Fallen From Grace

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by Heather D'Agostino

  Fallen From Grace

  By H.D’Agostino

  Fallen From Grace-

  Book 4 in the Second Chances series


  Copyright © January 2014 by Heather D’Agostino

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  The following story contains mature themes, profanity, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  Cover design by Michelle Warren of IndieBookCovers.

  ISBN: 978-0-9892135-7-8 (ebook edition)


  Warning: Some scenes in this book contain difficult subject matter. Please note that it is not depicted in graphic detail, but may be a trigger for some readers. If you or someone you know has been a victim of rape, please contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656- HOPE.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  About the Author

  Sneak Peek of Book 5

  Chapter 1

  Grace shifted from side-to-side on the field as the crowd roared in the background. As captain of the girl’s team, she was expected to make this shot. It was the last game before the playoffs. If the Violets won, they would be in the number two spot to compete for the NCAA Cup. This had never happened in the history of the school. NYU was always competitive in the sport, but never a playoff contender.

  Grace had been the best player on the team until this year when her roommate, Hannah, had come in and practically taken over. Hannah was quite the little firecracker on the field, and at first Grace was worried that they wouldn’t get along. She was the competitive sort, and not willing to give up her spot. However, Hannah had turned out to be nothing like Grace thought she would be. Her sweet personality and determination on the field had soon made them the best of friends.

  She shifted once again as the sweat on her neck trickled down her back, causing the purple jersey to stick to her. Releasing a breath, she rocked back on her heels as she bent over and began a stare down with the goalie.

  “You can do it, Grace!” the team began to shout from the bench.

  Grace’s eyes drifted one last time over to her team before she jumped into action. As she huffed out one final breath, she launched herself forward, kicking the ball with her right foot. As she approached the goal and anticipated the goalie’s actions, she reared back and launched the ball toward the crossbar. With a thunk and a swish, the ball soared over the goalie’s outstretched fingers and hit the net behind her.

  “Yes!” Grace shouted as she fell to her knees on the grass.

  The Violets were secured in the tournament bracket. Tonight they would be celebrating.

  As the team rushed out on the field to congratulate Grace, she couldn’t help but wonder if he would talk to her tonight. They’d been flirting with each other for a while, but nothing had happened yet.

  Greg Neely was the captain of the boy’s team. He was tall, dark, and built. As a senior, he was desired by more than one female on the girls’ team. Since they were both captains, everyone assumed that Greg and Grace would get together, perfect match and all. Greg had never really shown an interest in Grace…until recently.

  Within the last several weeks, he had been waiting around after practice to talk to her. At first, she didn’t think anything of it. Last week though, Hannah made the observation that he was blowing off hanging out with the boys’ team to be with her. You know he’s blowing off his friends for you, right? Grace wasn’t really sure what to make of it. He was hot, but why would he want to be with her? She considered herself plain. She was tall, about five foot nine, with pin straight, white-blonde hair, and skin so pale that she never tanned. She had the whole soccer thing working for her, but she wasn’t a huge “looker” or anything.

  As she ambled over to the edge of the field to make her way into the locker room, Greg stepped around the corner.

  “Nice game,” he grinned.

  Oh wow, she thought as she took in his lean form. He had on a pair of khakis and a white golf shirt that clung to his shoulders and strained against his biceps. He shifted on his feet, leaning against the concrete of the tunnel leading into the locker rooms.

  “Thanks,” she uttered back. She didn’t know why she sounded like such a fool. Her voice always seemed to elude her when it came to talking to him.

  “So,” he began as he moved closer. “I was wondering what your plans are tonight?”

  “Ummm,” she glanced around, “nothing really. I’m going to get cleaned up and probably go get something to eat.”

  “Want some company?” he cocked his head to the side.

  “Sure. Hannah might come with me. Are you alright with that?” she swayed on her feet nervously. She wanted to spend time with him, but having Hannah around always helped move the conversation along.

  “That’s fine, you want me to see if I can get one of the guys to come too? That way we won’t be an odd number,” he glanced around like he was looking to see who was still at the field.

  “No, I think Hannah’s boyfriend is here. I’m sure he would flip out if she went to dinner with another guy,” Grace laughed as she began to walk backwards toward to locker room door.

  “Oh, ok. I’ll wait for you in the parking lot then. I’m parked right near the gates to the field,” he pointed off toward the giant hill that surrounded the soccer field.

  “Alright,” she nodded and then turned to escape in the bathrooms. She didn’t want her giddiness to betray her. She actually had a date with him…sort of.


  “Where’s Matt?” Grace spun Hannah around by the shoulders.

  “Nice to see you, too,” Hannah rolled her eyes. “He’s waiting for me outside, why?”

  “Greg asked me to go to dinner with him,” Grace bounced on her toes and grinned like a fool.

