How to Survive Supernatural College (The Complications of Supernatural Adoption Book 2)

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How to Survive Supernatural College (The Complications of Supernatural Adoption Book 2) Page 6

by Francheska Fifield

  "She can't prove herself anymore?"

  Fiona clears her throat and we leave the gym.

  "She can dear. That stone…well, it's not a normal one. If she can prove herself it will become clear. Meaning her heart is clean and pure. She will re-inherit her title no matter who is chosen. I don’t think she will though. Gwen was born entitled. Her parents tried to teach her the importance of both family name and equality and it didn’t work. They could not find the right balance between confidence and humility."

  I shiver and suggest going outside. I want sun and warmth, and to get the hell away from Gwen because once she wakes, I figure the storm will try to blow my way. If I am not in my room that makes it harder for her to find me. Safety is the priority after all.

  Later mom and I are walking alone, Al and Fergus are working out because the other Vamps are scared or something, and she looks at me with motherly concern.

  "Alastair told me you know."

  I don’t have to ask what. "Yeah. I won't tell Fergus, but…well shouldn't we get registered approval in case someone notices."

  "You won't be a neutral party. This whole plan will fall apart."

  "So, hide it until after college?"

  She nods. "We can petition anytime, and use your safety as the reason. Alastair has told me he plans to join you on your journey. You and Heather will become blood sisters so she can track you, Alastair can apply for approval with the excuse of your safety. We figure that will be the best timing."

  "Makes sense. I promise not a word until then. You should talk to Al though. He comes running every time I feel unwell or even the smallest bit scared. Like when I was surrounded by people asking me questions. To be honest it was a bit embarrassing. Gwen, I didn’t bat an eyelash, wolf boy stirred up nothing, but humans surround me and I am about to burst."

  "I know what that dog in school did to you; Alastair told me, but your worst wounds, the ones you have never been able to work through come from humans. You created a werewolf weakness, with your own two hands, and with it a sense of control over your life when they are involved. You still haven't found one to defeat the trauma humans did to you. Does that make sense?"

  Ironically it does. Fiona would have made an amazing therapist. She has that no-nonsense explanation that leaves you having to believe it. I hug her and continue to walk.

  "We should make sure Fergus and Al haven't destroyed the training grounds."

  "Yes of course. I will have that talk with Alastair too. He should know what is at stake here."

  A smile is plastered on my face. "Thanks, mom."

  Fiona doesn’t need to ask why I thank her. She and Al are the same in that way. They just know. She hugs me close with one arm and we keep walking. Her face has quite a smile too.

  Chapter 9

  There is a bit of a crowd when we arrive at the training grounds. Fiona pushes her way through holding my hand so I won't be left behind. Once they notice it is her everyone, no matter their race moves out of the way. You don’t get in the way of a Vampire princess on her way to her husband. Not if you don’t want to get eaten anyway.

  When we get there, we stand at the edge of the warded area and became part of the silent participants. It is easy to see why people stop to stare. Fergus and Al are both masters and watching them train together is like watching the most perfectly choreographed scene in the world.

  They arrive, as they almost always do, at a stalemate and shake hands ending the fight and lowering the ward that keeps people out of the area while they spar. The ringmaster, basically a teacher making sure no one breaks the rules of the fight, tosses them two towels.

  Fiona steps forward and grabs the towel rubbing down Fergus's hair and they kiss mostly hidden behind the towel. I smile looking at them. No matter how often they disagree they love and support one another when it is important. They are not publicly lovey-dovey, so seeing the occasional sweet hidden gems make me melt inside.

  I notice the girls around me inching forward and follow their line of vision. Al is nonchalantly wiping the sweat off his face and chest. I look over at the girls almost drooling and have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. I understand the appeal; Al is a master of Vampire martial arts and a few human ones so he is in amazing shape. I know he doesn’t even notice the attention or that many find him attractive. It seems to make him more appealing, most hot people know it and flaunt it. Al doesn’t care how he looks; he just is how he is and it is nothing to fuss over. I still can't believe how un-boy-like he is.

  He looks over and waves and I walk over ignoring the murmurs behind me. There is already so much speculation about us going around. Everyone wants to know if we are siblings, lovers, friends…it seems Selene and Heather have an entire freshman class to debate with now. Neither Al nor I give it much thought. We are what we are and that is that.

  "You didn’t win this time."

  I smile baiting him. It seldom works but I keep trying because, well, it is fun when it does work. This time he just shrugs and throws the towel over his shoulder. He skipped his hair again. He will complain it is dripping on him later yet he never actually dries it. I grab the towel and start drying his ponytail. He holds still letting me. After so long he just accepts that I am a worrier and it is going to happen whether he is okay with it or not.

  "I didn’t lose either."

  "True. You know you have to learn to dry your hair, you are going to get sick someday."

  He and Fergus like to fight in the snow so they are prepared to battle in all types of weather. Fiona and I have a bet on how long before one of them suggests tornado or hurricane chasing so they can attempt to battle it out then. We do agree that we are tranquilizing them until they forget that fool plan no matter when it happens.

  "You know Vampires don't get sick easily."

