The Wife He Needs (Mills & Boon Desire) (Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws, Book 1)

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The Wife He Needs (Mills & Boon Desire) (Westmoreland Legacy: The Outlaws, Book 1) Page 6

by Brenda Jackson

  The expression on his face was serious. “I’ll think about it,” she said, grinning.

  “Yes, you do that.”

  She would—and there were other things she would think about. Like should she consider Simone’s advice. Simone hadn’t been the only person who’d suggested Regan catch Garth’s eye. Charm had suggested that same thing, but that had been years ago. Charm probably figured Regan had gotten over her crush on Garth by now. If Charm thought that, then she was partly right. It was no longer a crush.

  Now it was a lot more than that.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Regan.”

  “Okay, Garth. Good night.”

  She’d started moving toward her bedroom when he called out to her. “Regan?”

  She stopped to turn around. He was still leaning against the pillar and looking so sexy that a deep hunger, one she’d never felt before, invaded her midsection. “Yes?”

  “Pleasant dreams.”

  She swallowed and forced herself to speak. “Pleasant dreams to you, too.”

  She turned back around and stepped away, walking as quickly as her legs would carry her.

  Garth stood there long after Regan closed her bedroom door. Was he wrong to fight this inner turmoil he felt whenever he was around her? Did it make sense to place distance between them? That would be hard to do since they were here together.

  They’d again taken a stroll down memory lane, and the one thing he could accept was that Regan wasn’t a kid anymore. She had stopped being a kid long ago. Now that he’d finally noticed, was it wrong to want to do something about it?

  He rubbed his hand down his face. Had she felt the desire radiating within him? Had she detected his need, his passion, his wants? His attraction? It was an attraction he had controlled since last year.

  How long could he continue to control it? Why was he even trying?

  He pushed away from the pillar and moved toward his bedroom. He needed to take a shower and he intended for it to be a damn cold one.


  The aroma of strawberry pancakes had Regan opening her eyes with a huge smile on her face. Shifting her body in bed, she glanced at the clock on the nightstand to make sure she hadn’t overslept. In fact, she still had thirty minutes to spare.

  She had gone to bed early last night, not because she was tired but because if she’d spent just one more minute in Garth’s presence, she would have given away her true feelings for him. That was why she was glad he hadn’t pressed her for more information regarding her breakup with Craig.

  The last thing she wanted him to know was that the reason she and Craig broke up was that he’d accused her of having an affair with Garth. And all because one of his friends in Denver had texted Craig the link to an article about the Westmoreland Charity Ball. Just so happened the article included a photo of her and Garth dancing together. Craig believed she wasn’t sleeping with him because she was sleeping with Garth. That was when she’d told him to leave and not show his face again. She was glad she hadn’t heard from him since.

  Refusing to think about Craig any longer, she got out of bed, showered and dressed. In no time at all, she was walking to the kitchen. The closer she got, the more she picked up the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying.

  “Good morning, Garth,” she greeted, sliding onto a stool at the breakfast bar.

  Garth turned around and smiled at her. This smile wasn’t any different than the others he’d always given her, but for some reason this one made her feel special. He looked good dressed in a pair of khakis and a green polo shirt. She’d always thought the color green enhanced his features. And she might be mistaken, but his eyes appeared darker than usual.

  “Good morning, Regan.”

  She smiled back and for just a heartbeat, their gazes held. He turned back to the stove, but she was certain she hadn’t imagined it.

  “I hope you slept well,” he tossed over his shoulder.

  “I did. Thanks.”

  She studied his body, and the woman in her appreciated how his slacks stretched across his well-rounded backside and tapered down a pair of muscular thighs. Why did it suddenly feel so hot? And why was her heart pounding? Clearing her throat, she asked, “Need help with anything?”

  “You can set the table for me. I figure it would be nice to sit in the dining room and take advantage of the view.”

  “Yes, that would be nice,” she agreed, sliding off the stool.

  She leaned up to get a couple of plates out of the cabinet at the same time he turned to place a plate of bacon on the counter. They nearly collided.

  “Oops. Sorry,” he said.

  “No problem.” Moving out of his way, she got the plates. Yesterday, the kitchen had seemed huge. Why, with both her and Garth in it, was it as if it had shrunk? Going to the drawer for the silverware, she was tempted to glance over her shoulder at him, but she resisted.

  “Glad you woke up on your own. I wondered if I would have to wake you.”

  Now she did turn to look at him. Was he serious or just joking? She could just imagine him coming into her bedroom to wake her. Then, no, she couldn’t imagine it. She didn’t want to imagine it. Doing so would play havoc on her hormones. From the mischievous look that appeared in his eyes, she figured he was just joking.

  “You would not have had to wake me. I have a built-in alarm clock. Got it from Dad.”

  “Yesterday, I noticed something else you got from your dad.”

  “Oh, what?”

  “Your ability to add stuff up in your head. You did it yesterday at the restaurant. It always amazed me how Franklin could do that. As a kid I struggled with math and he would give me pointers, or shortcuts as he would call them.”

