Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult

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Oddity Specialist: World Of The Occult Page 14

by James Courneya

  “I tend to agree there.”

  “You know, I had thought things would have gotten better. That little human, you were so fascinated with, was gone. I would have thought, that you’d have stopped playing hooky; but here I am left doing my job, without a boss to actually make things happen. To find you once again, back here. Let me take a shot in the dark and say, I wasn’t the only one to notice this pattern.”

  Lucifer glances out the window.

  “That may very well be true.”

  Quinn is sitting at his desk, just pleasantly watching this altercation unfold. Though, as it has dragged on, he is slowly getting caught on more details.

  “Um, can I potentially get a bit more info?”

  Lucifer turns to the boy.

  “This is Samael and he’s here to complain, about his job.”

  “I wouldn’t have much to complain about, if you just did your job.”

  “Oh, but I am. You know what they say, I work in mysterious ways.”

  Quinn tilts his head.

  “That’s not actually a saying about you.”

  “Really? Strange, it fits me so well. Also, the perfect cop-out, shame.”

  The little demon stares at Lucifer.

  “You know, this could be an opportunity for you.”

  “Ho, how so?”

  “Before coming here, I had looked into that human once more and found some interesting information.”

  Lucifer’s stare tightens.

  “That they had a child, I wonder-”

  He gives a contorted, sharp smile.

  “If that thing was also out of the picture, if you would focus on your job once more?”

  Quinn isn’t able to make out Lucifer’s face, he’s only able to see the pure rage emanating from his eyes.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Truly a good opportunity, a rare instance where you couldn’t stop me, even if you wanted to.”

  “If you step out line, I promise that I will destroy you and everything you have ever held dear.”

  “Of course, of course.”

  He crosses his hands.

  “But, if it’s a choice between guaranteed destruction and a chance at it, the choice is clear.”


  “Don’t worry boss, I promise I won’t do anything else to hurt that human; if you promise me something.”

  “That would be?”

  “Not to hurt me, for what I have already done.”

  In an instant, Lucifer disappears from Quinn’s vision, having lifted the little demon off the ground, choking him.

  “Internal torment, won’t even start to describe, the beginning of what I have in mind for you.”

  Quinn stands up.

  “Wait, what did you do to her?!”

  Quinn glances at Lucifer.

  “I’ve simply started The Game Of Life And Death.”

  Lucifer tightens his grip.

  “You what?”

  “Lucifer, can whatever that is, be stopped?”

  Lucifer looks back to Quinn.

  “I wouldn’t be able to do it, not in this state.”

  Lucifer’s face drops.

  “Could I?!”


  Lucifer slowly starts looking up, eyes widening.

  “That’s it.”


  The little man laughs. Lucifer lets him down.

  “Samuel, I have a condition to add to that deal. Allow the boy and I, to participate in the game.”

  “Huh? But if your host body fails-”

  “Give me your answer.”

  “…Yes, fine. If it means finally getting hell back into order, I’ll humor this request.”

  The two demons extend their hands, sealing the deal with a hand shake.

  “Human, give me your phone.”


  Quinn rushes to get Samuel his phone. After taping away at it, he hands it back.

  “There, use that app at the location, when you are ready to participate.”

  The little demon turns back to Lucifer.

  “I sincerely hope, we can finally put all this behind us.”

  “So do I.”

  Samuel then leaves the boy’s room. An intense silence hangs for just a second. Lucifer turns to the tense boy.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?”

  “Hang on a second.”

  Quinn nervously looks at the app. A black, empty circle segmented in the middle at both the top and bottom, with four curved spikes coming off of each corner, on top of a dark red background.

  “Before we rush in, it’s best if we have as much information as possible. With that said.”

  Quinn gets up, with anger emanating off of him.

  “Time is short, we can talk on the way.”

  “About what exactly?”

  “Everything you know about this game.”


  Quinn heads down stares while writing something on his phone.

  “Alright, let’s go.”

  The two then head out the door.

  “The game will be a challenge or challenges, that will decide if someone lives or dies. It can come in a few different forms, but usually always involves the use of numbers. Primarily in the form of statistical odds calculations.”

  “Okay. I take it you sealed a contract with them, back there?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Then if we win this game, we won’t have to worry about them doing anything else.”

  “He won’t break the specific details of the contract at least.”

  “Hm. What are our odds of winning?”

  Lucifer examines Quinn’s face, contemplating something.

  “Honestly, I am unsure. Though, I have been feeling like the odds have been against me, you as well, this whole time; but each time you have pulled through. My objective view of humans is that they are all pathetic creatures, making the same couple of mistakes over and over again. However, I have also seen the rare instance of a somewhat capable human. Most of the time they prove themselves, through some grand actions. Recently, I found a human I had started thinking differently of, not through grand action, but rather through many small actions. Do I think we can win? The answer is clearly that we must.”

  “That was, out of left field.”

  “I figured I should say something encouraging before you die.”

