Admiral's Ghost

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Admiral's Ghost Page 16

by NB VanYoos

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  Tyler felt better after eating. The Doctor recommended a bland, light meal, but it suited Tyler fine. Afterward, he made Tyler wash it all down with a series of pills and liquid medications that must be taken regularly during his recuperation process. The Doctor mentioned what each did, but Tyler ignored the words as he winced from the horrible tastes.

  As the press conference neared, Tyler felt a great deal of discomfort. It took him a while to realize he needed to relieve himself. He wasn’t sure where or how, and the Admiral’s memories weren’t providing clues. He tried not to panic, and quietly asked Nurse Soldan. Thankfully, she wasn’t embarrassed and called for an attendant to help her take Tyler to the facilities.

  Tyler felt weak, but when they tried to get him off the bed and walking, he realized how weak the Admiral’s body had become during the coma. The nurse told him about techniques they used on coma patients to prevent the atrophying of muscles and reassured him his strength and ability to walk would come back rapidly. However, she confided that he would probably need extensive rehabilitation before that would occur.

  Tyler sighed with the thought of the long road ahead. Nothing he could do but grin and bear it. Whether accident or intentional, he was stuck in the Admiral’s body and had to live with it.

  Relieved, Tyler was helped back to his bed before being fixed up after the ordeal. It was difficult having an orderly help him go, and Tyler saw concern on the orderly’s face. Who wanted to see their planet’s hero unable to relieve himself? It was embarrassing.

  Reassured the Admiral looked ready for the news conference, they left him with Marshall Sliss and his aides. Kooren had tracked down Eyleeria, but she seemed embarrassed to be there, and wouldn’t make eye contact with Tyler. Marshall Sliss spotted her discomfort, but made no comment. Tyler wasn’t sure how to react to the young woman, so he didn’t.

  The Marshall filled Tyler in on the details of the conference: who would be there, how long they would have, etc. Tyler listened distantly but knew he wouldn’t forget. He felt ready, so he patiently waited for the events to unfold.

  There was commotion outside the door, and everyone turned to see what caused the problem. Tyler barely made out a firm voice which quieted the racket. The door opened softly and an exquisite woman walked through with an expression of anger she leveled at the Marshall.

  “Marshall Sliss, why have you instructed your men to deny me entrance?”

  “I am sorry, Mrs. Slay, I had not instructed them to specifically deny you—their orders are to deny anyone not on official business.” He bowed slightly as he finished, appearing both ingratiating and arrogant at the same time.

  Tyler wondered what the orders really were. Mrs. Slay looked at each briefly before ordering everyone from the room. Tyler almost thought she had meant him, but she moved another chair close to the bed after she herded the rest out. The Marshall protested because of the conference but finally acquiesced as he took the two aides with him.

  The elegant woman turned towards Tyler, quietly assessing him. She wore a long, black robe inlaid with sparkling stones down the opening. Her hair was pale gray, but shone as brilliantly as the stones that adorned her. She slowly took off her wrap and placed it on one of the chairs, her graceful movements stirring something inside Tyler.

  She was beautiful, sensual, and regal. He had yet to see anyone on this world evoke such emotions within him. That part was the Admiral, yearning for her as his mind became flooded with the memories of the Admiral’s wife, Toosia Slay.

  When she turned back to Tyler’s stares, she grew angry and started screaming. “How dare you show feelings like that for me! All these years you have avoided me, shunned me, and now because you are injured you think I will have pity on you and forget everything that has happened? Damn you, Nayllen!”

  Tyler was startled by her reaction. “I…I’m sorry, Toosia, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Right!” She spat like venom. “You have nothing to say? Do you know how long it took the Marshall to contact me? And then, he lied to me about where and how it happened. You know I have my sources, I am not your dumb public waiting for you to tell me what is truth—I know a lie when I’m told one!”

  “Darling, I am sorry about that. I had no control. Remember, I was in a coma?”

  “Don’t call me darling, at least not when we are alone.” She pulled the chair closer, but stayed back from the edge of the bed. As she sat down, Tyler felt strong desires intruding on his senses, but they contrasted to the poor reception he was receiving.

  “Damn you, Nayllen, what did I say? Stop showing those feelings!” She turned away to wipe tears, but as she turned, Tyler saw a brief rainbow of color flash across her face.

