Fallen From Grace

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Fallen From Grace Page 18

by Heather D'Agostino

  To Michelle Warren of IndieBookCovers for the beautiful cover. You continue to amaze me with your talent.

  To Jessi from Jess Time To Read for your wonderful review. Thank you for taking the time to read this series and put so much thought into your reviews. Spreading the word about their characters is one of the best compliments an author can get.

  To Tiffany from 556 Book Chicks for your wonderful reviews and becoming one of my biggest fans. Your support for this series is beyond flattering.

  To Candice for taking time out of your busy day to help me with Justin’s legal background. You’re expertise made sure he was a believable character.

  And last but not least…A Big THANK YOU to the readers. All of you have shown so much love and support to me. Its dedicated readers like yourselves that keep us Indie Authors writing.

  They say “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, I feel like these books are my babies. All of you have helped me “raise” them. They wouldn’t be successful without you. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

  About the Author

  H.D’Agostino currently resides in Syracuse, NY with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats. Originally from Harrisburg, NC, she attended UNC Charlotte and received a BA in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math. H.D’Agostino loves hearing from her fans. You may follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/H.DAgostino.Author

  Coming in March 2014- The Family Next Door- the conclusion to Patrick and Katie’s story.


  As the rain pelted the sidewalk, Katie glanced out at the night sky. It had been a wet Fall thus far, and the weather seemed to fit her mood. As she let her mind drift back over the last three weeks, she couldn’t quite figure out where it all went wrong. They’d been so happy, or so she thought. How could Patrick lie to her like that? How could he look her right in the eyes, and tell her she had nothing to worry about? How could something that seemed so perfect, turn into the nightmare she was living?

  “Here,” Hannah came walking into the room and handed Katie a steaming mug of tea, bringing her out of her musings. “You’re going to have to talk to him at some point, ya know,” she stated gently.

  “Yeah…I’m just not ready yet. I don’t think I can do this,” tears welled in her eyes as she turned to face the window once again. “He said he loved me,” she began to sob.

  “Are you sure you saw what you think you did?” Hannah sat down on the chair beside the window bench Katie was curled up on. “I mean…are you sure?”

  “I know what I saw, and I can’t believe you’re not on my side about this,” Katie wiped at her eyes.

  “I am on your side. I’ve been through this…remember?” Hannah set her cup down and wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders. “You can stay here as long as you want.”

  “Thanks,” Katie nodded. “I know Matt is probably ready to get rid of me by now.”

  “Nonsense,” Hannah nudged her. “Matt keeps saying that we need to invite people over.”

  “I don’t think he was talking about having a long-term house guest when he told you that. You guys have enough to worry about with Charlie.”

  “You’re my sister,” Hannah sighed. “When you hurt, I hurt. Matt understands,” she took Katie’s mug from her hands, placed it on the coffee table, and wrapped her in a hug.

  “I just…,” Katie sobbed. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”

  “I know,” Hannah soothed. “Believe me…I know.”

  After what seemed like hours, Hannah pulled away, “I’ve gotta go tuck Charlie in and look over his homework. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Katie nodded as she moved to stand from the window seat. “I’ve got some charts I need to go over anyway.”


  “Did you brush your teeth?” Hannah called as she walked down the hallway.

  “Yes, Mom,” Charlie groaned.

  Hannah smiled as she watched him roll his eyes. He had just recently started calling her mom, and she couldn’t help the feeling that settled in her heart over it. At nine years old, Charlie was turning into quite the young man. He was the spitting image of his father, and she knew that he was going to grow into quite the heartbreaker.

  “I checked over your math. I didn’t see anything wrong, but your handwriting left a little to be desired,” Hannah sighed as she sat down on the side of his bed.

  “I can read it…the teacher can read it…what does it matter?” Charlie huffed.

  Hannah shook her head, “Don’t you want to do your best?”

  “Mom…if I get an A, that’s all that matters,” Charlie shifted in the bed.

  “Fine,” Hannah decided to drop the subject. She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, “Goodnight.”

  “Night Mom,” Charlie yarned as he started to roll over. When Hannah reached his door, he called out, “Hey Mom!”

  “Yes?” Hannah paused and turned to face him.

  “Is Aunt Katie ok?” his big brown eyes pleaded with Hannah to tell him the truth. For seven, he was very mature. Wise beyond his years, due to his tumultuous childhood.

  “She will be,” Hannah nodded.