  “Seriously?” Hannah smiled. She knew Grace had been crushing on Greg for some time.

  “Yeah,” Grace plopped down on a bench and began pulling her cleats off. “He asked me a few minutes ago. Come with me…please?”

  “Grace, don’t you want to be alone with him?” Hannah wagged her brows and giggled. “I mean, why would you want Matt and me to tag along?”

  Grace blushed and glanced at the floor as she began pulling her muddy socks and shin guards off. “I just want a buffer, you know?”

  “Buffer?” Hannah sat down beside her. “I thought you liked him?”

  “Oh I do!” Grace nodded enthusiastically. “I’ve been waiting for him to ask me out for over six months!”

  “So, what’s the problem?” Hannah sighed as she stood and tossed her gym bag over her shoulder.

  “I don’t know. He’s older, and popular, and I haven’t been on a real date sinc
e high school.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Hannah patted her shoulder. “You need to go by yourself. You’re more likely to get a goodnight kiss.”

  “I don’t know,” Grace pulled her jersey over her head and tossed it to the floor. As she stood there in the middle of the locker room in only a sports bra and shorts, she began talking herself into this date.

  “Seriously, you’re that nervous?” Hannah gawked at her.

  “No, I’m fine. You’re right, this will be so much better if I go by myself,” Grace glanced at her and then smirked.

  “If you need anything, just call me,” Hannah tossed over her shoulder as she walked toward to the door. “Matt and I are just going back to hang out at the dorm.”

  “In the room?” Grace dropped her mouth open at that admission.

  “No, in the Commons area. I haven’t let him in the room yet,” Hannah blushed as she looked away from her friend.

  “Yet?” Grace probed.

  “Grace, you are hopeless. Go out with Greg, I’ll see you later,” she pivoted and disappeared just as Grace turned on the shower.


  After cleaning all of the mud off, and trying to do something with her wet hair, Grace began to head toward the parking lot. As she was approaching the main gate to the stadium, she saw Greg leaning against the side of his black Mercedes.

  “Hey,” she mumbled as she moved to stand in front of him. “Sorry it took me so long.”

  “No worries,” he shrugged as he moved to open the door. “Where’s Hannah?”

  “Oh,” Grace jumped slightly. “She’s already got plans,” she mumbled as she slid gracefully into the passenger seat.

  “So, it’s just us then?” he leaned in the door before he moved to shut it.

  “Yeah, are you alright with that?” she glanced up at him and saw he was trying to hide the grin that was spreading across his face.

  “Yep, I’m great with that,” he nodded before closing her door.

  She watched out the windows of the car as he made his way around to the driver’s side and climbed in.

  After folding his large frame into his seat, he turned in her direction and asked, “Where to?”

  As she glanced down at her jeans and t-shirt, she looked back in his direction, “I’m really not dressed for anything fancy. Maybe a pizza or something?”

  “Pizza sounds great. Wanna take it to Central Park and eat near the pond?” he grinned and flashed his perfect white teeth at her.

  “Sure,” she blushed and turned away from his gaze.

  They rode through the city in companionable silence for about ten minutes before Greg pulled into a parking deck. Grace glanced over at him with a questioning stare. “I thought we were getting pizza and going to the park?”

  “We are. This is where I keep my car in the city. We’ll get pizza over there,” he pointed down the street, “and walk to the park.”

  “Oh,” she nodded.

  He must have sensed her confusion because he began to further explain, “I store my car here because I’m too worried about damage if I leave it on campus. My dad would seriously kill me if anything happened to it.”

  She nodded as if she understood. She felt kinda bad, she didn’t know anything about Greg’s family. Who they were or what they did for a living. She knew he was wealthy, but nothing more. It was obvious by the way he dressed and carried himself. He had that air about him that said, “I’m loaded.” His clothes, car, and even his attitude showed a distinct arrogance. He was so hot though, that she just couldn’t not be attracted to him. She tried, oh how she tried. It seemed that she was drawn to him though. Just like the proverbial moth to a flame.

  “You coming?” Grace jumped as Greg leaned in after opening her door.

  “Yeah, sorry,” she shrugged as she came out of her thoughts.

  “You were off in another world. Everything ok?” he scanned her with his eyes.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired is all,” she shrugged and stood from the passenger seat, tossing her soccer bag over her shoulder.

  “Leave that there, we’ll come back and get it,” he pointed to the bag and then the floorboard of the passenger seat.

  “Are you sure? I’d hate to make you come back here just for my bag,” she began to lower it from her arm.

  “Yeah…I’m sure. Besides, I’m hoping to spend some time with you,” he grinned and she just about died from excitement.

  “More time, huh?” Grace flashed him a flirty smile. Flirty Greg was fun.