  She composed herself, turning back toward him—the colors missing. He wondered what he’d seen and quickly dug into the Admiral’s memories for an explanation. He found it! The facial colors were a feature in this species—a mating mechanism that was an integral part of foreplay. Great, he’d been flirting with her!

  Now her comment made sense—his own colors must have been giving away his feelings of desire. But she, too, had flashed briefly. What did that mean? Were there feelings between them? Tyler wasn’t certain, perhaps the response was automatic.

  “Look, Toosia, I have been incapacitated for nine months, give me a little break.” He tried looking helpless, but she showed suspicious anger. “If I am showing feelings,” he continued, “then I’m sorry, but that does not change them.”

  “Really?” The venom returned to her voice. “I saw your assistant … what’s her name, Eyleen or something? Don’t delude yourself into believing I don’t know all about you two!”

  “It’s Eyleeria.” He said quietly.

  “Whatever! I don’t care.” She fought to maintain control. “If you have feelings for me, then why are you with her?”

  She broke into tears, grief replacing the anger she’d first had. Tyler watched helpless. What could he say? He’d always loved Linda and never strayed from her after the first time they’d met. This complication in a relationship was something foreign.

  He desperately searched through the Admiral’s memories, looking for something that might ease her pain. It was clear the Admiral had emotional feelings for his wife, but the two had drifted so far apart after their failure to conceive. Tyler was confident it would be a monumental task repairing the damage so many years had wrought.

  She wiped her eyes gently, composing herself.

  “They tell me you will be leaving to recuperate in Tooland—I hope you don’t expect me to be there?” Tyler was surprised by her rapid change in topics. “The truth is, I have been staying with my parents in Baneer for the last six months. Father is concerned about the latest events to unfold, and he fears the planet is about to crumble beneath our feet. I have been there trying to support you and your efforts in the Council, but many harbor ill feelings towards the war.”

  Tyler didn’t like the sound of her despair—the last thing he wanted was to experience a civil war on an alien planet.

  “Do they still support the Emperor?” he asked.

  She looked startled by the question. “Yes, of course they support the Emperor—and you. They simply question the cost of this war and whether it can be won. I have even heard rumors of peace talks with Krildon. Father admits he does not think it possible, but I suspect even he has imagined it.”

  She sat back down, weariness pulling on her face. Tyler felt desire and love for this woman, as the Admiral’s memories welled up from distant recesses. How could the Admiral have left her—a woman he so obviously loved? Tyler remembered Linda and was overcome with sadness.

  He quickly spoke to hide his feelings. “My own father believed there could be peace, even after they imprisoned him.” Tyler felt depressed by the memory of the Admiral’s father. He desperately needed to snap out of the malaise or he would never survive the news conference. “Peace or not, neither side is in any position to do anything abo
ut it. As long as we move forward with this ruse, the people will rally for blood. That, I believe, is what the Emperor wants.”

  “Of course he does! Why do you think I am here, out of concern for you?”

  Tyler heard anger creep back into her voice. The comment hurt, but he knew the Admiral deserved it.

  She continued dramatically. “He wants me here during this time of hero worship—the epic hero, and his devout wife, concerned for the safety of the planet.” Tyler didn’t think sarcasm suited her. “I’ll play his games, but only because I do care about this world and its people!”

  She stood from the chair moving it back against the wall. She took her wrap and threw it around her shoulders, snapping the intricate clasp to hold it in place. She was still as beautiful as when he first saw her, but she had transformed into the commanding presence so determined to be in control.

  “I will not leave you, Nayllen, not yet at least. I could not do that to you or my family during this time of crisis. However, if we ever see a resolution to this war, I no longer want to be your wife.”

  She delivered the statement with no emotion, but Tyler saw the strain it caused. He dredged up memories of happier times, after the Admiral had first met Toosia, and after they were first married. He was a young, brash officer, rapidly advancing, and she was the beautiful daughter of a Councilor, intelligent, witty, and beautiful.

  Tyler could access all the reasons why they had drifted apart, but it still didn’t make sense. It was too difficult for Tyler to imagine why the inability to have children should be the cause of such a deep, saddening loss. But then, isn’t that what had been happening to he and Linda? Didn’t his career and fears get in the way of something beautiful? Suddenly, it made more sense.