  The two arrive at Neri’s home. Quinn looks down at the app, hesitantly he presses it. When he does, a slight surge of energy press up against his thumb.


  It’s clear, that the environment around them has changed. The sky has turned red. Looking out, it appears as if the house, along with ground beneath it, has been ripped from the ground and is floating over the void. “The general air here feels different, as well.”

  Quinn’s phone has the words Game Of Life And Death Begin. Once the message has departed from the screen, the phone is left on an option select menu. “Rules, shop, stats, and objectives.”

  Lucifer speaks.

  “It seems we are in an alt dimension zone.”

  “I see.”

  Quinn focuses back on his phone. “Which to click first? Well, knowing the rules seems like the first priority.”

  “Come read this with me.”

  Quinn clicks into the rules. First rule, is to accept the terms and conditions. “Really, even a demonic app, it is still asking for that?”

  “Just click accept, those are always so boring to read through.”

  “That seems highly irresponsible.”

  “Ugh, fine read it then.”

  “I will.”

  Quinn finishes reading it. “I wish I had listened to him.”

  Second rule, breaking the rules of a challenge will result in a penalty, if caught. “It’s like it’s encouraging cheating.”

  Third rule, participants shall be penalized for killing each other outside of a game, if caught. “I don’t
even know how to respond to that one.”

  Fourth rule, exploiting an error in the game design, shall result in an instant loss, if caught.

  “Those are the rules.”


  “Next I guess is the stats.”

  Quinn clicks into the stats menu.


  There are two characters, one named Quinn and the other Neri. Quinn has eight-hundred, sixteen fragments and Neri has one-thousand.

  “What is this?”

  Quinn clicks on the fragment count. It says – Fragments are currency, used for gambles and the shop. Earn fragments (up to one’s maximum) through the games.


  Quinn feels a twisting feeling in his stomach, reading the last line. Fragments represent the characters life span. Lucifer, understanding the meaning of this, simply closes his eyes.

  “Doesn’t this mean, that even if we win, we could still lose?”

  “Seems that way.”

  “Why is it we can use Neri’s life?!”

  “Don’t get angry over it. Really, it’s quite a blessing, that we have more to work with.”

  “I… I just don’t like, or accept it.”

  “What does the shop have to offer?”

  Quinn, still frustrated, opens the shop menu. There’s a list of power ups, items, and consumables. The list of power ups has the usual cases of, increase speed, strength, durability, hearing, etc. All on a timer, based off of how much you spend on it. They also have more strange abilities, like invisibility and flight. “These are worth a couple, to a dozen fragments. I can’t see how these would be worth, giving up some of your life for.”

  Items include things such as, weapons and survival gear. Consumables contains the largest variety of items. Doppelganger, heal, fragment share, hint, cheat check, teammate swap. “Buying these seem, I don’t know, more useful; but at the same time…”

  Quinn slams his forehead.

  “Whatever it takes to win.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  Finally, Quinn looks at objectives. There are four challenges, that will need to be beaten to win. With no detail on any of them, except for the first one. “Objective, pass the test and enter through the gate.”

  Quinn looks over to gate and begins walking over. “What the!”

  While walking, without looking away from the gate, a Sphinx has appeared, sat atop the thin bar.

  “Oh, here we go.”

  Lucifer looks exasperated. The feminine creature moves it’s elongated human torso, as it does, it jumps down.

  “To enter, thee must answer me, my riddles three. Keep in mind, every answer wrong, is a death no longer prolonged.”

  Quinn nervously looks at the large creature.


  As this demonic creature’s presence presses down onto Quinn, it’s strong, elegant voice pierces through his ears.

  “Where was Solomon’s temple located?”

  To this question, Quinn begins to think with all his might. Factoring every piece of his brain power, to try and answer the question. “How am I supposed to know the answer to a religious question?”

  “On the side of his head.”

  Lucifer abruptly says. Quinn looks to the man, dumbfounded.

  “That is correct.”

  Quinn looks to the bird-dog, dumbfounded.


  “Yeah, Samuel really likes dumb riddles.”


  “How long did Cain hate his brother?”

  “As long as he was Abel.”

  “That is correct.”

  Quinn is mentally spiraling.

  “What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?”

  “It’s Christmas, Eve.”

  “That is correct. You have passed my test, you may enter.”

  Quinn’s mind has taken a trip, through the confusing cosmos.

  “I’ve always hated riddles.”

  “What was that?”

  “Don’t get over confident, from whatever it was. I am sure, it won’t stay that simple.”

  Quinn, trying to take the warning to heart, heads through the gate. Walking onto the property, Quinn notices a monitor in the yard. Floating off the ground, tilted down towards it, with pipes running off out of it, that extend down into the earth below.

  “That’s new.”

  Quinn looks at the app and sees the name of the next objective – Couples Trivia.

  “I don’t like anything about this.”

  The screen flashes on. Samuel is sitting in a red chair, looking down on his players.

