Silent Secrets

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Silent Secrets Page 2

by Nikki Bolvair

  "Fine." I sighed letting go. "I was... in a dress."

  "Don't skirt around the edges, Faith. I want it all."

  My mouth pressed as my eyes flashed. "Fine. You want it all? Then don't freak out on me, ok?"

  He nodded. "I promise."

  "I dreamt about our wedding day."

  I paused waiting. He was quiet for a moment until he drawled out, "Surely your nightmare wasn't due to the wedding night? I'm really not that terrible in the sack—"

  "Stop it, Kayden," I grouched as I slapped his shoulder. "No. It was because we never got that far."

  "Well, that is a nightmare, for sure."


  "Hey, you wanted me to be more me." I glared at him, and he sobered. "Sorry, go ahead."

  "I screamed and fought because Tucker came in and stole me!"

  "Well, my hard on went down." Then he turned his head toward the door and called out.


  I freaked. "What? No. Wait! What are you doing?" I whispered harshly trying to cover his mouth.

  One of his hands reached out to grab it. Glancing at me, he uttered, "Trust me."

  "Son? Is everything ok with her?" his mom asked.

  "It will be soon. Tyler? Lincoln?"

  "Yeah?" they both called out right by the door.

  "You can unlock the door and come in now."

  Tyler and Lincoln came in both looking unsure. They closed the door behind them but not fast enough that I didn't catch a glimpse of Mrs. McGuire's worried gaze as they came in. Tyler scooted behind Kayden until he was on the other side of me by the toilet and put a hand on my back. I gave him a small smile and leaned over to him as Lincoln took up the other side and waited.

  "Alright, Kayden," Tyler said, taking his gaze off of me to address him. “What's going on?"

  I shot my gaze down toward my knees as I twisted my hands nervously in my lap and told them my dream once again. They were silent, and when I finished, I looked up to find a lot of grim faces. I pretty much felt the same. Why was it that I couldn't be normal? Maybe this was all too much?

  "Maybe with everything going on in our lives they're just showing up in your dreams. Raina's wedding, us, and Tucker," Lincoln suggested, and I nodded agreeing with him.

  "That's what I was just telling Kayden."

  "Baby." My eyes turned to Tyler's midnight eyes, and I noticed he looked tired. "You ok?"

  I felt guilty. Maybe all of this was taking a toll on them as well as me. The Tucker issue and everything. I debated on whether I should tell them about his visit to the antique store a few weeks ago. It was like a rope pulled on my emotions with the indecision over if I should or shouldn't rat myself out. I wanted to be truthful. I promised I would, but I was scared.

  I frowned. What would be their reaction and would it be worth it? I didn't want to break their trust in me, but I was afraid of what would happen when they learned that I had kept yet another of Tucker’s visits from them.

  I decided it was best to tell them rather than for them to hear it from someone else. I took in a deep breath as I glanced up to Tyler. I gave him a small smile and answered his question. "Yeah, I'm ok, but I need to tell you something."

  I glanced to Kayden and started to explain that Tucker had come to the antique store, and all the guys tensed.

  "Why, Faith?" Tyler bit out. His eyes were dark as he pushed Kayden aside to completely surround me. "Why was Tucker there?"

  I pulled myself away, almost scared. I didn't like his tone and the use of my first name either. I worried, though. I had never seen Tyler like this. "He told me his side of the story."

  "And what was it?" I glanced to Lincoln, who had spoken. He looked neutral, but I knew there was a storm brewing there. "What did he say?"

  "That Roxie was all he had left of his grandfather and father. That they had worked on her together. That he never thought he'd lose her to you."

  Some of the tension drained out of them, and I felt better.

  "What else, Faith?" Kayden prompted.

  "That his grandfather originally owned the car, and he and Tucker started fixing it up before he died, and then his dad took over and helped to fix it. That same year his parents passed away in a plane crash, and then he lost Roxie to you. Do you see where I'm going with this, Tyler?"