  “Toosia … I …” he wasn’t sure what to say, “I cannot stop you from leaving, and I really don’t blame you. I am the one to blame. I was the one who left you and buried myself in my work.” He wasn’t sure how this was affecting her as she stood stolid in her resolve. He continued nonetheless. “The war made it easy for me to disappear, but that’s not an excuse for never calling, writing, or contacting you. The great leader, conqueror of worlds, couldn’t even deal with his own life!”

  He spotted a waver in her resolve as she looked away briefly, avoiding eye contact.

  He pressed on. “It was easier for me to ignore your problems, and only focus on the next battle. Somewhere during that time, I became incredibly lonely—missing you, but afraid to come back. Eyleeria was someone near. Someone who wanted to help. Like you, I have also hurt her.”

  She looked back at him, a look of surprise on her face. He imagined she couldn’t believe this admission. He didn’t know whether the real Admiral would have done this, but Tyler didn’t care, he needed an ally, someone to help him be the Admiral during this difficult transition period. He wanted her, but he was quite certain the feelings were not mutual.

  Once again, she wiped a small tear from her eyes, looking down to hide the discomfort. He knew everything he’d said was not what she had expected or even wanted. Rejection would have been easier, and he believed it was probably what she desired.

  “I will not ask you to stay or forgive me—I am not worthy of your forgiveness.” That much was true. “All I ask, is that you visit me, just once, while I am recuperating. You don’t have to stay, just stop in and let me talk with you for a little while. I don’t want this to be the last time we ever speak to each other. I have more I wish to say to you.”

  The question was unexpected, and she struggled with a response.

  “Damn you, Nayllen! Damn you!”

  Tears welled once more, but she quickly got them under control, refusing to look at him. He could read indecision on her face, and she was about to speak when the door opened up and people filed into the room.

  The lead person stood inside the doorway, eyeing both Tyler and Toosia carefully. On either side of him, small functionaries filed past carrying devices they aimed to scan the furnishings and walls. It was the Emperor’s Aide, Regent Anweer Sneerd.

  “Ah, Admiral and Mrs. Slay, my deepest apologies at this interruption, but the Emperor is on his way and we mustn’t delay the conference.” He bowed slightly to each of them, but a smug look hid behind the jovial face.

  The Admiral’s memories dished up ample dislike for this person, and by the look on Toosia’s face, he assumed she felt the same. When the Regent spoke, his voice came out high pitched and grating. It contrasted sharply with his commanding presence. Like almost everyone else, he wore a black single-suit, trimmed with an intricate design across the chest and down the sleeves.

  On his shoulders, garish white lapels fluffed thick, almost obscuring his thin neck. His face was a narrow, oval shape, with dark penetrating eyes that Tyler was certain missed nothing. On his head, he wore a round cap that reminded Tyler of something he’d seen Jewish people wear. The cap was also black, and it contrasted with the man’s pale gray features. Tyler decided the overall effect was evil.

  The Admiral’s memories provided Tyler with a complete picture. Regent Sneerd was the second most powerful man in the Imperium, behind the Emperor. He was the equivalent to Marshall Sliss, but working for the Emperor. His ruthlessness and efficiencies were legendary, and he was not a man you wanted to cross paths with. The Emperor gave him carte blanche to carry out whatever policies he saw fit to administer the Empire. Tyler could sense from the memories that the Admiral had been cautious around this person.

  “Regent Sneerd, we were just finishing, no need to apologize.” Tyler hoped it sounded convincing—he was certain he needed to fool this man.

  Toosia gave him a small nod, however a look of disgust replaced the sadness on her face. “Indeed, how could the Emperor’s Regent ever be an interruption?” Sarcasm dripped heavily from her words, and it was not lost on the Regent. He simply smiled, and nodded slightly.

  Tyler watched as a flurry of activity swirled about them. He wondered what they were inspecting as they prodded, scanned, and analyzed every item in the room.

  “Excuse me, Regent, but what exactly are these people looking for? My people checked out the room earlier, and I trust their efforts meet with any requirements the Emperor might have?”

  “Indeed, Admiral, it is adequate.” He said adequate like a rich person visiting poor relatives. “We are simply doing a minor security sweep, nothing to worry about.”

