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CodeY Page 29

by Lamar Rutherford

  Devon got into position. Pace gave him the thumbs-up. As the door rose, Pace started the engines and taxied out of the hangar. Devon jumped to get in, but as he left the ground, his shoe caught on a crack in the pavement. Rane jumped to the door, reached out, and barely grabbed him as they motored forward. She was not quite strong enough to pull him in, but Pele quickly leaped to her aid and together they hauled him in, just in time, as Pace accelerated the plane out of the hangar and onto the runway.

  Pace was airborne before anyone tried to stop them, but quickly they saw some planes on the radar. Confident they were enemy combat planes, Pace picked up speed.

  “Any rough mountain ranges or terrain of any sort around here?” Pace asked.

  Drew and Pele look at each other, both shrugged.

  Pele answered, “None that I know of. It’s mostly desert. I think the buildings in Jeddah might be the closest thing to terrain anywhere near here.”

  “Jeddah it is,” Pace said as he banked towards the city, the two planes in close pursuit. “Let’s see what this baby can do. Hold on tight.”

  Pele knew Pace was a skilled pilot. Pace had advanced from the virtual reality game to real planes when he was twelve years old. His trainer was a Navy Pilot, a former Blue Angel. Pace’s trainer was so impressed with Pace’s skills, he often invited him onto the naval base to practice dogfighting with the recruits. Because regulations did not allow a civilian, especially one so young, to pilot any navy planes, the trainer would pretend he was piloting the plane and Pace was simply his guest, but everyone knew Pace was doing the work. Despite Pace’s frequent trips to the navy base, Pele had never had the opportunity to ride in a plane with him before today. He was impressed with his son’s calm and obvious skill.

  The planes started to shoot at them. One shot clipped a wing. The plane teetered and dipped, but Pace pulled it out and got it back on track. They reached the skyscrapers of Dubai and he quickly darted between the first two, making it difficult for the fighter planes behind to hit them. Pace was S-curving sharply around buildings, making tight turns, almost skimming the corners at seemingly impossible speed. The others, Rane, Devon, Pele, and Drew were all struggling with the g-forces he was pulling. Fortunately, their Robustor suits helped.

  As Pace came upon one of the taller buildings, he continued his zig-zag pattern, curving expectedly to the right. The two planes on his tail split this time, one stayed behind him, the other one coming around on the other side, clearly intending to meet him head-on for a better shot.

  Pele heard Pace say under his breath, “About time.”

  Instead of curving back to the left around the next building, Pace dropped sharply and circled the same building instead. The plane on his tail narrowly missed colliding with the other one as it came around the building. They both had to pull up to avoid each other. Pace used the moment of time to duck between several buildings to make it harder for them to find him. As he came to the edge of a high-rise neighborhood, he floored the plane toward the water and, hopefully, the safety of international air space. He did not know if the enemy planes would turn back, but with speed he could get a jump start and hopefully they would give up before they could catch him. If not, at least if they were shot down, it would be over water.

  It seemed to have worked. They were blitzing across the water towards Egypt before they saw the planes emerge from the city. The planes seemed to decide to let them go and circled back.

  Pace looked back at the others, all of whom were white-faced, unaccustomed to the intense g-forces, and struggling to keep their last meal down. Pele seemed to be in the best shape.

  Pace asked “Dad, can you find the nearest private airport? Egypt is probably our safest bet.”

  Pele looked down at his phone and saw a missed call from Keece and immediately asked Devon,

  “Can you try to find the nearest airport for us in Egypt?”

  While Devon searched, Pele tried calling Keece. No answer. He looked up her Locater to see if he could find her. Before going into the game, he had hidden Locater trackers on each of his family members, Cole and his children, Radi’s children, and even Drew. He had slipped them into the back of their hair, for most of them, unnoticed. Jadyn was the only one who caught on, but Pele winked at him and knew Jadyn would keep their secret.

  Pele used the Locater app now to find where Keece and the others were. Reception was spotty. Some seemed to still be near the arena—Cole, Shanta, Jadyn and Jaya—but not altogether, Cole’s was separated from the others. The rest, Keece, Zander, Sanji, and Calice appeared to be a safe distance from the stadium, but Pele could not tell for sure. Their Locator dots kept flashing on and off the screen. Oddly, they appeared to be over the same body of water that he was, heading towards Egypt. Was the Locator app not working correctly because they were over water? If so, then he had no idea where they really were. Why were they separated from the others? Had some of them simply lost their Locators in the scuffle? The Locator app did nothing to allay his fears.

  Why wasn't Keece answering? He texted her in case she had her ringer turned off, “Are you safe?”

  “Marsa Alam appears to be our best option,” Devon said. “Apparently, it’s become a very popular resort destination, especially with the local wealthy elite. There’s an International airport just outside of town, but our best bet is probably the private airstrip near the new Four Seasons Abu Dabab resort.”

  Devon found the coordinates and brought them forward. Pace immediately contacted the airport, asking for permission for an emergency landing.

  “Dad, can you contact the American forces and see if they can help with this landing? We may need their protection,” Pace asked.