  That is always his excuse. I tug the ponytail lightly. "Don't sass me. You know even if you don't get sick you will be annoyed when it keeps dripping sweat down your back when the rest of you is dry."

  He shrugs and I sigh and tug his hair a bit harder. "Have a care for your health and our family's sanity. When you complain you are worse than a girl on her period."

  He snickers and shrugs again. I swear sometimes he does this on purpose to get a rise out of me. Sadly, he is right; I worry so I scold…every single time.

  "Yeah laugh it off. One day I will leave you to deal with it by yourself."



  I throw the towel back on his shoulder and walk around to the front. Al is looking at the group of onlookers. I follow his line of sight and laugh.

  "You and Fergus acquired some spectators."

  "We aren't the only fighters out here."

  It is true. Other spots have people training, but none of them have groupies.

  "You are popular."

  "How the hell did that happen?"

  I have to laugh at that. Oh, poor Al. He will never understand.

  "You are a prince. All the humans know your family, including you, has taken better care of me than most do their actual family members. Plus, you are all muscly and girls like that."

  "Do you think they are going to come over to talk?"

  I chuckle before seeing his slightly horrified gaze…then I howl with laughter. I almost fall over and am only saved because Al grabs my arm.

  "No worries Al. People are unsure what our relationship is so as long as I am here, I don’t think they will come over. Unless it seems like we are fighting. Then they will come to destroy me and defend your honor."

  "I can defend my honor on my own."

  "I didn’t say it made sense. Most people our age are ruled by hormones. Remember you read that medical site…"

  "This is a place of learning though."

  "Sometimes you are so childlike it's hard to imagine you are nineteen."

  He glares at me but it is not his actual angry one so I just reach up and pat his head. I have to stand on my tiptoes to do it. Is he ever going t
o stop growing?

  "Hungry after your half-naked display of masculinity?"

  He snorts and nods.

  "You grab mom and I will grab dad. He and I should shower before going to lunch."

  I nod. "I'll tell mom to find a place before you guys are done. It will give her something to do. But hey, do you know when they are going home since parent's weekend is postponed?"

  "Likely after it's finally scheduled and over with."

  We are not even sure when that will be. "Seriously?"

  He nods looking grim.

  "Dad mentioned something about it before. Mom is…well she is not impressed with what she has seen. She contacted her father…"

  I facepalm myself. "Oh, crap."

  I met her father once. When I petitioned for this place to be started up. Our home community is small and though it is the one place trying to do this togetherness thing there is still discrimination. Putting this together on a global scale had been unnerving and tiring, but worth it. Still, I don’t want to have to see the big fish more than I have to.

  "Great. I don’t want him coming out to speak to me. It's bad enough I have to give the council a progress update at the end of every year."

  Al squeezes my shoulder before shrugging and walking to our parents.

  "What is going to happen will happen."

  Easy for him to say, he is not a walking lunch buffet. A sigh and fake smile later and Fiona and I are talking food while Al and Fergus shower. I know the parents aren’t fooled, but thankfully they pretend everything is all right. Hurray for small miracles.

  It turns out the coolest thing about this place is the portal room. There is a door to a supernatural town from each continent. We debate over meals when Fiona decides on Italian. I am down with that. Luckily, she knows Italian. Sometimes she surprises me then I remember there is nothing she can’t do.

  I have no idea what region of Italy we are in but it is damn gorgeous. I expect it though. I have always wanted to go to Italy, and every other country in the world, so this is extra awesome.

  We are seated and I am looking around like a crazy person that has never seen the outdoors before.

  "We are buying both of you unlimited passes for the portal room before we leave. So, you two can go out whenever you are sick of college food."

  I am gapping, but Fiona glosses over that fact and smiles at Al.

  "Make sure to stick to the countries where one of you knows the language. And make sure you aren't out past dark. And no bars or clubs. They can be dangerous."

  "Sure mom."

  Al will keep that promise and so will I…like I want to stumble into a werewolf hotspot and become the chase of the night. No thank you. The waiter comes over and Fiona orders Lasagna for me, Bistecca Alla Fiorentina for Al (which turns out to be one hell of a steak), and Alla cacciatora for her and Fergus (which just looks like meat and veggies to me).

  "So, tell me about the classes. Oh, and if you have made any friends. The throng of people watching the match seemed to know you."

  I smile and take a big bite forcing Al to answer because I know she is not worried about me making friends. She already knows all the humans are flocking to me. Al is the socially inept one. He gives me a sideways glare that promises retribution later.

  "Classes are boring so far and Amber is making a lot of friends for both of us."

  I try to shrink as I see Fiona's lips thin. Oh, he is so going to get it. Stupid, stupid boy…

  Chapter 10

  Once back in the castle of unknown origin we separate as they go to the visitor's wing and Al and I head to my room to check on the Heather/Gwen moving process.

  "Why didn’t you say anything while she scolded me like a child?"

  Oh, Al is mad. "Yeah like I am going to speak up and argue with mom. You know how she is. She and I have been texting, she knows all about the humans and Shayla in particular. Besides, you know that question was directed to you. She only asked us both so I wouldn’t feel excluded. She worries about you Al. Is it really so bad that your mother loves you enough to care about your emotional wellbeing?"

