“Are you okay?” he asked again, walking over to the table with his coffee.
“Sure,” I said, wavering my hand.
“Alright kid, I'm gonna head off now. I'll be back before ya get home.”
“Okay dad, I'll see you this afternoon,” I said as he kissed my head goodbye.
After dad had left, I got up, grabbed my bag from upstairs and walked out the front door, locking it behind me. As I walked next door I thought out my schedule; today I was going shopping with dad after school and then Sam would pick me up for the party thing they were holding Friday night.
I entered the pin code for the front gate once again and walked up the long driveway. I reached the house deep within the thick trees and I walked through the open front door.
I saw James lying on the living room mat doing sit-ups.
“Hey,” I said to him as I was crossing the room.
I went over to him and he had switched to push-ups. There was barely any sweat dripping off of him and I guessed he had been doing this for a while
“Hello,” he said back, amazingly there was no strain in his voice.
I went and sat on his back suddenly to try to annoy him while he was doing his push-ups. He didn't seem to even notice the extra weight, so I started watching TV while he worked out.
“You know whats really weird?” I asked conversationally.
“What?” he asked, still doing push-ups while I was sitting on his back.
It was funny to me because I kept slipping off his back every time he did a push-up, and luckily the pain from my back had worn off or it would have hurt me more than him.
“You are so strong, so big, yet you can move so fast,” I said, admiring his strength.
“Thanks, I'm going to take that as a compliment,” he said. “Switch.”
I stood up and he stood as well.
“Jump on my back,” he said, motioning with his head for me to jump on his back.
I looked at him in disbelief but shrugged and got on his back.
“Now hold on,” he warned, tightening his grip around my knees.
I squeezed myself to him as tight as I could and he took off like a bullet being fired from a gun, or a cheetah pursuing it's pray.
I could feel the rush of air blow my long hair around wildly, but within half a second we were back in the living room like nothing had happened.
I hopped down off his back and he flopped down on the couch, exhausted. I sat down next to him for about a minute, trying to let my breathing calm and steady itself.
“I'm going to go get ready for school.”
“Okay,” I said, watching the TV.
He disappeared instantaneously from the couch and I think I was alone for about thirty seconds before someone came and joined me.
“Hello Layla,” Jane said, walking into the room from the kitchen.
“Hello,” I said.
She came and sat next to me, spontaneously morphing into Sam. I glimpsed at her once and then turned back to the TV before I looked back again, shocked.
“What… what are you doing?” I stuttered.
She looked exactly like Sam in every way, except the birthmark on the arm that was visible this morning.
“I have to practice too,” she said smiling.
Her irises were black but she was completely in control of her ability.
“Name people for me,” she asked out of the bleu.
“Why?” I asked, confused by the idea.
“For my reaction time,” she explained. “Go.”
“James,” I said.
She morphed into James instantly. It was amazing how she changed and when she did she looked exactly like whoever she was changing to.
She changed into Elane quickly, a perfect replica.
“My dad,” I said, having fun with her ability.
I thought for a minute before I suggested this one.
“My brother,” I said quietly.
She changed backed to herself, her black eyes and blue hands disappearing before she put her arm around my shoulder.
“I cannot morph into people I have never seen before. Im sorry.”
I looked at her and laughed a little. “Don't apologize, its not your fault,” I said apologetically. “Least you're not wreaking havoc like I've been.”
She laughed softly. “You haven't been any trouble. I think you are the best thing that has happened to Sam and all us… ever,” she said.
“But look at all the mischief I've caused. I almost got all of you killed, and I did get Sam killed once. It's like when I come, Armageddon follows me,” I mentioned, not looking at her.
I felt so ashamed and embarrassed.
“It does not matter, you are apart of our family, and family are always there for each other,” she said, getting up. “Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to get dressed for school,” she said.
I rolled my eyes. “Doesn't anybody get ready early these days?” I asked rhetorically.
“Not necessarily,” she answered with a grin, walking towards the stairs.
“Would've guessed,” I mumbled to myself.
“Dad's taking me shopping this afternoon,” I said, walking to the Mustang, holding Sams hand after school had finished.
“That is nice,” he answered curtly.
“Yeah. Am I the only one who thinks it's a bit weird?”
And truthfully it was. Dad volunteering to take me shopping, it just wasn't natural.
“At least he is working to mend your relationship,” Sam pointed out.
“Umm,” was all I replied, focusing on the ground beneath me.
We were the first ones at the cars and we had stopped walking, so now we were facing each other.
“You know, speaking of relationships,” he said slowly, a smile spreading across his face.
I smiled. “Yeah?”
“Do not forget, I will be coming over Friday night to officially meet your father as your boyfriend,” he said, wrapping me in a hug.
“How could I forget,” I said sarcastically into his jacket.
I was absolutely petrified of the idea, but it was probably for the best.
He chuckled and started stroking my back.