  Pele placed a call to his commander, who agreed to get them permission. He also said he would get American and Egyptian forces there to meet them. The commander was clearly aware of the dire circumstances all over the Arab peninsula. He seemed eager to convene with Pele and the others, Pele suspected it was because he had warned his superiors about the attack, and they had not taken his advice seriously enough. Now all appeared eager to connect with him, likely to get any other intelligence he may have.

  Pele added a request to the commander, “We’ll need a medic too. Former Marine, Drew Johnson is hurt.”

  Pace set the course for Marsa Alam. Minutes later a text came through from Keece to Pele, “Most of us safe for now. On a boat heading towards Egypt.”

  Pele clearly relieved to hear they were safe, responded eagerly, “Can you get to the Four Seasons Abu Dabab resort in Marsa Alam?”

  There was a long, seemingly interminable pause, then Keece responded, “We’ll try. Very low on fuel. In small blue and white speedboat.”

  Pele, concerned again, tried to be reassuring, “Go as far as you can. I will find a way to get to you.”

  Keece replied with a kiss emoticon. Pele sent back the same, then immediately called the commander again, “My wife and family are on a small blue and white speedboat heading across the Red Sea towards the Four Seasons Abu Dabab resort. They are not sure they have enough fuel to make it all the way. Can you get me on a boat to intercept them as soon as we land?”

  Pele listened to the commander’s response, and then answered, “I’d rather be on it myself. We’re ten minutes out from landing. Just have the boat ready.”

  Chapter 20

  Jadyn, Jaya, and Shanta had heard the shots ring out after they were pulled away from Cole. They had not seen him fall, but they could only assume it was Cole. Helpless and stunned, they moved forward with the crowd, turning as often as possible to try to catch a glimpse of him, all too much in shock and survival mode to fully comprehend the loss.

  Jadyn knew he and Jaya could have easily escaped out of the arena where they were being held, but they would not leave Shanta behind. They would have to bide their time until they had a plan. They all obediently moved along as the ISEX troops herded the entire audience into the center area. Ali Rehan’s face filled the screens everywhere. T
he audience murmured in fear, as he explained how ISEX had taken over the Arab peninsula to restore their “rightful rule” by their principles, where women knew and respected their proper place in society. He promised ISEX would hold every stadium audience hostage until each of their governments surrendered to ISEX’s rule. They had troops marching to every head of government right now, starting the takeover.

  Jadyn held tight to Jaya and Shanta. As Ali started to recite ISEX’s policies on women, Jadyn said under his breath to the girls, “Let’s ditch our ID’s. If they make any connection between Rane and us it could create more trouble. No need to take that chance.”

  They each dropped their ID’s separately, and quietly kicked them under the seats, without notice by the troops.

  As they entered the center area, they could see the men and the women were being sent into separate groups. Jadyn quickly grabbed Jaya’s scarf and purse and slipped them on, pretending to be a girl as he slid into the group with them. He and Jaya kept scanning for possible escape routes. There were several they could probably have made work, but it was clear they both knew neither of them would leave Shanta behind. Shanta saw this. She tried to encourage them to go, but to no avail.

  The infield rapidly became crowded as all the soccer enthusiasts filed down from the stands. The guards separated all the young females, women of childbearing age, and directed them through one of the tunnels. From there they were loaded onto trucks and driven away. Shanta, Jadyn and Jaya were among those selected. Luckily, they all managed to get on the same truck. All the girls, and Jadyn, nervously crowded together wondering where they were being taken.

  The truck pulled up near an old warehouse, and the guards hustled them out of the truck. They were guided into what looked like makeshift accommodations, mats on the floor in one section, a screened off area with toilets and a large sink for washing and drinking water. The girls all milled around, some claiming sleeping spots. Jadyn noticed that at one end they seemed to be checking girls in, one-by-one, and then sending them down a hall for some kind of blood test. A few had returned with a bandage on the inside of their elbows.

  Jadyn, always quick to think on his feet, pulled his sister aside and whispered in her ear, “Jaya, go get in line to get the test. We’ll have to switch clothes and have you go through a second time for me.” He whispered the plan to Shanta.

  Shanta and Jaya looked over towards the door and Jaya headed for the line. Shanta stayed with Jadyn for now, hoping to help when he and Jaya switched later. In about fifteen minutes Jaya was back with a full report.

  “They’re taking a blood sample and asking your age. Also, if you have any health issues and about your cycle. I think they are trying to make sure we are good for breeding. I felt like a cow getting checked to see if I qualify for good rearing material.”

  Despite the tense situation, Jadyn and Shanta couldn’t help but giggle at her analogy.

  With Shanta as a shield, Jadyn and Jaya quickly changed jackets and tops. Fortunately, Shanta also wore a scarf to the game so Jadyn could slip that on now. Then Shanta and Jaya headed back for the line, Jaya posing as her own twin, in place of Jadyn.

  Fortunately, the women checking them in barely glanced at the girls. They waived them on. The nurse taking the blood sample gave Jaya a suspicious look, but Jaya quickly said, “I’m an identical twin.” The nurse continued without further questioning.

