Admiral's Ghost

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Admiral's Ghost Page 39

by NB VanYoos

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  Vice Admiral Teesen spent nearly four hours outlining his plan. Tyler analyzed it using the Admiral’s considerable experience and skills, and had to admit it was pretty good. However, it depended on too many positive assumptions that were based on questionable intelligence.

  Overall, the plan was basically what Tyler and the Admiral’s staff had expected with only a few minor surprises. Again, these surprises were based on best-case scenarios. Tyler watched the other members of the Command and hoped they saw the same flaws he did.

  Several of the officers purportedly on the Admiral’s side were taking furious notes during the presentation, and some even used their communication devices to confer with their staff. They were either preparing an offensive or simply preparing to execute the Vice Admiral’s.

  Those listening intently were already onboard with the plan. Tyler groaned inwardly at how many he counted.

  Adanni tried to encourage him. Don’t lose hope. Your plan is still a good one, even with the Emperor here.

  Tyler wasn’t sure he agreed with the assessment, but he began reviewing what he would say when the time presented itself. He knew he would have to turn over control to the Admiral’s memories, allowing that lingering essence to dictate the speech and provide the forceful presence that was so commanding.

  I am still willing to do it. Adanni said meekly.

  Sounds like you already know my answer. Tyler countered.

  Adanni fell silent, and Tyler hoped he would remain that way.

  Tyler watched the Vice Admiral begin the summary of his plan and wondered if the Vice Admiral would be so bold as to deny questions and comments as protocol dictated.

  The conference applauded loudly as the Vice Admiral finished, and Tyler and the Marshall joined in, although neither put forth much effort.

  “Thank you,” the Vice Admiral almost blushed from the attention, clearly pleased with himself, “thank you, all!”

  Tyler noted both the Regent and the Emperor were smiling, feeling confident they’d backed the right horse. Tyler hoped they were wrong. He waited patiently for the applause to subside.

  As everyone stopped clapping and began to talk among themselves, the Vice Admiral interrupted the chatter. “Honored colleagues, I beg your indulgence of a few minutes to refresh ourselves before we open the proceedings to questions and comments.”

  Tyler noted the Vice Admiral looked directly at him when he said this. Tyler didn’t flinch or acknowledge the Vice Admiral at all. At least he was going to follow protocol. Tyler wondered if the Emperor would stay. He suspected his presence was intended for the official unveiling anyway.

  Everyone milled around talking with each other, congratulating the Vice Admiral, or holding conferences with assistants. Tyler looked at the Marshall who clearly wanted to use the break time to talk.

  Instead, Tyler got up and walked towards the other end of the table. The Vice Admiral was shaking hands with several members of the Command who were in his pocket. The Vice Admiral smiled broadly and soaked in the attention being poured on him. Tyler assumed the Vice Admiral figured the post of Supreme Military Commander was his.

  “Vice Admiral,” Tyler started using his rank as a signal of his real position, “you and your staff are to be commended for such a wonderful presentation.” Tyler saw how his lack of enthusiasm for the plan affected those standing around. Even the Emperor was suddenly interested in the conversation.

  Don’t worry, gentlemen, I am not going to start the battle just yet.

  “Thank you, Admiral,” the Vice Admiral responded, the smile fading from his face, “coming from you, it is a great compliment.”

  So the Vice Admiral will play it coolly.

  “Yes,” Tyler began again, “your attention to detail and strategic insights are truly to be commended.” That much was true, but the overall plan, well that was yet to be seen.

  “Thank you again, Admiral, you are most generous with your praise.” The Vice Admiral bowed slightly as he said this.

  “Yes, Admiral,” the Emperor interjected, “great praise indeed. Is this to mean that you approve of … his plan?”

  Tyler thought the Emperor almost said our plan, but caught himself before he had.

  Tyler bowed as the Emperor moved towards them, everyone followed suit. Tyler noted several younger officers moved away from what they saw as a pivotal engagement.

  “Well, sir, I believe it has the making of a great offensive, but it may still be premature to endorse it fully.”

  Tyler watched as his words sunk in. It had zero effect on the Emperor. Tyler hated how unreadable the man was. Instead of reacting, he merely stared at Tyler as though measuring him.

  “I see, then you intend on sharing your thoughts with us after the break?” the Emperor asked.

  The gauntlet had been thrown down, and Tyler was now committed.

  “I certainly will, your Eminence,” Tyler agreed, “along with many other opinions I imagine. Something this big will surely draw a variety of thoughts from many on the Command.”

  Tyler said it loud enough so even those outside the conversation heard him. He hoped it would spur them to action, or at least an open backing of his plan to stall.

  Tyler noticed how quiet the room had become with such a rare conversation between the two greatest men on Poolto.

  Good, Tyler thought, let them see how I am not afraid to stand up for my convictions.

  Easy, lad, don’t push too hard. You don’t want to steal your own thunder. Adanni cautioned.

  “Very good, Admiral, that is why I am here, to see our Supreme Military Command at work. We look forward to your thoughts.”

  The Emperor turned abruptly to walk out of the room. Everyone bowed as he and his entourage swept silently into the corridor. Tyler knew the proceedings wouldn’t begin until they returned. He hoped the Emperor wouldn’t make them wait too long.

  “Excuse me, Vice Admiral,” Tyler said, “I need to attend to a few items before we restart.”

  Tyler didn’t wait for a response and headed back towards the Marshall. Tyler thought he heard the Vice Admiral stutter something in response, and Tyler’s quick dismissal of the Vice Admiral was not lost on the others.

  The Vice Admiral does not carry the power in this room, Tyler grinned inwardly, the Emperor and his hero are the real power.

  Don’t get cocky, Adanni chastised, the battle has yet to begin.

  Tyler ignored the rebuke and walked out of the room with the Marshall in tow.


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