  He sighs and lets go of his anger. He never wins this argument because he knows I come from a place where no one ever cared and having Fiona scold me when she is worried makes me cry for joy. Having someone care enough to ground you is better than having someone that doesn’t give a crap if you live or die. He has nothing to say after I ask so he just shakes his head.


  I grab his hand and squeeze trying to cheer him up. Fiona means well, but I do have to admit she sometimes treats Al like a child. I always think of him as stunted in the emotional area, but more like an adult hermit than a child. He is not afraid of strangers or shy, he just doesn’t care about their existence. I still have no way to bridge the gap between his and Fiona's thinking. I am trying to play referee, but failing miserably. Eventually, I will learn and just let them cuss one another to hell and back…. yeah right.

  "Heather is in there."

  I am pretty sure I deflate about ten pounds worth of air from my lungs. If Al can smell Heather that means I am free of Gwen…well for now.

  "Thank goodness. I wish they had just stuck me with Heather, to begin with."

  "Likely they thought you having a relationship with the next coven leader would be beneficial for your future."

  When he puts it that way I am screwed. "Well I tried, but let's face it that was never going to happen."

  "She did hate you quite a bit. She seemed to hold my refusal of her proposal against you as well."

  "Likely that’s where the betting pool came from."

  "Betting pool?"

  I open my door and Heather turns smiling having heard us talking outside the door.

  "She means everyone here knows you refused Gwen's offer in a way that made it clear you would rather die than be with her. Then you come here with a human that you look out for, take care of, and don't feed on. So, a betting pool opened up. I am blaming Selene. She and lots of others have bet that you two are lovers. A few agree with me on the siblings' or best friends' stance…"

  "Did you bet in that Heather?"

  She laughs shaking her head.

  "Nope. I have no talent for gambling. Whatever I bet you two would end up the opposite anyway. Plus, I cannot waste my money. I am using the go-home portal all I can to see Marcus so I need my extra cash."

  Ahh, the ever-practical Heather. I sit on my bed against the wall and Al takes my chair at my desk. He looks…incredulous.

  "Is she joking?"

  He looks at me and I can see hope…it is mostly hidden behind his fear I am not joking…too bad his fear is going to win.


  Heather and I both watch the confusion, shock, and annoyance cross Al's face. We wink to one another, bite our cheeks to keep from giggling, and work on finding a non-humorous face before Al looks back to us and finds us amused by his feelings on the matter. I think we do well considering how funny it is.

  "Don't people have better things to talk about?"

  "You would think, wouldn’t you?!" I am over-exuberant because he gives me the 'I am not fooled' look. Whoops. I always give myself away. I am a terrible liar.

  "So, Al, what is your roomie like?"

  I want to thank Heather for the save, but Al will turn back to me and scold me eventually.

  "Loud and overly friendly."

  "So, make friends with him and put mom's mind at ease. You know how excited she would be if you said you and your roommate got along."

  "You think so?"

  I nod and he goes inward. That’s how I always refer to Al's thinking. He turns inward and though I know he is aware of everything going on around him, he doesn’t respond to any of it so it is basically like checking out.

  "Oh, hey there is going to be a party this weekend. Want to go Amber?"

  "What is the party for?"

  Heather smiles and pulls out two outfits.

  "For our schools’ teams.
There are so many here and only one college so teams are made divided by country and they are going to sport it out."

  This means various sports where different races have to work together to win. Makes sense until more colleges are up and running. Also, good team building and good for college morale.

  "I'm in and go with the tunic and jeans if you don't want to be flirted with."

  She nods and puts the dress away grabbing a pair of jeans and throwing her clothing on the back of her chair. She so is head over heels for Marcus. They are so cute.

  "Help me unpack and pick something out later?"

  She nods smiling.

  "And we should be ready before Selene comes so she cannot 'help'."

  Heather's air quotations and ugh face have me laughing so hard Al finally pays attention to what we are doing.

  "Hey, Alastair are you joining the American team for sports weekend?"

  "I hadn't planned on it, why?"

  I give him a thumbs up and a wink. "Way to represent American supernaturals."

  Heather snorts, as she always does when trying to not laugh, and turns her smile on Al.

  "You should. It would be a great way to make friends and it's good exercise. Plus, you could get a throng of screaming groupies always following you around and telling you how awesome you are."

  "Wrong pitch Heather. That will deter him."

  "You have made him seem so normal compared to before sometimes I forget he is not like the rest of us."

  We both laugh and he scowls at us.

  "Not funny."

  "Firstly, yes, it is, but more importantly it is true."

  A look of pure annoyance is focused entirely on me so I give him my full, and serious, attention. "Heather is right Al. If you join a team mom will be thrilled. It's not like you have to stay with it if it turns out you hate it. She wants you to step out of your comfort zone. Try it for a month or two and if you still hate it quit. She will just be thrilled you tried."

  He rubs his temples, but I don’t let him trick me into feeling bad, it is almost impossible for Vampires to get a headache because it is something so minor their healing abilities take care of it within seconds of it starting. Boy, do I want to be a Vamp when I get a migraine.


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