Admiral's Ghost

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Admiral's Ghost Page 42

by NB VanYoos

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  Telling Toosia turned out to be easy, getting her to stay behind, however, turned out to be impossible. It didn’t help Eyleeria had to go as well. Tyler finally succumbed and agreed to take her. Deep down, he was glad she was coming despite the danger Nayllen presented. Toosia hadn’t cared about Nayllen or the reasons why Tyler had to go—she simply insisted she join him.

  The Marshall was just as difficult to convince to stay behind. In the end, Tyler had to plead with him to take charge of the Commission to keep it moving forward. Tyler convinced him he was the only one capable of making that happen. Finally, this plea to the Marshall’s professionalism made him agree. However, he insisted sending Officer Slaas and Eyleeria in his place. Tyler agreed, although he wasn’t in favor of Eyleeria. At least Officer Slaas was nearly as capable as the Marshall.

  Tyler was surprised by the speed of their trip. Apparently, ranking military officers had access to the best transports available. In his case, the transport was a high speed reconnaissance ship outfitted for VIP transport. Tyler recognized the ship within the Admiral’s memories. The Admiral had used them to travel off-world or between the flagship and other locations.

  Even with the Admiral’s memories, the speed surprised him. Nonetheless, he was happy if he got there quickly. Staring into the blackness of space reminded him of the loneliness he’d felt before taking over the Admiral. At least now he had Toosia by his side.

  He was amazed at the size and appearance of the spaceport. It was incredibly clean and modern for being on an asteroid. Of course, it was the regional headquarters for nearly all the asteroid colonies, so appearances made sense.

  The Admiral had never visited Siirneen, so Tyler wasn’t sure what to expect. Many said the asteroid colonies controlled the war because they controlled much of the raw resources it required. The Admiral’s memories underscored this fact as nearly every battle had been fought to protect a colony and the rich resources they provided. Although some asteroids were strategic, most were an intricate link in the supply chain feeding the war effort.

  Regional Governor Haal Niis, gave them a welcome befitting the Emperor. Although Tyler would have passed on the press conference, he donned his best face and gave a commanding speech to rally the spirits of those whose hard work in the mining operations were so critical. The applause was deafening, but Tyler took it calmly as befitting the National Hero.

  The Governor even arranged a ceremony to present keys to the colony for the Admiral and Toosia. They accepted humbly, although Tyler was certain neither would ever return to Siirneen. It pleased the Governor, the press, and the crowd gathered to see such a prestigious celebrity. Tyler wasn’t sure why, but he imagined the people would look more like miners, but they looked like everyone he’d seen in Yooso.

  The Governor later admitted over seventy five percent of the inhabitants of Siirneen were actually corporate or government employees involved in the commercial and legal aspects of mining commerce. The mining operations had shrunk on Siirneen since the war began. The asteroid didn’t contain the proper concentrations of the resources needed for the war effort so much of the operations had been moved to neighboring asteroids that better fit the profile. In fact, much of the Siirneen mining was now devoted to supplying the asteroid colonies themselves. Construction supplies and natural minerals used in food supplements were generally all that was produced on Siirneen.

  Tyler was impressed as they drove through Siirneen in a small ground car with virtually no security to escort them. It surprised Tyler at first, but then he realized how tight the comings and goings of an asteroid colony were controlled. He was certain no elements on the asteroid would want to harm Poolto’s National Hero. Except maybe Nayllen.

  The thought dampened Tyler’s mood, but it lifted again as he watched the city of Siirneen pass by out the window. If he hadn’t known he was on an asteroid, he wouldn’t be able to tell Siirneen from any other city on Poolto. It was magnificent with towering buildings beneath a false sunny sky projected on the protective dome. It was a truly monumental accomplishment and Tyler said as much to the Governor. The Governor accepted the compliment and began reciting the many outdoor activities the city boasted.

  Tyler sensed the excitement in the Governor’s voice and understood why this man was Governor for so many years. Most in a powerful position such as his would covet positions back on Poolto, but apparently this man refused such posts. He claimed to enjoy the freedom of space and the challenges presented within an asteroid belt. Tyler guessed the man was an adventurer, a person who liked the great frontier.

  Like so many Governors, the Marshall informed Tyler the man was a relative of the Emperor’s. It was one reason for his position despite the fact the relationship was distant. Tyler thought distance might be why the Governor was willing to associate with Nayllen. He could definitely see the advantages to the colonies if the war ended. Although they would lose a substantial amount of business directed to the war effort, they would also stop suffering the tremendous losses often accompanying a raid or battle. Tyler looked at the Governor with renewed interest as the man recounted the hundred or so cafes that catered to the varied tastes of the city’s inhabitants.

  Toosia was as gracious as ever and clearly had the man enamored. She kept the conversation going while Tyler watched the sights and thought about his upcoming meeting. He still hadn’t told the Marshall about it, although he now suspected the man had figured something was going on besides the Logistics Conference. Tyler didn’t like deceiving the Marshall, but he wanted to protect him from whatever harm might result from the meeting. A chill ran down Tyler’s spine as he thought about it.

  He looked at Toosia and smiled. She returned his smile and turned back to the Governor’s commentary. He hoped her safety was not in jeopardy.


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