  “I like that she’s staying here,” Charlie offered a soft smile. “It gives me somebody to hang out with when I get home from school.”

  “I’m glad,” Hannah stepped out the door, “Go to sleep. You have school in the morning,” she pulled the door to a crack behind herself.

  “Night Mom…love you,” Charlie called as he rolled over in bed.


  “So,” Hannah called as she came back into the living room. “What’s your next move?”

  “I don’t know,” Katie sighed. “I guess I need to figure where I’m going to live.”

  “Don’t you think that’s a little pre-mature?” Hannah moved to sit down beside her. “I mean…you need to talk to him.”

  “I know what I saw, Hannah. I know you don’t think that I get it, but I do. I saw all of this coming like a train wreck,” Katie huffed as she set the folder down that she was looking at. “It all started with that job. I wish he’d never taken it. The moment we stopped working together, was the moment it began to fall apart.”

  “I don’t think it was the job,” Hannah cringed when she saw the hurt on Katie’s face morph to anger. “I think you guys don’t trust each other as much as you think you do. I think you jumped to conclusions without getting all the facts.”

  “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just say that,” Katie scowled. “I know what I saw. I know that she’s had her eyes on him since he moved to that practice. I know that she’s been biding her time waiting to get me out of the picture. I know what she’s like, AND I know what Patrick used to be like.”

  “Easy,” Hannah sighed. “Patrick changed when he met you. I’ve never seen a man so devoted to his wife. I know you’re angry, but you need to step back and think about this. Don’t throw a year and half of marriage away on this. Don’t let this define you guys,” Hannah begged. “Please…just talk to him.”

  “I really need to get this finished,” Katie pointed to the stack of charts on the table. “I have to work the early shift tomorrow,” she glared at Hannah. “Not all of us have normal hours, you know?”

  “I’m gonna walk away,” Hannah shook her head. “I’m gonna pretend that it’s the hormones talking and not you. I know that you don’t mean half of what is coming out of your mouth.”

  As Hannah disappeared around the corner, Katie mumbled, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.” She reached down and caressed her swollen belly, “Momma didn’t mean it.”


  As he reached for the tumbler, a knock sounded at the door, “Come in,” he slurred.

  “Dude, you need to stop,” Matt shook his head.

  “I can’t…she won’t talk to me,” Patrick poured another bourbon and tossed it back.

  “This isn’t the answer,” Matt reached for the glass, an
d placed it and the bottle out of Patrick’s reach. “I’ve been there…we’re both married to stubborn women, remember?”

  “I don’t know how to get through to her though. She thinks I’m some kind of slime ball,” Patrick glanced around looking for the bottle of Jack Daniel’s that Matt had taken away.

  “You know you’re my best friend, and now my brother, so I’m just gonna ask…did you do it?” Matt cocked his head to the side.

  “No! Damn it!” Patrick roared.

  “Easy,” Matt put his hands up in front of himself.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong, but she won’t believe me,” Patrick huffed. “I don’t know how to get through to her.”

  Just then, Patrick’s cell phone buzzed on the table. When he picked it up and saw the name that flashed across the screen, he roared in rage and threw it as hard as he could across the room. When it hit the wall, it shattered into several pieces.

  “Ahhhhh!” he growled. “It’s all her fault. She’s a conniving bitch!” his shoulders moved up and down as he fought to control his erratic breathing. “I wish I’d never left the hospital. This would have never happened, if I hadn’t left.”

  “This isn’t your fault,” Matt grimaced as he watched Patrick seethe. “It’s hers,” he pointed to the phone. “She’s the reason this is happening. You need to fire her ass.”

  “I can’t,” Patrick slumped down onto the couch, defeated. “Her dad is my boss. The only way I can get away from her is to leave. It’s career suicide.”

  “What’s more important…your job, or your wife?” Matt moved to stand. “I’ve got to get home. Charlie will be going to bed, and I need to tell him goodnight.”

  Patrick nodded, “Yeah ok. Tell Katie I love her. I know she doesn’t believe that, but tell her…please?”

  “I will,” Matt began to walk toward the door.

  “Thanks, man,” Patrick sighed as the door closed behind Matt. He tossed his arm over his eyes and let the tears come once again.

  How was he going to fix this? How could he live the rest of his life without her – she was his heart! How was he going to be a part of his child’s life if his wife wouldn’t even stay in the same room as him? How had his life gone from being so perfect to so horrible in such a short amount of time?




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