Bun in the Oven

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Bun in the Oven Page 9

by Jamie Knight

  “Oh no, that wasn't me.”

  “It wasn't?” I asked.

  “Nope that was all him. Reece knows true love when he sees it. He saw it with us even before I did. He is really quite sensitive that way. At first I thought he just stayed with me because he got me pregnant but it was the real thing. He really loved me and wanted to be there for our kid. He could see you two were making a mistake and he wasn't going to sit by while Jessa pulled her bullshit.”

  “He really is an amazing dad, isn't he?” I asked, looking over at Reece rocking Amber.

  “Yeah, he is,” Gia said.

  “On that note, there is something I should tell you.”

  “Uh oh,” Gia said.

  “No, no, it is a good thing,” I said.

  “Oh, good,” Gia said.

  “I'm pregnant,” I said, deciding just to spit it out.

  “Really?” Gia asked, shocked.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “The test was pretty clear,” I said.

  Gia took me in an attack hug, so overcome was she with resounding joy. Suddenly, she pushed me back holding me at arm's length.

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “I just did,” I pointed out.

  “No, I mean when you found out,” Gia said.

  “I thought I should tell Mike first, if that makes any sense,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess it does. I just remember what happened when I wasn't sure.”

  “I thought of that,” I confessed, “It's just, my situation was a lot more messed up. I didn't want to get you down, you know? Not until I knew for sure what was going down.”

  “I think I understand that. I just wish you had told me, maybe I could have helped.”

  “You did,” I said, “you got me back with Mike, at least indirectly. You knew Telling Reece was the right thing and look where we are now.”

  “When you're right, you're right,” Gia conceded.

  “It does happen every so often,” I said.

  We hugged again happy to be where we were, with the people we were with and that it had al worked out.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Ava had been cut off. It was never properly explained to either her or me but, somewhere along the way, our parents had decided that their only daughter was a disappointment. So much so that the cut her out of the will, making me the sole heir to their vast fortune. Nearly a hundred million at the time of their untimely deaths. I was having none of it though. Waiting until the money was mine, free and clear, I cut Ava a check. I had to be careful to fit on all seven zeros. Not stopping there I also co-signed on her first apartment when she was nineteen. My parents were gone and had already lost interest before that Though Ava was still my baby sister and what kind of brother would I be if I didn't take care of her?

  She had moved up since that first apartment, Ava was always a clever girl and invested her share of the family fortune wisely, doubling it in less than two years. After what had happened with Jessa and On the Go Ava, technically, had more money than I did. Interesting how things worked out.

  The place had parking out front though it was gone of course. Instead of several goes around the block, or walking several blocks like I did at Catharine's I waited for an appropriate ebb I had a different idea.

  “Pull over here,” I said.

  “Are you sure, sir?” the driver asked.

  “Quite,” I said.

  Wanting to earn his tip, the driver did as he was told and eased over as far as he could get while leaving me enough room to open my door.

  “I'll call when I'm finish,” I said, before Sally and I bundled out so the limo could carry on before being rear-ended by one of the city's notorious yellow cabs. Pausing just outside the range of the security camera, I hacked into that one, a process as second nature as breathing by that point, simply turning it off.

  “What are you doing?” Sally asked.

  “Hacking the security cameras,” I said.

  “You can do that?” Sally asked.

  “Of course, you can never be too careful,” I said.

  “Did you ever think of doing that with On the Go?”

  “Yes, eventually. She brought in a new security team and I haven't cracked the new firewalls yet.”


  “It is only a matter of time,” I said, pocketing the phone, the cameras neutralized, “then it is going to fall like Troy.”

  Sally took hold of my arm and lay her head on my shoulder on the way up to the beautifully carved French-style doors. Ava and I had a standing arrangement in which we always had keys to the other's place and could come and go as we pleased. More than once I had come home to find my door locked and the shower running. To be fair, I did life a lot closer to the airport than she did. One of the main things she spend her riches on were trips around the world, Australia and Sweden being particular favorites.

  “Hey all,” I sang, coming through the door.

  “Mikey!” Ava cried throwing herself at me in an attack hug.

  “Hey, little one,” I said, returning her embrace.

  “You must be Sally,” Ava said, regaining her composure.

  “Yes, I am,” she said.

  They shook hands as Ava looked Sally in the eye with an intensity that bordered on uncomfortable, staring into her subjects very soul. I had seen her do it countless times over the years and it never failed to amuse me. Not least because of her diminutive size. After a long moment's inspection, Sally passed the test, Ava giving a short, sharp, nod of approval, before turning on her heel and going back toward the kitchen.

  “What just happened?” Sally asked.

  “It's just her custom,” I said.

  “I passed right?”

  “Oh yes,” I confirmed.

  “Good,” Sally said, seeming genuinely relieved.

  “Particularly because I would like her to be godmother. If that's okay with you of course.”

  “I'll have to think about but yeah, I don't see a problem with that, at least not at this moment.”

  “Give her time, she'll warm up. I actually think you could be friends.”

