with Jessa.

  As far as I knew, Sally didn’t know anything about what had happened with the app. She had given me a little smile when we shook hands, almost as if she recognized but couldn’t place me. I got that a lot, being semi-famous thanks to the app and Jessa – not that that was ever my intention. I was more of a behind the scenes kind of guy.

  Another plus for Sally and our conversation so far was that she didn’t seem that interested in babies, outside of baking cakes for events having to do with them, in exchange for money, which were already two big points in her favor.

  The cake wasn’t the end of it. Once that was set up, she started making and organizing smaller pastries with the help of an assistant from the caterer’s.

  “So, how did you and Gia meet?” I asked her.

  “In class. She drew a picture that made me laugh in geometry. We both got two days detention for it, but it was the beginning of our strong bond. I was the first one she told she was pregnant.”

  “Wow, that’s cool,” I said, surprised by the depth of their connection.

  “She was the first person I really loved, if that makes sense.”

  “It does actually,” I said, feeling a pang of envy.

  I had close buddies, but no one I could say that about. I thought it must be different for men and women, and that women’s’ friendships were one of the things I couldn’t fully understand but could certainly appreciate.

  “Shouldn’t you be out with the others?” Sally asked, finishing off the last small pastry.

  “I’d rather be here with you,” I said, before I knew what I was saying.

  In retrospect, I realized it was true, and not just because I was trying to avoid the people mingling out in the living room. She was clever, funny and hot as hell.

  I wanted to fuck her so bad in every way I could imagine. I could just imagine lifting her up on top of this counter and pulling her panties to the side underneath her skirt, so I could rub her clit until she came. Then I’d put some of this icing on her and lick her sweet little pussy until she was screaming out my name, with no worries of anyone hearing us. Of course, I’d have to slide my cock into that wet pussy of hers next.

  Oh, yeah. I was definitely having fantasies about her. And they weren’t just one-night-stand type stuff.

  But that also meant it wouldn’t work out. I didn’t want a relationship and she didn’t seem like the one-night stand type. She was too sweet and genuine. Maybe she was a serial monogamist, if anything.

  “Time to roll,” the caterer said, coming into the kitchen.

  Sally picked up the cake and headed out into the party. She was followed closely by the assistant with the smaller pastries. Alone in the kitchen, I reluctantly went out into the party.

  At least Sally would be there, I thought. And then I immediately told myself to stop thinking that way.

  The cake was cut, revealing a pink inside, meaning, I assumed, that the baby Gia was carrying with impressive grace was a girl. The revelation meant I was free to slip away as the party kept going and the cake was passed around.

  I wanted to stay just to hit on Sally, but I knew I couldn’t do that. It wouldn’t lead anywhere good. Nothing involving women and me ever fucking did.

  I was too drunk to drive so I requested an Uber on my phone once I was outside.

  “Need a ride?”

  I looked over and saw Reece’s driver, whom I had met on a couple of occasions.

  “Sure, won’t Reece mind?”

  “Of course not sir; he told me to take good care of his guests tonight,” the driver answered, smiling pleasantly, as was their job, I supposed. “I will bring the car around.”


  After a few minutes, I got into the back of the limo feeling pretty proud of myself for not even asking Sally for her number.

  Although the stupid part of my brain wished I had, because I couldn’t get her out of my head. Particularly her beautiful breasts and ass. That curvy hourglass figure of hers. Her sweet laugh and her witty banter.

  I wished I could fuck her. And get to know her better.

  So I knew to stay away from trying to do either one.

  Jessa had seemed sweet at first, too. And I never wanted to end up with another Jessa on my hands.

  Chapter Two


  The party had gone really well. The caterer I worked with was one of the best, so that wasn’t really a surprise. When everything was sorted and I was free to talk, I started to look for Mike. I had really enjoyed his company and was interested in seeing him again.

  “Have you seen Mike?” I asked Reece, after I looked around the living room and didn’t spot him.

  “Not recently,” Reece said. “I think he might have left. He’s got a lot going on right now.”

  “Oh,” I said, feeling a slight pang of disappointment.

  I tried to tell myself it had just been a brief moment with a stranger. It really meant nothing.

  I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew him somehow. It must have been from one of th
e social events I had worked. Gia had a party planning business and we often worked together, with her doing the planning and me doing the catering. Reece had put money into advertising her business, and it had turned out to be a boon for both of us.

  Mike said he was Reece’s friend, and that, of course, was why he was here, so it only stood to reason that I had met him in the past. But I didn’t clearly recall when it would have been, and I couldn’t help but find it odd that I hadn’t seen him at any of the social events I had been to with Gia and Reece. Reece had quite a few buddies and they were always tagging along with us, but I really didn’t think Mike had been one of them that I’d met before.

  I quickly searched my and Gia’s On the Go pages to see if either of us were tagged in a photo with him or had any check-ins with him, or any articles about us being out and about together. There was nothing there to inform me of where I might have met him. So perhaps I hadn’t, and he just seemed familiar because he was the man of my dreams.

  I know how cheesy that just sounded. But I couldn’t help thinking it.

  It was not only his familiarity that had caught my attention. He was also so damn sexy. Tall and well-muscled. He even had a few well-placed tattoos. Not only that, but he had made me laugh, which wasn’t always easy to do, especially when I’m working an event, because I liked to stay dedicated and focused on what I was doing.

  I also could have sworn he had been staring at my tits. He was hardly the first. They were so big they tended to attract attention just by existing, but he really seemed to want them. It seemed as if he was thinking about what it would be like to cover them in icing and lick it off. A notion I found quite enjoyable to think about myself.

  My pussy was getting wet by the time I got home. I ignored it and tried to get down to the business of the night. Holmes and Watson rubbed up against my legs, purring as I got their food out of the cupboard.

  I had heard that cats were affectionate only when it served their agenda but sometimes, I thought my two seemed to be the exception. Maybe they just liked my delightful personality when I talked to them.


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