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Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult

Page 12

by James Courneya


  “In that case, I don’t believe you can accomplish that goal.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because the pain that I feel, cannot be resolved. Unless of course, you can bring back the dead?”

  Quinn thinks about Lucifer and his smug vacant stare. “Well actually, I have no idea if that is or isn’t an option. I’m going to assume it isn’t. Though, would I be considered like, spiritually dead? So, maybe if we had a fresh body and soul? Ah, but perhaps playing necromancer, isn’t exactly the best idea I’ve had.”

  “It seems like you already know of a reason, as to why you would be in this state. Can you explain it to me then?”

  “You want to know my story then?”

  “Yes, if you would.”

  “Where to start? I guess that would be a good of place, as any.”

  The marionette gets up and begins to put on a performance, to go along with his narrative.

  “Once upon a time, there was a fair maiden, kind and just. She lived a simple life, impoverished by circumstance, yet living true to herself. Externally, the only thing of note to be had about this woman, was her silver hair she had since a young age. I knew better though; I’d seen firsthand the kindness she had. Taking in and caring for this body of mine, along with taking care of those around her. I loved her very dearly; but that isn’t fully accurate. It’s better to say, that I still love her, with all of my unbeating, wooden heart.”

  He slumps down.

  “One day, a man came into the woman’s life. Which to me, seemed like an inevitability, I’m still shocked someone didn’t get to her sooner. The man tried to care for the woman, working long hours, building the money, he thought was needed to take the woman away. Doing so, he wound up spending little time with her.”

  The marionette’s face droops. “Is he being contemplative, or sad, maybe both?”

  “Before he could make the money, he was desperate for, the thing he truly cared about was taken away. The woman had burned to death in a fire. The only thing surviving, being a single marionette. The same which the woman cared for, so deeply. Thusly, he took it for himself, restoring it and taking the woman’s place, in taking care of it. For, it was the last link to her, he had.”

  Having ended its performance, they take their seat once more.

  “This is my story.”

  He looks to Quinn, head tilted with a frown.

  “If this pain is why I am alive, then it cannot be fixed. Not unless, I could see her smiling face, once more.”

  “Thank you for telling me your story. If you don’t mind, I would like a moment to think?”

  “Go right ahead. Maybe next, you can tell me your story?”


  Quinn heads off to another room.

  “Did you listen to that?”

  “If I hadn’t, you would have just restated the thing over again and we would end up spending even more time here.”

  “Thanks for your time, oh so busy person, who lives in my body rent free.”

  “So, what is it you want?”

  “Can an inanimate object, really make an oddity?”

  Lucifer gives a dissatisfied look, with potentially the slightest bit of pity mixed in.

  “Tell me, how can something that doesn’t feel, end up feeling something into existence?”


  “Let me put it in simpler terms, for the underdeveloped brain you’re saddled with. Object, no, feelings. Oddity, big, feelings. Understand?”

  “Then it has to have been someone else’s feelings, that brought it to life. But who’s? The woman’s? If it was her that brought it to life, then why? And could the reason be strong enough, to have sustained it this whole time? I mean, I understand why a spirit’s belief, would prolong an oddity’s existence. Could she have wished to survive the fire, maybe getting trapped in the body of the only thing that did?”

  “You know, I felt as if that marionette’s story didn’t fully add up. Though, I can say for certain, it did not tell a lie.”

  “It doesn’t add up? I feel like I understand what you mean; but I don’t quite know where it’s off…”

  Quinn comes to a realization. “Every story beat, is another step down the path.”

  The boy heads back out to the oddity.

  “I have another question for you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Did you love the woman, while she was taking care of the marionette?”


  “That confirms it then.”

  “Confirms what?”

  “Your identity. You’re actually the lover of the woman, the one who recovered the marionette. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “…Perhaps I was, once upon a time, earlier in the story. Now though, I am the marionette, with all the memories that it had.”

  “You spent such a small amount of time with her, before her passing and you had regretted it your whole life. The one thing you had wanted, was just a little more time with her.”

  “Yes, I’d have given anything.”

  “Even your own humanity, including your previous position. You had looked at the marionette she cared for and part of you truly wished, you were in its position instead, having spent time with her. Your desperation had gotten to the point, that you were perfectly content just idly being by her side.”

  “My existence, so I could be close to her, for that little bit longer. I had truly robbed the world itself, with that trade.”

  “You still feel like it was worth it?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t think you fully realize what you had given up, though.”

  “And what is that?”

  “You have the marionette’s memories; you should already know. You got to view her from both angles. If I had to hazard a guess, no matter how much she cared for that body of yours, it doesn’t come close to how much she had loved you. Right?”

  “That doesn’t matter.”

  “Doesn’t it? I’m right aren’t I? She truly loved the man you were?”


  “Then, it’s fair to say you traded that love she gave you away as well.”