  “Didn't she grow up rich?” Sally asked.

  “Yes but so did I.”

  “Fair point,” she said, giving me a smooch.

  Unlike the friendsgiving Sally and I were among the first to arrive the rest trickling in later, some of them much later, my excitement growing the more time passed without Derek arriving. More than half an hour after the appointed, we were seated at the candlelit table, Ava on my right and Sally on my left, Reece and Simon across from me. The spread was huge as usual, most of it cooked by Ava herself. While we were raised rich our parents, particularly our mom, didn't want us to be helpless and taught us the basics of survival. I even knew how to how to pump gas if it should that ever come up.

  “I'll get it!” I said, hopping up off my chair when the knock on the finally came.

  “Hey, sorry I'm late,” Derek said, standing on the stoop, looking somewhat pathetic.

  “That's fine, come right in,” I said, buzzing him in.

  I had thought about being a vindictive prick. Of course I did. Had I been younger and a bit less mature I may well have said something clever before closing the door and going back to the table, or even ignored the knock entirely. Thanks in no small part to Reece's influence though, not to mention Sally, both of whom have been nothing but positive elements in my life and on my personality, I decided the best way to show Derek the error of his ways was to do the opposite. To lead by example as the kids like to say.

  “Who was that?” Ava asked, as I returned to the table.

  “Derek, he'll be up in a moment,” I said.

  “Oh, that's nice,” Simon said.

  “Sarcasm?” I asked.

  “Not a bit of it,” Simon said, sarcastically

  We welcomed Derek to our number, his reaction at least seeming to be one of abject she
epishness. When the food was eaten and the table cleared of both dishes and eventually guests, some remaining around the then bare wood to talk and commiserate, others, at least among those who remained, Reece, Gia, Derek and Maya needing to leave early for various reasons, finding far more comfortable seating in Ava's rather large and lushly furnished sitting room.

  “Hey,” Ava said, sitting down next to me on the brown leather couch, her wine buzz already apparent.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Sally is something, hey?” Ava said, sounding genuinely surprised.

  “Are you surprised?” I asked.

  “A bit yeah. Not that you like her, I can definitely see that. I've been watching.”

  “Of course you have.”

  “And she's great,” Ava finished.

  “I'm glad you agree,” I said.

  “And I'm glad that you're happy,” she countered.

  “You have no idea,” I said.

  “Enlighten me,” she said.

  “I love her, for real.”

  “I know,” Ava said.

  “You do?”

  “Sure. It has been a while but I still remember what it looks like when you are in love brother mine.”

  “Could you tell that she loves me too?”

  “I got the distinct impression,” Ava confirmed.

  “She's pregnant,” I said.

  “Serious?” Ava asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Deadly,” I said.

  “I'm going to be an aunt?”


  Ava hugged me again. Not the usual attack hug when she was enthusiastic but the one she did when she was genuinely overcome with emotion.

  “Happy?” I asked.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed, wiping away literal tears of joy, “I always knew it was meant to be.”

  “Gia said the same thing,” Sally said, sitting down on my other side, giving me a gentle kiss.

  There came another knock at the door. Gia, Ava and I looked at each other, trying to figure out who it could be.

  “Another of your friends?” Ava asked.

  “I don't think so, they've all come and gone as far as I know,” I said.

  Sally thanked the person at the door and returned with a regulation sized cake box, tied closed with a pink and a blue ribbon.

  “What's that?” I asked.

  “My people call it a cake box,” Ava said.

  “Your people are my people,” I said.

  “Oh, right,” she said.

  Sally masterfully untied the ribbons, which made sense considering how many of them she would have tied.

  “What's you're guess?” I asked.

  “Well, a cake would be the obvious answer, so I'll say a helicopter,” Ava replied.

  Sally lifted the lid of the box revealing a tort cake with a smiley face on it, strikingly similar to the one I had Ava order from her so I could see her again that had gone on to play such a wonderful part in our sexy time.

  “You made that,” I said, making it a statement.

  “Yup,” Sally said proudly.

  “And had it delivered?” Ava asked.

  “By my assistant,” Sally said.

  “This seem familiar somehow,” Ava observed.

  “Yeah, I know,” I said, Sally and I grinning a each other.

  “It represents how I feel finally being with you, properly I mean and how happy you make me,” Sally said.

  “I know the feeling,” I said, “especially now that we are having a baby.”

  We kissed and Ava hugged me from behind she was so moved.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Mike called a limo. Of course he did. I used to think that people who did that were showing off or trying to raise themselves above other people and some of them probably are. Though I hadn't seen much of that with Mike. I came to think that he did that because he always had. He didn't really come from a family who called cabs or, heaven forehand, take public transit. He used limos because it was what he had always done and it likely didn't occur to him to do anything else.

  The soft leather creaked quietly under us as we sat in the back seat. I put my head on his shoulder and he held me all the way back to his condo, which we had decided not long before that night would also be my condo. He certainly had the space and the building was a short walk to my bakery so it was a win-win.

  “Thanks,” Mike said to the driver, giving her a hundred dollar tip.