  “Mmm hmmm,” he nodded as he leaned down next to her ear. “More time…away from the soccer field,” he grabbed her hand and began tugging her away from the car and out toward the street.


  After grabbing a pizza and walking through Central Park to the pond, Greg plopped down on a soft patch of grass.

  “Here looks nice,” he glanced up at her and motioned for her to sit with him.

  She complied, but left some space between them as she surveyed her surroundings, “Kinda away from everyone isn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” he grinned and opened the pizza box. “Just the way I like it.”

  “Oh,” she blushed as she lifted a piece of cheesy goodness from the box. She could feel her face flaming and wanted to get something in her mouth as fast as possible before she said something stupid.

  “So, are you from NY?” Greg leaned back on his elbow and glanced over at her.

  “No,” Grace shook her head. “I’m originally from Philly. I got a scholarship to NYU for soccer. My mom told me if I wanted to go to college I’d have to find one that was impressed with my soccer skills. She claimed that once I turned eighteen, I was on my own. She was not paying for school.”

  “Sounds kinda harsh,” he shrugged as Grace took another piece from the box.

  “You don’t know my mom, that was her being nice,” she grimaced. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” he looked away.

  “Where are you from?” she watched his expression change from flirty to smug.

  “About twenty minutes from here,” he shrugged.

  “Wait…you live that close and you don’t live at home?” her mouth dropped open.

  “Nobody would be there if I did, except maybe the staff,” he shrugged again.

  “Staff?” Grace swallowed hard.

  “Yeah, my dad’s a lawyer. He travels a lot. My mom died when I was twelve…cancer,” he huffed as he shoved another piece of pizza in his mouth. “I don’t want to talk about me anymore.”

  “Ok,” she mumbled as she picked at a piece of grass beside her leg. “What do you want to talk about then?”

  “I don’t want to talk,” he turned his head and stared right into her eyes and she knew she was blushing fiercely.

  “Ummm,” Grace stuttered. “What are you wanting to do then?”

  “I think you already know that Grace,” he shifted closer to her and pulled her legs across his lap.

  As he closed the gap between them and pressed his lips against hers, she stiffened slightly and strained her neck to pull back.

  “What’s wrong,” he whispered as his hand tightened its hold on her neck.

  He leaned in once again and brushed his lips over hers. She felt his tongue snake out and run along her bottom lip.

  “Relax,” he breathed as he attempted to slip his tongue past her lips.

  Did she want this? Yes, she did. He was being so gentle with her. What was she afraid of?

  Deciding not to fight it, but enjoy it, she gave in and relaxed. The hand that was gripping her neck moved into her hair, while his other hand tightened around her hips.

  She opened up to him and tried to actively participate in the kiss. He groaned when she shifted in his lap and ran her hands up his arms and into his hair. A sigh escaped her as he pulled her closer. The sensations that were assailing her body were some she’d never felt before.

  It didn’t matter that she was nineteen. It didn’t matter th
at she’d dated before. She was a virgin in every since of the word. Her high school boyfriend had kissed her, but never touched her in the manner that Greg was trying to. She’d never even thought about being with a man in the way that most college girls did. She was here on a soccer scholarship. She was here to play soccer and get her degree, not meet a guy.

  She pulled back panting, trying to get her bearings.

  “Greg…I can’t,” she looked away and tried to pull herself from his embrace.

  “Can’t what?” he gasped as he held her firmly in his lap.

  “Do this,” she motioned between them.

  “What exactly do you think we’re doing?” he smirked at her.

  “I...I mean…I don’t know what I mean,” she released a frustrated grunt.

  Greg chuckled as he released her and let her move away, “I like you Grace, but I’m not looking for anything serious. I just thought we could have a little fun.”

  “Fun?” she blanched at him.

  “Yeah, fun,” he trailed his knuckles down her exposed arm.

  “I’m not like that,” she scowled at him. “I don’t know what you’re used to, but I’m not that kinda girl.”

  “And what kind would that be?” he narrowed his eyes at her.

  “The kind that has loose morals and just sleeps her way through school,” Grace stood and began to head out of the park. She’d had enough of him, and wanted to get her things and head back to her dorm.

  She could hear Greg coming after her, “Grace, wait!”

  She spun around to face him, “What? You made it perfectly clear how you feel about me.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m a dick. You don’t want someone like me. Trust me,” he offered a sad smile. “Can we start over? As friends?”

  Deciding that the pleading look on his face was genuine, she offered him her hand with a nod, “Friends.”

  He shook her hand politely, and then motioned back to where they had abandoned the pizza box. “Let me grab that, and I’ll walk you back to your dorm.”

  She nodded and watched his backside as he made his way over to the box. He had the best looking butt she’d ever seen; too bad he was such an ass.


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