  “Welcome to objective number two! I’m so glad to see you managed to make it past the rigorous, first trial.”

  “Samuel, I swear if you keep doing those stupid biblical, joke riddles, I am going to be more pissed off than usual.”

  “Come on, we all have at least one thing we find solace in. For me that’s this game, just let me have it.”


  “With that out of the way, allow me to explain your next challenge.”

  He looks to Quinn.

  “I noticed before, something incredibly odd. It got me thinking, really. There was just no way, that the king of darkness, would have told a mere mortal anything of his past; but yet, you seemed clued in on what’s happening. So, let me ask you, how much do you know?”

  “What do you mean-”

  “Okay that’s enough, it seems you don’t know anything about it then.”

  Quinn, confused, looks over to Lucifer, who shakes his head.

  “You’re too easy to read.”

  “I thought this game would be extra fun, given the circumstances. I am going to ask you, what the king of hells connection to this place is. If you answer correctly, you win the challenge. You must give at least three solid details, of the events as they happened. For every detail you get incorrect, you lose three hundred fragments.”

  While Quinn is starting to process the information, Lucifer asks.

  “What does the boy get, if he answers a detail correctly?”

  “Of course, I am a fair judge, he gets three hundred fragments back.”


  “Wait, when you say back, does that mean-”

  “You’re already at your max fragment amount, first you would have to lose some, before you could gain any.”

  “I see.”

  “Now, I haven’t even explained the last part about the game. If you so choose, Lucifer shall be able to come up with three hints, which after I approve of them, can be used to aid you. There is a catch though, one of the hints has to be a lie.”

  Lucifer gets a smirk on his face, knowing that because of their contract, Quinn would get a visual reference, whenever he tries to lie.


  “Perfect, then let the game begin.”

  Quinn looks up, still unsure of exactly what’s going on. When he does, Lucifer’s mouth is sealed shut, by a zipper. The man shrugs at this.

  “Now human child, let me ask you the question directly. Why is it, that Lucifer has spent time here in this town and what is it that connects him, to a random human? Tell me the story, of how this happened, from how it is that you perceive it. You have fifteen minutes on the clock.”

  A countdown appears on the screen.

  “Take this time to think it through and to select the three hints which will be given.”

  Fairly abruptly, Quinn is tasked with figuring out something with little to no direct context. Lucifer stands unnaturally still and closes his eyes. “Alright think, what is it that I need to figure out, exactly? Why he is here and how that relates to the current events going on? Meaning, that I need to piece together his backstory, using his three hints. No, that isn’t correct. Samuel said it himself, that I knew more then I had been told. Since I haven’t been told a thing, that does make sense. However, I have been trying to piece the image of Lucifer together in my head, for some time now. What are the exact qu
estions that need answers? One, why he is connected to this town? Two, how he is connected to Neri? Three, are these two things connected, if so, how?”

  As Quinn is deep in thought, Lucifer opens his eyes.

  “I see you’re ready.”

  A tablet and pen are pulled out from behind the screen, on a thick wire. It’s brought over to Lucifer and he haphazardly writes on it. The tablet is then pulled back and lifted up towards the screen, for Samuel to examine it.

  “Hmm, I suppose this will work.”

  Lucifer tries to give a slight smile; but gives up as soon as he needs to strain his muscles more then usual, on account of the zipper.

  “Then boy, are you ready to hear the hints?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Then, I shall start.”

  At this statement, Lucifer and Quinn tense up. Lucifer waves his hand out and then points at himself.

  “What, did you really think I would trust you to speak? That’s quite humorous indeed.”

  Lucifer glares at the man.

  “First hint, your intuition is correct.”

  Quinn glances over to Lucifer, who has shut his eyes once more.

  “Second hint, you once accidently scared me, by saying something that made me think, that you had already figured this question out.”

  Quinn thinks back. “What could that have been?”

  “Third hint, it’s because I was asked to do it.”

  Samuel cracks a smile.

  “These are your hints human child, figure it out from here.”

  Quinn takes a deep breath in and then out. “Which is the lie? The first one, doesn’t seem like the type of thing that Lucifer would put in, as the lie. Meaning, that whatever I think is true, will be. The second one is something for me to remember, if that is the case, that would be an odd thing to place as the lie. The third one is information I couldn’t have known, meaning there would not be a way for me to verify it, as the truth or not. Meaning, that one must be a lie.”

  Quinn feeling slightly more confident, begins reexamining all the details he has picked up, in regards to Lucifer. “Trust my intuition.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Very good. So then human, how does the story go?”

  Quinn looks up to the demon, with tempered confidence.

  “Lucifer had formed a relationship with a human, which he considered to be a good one. Detail one, the human was a woman detective. Lucifer grew to respect this detective. After she had passed away, he felt responsible to look after her child. Detail two, this responsibility was an internal one, rather than an external one. Thusly, Lucifer would come back to this area from time to time, to check on the daughter. Detail number three, he has been trying to have it, so that the daughter didn’t know of him and his actions.”


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