  “Security sweep? What for? I’m sure Marshall Sliss has checked everything—twice at least.”

  “Marshall Sliss is notoriously efficient, and yet, one can never be too careful. One wouldn’t want anything to happen to the Emperor, would one?” He leveled a measured stare at Tyler as he said that last part. Tyler felt uneasy.

  “No, one wouldn’t want anything to happen to the Emperor.” Tyler tried to keep sarcasm out. “Is there a threat to his eminence that we should be aware of? I have always believed he was loved by all his people.” Tyler hoped the question was inconspicuous.

  “Oh, yes, he is loved! No threat is present that we are aware of, but troubled times call for greater scrutiny. After all, we can never be satisfied when it comes to our Emperor.”

  Tyler was dubious, he smelled something else behind the action, but didn’t know what. Like Tyler, Toosia looked suspicious as she cast an unbelieving glance at the Regent.

  “Then, the War Opposition Movement does not have anything to do with this extra security?” She asked boldly.

  Tyler was stunned by her statement. Even if her father was a Councilor, Tyler didn’t think this was an appropriate question to ask the head of the Imperial Staff.

  “Ah,” the Regent appeared casual considering the brashness of the question, “you mean those few disgruntled families who have lost loved ones in the war? They are of no concern to the Emperor. We have addressed their grievances … adequately.”

  Tyler wondered what adequately meant. He didn’t get the sense this man would give anything to anyone without something in return. Ty
ler could almost imagine it meaning deadly, but memories told him that although the Regent was a dangerous man, he wasn’t usually open or predictable. People were known to disappear from time to time, but no one had ever linked these things to the Imperial Palace.

  As though satisfied with their efforts, the various functionaries nodded to the Regent before filing out. He nodded his approval as they left. He followed them to the door with one hand held up to his left ear. As he turned, Tyler spotted a small communication device attached to his ear. The Regent stood by the door with his back turned towards them while whispering quietly.

  Tyler couldn’t understand his words but noticed something odd with the hand the Regent held to his ear. Tyler hadn’t noticed before, but one finger on his hand had an extraordinarily long set of nails. All three were at least four inches long, and looked extremely sharp. While his hand cupped the device, the dangerous nails tapped gently against the side of his head. Even at four inches, the nails looked lethal.

  Along the outside nail, Tyler could barely see a design or form of writing. He couldn’t read it from across the room, but the effect enhanced the Regent’s evil appearance. The Regent turned back towards Tyler and dropped his hand. As if this were a cue, several functionaries filed into the room carrying lighting equipment and what Tyler believed was a camera.

  The Regent eyed them closely before directing them to set up the equipment. Within minutes, the room was transformed into a small television studio. Considering the size, Tyler wondered where the reporters would stand now that equipment had been added.

  Tyler felt uneasy as he realized the conference was about to begin. He suddenly felt inadequate for such an undertaking and feared being uncovered as a fraud. Toosia moved to the left side of his bed, and Tyler had an overwhelming urge to grab her hand. Unfortunately, after their earlier conversation, he was certain she would react poorly to that action.

  As though reading his mind, she gently reached out toward him, but instead of grabbing his hand, she carefully smoothed the bed covers across his lap. She gave him a curt smile before returning to her position. Tyler wanted to complete their conversation and hoped they might have time after the conference.

  He readied himself for the ordeal, trying to put down the fear that gripped him. Tyler knew the Admiral had never been nervous in front of either cameras or the Emperor, so he desperately tried to relax. He felt the memories of the Admiral’s presence pressing on him, and he let them take charge while he receded to watch from a distance.

  Although he feared that the Admiral’s personality might overtake his own, he was willing to risk it to pull off this news conference.

  Adanni whispered quietly in Tyler’s mind. Let me take over? I have a great deal of experience with this sort of thing. Once, I was a King for eighty years on one world. These are simple beings, I can easily handle them. Let me help!

  Tyler was tempted by the offer but wasn’t ready to turn over control. The Admiral’s memories were one thing, but an alien spirit was something else. He rejected the offer and reinforced it with a tiny show of force. Adanni backed off, but not before pleading for a chance to watch. Tyler conceded, but kept a tight leash on the menacing presence.

  The Regent, cupped his ear, suddenly making an announcement. “The Emperor is coming!”