  “That…That isn’t- Why should it matter?”

  “I believe you would be happier as the man she loved, rather than as the object by her side.”

  “So, you do.”

  “I think you believe it as well.”

  “What if I did?!”

  The man screams out, throwing its arms out, almost like he is grasping out to help, he cannot see or feel.

  “You can change back, if you come to terms with who you were, who you still can be. Then you can become the man who she loved once more. You can be loved by her again!”

  The man gestures forward.

  “I’m scared! What if I lose this time I had with her, that I gained? I can’t lose any more of her.”

  “You’re giving up more then you’re getting! If you love her, show it. Show her who you truly are and scream out that you still love her!”

  The man who has sat with his guilt for over a hundred years, bursts forth, looking up to the ceiling.

  “I have always loved you Eirene! From the first time I met you, I loved you and I’ll keep loving you forever!”

  As the men lets his heart loose, his form shatters. Standing above the now lifeless marionette, is the man’s true essence, his soul. The buff, brown haired man, looks down at Quinn, with the biggest smile one could possibly image. A moment later, his ears perk up. A water fall of tears, pour down the man’s face. A woman gently places her hands onto his face, caressing the man. The silver haired woman floats down to the ground, hugging the man. Still shaken, he slowly puts his arms around her, before squeezing with all his might. As the two fade away, into the light, they both softly say.

  “Thank you.”

  Unsure of what to say exactly, the boy simply replies with.

  “Good luck.”

alone in the room, with a fulfilled look, the boy takes a deep breath. “Helping with oddities, seems like an incredibly important job. Even if I’m not equipped for it.”

  He places the marionette back into its seat. “I’m really happy that the story I heard, had a happy ending.”

  Chapter 9: Emotional Void Space

  It would seem the boy is up to something odd, he is standing in front of the bathroom mirror, with his shirt off. He has a thin build, with little to no muscle to speak of. Examining himself in the mirror, he taps his left bicep.


  “What exactly are you doing?”

  “I look basically the same.”

  “Uh-huh, very interesting.”

  “How do I put this? Something odd has been going on, with my body.”

  “My dear boy, you are getting to that age; but this is a conversation for your parents.”

  “Not like that.”

  Quinn squints at the man. “Also, how old do you think I am?”

  “Since I made that initial deal with you, my body has been getting gradually stronger. First, there was an initial boost, from there every once in a while, it would seem like I had gotten stronger, again.”

  “Maybe you’re just imagining it?”

  Quinn gives an aggravated look. He then proceeds to grab onto the door frame and pumps out ten pull ups.

  “Did you see that?”

  “Is that a lot?”

  “Yes, way more then I should be able to do.”

  “Alright, I get your point; but I don’t really see what there is to worry about.”

  Lucifer waves his hand, steps into the tub and pulls the curtain shut.

  “Hm, nothing to worry about…”

  Quinn looks at his open palm. “But, it’s not just that, with everything going on, maybe I should consult with someone about it.”

  Quinn stands still for a prolonged period of time, then grabs his deodorant, spins it in his hand and puts it on.

  “Text sent.”

  Quinn stares at his phone, until he gets a message back. Seeming rather happy, he gets up and heads out.

  “Welcome, compadre.”


  Quinn, stands somewhat nervously, at the girl’s door. Neri gives a sweeping gesture, to welcome him inside.

  “So, what is it you want to talk about?”

  Quinn’s jovial demeanor, reverts back to his usual, somewhat tenebrous self.

  “About that, ever since I’ve gotten involved with oddities, I’ve noticed some physical changes to myself.”

  “Like the healing?”

  “Yeah, but I had initially thought that the change had happened all at once, when I had a different physicality at the start. Since then, more changes have continued to happen.”

  “Such as?”

  “The most noticeable is an increase in strength. It feels like every time it’s a weight lifting day, I don’t know how much I need to hold back, as to seem like my regular self.”

  Neri looks out with glassy eyes.

  “Alright, you’ve gotten stronger, have you noticed other difference with your body?”


  “What is it?”

  “Last time I was measured, before this started, my height was five-seven, it’s now five-eight; but my weight is still the same at a hundred-thirty-five pounds. It doesn’t look like I exchanged any fat for muscle either.”

  “Interesting, I wonder what the reason behind it could be? Did you talk to your oddity friend?”

  “Yeah well, he didn’t really know what it was about either. Again, he kind of explained to me how I would be more durable; but this, he doesn’t understand.”

  “Maybe, it’s another oddities interference?”

  “I had thought about that, but there was a specific change that makes me think that isn’t the case.”

  “And that would be?”

  “You remember the details of the Veilia case?”


  “The other day, while dealing with another oddity, I had asked her for help. Then, well, I could clearly tell when she was and wasn’t invisible.”

  “Wait, so you went and dealt with an oddity, without telling me?”

  “Uh, yes.”