I reckon he would have stroked my hair but it was tied up, with my fringe out to the side of my face today.
“Try not to worry, it will be over before you know it,” he reassured me.
“I know, I know. It's eventus right?” I asked.
I had picked up a few words from being around the Archers and Sam had crooned so many words to me, eventus was one of them.
“Fate, very good. But yes, eventus.” He smiled approvingly.
“Come on guys, were out of here,” James said, walking past us to the SUV. “I cannot wait until next week,” James said longingly, getting into the car.
“Why's that?” I asked, curious to what his answer was.
“Because we get to drive our cars legally... according to the school,” he said, smiling and closing the door. “Well, sort of anyway.”
I laughed as Hunter got into the Mustang and Fredric opened his door and slid the seat forward, waiting for me to climb in. I heard Fredric laugh.
“You already have your full license,” I pointed out.
“Yeah, but the school might get a bit suspicious,” he said out the SUV window.
“I agree,” Sam said with a grin. “I will see you tomorrow,” he whispered in my ear, tightening his arms around me.
“Definitely,” I said.
I pulled back and pecked him goodbye, he let go of me and he got into the SUV.
Jane and Elane had managed to get into the SUV without me noticing and I waved goodbye to them as they pulled out. I hopped into the backseat of the Mustang and Fredric pushed the seat back and hopped in, closing the door. Hunter pulled out, taking off out of the school car park behind the yellow SUV.
“Fredric, how old are you?” I asked out of curiosity.
I had nev
er bothered to ask before, but I figured he might be younger than me.
“I'm 16, why?”
“You know, since we all came from a school that wasnt in NSW we got put down a grade,” I said, remembering that James and Sam, Elane and myself were 16yrs old too.
“Yep, sounds about right. Hunter and I moved here in primary school, thats why we got kept down. They think that just because were from over the border were stupid. That's why Hunter is in grade 11 and hes 17yrs old, like Jane.”
“True,” I said, trying to hold back a laugh, but not quite keeping the grin off my face.
“When's your birthday?” I questioned, my curiosity getting the best of me again.
“January 5th, and Hunters is February 13th.”
“That sucks, Sam and I are the youngest out of all of us. My birthdays not until September 30th and Sams is December 14th, so technically were still 15,” I said, my tone was joking and annoyed.
Both the guys burst into laughter and I smiled.
“Wait, Fredric aren't you allowed to be driving right now?” I asked.
“Yep... but my rides not fixed yet, and I'm still on my learners,” he said casually.
I nodded and looked out the window, watching the passing houses and trees.
“But you know, because you only have your learners you have to drive with a fully licensed driver next to you right?” Hunter said, pointing out the laws we will most probably be breaking.
“Yeah, but it's a small enough suburb to not get caught, as long as youre a good driver,” Fredric debated.
“You're still breaking the law,” Hunter argued in a sly tone of voice.
“Man, stop being hypercritical, you drove when you were 15.”
“That was only because I needed to,” Hunter pointed out.
“Yeah, well it doesn't matter. Just don't get caught,” Fredric said, finally ending the debate.
“You know all the Archers have their open license,” I pointed out after a few seconds of silence.
“What?” Fredric asked in confusion.
“Really?” Hunter asked.
“Yeah, they had them made up before they came to Australia. Sam is 21, Elane and James are 21, and Jane is 22... according to their fake licenses,” I explained.
“Fake?” Hunter asked.
“Well not fake, they're real but it's not their real age. Apparently they have connections,” I said with a smile, saying the word connections slowly.
“Wow, I want their number,” Fredric said, cracking up laughing.
Hunter and I started laughing too.
Fredrics face was just too funny.
“So are you sure you just wanna be dropped at home this afternoon?” Hunter asked, looking at me in the rear view mirror when he could stop laughing.
“Yeah, dad's taking me out shopping,” I informed him.
“Oh, that's going to be…”
“Awkward,” I finished with a smile.
“I was going to say nice, but suit yourself,” he said with a shrug.
Hunter drove up the driveway to my house and stopped out front of the door, swinging the car around so the passenger door was facing the front door of the house.
“Thanks Hunter,” I said, leaning over the seat to kiss his cheek goodbye.
Fredric had gotten out and was leaning against the open door frame. I climbed out and faced Fredric.
“Bye Freddie,” I said teasingly, mussing his shaggy hair.
He threw his head back and laughed.
“You know what, both of you need a trim,” I said, backing away while he got in the Mustang Boss.
“What, and freeze to death?” Fredric asked sarcastically.
“You won't freeze, just a trim,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Well see what we can do before tomorrow night,” Hunter called back jokingly.
“Alright, see you guys tomorrow,” I called behind me.
“See ya,” they both called, the Mustang fish tailing around and speeding off behind me.
I smiled and shook my head without looking back. I opened the front door and dad was in front of the TV.
“Good, you're home. Come on, get dressed and well go to the Forestway shopping centre,” he said, actually sounding excited.