  While the other two were away, Jadyn started assessing the situation. The young girls had all been separated and checked for health and timing of their cycles. Why would ISEX be interested? Could it be for their male soldiers? It made sense, a way to keep them happy and motivated, while at the same time, ensuring healthy offspring to continue their cause. He shuddered at the implications.

  Shanta and Jaya returned.

  Shanta started talking to both of them sincerely, “I know you two would have already escaped here in a flash if it weren’t for me. You should go, before they discover Jadyn and we get into real trouble. I’ll be okay.” But she couldn’t hide the anxiousness in her voice.

  Jadyn replied, comfortingly, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Let’s evaluate things a bit before we rush into any decisions.”

  Jaya, in full support of Jadyn’s suggestion, “Yes, I’m not so eager to leave you here by yourself, Shanta.”

  Shanta sounding both relieved and concerned, “Thanks, both of you. But we could all be in for more trouble if they find Jadyn.”

  Jadyn replied quietly, clearly still scanning and assessing the situation, “Let’s at least wait out the night. I don’t think we’ll get into any trouble yet.”

  They found a corner spot on the mats. A young, pretty, blonde, about sixteen, was sitting near them, trying to look tough and independent, but not fooling anyone. She was clearly as scared as the rest of them. She had attractive features, but really beautiful eyes, deep pools of an almost purple blue.

  Shanta struck up a conversation with her. Her name was, fittingly, Amethyst. Her brother was one of the forwards on Rane’s team. The only girl in her family, she had gotten separated from them in the stadium. The three of them bonded immediately, except for Jadyn, who said very little, still concerned about exposing his cover. The fewer who know he was not a girl, the better. Amethyst did have a perplexed look when Jaya stumbled a bit, introducing her “sister”, Jade.

  As Shanta and Amethyst continued to talk, Jadyn whispered under his breath to Jaya, “So, not to get too personal, but where are you in your cycle?”

  Jaya, a little surprised and uncomfortable, “Unfortunately, Shanta and I both just started our periods. Hopefully, they'll provide tampons!”

  Jadyn, “That actually might be lucky. It might give us a little more time.”

  Jaya, looking very uncomfortable and concerned now, “You think they are going to start using us for sex?”

  Jadyn, with his practical point of view, “Why else would they separate all the young women? If it weren’t for sex or to get you pregnant? Otherwise, why not keep you with the other women?”

  Jaya, clearly even more uncomfortable now, “Oh Jheez! We’ve got to get out of here.”

  Jadyn said, still caught up in the rational aspects of the situation and slightly oblivious to the emotional roller coaster he was subjecting his sister to, “How many days before you and Shanta would be considered fertile?”

  Jaya, trying to respond rationally, even though her heart was racing with fearful prospects, “I think nine to ten. I wasn’t paying that close attention in sex ed since I didn’t think it was a concern for the near future.”

  Jadyn gave her a slight hug, “Don’t worry. We’ll figure something out,” her sarcasm tipping him off on how scared she really was.

  Chapter 21

  The Cirrus Vision SF70 gracefully glided to a gentle stop at the end of the small runway. Everything around them was dry arid land except for a few sparse palm trees lining the runway, and what looked like an oasis in the desert ahead of them. It was clearly a manmade resort of sparkling white buildings accented by colorful blue and green tile decorating every entry and archway. Patches of green palms sprouted above the walls in a random pattern across the large span of the resort.

  An Egyptian military SUV drove out to greet the passengers with a medic truck right behind.

  Pele, Devon, and Rane, carrying Kaz, stepped down from the plane. Devon and Pele turned back as they reached the bottom step to help lift Drew as Pace eased him down. They were all in their civilian clothes now, their Robustor suits carefully tucked away into their backpacks.

  The ambulance swiftly sped off. Pele had asked Devon to ride with Drew for support. The Egyptian military men took the rest of them to a nearby military office. Via their handheld translators, the Egyptians explained that an American military commander was waiting for them there.

  As they entered the office, they saw American General Adams projected on the conference room’s main screen.

  “Dr. Rosen, it’s good to see you after so ma
ny years. I attended one of your early presentations in DC on your Robustor technology. I am impressed with your continued contribution to our country’s safety, despite the unfortunate circumstances that caused your convict service.”

  Pele stared at the screen, barely recalling so many years ago when he had made a nerve-wracking, last-minute presentation in place of his boss at the Pentagon in DC on the technology he and Johann Dober had just started working on as consultants to DARPA. Life had been quite a journey since then. He winced a little at the memory of those long years without Keece and his family. He did not want to lose them again.

  He took a long breath and then said, “Thank you General. It’s been a long time. To be honest, I am very concerned about our country’s security, but right now, I’m even more concerned about my family and friends. I’m afraid any conversation we have, will have to wait until I get on a boat and find my wife and the others.”

  General Adams nodded in agreement, “Understood. There is an Egyptian Coast Guard boat waiting at the Four Seasons dock. The others with you now will be safe here until your return. They’ll ride with you to the Four Seasons where we have two connecting suites waiting for them and the others.”


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