  The Regent opened the door and stood looking into the hallway. Holding the door while bowing, the Regent backed into the room slightly. Without shifting from his uncomfortable position, he heralded the Emperor’s arrival.

  “All please hail the Emperor Hallen Yooso IV, Ruler of Poolto, and Savior to its people.”

  Tyler bowed as much as he could while sitting in bed. Several tough looking security men filed into the room wearing black single-suits, earpieces and side arms. Two of the men moved to one side of the room while the others stayed just inside the doorway. They didn’t bow, but stared directly forward as though no one else were in the room. Tyler was certain these men watched everything. The camera and lighting crew bowed deeply, their eyes looking directly at the floor below them. Even Toosia bowed deeply, her face neutral.

  The Emperor walked slowly into the room, scanning it with a measured stare. He paused inside the doorway and waited quietly for several moments. No one moved or made a sound. Finally, he turned his head slightly toward the Regent who held the door open. “Thank you, Regent Sneerd, your introduction was as eloquent as always.”

  That was the signal everyone was waiting for. They stood and returned to their previous machinations. The Regent closed the door behind the Emperor who walked slowly towards Tyler’s bed side.

  Tyler was surprised, the Emperor was smaller and more diminutive than the Admiral’s memories suggested. The Emperor wore a shining gold single-suit, but no insignia, trim, or markings. Other than being gold, it was rather unremarkable. Tyler wasn’t sure what he’d really expected, but something more regal came to mind.

  “Admiral Osloo, I cannot tell you how happy I am to have my Supreme Commander back with us once more. Regent Sneerd can confirm how concerned I was after your great battle. We were certain we had lost you that time … but, alas, you have this remarkable way of surviving these horrible battles … despite the odds.” He gave Tyler a tight smile. “For this, we are truly grateful!”

  The Emperor’s voice was soft, almost soothing. He spoke quietly, and yet was commanding. Tyler began to realize why this man didn’t wear any mark of his office—his presence alone commanded respect.

  “Thank you, Emperor,” Tyler bowed slightly, “I am also happy to have survived.”

  Tyler felt unusually compelled to tell the truth to the Emperor. Although the Emperor’s face was warm, something in his eyes was cold and calculating. Tyler found him menacing but not nearly as much as the Regent. Nonetheless, Tyler couldn’t imagine anyone expressing love for this man—he simply didn’t have the look of a benevolent dictator.

  The Emperor looked directly at Toosia. Tyler hoped she wouldn’t say anything as confrontational as with the Regent.

  “Good to see you, Toosia. How are your father and mother?”

  “Very well, Emperor, thank you.” She stared back as an equal, but wasn’t confrontational. “They long to be invited to one of your Palace affairs again—it has been too long without one.”

  The Emperor granted her a large smile. “Indeed it has!” He agreed. “I, too, long for another gala, but duty keeps me so very busy.” He glanced at Tyler. “Nasty affair war—very nasty.”

  Tyler was certain the Emperor didn’t mean what he said, but the way he said it made Tyler almost believe him. The war had solidified the people behind him and had forced aside the domestic issues that usually kept the public pre-occupied. Tyler wondered how beloved the Emperor would be if there wasn’t a war?

  Again, the Emperor gave Toosia a smile, “Thankfully, I have people like your husband to help us through these difficult times. We are eternally indebted to his selfless service.”

  Toosia returned a curt smile, and Tyler sensed tension. He felt certain the selfless service didn’t sit well with Toosia. Who, other than her, would know what the Admiral’s service had cost? Tyler believed the Emperor knew about their marriage, so he didn’t understand why he’d made the comment. Fortunately, Toosia didn’t rise to the bait and maintained a neutral expression.

  The Emperor turned back to Tyler. “Tell me, Admiral, are you ready for this news conference? I realize it is soon after your recovery, but your planet needs you …” he paused as though considering, “I need you.” He finished with sincerity.

  “Yes, I’m ready.” Tyler agreed despite feeling decidedly un-ready.

  “Good!” the Emperor exclaimed. “I assume our good Marshall has filled you in?”

  Tyler nodded. “Yes, he has properly prepared me.”

  “Unfortunate really … I regret having to proceed in this fashion, but as servants to our world, we must always put Poolto and its people before our own needs.”