  It could had been my imagination but it seemed that Mike was getting really getting more generous and more modest. I hoped I was right and wondered how much his friendship with Reece had to do with it.

  We were both pretty horny by the time we got up to his condo. A state expressed by Mike taking a big, hard handful of my ass and me letting him. I honestly loved the feeling, which honestly didn't hurt as much as it might have looked. I turned towards him, so he could get his hand up my dress and down into my leggings, massaging my pussy in the most delicious way.

  He kept going, me pressing my body back against him as he worked my pussy and clit to a huge orgasm, holding onto me as I pressed my head into his chest, trembling with pleasure. Slowly sinking to my knees, I pulled down his fly as I went, pulling out his huge cock. Taking a moment just to look at it and really appreciate that it was all mine, I took his beautiful cock into my mouth and sucked it greedily, slamming it back into my throat, running my soft, wet lips up and down the length of his huge, throbbing shaft, using my tongue when I was able.

  I had just bent over the arm of the couch, leggings around my ankles, my pussy spread wide, when my phone pinged.

  “Seriously?” Mike asked, his cock just about to slip deep into my tight, wet pussy.

  “Apparently,” I said, pulling up my leggings and going to get my phone from my coat.

  “Let me guess,” Mike said, “It's from On the Go,” I said.

  “Cynicism?” I asked.

  “Futile certainty,” he corrected, “what is Jessa up to now?”

  “Dunno, the message is from Ava,” I said.

  I tapped the notification opening the page. I actually laughed out loud when I read the banner headline.

  “What?” Mike asked, coming over to see, tucking his cock away as he did so.

  I showed him the phone his reaction to the headline being about the same as mine.

  “That clever little minx!” he said, in the kindest way possible.

  The headline read:

  Mike and Sally are at Ava's house for Thanksgiving and thankful to be welcoming a baby

  Under the headline was a video of Mike and me hugging in the hallway of Ava's brownstone. Looking very much in love. Which was good because we totally were. There was also a message from Ava asking if we wanted her to upload it to her On the Go account.

  “Has your little sister always been a cunning genius?” I asked.

  “Yep,” Mike said, beaming with pride.

  “What do you think? Should we have her post it?”

  “I think it's a brilliant idea,” he said.

  “Me too,” I said, grinning.

  “May I?” Mike asked.


  I handed the phone to Mike and he typed in and sent a message saying 'go for it' in roughly the same amount of time it took me to blink.

  “Wow,” I said.

  “Practice,” he said, handing me back the phone.

  “Makes perfect,” I said, putting my phone on the coffee table, leaving it available in case of emergency.

  “Speaking of which.”

  Mike dipped his hand down the back of my leggings and rubbing my pussy as I bent over putting down the phone.

  “Yes,” I whispered, as he gently fingered my tight little pussy.

  “Now, where were we?” Mike asked.

  “Fuck,” I whimpered, getting close to orgasm.

  “Sounds about right to me,” Mike said, actually making me mix in a laugh with my deep, erotic moans. A new experience for me if no
thing else.

  Bringing me to a screaming, shaking orgasm literally with his bare hands, Mike then stripped me, reliving my trembling young body of every stitch of clothing until I stood before him in my full glory, hands at my sides so he could see everything, feeling no fear at all as to what he might want to do. He had never done anything but make me feel good.

  Taking off his own clothes until he was equally naked, I sight I was rarely able to see up until that point, Mike took me by the hand and led me upstairs. I thought about the baby, whether we might have to extra careful but decided we were probably okay.

  I was pretty early on in my pregnancy and Mike was usually pretty gentle with me any way on account of me being so sensitive, not to mention tight, particularly my asshole. We didn't really have much to worry about, including with him coming in me. Which I honestly loved. I loved his cum in general. In my mouth, in my pussy in my ass. It all felt different but wonderful in its own way, to the point that I couldn't really pick a favorite.

  He had yet to cum either on my tits or my face which I had heard was also pretty awesome. I resolved to ask him next time he seemed like he was getting ready. Just to see what it was like.

  Mike's cock was already hard, standing at attention, pulsing gentle between us. I was eager to finish what I had started before Ava messaged and got on my knees in front of him. I had planned to take his cock deep in my mouth and suck him as hard as I possibly could until he unleashed a torrent into my mouth, or on my face or tits depending on if I could get it out in time. It didn't happen that way though. While I had planned to suck his cock, from the angle I was at on my knees, with his pants off his balls looked just a bit too enticing.

  Pushing down my eagerness to make sure I wasn't to rough in my excitement, I took his balls in both hands, each of them barely fitting into one of my small hands, squeezing them gently making him moan. Slipping one of my hands up to his cock, I started to tenderly stroke his shaft as I took his left ball all the way into my hot little mouth.

  Continuing to work his lovely shaft, I sucked his ball as gently as I could manage, despite my excitement, swirling my tongue around the circumference of his giant ball as I sucked. Giving one ball lots tender loving care I switched over to the other doing the same and then alternating back to the firs and then back to the second.


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