  Neri eyes slowly look to the side.

  “Then it’s not just normal physical changes, but supernatural ones as well. Almost like, you are becoming an oddity yourself.”

  A chill runs down Quinn’s spine.

  “How much stronger have you gotten?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but I can tell it’s a lot. I went from not being able to do a single proper pull up, to ten.”



  Neri crosses her arms and leans back.

  “If you keep going at this rate, you’d be in peak physical condition in a few months; without training at all.”

  “Uh-huh, the main thing is, I don’t know if this is potentially a bad thing. Like could there be possible side effects, as if my body was doping, or maybe other functions being neglected because of it?”

  “Well has anything bad happened, thus far?”

  “No, not that I know of.”

  “Then it seems like strictly a good thing, to me. I guess I can somewhat see, why you have a slight bit of worry about it. Except for, that should be overshadowed by how awesome these changes are and excitement at potential powers you could develop!”

  “I don’t want any powers.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, this is an incredible opportunity.”


  Quinn seems a bit exasperated, but he also lets out a sigh of relief. “At least I feel a bit better about it, having talked to her. Though, I’m not convinced that any of what happened is good.”

  Quinn goes back to being glum and pensive.

  “Okey-doke, let’s get up and stretch our legs.”


  “Come on.”

  Neri starts heading out, to which Quinn follows suit. They both start walking down the street together.

  “You’ve gone for walks here before, right?”

  Quinn, internally panicked, answers.

  “Yes, I have walked here before.”

  “What a natural reply.”

  With that, the two step over an invisible line. Passing through some strange energy, both of them feel emotions swell up and emanate from their bodies. Neri feels a rush of nervousness, as Quinn experiences a concoction of emotion, that he isn’t equipped to be able to sort through.

  “What is this?!”

  Quinn grasps his chest.

  “Something abnormal.”

  Both of them simultaneously start feeling a sense of mystery.

  “Back up.”

  Lucifer tells Quinn. When he does, both him and Neri feel a desperation to step back, out of this space. Doing so, there feeling return back to normal. Quinn looks to Lucifer for answers.

  “What was that?”

  “If I had to guess, I would say it was an Emotional Void Space.”

  “An Emotional Void Space, what exactly is that?”

  “Empty space, or maybe it would be more clearly described as, a minus of existent space.”


  Neri looks from the invisible line, back to Quinn.

  “From what I gathered; it sounds like an unnatural phenomenon.”

  Quinn looks at Neri confused.

  “Unnatural phenomenon, are like regular disasters, a storm, or an earthquake, problems that don’t have wills of their own; but in the form of an oddity.”

  “Okay, how did you figure out that’s what this is?”

  “The name you said, along with…”


  “It seemed like I could somewhat feel, what that oddity of yours was feeling.”

  “I see.”

  Quinn turns to Lucifer, who looks displeased. “Emotional void, makes me think of a lacking, but that clearly isn’t
the case.”

  “Then it’s an area where our emotions get connected?”

  Lucifer calms down slightly.


  “I see.”

  Quinn thinks about what he was feeling. “It didn’t seem like I felt any of Lucifer’s emotions. Though, what exactly did I feel? It’s hard to place, almost like, a feeling I’ve not had before.”

  “Lu- I mean, for once it seems like you know what’s going on. So, do you have more information on it?”

  Quinn looks back to Lucifer.

  “Yes well, I have seen this before. I know roughly what it does and how to close it.”

  “That’s good. Can you tell us everything you know then?”

  “Yes; but first, walk in.”


  “When you do, maintain control over what your feeling and try to keep your emotions neutral.”

  “…Fine, if you think it will help.”

  “What did they ask you?”

  “To walk in for a second.”


  Neri gives a worried look, to which, Quinn tries to return a reassuring smile. “Okay, control my emotions. Stay calm; heh, easy.”

  Quinn walks into the space. Feeling slightly odd at first, he starts adjusting to the feeling.

  “As I thought, it’s slowly growing out with time; but luckily it seems we have a way to fight it. This should be a snap to fix.”

  Lucifer snaps his fingers.

  “What is it you figured out?”

  “Because of your connection to me, you can keep control over the void slightly. As long as your emotions are in check, that is.”

  “Okay, that sounds promising.”

  “Indeed. Now, we should head back and discuss how to fix this.”

  Quinn steps back to the other side. “He is being surprisingly helpful. I wonder why? If he has seen this before for, could there be something going that he hasn’t explained?”

  “Come on, we are heading back. Apparently, we should be able to fix this.”

  Neri, hesitantly replies.


  Having went back in, Lucifer begins discussing the oddity.

  “All you have to do in order stop it, is get to the center of space and deactivate the core.”

  Quinn translates what’s being said, to Neri.

  “Doing this won’t be that simple though, the closer you get, the stronger the void becomes. To the point, that walking will become more of a challenge.”


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