  Yes, that was another gift she had inherited from her father. Because her mother had died when she was young, she didn’t remember much about her. However, she knew how much she looked like her, because her father had kept pictures around the house.

  “You okay over there?”

  She closed the utensils drawer and glanced over at him. “Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking of my mom.”

  “At least you have one to think about.”

  She met his gaze. There hadn’t been any bitterness in his tone. The words had been spoken matter-of-factly. She’d been around the Outlaw brothers enough to know the subject of their mothers was a joke to them. Garth had written off his mother years ago when she had left him with Bart and then remarried. She’d had other children, but none of them had ever reached out to Garth. His mother hadn’t, either.

  “Do you ever hear from her, Garth?”

  He would have every right to tell her it was none of her business, but he didn’t. Instead, he said, “No. I understand her other son just finished law school and her daughter is in med school.”

  She wanted to ask where he’d obtained that information, but she didn’t press her luck. Evidently, he read her mind.

  “I looked her up once, right before I left for the military. I called to see if she would meet with me. At first, she said no, but then she agreed. I invited her to dinner, and she had pictures of her family. I asked if I could meet them, and she said she preferred I didn’t. I was a part of her life she didn’t want to remember. I suggested she let her son and daughter decide, and she said they had. They knew about me and didn’t want to meet.”

  “You believe that?”

  “No reason not to. Doesn’t matter. I left satisfied that I had reached out to her. If she and her family didn’t want me to be a part of their lives, then so be it.”

  She nodded. It was his decision to make. Moving out of the kitchen, she went into the dining room to set the table. He followed, carrying several platters.

  “It’s just the two of us. How do you think we’ll eat all that food?” she asked him.

  He shrugged. “It’s not really a
lot, and between the two of us none of it will go to waste, trust me.”

  “If you say so.” She knew he was a hearty eater and figured the reason he kept in great shape was because he had a workout room in his basement and he stayed active.

  Breakfast was enjoyable, and the pancakes were delicious. He told her of the places the private tour would take them and figured they should be back before two. What really sounded good was his offer to grill hamburgers for lunch.

  “I talked to Maverick and Sloan last night,” he said as they cleared the table. “I mentioned you were here with me and they threatened me bodily harm if I didn’t make sure you had a good time.”

  After they’d loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, she glanced at her watch. “We’ve made good time. I’ll be ready to leave once I change shoes.”

  “All right.”

  Regan walked off, and although she didn’t look back, she again had a feeling Garth was watching her.

  “Need help?” Garth asked, moving to assist Regan with her packages as they entered the château. It seemed every stop they made on the sightseeing tour, she had run into a shop to purchase souvenirs. She’d made a list that he knew included his brothers, Charm, her father and Bart, as well as some of her friends.

  “Yes, thanks.”

  She passed one of the bigger bags to him. He got close enough to inhale her scent. He’d smelled jasmine on other women, but for some reason the scent was different on her.

  “You’re still grilling hamburgers?”

  He glanced over at her. “Yes. You’re hungry?”

  She scrunched up her face. “I wasn’t going to say anything, but with all that walking we did, breakfast has worn off.”

  “Then I’ll get started right away. I’ve even thought about getting in the pool.”

  “Now that’s something you wouldn’t be doing this time of year in Alaska,” she said.

  “True,” he said, placing the bag on the table. “You want to join me for a swim?”

  Regan turned and lifted a brow. “You want me to go swimming with you?”

  She seemed surprised that he’d asked. “Yes.”

  She smiled. “I’m glad one of the things I bought that day we went shopping was a swimsuit.”

  “That’s good.”

  He had enjoyed her company again today. Her excitement had been contagious. Their tour guide had been thorough and full of historical facts, and Regan had asked a lot of questions.

  Garth watched as she grabbed her bags and walked toward her bedroom. He rubbed his hands down his face. She was sexiness on legs. He’d never seen a walk so graceful be such a turn-on. Before closing her bedroom door, she glanced over her shoulder and saw him still standing there, staring.

  A confused frown settled on her face. “Is anything wrong, Garth?”

  For a quick second, he was tempted to give her a straight answer, to tell her that yes, something was wrong. He’d come here to meet a woman who was supposed to help him control his intense attraction to Regan. Because of a mix-up, the woman was a no-show, and now the very object of his desire was under the same roof, breathing the same air, sharing his space and blowing his mind every time she walked or talked.

  Instead, he said, “No, nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about something.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She closed the bedroom door.

  It was only then that he turned to go to his own room.

  Garth was already on the patio seasoning the burgers when Regan joined him. Although she wore a cover-up over her bathing suit, he could clearly see the outlines of a very shapely figure. He tried keeping his attention on the meat.

  “You can go ahead and get in the pool if you want. I want to get the meat on the grill.”

  “Need help?”

  He appreciated how she always offered. “No, I’ve got this. Thanks for asking.”