  Tyler didn’t really beli
eve it was Poolto the Emperor was thinking about. “Yes, we must think of Poolto first.” He agreed without emotion.

  With a measured stare, the Emperor stood quietly. Tyler was certain he hadn’t sounded sarcastic, but as the Emperor peered down at him, he wasn’t quite sure.

  “Well … yes, we can proceed together.” The Emperor said calmly.

  Tyler thought the Emperor’s statement sounded more like a question than a statement. He wondered if the Emperor were sizing him up, trying to see where the Admiral stood on the issue of their lie. The Emperor’s reaction made Tyler suddenly worried so he quickly responded.

  “The Admiral is always with his Emperor, in all matters.” He finished with a bow, hoping the deference would calm the Emperor’s concerns.

  The Emperor rewarded Tyler with another tight smile. “Indeed you are, Admiral, indeed you are!”

  Tyler churned. He knew that if he couldn’t fool the Emperor, he wouldn’t survive his first experience inside an alien. As a drug dealer, he’d dealt with dangerous men in power but didn’t really have experience with men as great as the Emperor or the Regent. Leaders of a world wielded enormous power for which a simple drug dealer was inadequate.

  He worried briefly about what he’d got himself into. When he’d left Thosolan, he’d imagined experiencing a simple life—becoming a farmer, or a common laborer. But now, he found himself in the midst of a planetary conflict where he was the hero.

  He’d seen enough movies to know about threats at the top. Paranoia was common, and he remembered all to well when Raul had told him about the constant vigilance he maintained to keep his position. At the time, Tyler hadn’t paid much attention to the comment, but now, he thoroughly understood it.

  The Emperor scanned the room before turning toward the Regent. “Regent, I believe we are ready to proceed.”

  Tyler was relieved. At least the awkward moment with the Emperor had passed. The Regent opened the door and briefly conversed with several people in the corridor. Quietly and quickly, four people entered the room, bowing deeply to the Emperor as they took their positions at the end of the bed.

  The Emperor sat quietly on Tyler’s right side, watching intently as the conference got underway. The Regent closed the door and stood in front of it, staring at the camera behind the reporters. He nodded a signal and the lights and camera were switched on. The camera pointed directly at Regent Sneerd who remained calm, apparently waiting for his cue. Tyler missed it as the Regent suddenly spoke.

  “In cooperation with the Poolto Communication Ministry, the Imperial Palace, and the Supreme Council, I present to you Emperor Hallen Yooso IV, Ruler of Poolto, and Savior to its people!”

  In unison, everyone in the room bowed except the cameramen who focused on the Emperor. The Emperor stood passively, a newly uncovered look of concern filling his features. As he bowed, Tyler could just see the Emperor.

  “Thank you, people of Poolto. I appreciate the time you have allowed me to speak with you today.” Everyone in the room stood. “It is with great concern, but much happiness that I stand before you today in a hospital where our fearless Supreme Commander, Grand Admiral Nayllen Osloo, recuperates from injuries sustained in an epic battle in retaliation for the cowardly act of violence set upon us nine months ago. Our heroic Admiral was successful in his mission, ravaging the enemy fleet, and taking back resources that were stolen from us long ago.”

  Tyler was amazed at the cool composure and sincere emotion the Emperor poured into the speech. Tyler almost believed it himself.

  “…we must stand together in this time of need, steel our resolve, and pay back, in kind, those losses we have suffered because of their evil purpose. Today, we are here to both celebrate this great victory, and to once again mourn our great loss. Thankfully, our Admiral, a warrior unlike any our enemy has ever faced, was spared. Indeed, his name spreads fear among their kind, and though they may have rejoiced when they thought him bested, his name will once again spread fear throughout their ranks. Admiral Osloo destroyed sixty percent of their fleet and survived to tell the tale! Once again, his name brings nightmares to their dreams, fear to their hearts, and doom to their souls!”

  Tyler was overwhelmed by the speech. He wasn’t sure he liked putting fear into anyone’s heart, let alone doom in their souls, yet it was a very powerful speech, and Tyler had not doubt it would rally the planet into action.

  “…pleasure that I award our Admiral, in some small way, for his courageous, untiring, and loyal service to our great cause. Once again, I am honored to present the prestigious Distinguished Medal of Poolto to Admiral Nayllen Osloo for his dedication to the war effort, and his extreme courage under fire.”