“Okay,” I said slowly.
I walked up the stairs and searched in my cupboard for something to wear. I ended up in a pair of jeans and a long sleeve grey shirt.
“Ready,” I said, walking down the stairs.
“Alright, let's head off,” he said, getting off the couch and turning the TV off.
We were driving along the highway in dads white late model sedan heading towards the Forestway shopping centre. It was one of the closest shopping centres to Forestville, all the others were at least 4km away. I was somehow dreading shopping with dad, but I was glad he decided to take me in the first place.
“You didn't have to do this you know,” I said to dad.
We were in the womens department now looking at the dresses.
“I know, I just wanted to spend some time with you,” he answered. “How about this one?” he asked, holding up a purple frilly dress that looked like someone had just died in it.
I made a face. “How about I ask you?” I bargained.
“Alright. I'm obviously no good at this.”
I let out a laugh. “Yeah, but dad's don't exactly wear dresses,” I pointed out.
He nodded acknowledging while putting the horrid dress back on the rack, where it belonged.
I kept searching, mainly within a cheap price range. I didn't want dad spending a fortune on something that I would only wear a few times.
“What do you think dad? This one?” I asked holding up a satin black ankle length dress with spaghetti straps. “Or this one?” I asked, holding up a dark blue dress.
It had two thick arm straps and a sash around the waist that you could tie up and fell just below the knee.
“The blue?” he suggested questioningly.
“The blue,” I decided with a nod. “Good choice.”
By the time we had finished shopping for shoes that matched the damn dress, I was exhausted, and I think dad was too, although he would never admit it. I had finally settled for a pair of strap on small heels that were the same colour as the dress, but I thought they might break my ankle if I wasnt careful enough when walking around in them.
When I was having a shower before bed, I thought about how well dads and my relationship has gotten. It was way better since… well since ever. If only Adam had been here to see it, to see how different and caring dad was again. I had sort of gotten over his leaving, and it was easier for me to think about him now, but not really talk about him aloud.
I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on my bed, waiting for Sam to get here. I was feeling cold and I needed to feel his warmth, his touch, just to comfort me.
I laid down on my side waiting, feeling drowsy and disconnected as I started to shiver. My eyes were about half way closed before I saw a figure bound through my window. I had forgotten to pull my blanket over me so I was freezing cold now thanks to my stupid brain leaving the window open.
“My amator,” Sam whispered, closing the window behind him.
I was pretty sure that meant lover, I wasn't so coherent.
“You are freezing.” He pulled the blanket over me tightly and sat outside of it, wrapping me in his arms to warm me.
“Hi,” I whispered, my eyes closing completely.
I curled up closer towards him and my teeth stopped chattering he was so warm.
“What are you doing here?” I asked easily.
“I looked through some old books of my fathers and I found out what that song meant so I thought I'd come and share the information with you,” he murmured softly, his hand capturing mine.
“How thoughtful,” I said with a smile.
“When that happens, when two people sing together and dont know what they are doing, their souls are singing
for each other. It was how we use to find each other in the olden days, you would walk around singing or playing whatever instrument you could find, and just play until your pair finds you. It is like we are magnets,” he told me.
I was only semi-conscious but I still understood every word amazingly.
“In short, it's a song from your heart,” he said softly.
“So I sing for you,” I said into the comfortable silence.
“Yes,” he said softly, holding me closer.
I knew my brain wasn't going to stay awake for much longer, so with a sleepy sigh, I pulled myself closer to him and let my body shut down for sleep.
“I'll leave when you fall asleep,” he whispered, knowing some gentleman-like routine.
14. Warrigal Coven
It was the night of the Archer gathering and I was in my room slipping on my blue dress. I looked in the mirror and was feeling nauseous and dizzy. For one: Sam was meeting dad tonight, and two: I was a bit worried about the whole dancing thing. I'm sure I would have to dance, but then again I wasn't so sure. I had never danced in my life, and I'm pretty sure I wanted to keep it that way.
I walked down the stairs slowly, and as I approached the living room I saw dad on the couch.
He looked over at me and smiled. “Well, don't you look breath-taking,” he said, standing up and coming over to me.
“Thanks,” I whispered.
My throat felt thick and I could barely manage the audible whisper.
He put both his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. “You look just like your mother.”
“No.” I shook my head. “Mum was prettier,” I said.
He sighed, not bothering to argue. “You all packed for the weekend?”
“Yep,” I mumbled.
He smiled proudly and there was a knock at the door. My heart picked up it's pace as I stared at the door in terror.
“I'll get it,” dad said, walking towards the door.
I snapped out of my trance and followed on dads heels, practically treading on his feet.
He opened the door and Sam was there, looking irresistible in black pants and a plain white button up shirt, I'm surprised he didnt have a halo above his head as well. Any girl who saw him would have wanted him instantly, just by seeing his perfect flawless face alone.
The Hidden Revelations: First Light Page 27