  Garth then turned his attention back to the grill. He heard her moving behind him, sliding off her sandals. Out of his peripheral vision, he saw her take off her cover-up. Every nerve in his body hummed with lust.

  He was so consumed by his physical reaction that the loud sound of her splash made him jump. Deciding that he couldn’t resist temptation any longer, he glanced at her in the pool and wasn’t surprised that she was a good swimmer. Regan was good at so many things.

  Garth turned his attention back to the grill. When he was satisfied it would be a while before the hamburgers needed him again, he left the patio and went into the kitchen to make a salad and fries. It was too early to start on the fries, but he could certainly get the salad into the refrigerator. He was almost done when he looked out the French door—at the exact moment Regan eased out of the water.

  He nearly dropped the bowl while watching water pour off her skin. But what really held his attention was her bathing suit. It was a one piece, but for all he cared, it could have been a no-piece. It clung to her skin like a second layer. The shape and cut were perfect for every single contour of her body. He tore his gaze off her to quickly finish the salad, anxious to join her in the pool.

  “I hope you’re not through with your swim,” he said, returning to the patio to find her stretched out on one of the loungers.

  “No, I decided to take a break.”

  “I hope it’s not a long one. I want to swim a few laps with you, after I take the meat off the grill.”

  Garth was a sharp businessman because he could read people. It bothered him that he saw apprehension in her expression now, which led him to say, “But only if you don’t mind.”

  She met his gaze. “No, I don’t mind.”

  It didn’t take him long to finish the hamburgers and place them in the warmer. He walked toward where she lay on the lounger while flipping through a magazine. She had put her cover-up back on. Why? Was she nervous about him seeing her in a bathing suit that looked damn good on her?

  Upon hearing his approach, she looked up. “Are you ready for me, Garth?”

  Her words, innocently spoken, stirred something deep within him. It was a part of his body that just didn’t want to behave around her. Regan was off-limits. When he returned to Alaska, he would call one of his female acquaintances to take care of his manly needs. But even as he had the thought, he said, “Yes, Regan, I am ready for you.”


  Regan watched Garth ease out of his jeans, and sensations she’d never felt before passed through her.

  His swimming trunks looked good on him, fitting perfectly on his masculine thighs. Even in his business suits he could start her heart fluttering.

  “I’ll be back. I want to grab a couple more towels.”

  She watched him sprint off, feeling her heart against her ribs. Moving quickly toward the pool, she decided to be in the water when he returned. She was somewhat nervous at the thought of Garth seeing her in a bathing suit.

  “You’re in the water already.”

  Not only was she in the water, she was submerged in the deep end. Was that disappointment she heard in his voice? “Yes, I decided to go ahead and get in.”

  He jumped in, making a big splash. Her heart began beating fast as she watched him move agilely through the water, using a perfectly executed breaststroke.

  “You want to do a few laps together?” he asked when they were less than a few feet apart.


  “You have a nice bathing suit, by the way.”

  “Thanks. Ready for those laps?”

  He nodded. “We are not competing, Regan. We’re doing laps together. I felt I needed to say that just in case you’re like Charm, who has a bunch of competitive genes in her body.”

  Regan tilted her head, chuckling. “I promise not to tell her you said that.”

  “Please don’t. I have enough to deal with as it is, when it comes to Charm.”

  She could hear the broth
erly fondness in his voice. Any other family that consisted of six siblings, all of whom had different mothers, would certainly be dysfunctional to the nth degree. But not the Outlaws.

  “Ready to start?” Garth asked her.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Their bodies moved in sync as they glided through the water. The pool was large enough that they had their own space, yet their moves felt choreographed. As if on cue, when they reached the other side, they turned to go back to the other side of the pool.

  They did a number of laps before she eased over to the side of the pool. She wanted to watch him work his body.

  “You’re leaving me?” he asked, treading water as he watched her.

  “For the time being. I don’t have as much stamina as you do.”

  When she was on the other side of the pool, he began swimming. His body maneuvered several different strokes masterfully, and he looked amazing while gliding through the water.

  Regan lost track of time. Maverick was right about Garth having a lot of stamina. She couldn’t help but be curious whether he took that same level of vigor to the bedroom. She wasn’t shocked to be wondering such a thing since she had long ago accepted Garth as a fantasy lover.


  Regan sucked in a deep breath. She hadn’t known he’d come to join her at the side of the pool. “Excuse me?”

  A smile touched the corners of his lips. “I asked if you were daydreaming. You looked as if your thoughts were a million miles away.”

  Regan wondered what he would think if he knew her thoughts had been right here in the pool with him. “I was just deciding it’s time to get something to eat.”

  He nodded. “Everything is ready but the French fries and that won’t take but a few minutes in the air fryer.”

  “Okay.” She just realized how close they were standing. She was tempted to reach out and rub her hands down his wet chest. But she wouldn’t stop there. Then she would lean in and lick the side of his neck, and then...

  “Did I tell you how nice you look in your bathing suit?”


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