  Regent Sneerd brought a small box forward and handed it to the Emperor. The Emperor opened the box and held the contents toward the camera, a warm smile on his face. He almost looked like a proud father presenting the winning trophy to his son after the big game. He seemed so genuine, Tyler wondered how he truly felt about his Admiral.

  The Emperor shook Tyler’s hand before handing him the medal. As dictated by protocol, Tyler bowed and accepted the award. Just as quickly, the Emperor continued his passionate presentation.

  “Thank you once again, Admiral, we hope you will heal soon to once again serve your planet and its great people.” He turned back to the camera with an expression of concern. “We must now move this conference forward so that we do not interfere with the Admiral’s recovery. Before we leave, however, we would like to field a few questions from the press we’ve invited here. Gentlemen, you may proceed.” He gestured magnanimously at the four reporters at the foot of the bed.

  Tyler had no doubt this was all scripted for the public. The order of questions had already been decided as the first man stepped forward, a device held out towards Tyler.

  “Your Eminence, we have the official reports of the violence Admiral Osloo inflicted upon our enemies, but if you can, share with us what reports you hear from Krildon?”

  The Emperor looked happy with the question. “That is a wonderful question, and I would love to share this with all of you. Although I cannot reveal how we come by this information, I can tell you it was accurately retrieved from Krildon. The Krildon people, arrogant from their barbarous attack on our fleet nine months ago, are reeling with the news of our counter attack. As I said before, our Admiral’s name invokes fear in their hearts and wipes the arrogance from their faces. They are a defeated people, and will not be able to move against us for a long time. Next question please.”

  The first man moved back, making room for the second reporter. “Admiral, how did you sustain your injuries, and how serious are they?”

  As rehearsed, Tyler ran down the cover story as best he could. “I sustained my injuries after our flag ship was struck by an enemy missile. We had sustained extensive damage prior to that, and our shielding had already failed. Fortunately, the hit was not directly to the bridge or I might not be here today.”

  Tyler recited the script perfectly and hoped it sounded sincere. He noted the dramatic content impacted the people in the room, and he recognized the irony in how the real event wasn’t far from their fictional one.

  “Once we had chased the remnants of their fleet from the battle, I was picked up by a hospital ship and transported to Poolto. I am happy to report that my injuries are not serious, and the Doctor assures me I will make a full recovery soon.”

  The Emperor jumped in. “While our good Admiral is recovering from his injuries, I have been told he has appointed Vice Admiral Teesen to Command our troops in his absence. We both have the utmost confidence in Admiral Teesen’s ability to protect our world. Thank you, next question please.”

  Of course, Tyler hadn’t made Admiral Teesen’s appointment, so he wondered who had. He assumed the Emperor, and this made him uneasy, especially after Marshall Sliss’ cryptic comments about Teesen. With only one reporter to go, Tyler relaxed. He wanted it over, and hoped he could get more information about what was reall
y happening. If he’d been in a coma for nine months, many things had probably changed. He wondered what power the Admiral had lost during that absence. The failure of their fleet undoubtedly blemished what had been an incredibly illustrious career.

  Tyler knew he was in too deep, but there was nothing he could do to change that. He thought back to Thosolan’s words and tried his best to focus on making this a successful experience. He snapped out of his reverie as the last reporter asked his question.

  “Considering the damage both fleets suffered, how do you see the war continuing, and do we have an opportunity to exploit their weakness to win it?”

  The reporter looked at Tyler as he held his recording device, waiting for him to respond. Tyler knew the scripted answer and recited it word for word. Although he didn’t believe they could win the war, he felt certain their enemy couldn’t either. It sounded like stalemate was the current state of affairs. He finished his litany and added a brief wish at the end, “…and with the help of God, we may yet smite our enemies!”

  Tyler thought the comment appropriate for someone in power. He’d heard it so many times on Earth, it seemed logical. He waited patiently for the conference to finish but noted the room fell deathly silent. He looked at the stunned faces, realizing he had made a terrible mistake in his response. The reporter stood up with an astonished look on his face and continued to question Tyler.

  “So, Admiral, does this mean you have found faith in god during your ordeal and seek his assistance in our war?”

  Tyler was taken aback. Though he’d mentioned god, he didn’t really mean anything by it. Why was the reporter so curious about such a trivial comment. Tyler was ready to respond when Regent Sneerd dashed forward to take control.

  “The Admiral doesn’t believe in this new religion, he simply misspoke. There is nothing to it, gentlemen, nothing at all!”

  The Emperor shot Tyler a look of concern, or was it anger? As quick as Tyler saw it, it was gone.

  The Emperor took over. “Poolto, we are greatly rewarded with our Admiral’s continued success and survival during this trying period in our history; however, the Admiral must take his leave to complete the recuperation process and once again join our campaign against Krildon aggressions. Thank you for this brief opportunity and your continued sacrifices during our time of need. We will keep you up to date on the progress of the Admiral’s recovery. Thank you and good day.”

  The Emperor finished with a nod toward the camera, a signal to end the broadcast. The light on the camera went out and both sets of lights in the room went dark, temporarily blinding everyone. Tyler was reeling from what had happened, trying to figure out where he’d made a mistake. Perhaps mentioning god hadn’t been such a good idea? Although it seemed reasonable to him, apparently it was taboo. Tyler had actually met the god of this world, so giving acknowledgement seemed natural.

  The room came alive with chatter, mostly from the reporters. The Regent, quickly took control of the situation. “The Emperor Hallen Yooso IV, Ruler of Poolto, and Savior to its people, thanks you for your gracious participation in this very important communication to our world. His Eminence will now take his leave.”

  The room grew silent as everyone bowed in unison. Tyler bowed as much as he could from his position in bed, but noted the Emperor stood next to him, staring at him with intensity. Tyler continued to stare at the bed sheets across his lap, nervous by the Emperor’s continued presence. Finally, the Emperor spoke, breaking the tension in the room.

  “Admiral,” he began, “we look forward to the return of your old self to duty. We will look in on your progress with renewed interest.” With that, the Emperor’s guards filed out of the room followed quickly by the Emperor.

  Once the door closed behind him, everyone rose and stared expectantly at Regent Sneerd. “Gentlemen, we appreciate your cooperation in this important matter. We ask you bear with us for a few more minutes while we debrief you downstairs. My attendants will direct you appropriately as you come off the elevator.”

  He nodded at the reporters who seemed not the least put out with the request. Tyler thought the debrief sounded ominous, and was glad he would not be participating in it. He knew his rank would keep him from such mundane affairs.

  Everyone filed from the room taking the various pieces of equipment needed for the conference. The Regent held the door as they passed and lingered briefly as though wanting to say something. Instead, he merely bowed slightly to both Tyler and Toosia before disappearing into the corridor beyond.

  The door closed, and the room grew eerily silent. It was hard to imagine they’d just held a National News Conference broadcast throughout the Poolto Empire. Tyler was happy it was over, but he knew his performance would be scrutinized. He glanced at Toosia as she stood quietly next to him, staring at the floor in thought. Tyler wanted to press her further to come and visit him during his recuperation. He opened his mouth to ask the question, but was rudely interrupted by people moving into the room.

  He turned as Marshall Sliss entered followed closely by his aides and the Admiral’s assistant, Eyleeria. Eyleeria stood behind the other three staring innocuously about the room. She avoided eye contact with Tyler and Toosia. Tyler saw her glance once towards Toosia, but quickly backed off when she saw Tyler watching. Toosia ignored them all. He wanted her to wait, but the Marshall was irritated and pressed Tyler to discuss the conference.

  Tyler acquiesced, and the Marshall began his own debriefing. Without a word, Toosia slid out behind everyone. Tyler watched helplessly as the door closed behind her. He knew he’d have to track her down to pick up their conversation. Strange feelings ran through him, and he didn’t know if they were his or the Admiral’s. Either way, he wanted to talk with her again. Perhaps she’d wait until they were finished? He thought about asking Eyleeria to go tell Toosia to wait, but stopped himself as he realized the inappropriateness of that request.

  Tyler listened to the Marshall, realizing his experience on this world had started off on the wrong foot. His thoughts drifted back to the crippled ship, and he wondered why he hadn’t been more careful. In the future, he would be more vigilant about what dead bodies he came in contact with.


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