  I soften my voice trying to get to them to understand as I continued, "It's a remembrance. Roxie is full of memories of his grandfather and his dad. Roxie is not just a car; it's a legacy built piece-by-piece with them. It's a family heirloom, Tyler, and he made a terrible mistake. He wants to redeem himself."

  I paused, trying to get my emotions under control. "This hits me hard. So close to home." I bent my head and took Tyler's hand into mine and whispered, "I understand where he's coming from. If I had something like that, a piece of my family, something that held good, positive memories of them, I wouldn't let it go for all the money in the world. But if I made a mistake, I'd do anything to get it back."

  I lifted my gaze. "Please. Please, sell the car, Tyler. I'm sure you'd make enough money from the sale to find something just as great. Just sell it, and then maybe he'll leave us alone."

  Tyler's arms surrounded me as he soothed me. I didn't even realize that I was crying. "Alright, Baby. Alright, I'll sell it. If it gets him away from you, I'll do it."

  Knock. Knock.

  "I have hot chocolate warming," their mother called out softly. "Why don't we all go to the kitchen and sit at the table for a minute?" she suggested through the closed door.

  "Yeah," Raina chimed. "Faith's my friend too, and I want to see her, you guys."

  I felt the vibration from Tyler's chuckle at what his sister said. He bent down and whispered, "We're more than friends, aren't we?"

  I blushed and ducked my head while Lincoln went to open the door. I glanced that way and saw Raina and her mom and dad standing there, waiting on us.

  Tyler helped me down off the bathroom counter, and I kept my gaze downward, embarrassed about everything.

  "Hey, girly," Raina said as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders drawing me toward the kitchen as if being up in the middle of the night was normal for their whole family. "Our hot chocolate awaits." I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips.

  Mr. McGuire patted my back before I sat down in a chair, giving me a reassuring smile. "It's okay, dear. I know that the whole message on your phone thing has gotten you scared, but don't worry. Tom and I will figure it out. Maybe it's someone going around trying to scare you younger kids."

  I appreciated his effort to soothe me, but honestly, I hadn't thought about that until he said it.

  Kayden pulled out a chair to my right as Lincoln did the same to my left. Mrs. McGuire handed me a cup of the delicious, chocolatey good stuff, and I warmed my hands around the mug. "Don't worry, dear." she soothed as she sat beside Raina and her husband sat across from me. She took my hand to give it a reassuring pat and squeeze before she let go to take a sip from her own cup. Her actions warmed me, as well as made me realize that I missed the comfort I used to get from my own mother. When things were better.

  We sat there drinking hot chocolate, talking about small stuff like we were truly a family, but I missed Brady and Sarah. I knew they'd be home tomorrow, or judging by how late it was—I looked across over to the microwave—today.

  "Well, dear," Mrs. McGuire stated, giving me a small smile as her husband stood, "we better get back to bed before we have to get up today.” She chuckled as she glanced toward the clock on the microwave like I had before. She scooted in her chair, and her husband said goodnight, but she made her way to my side. I stood, and she gave me a hug. "Let me know if those boys get to be too much," she whispered in my ear. "And you can always come to me for anything." She pulled away, searching my eyes. She seemed to see something that pleased her, but I wasn't sure what it was.

  "Don't tell Brady," I whispered. "I don't want him to worry." She nodded then laid a hand briefly on each of her sons’ shoulders be
fore heading back to bed.

  "Well, I'm tired." Raina yawned. "We have to get up in the morning and move me over to my new house." Then she glanced toward me and pouted, "And you have to go to work later on. You're going to miss all the fun."

  "I'll be there afterward, though, and I'm sure it won't be the last party you'll throw anyway."

  The guys grunted. "Kane has parties planned for the rest of the month," Kayden spoke up grinning. "He got a hot tub delivered yesterday."

  "It's has nine seats," Raina stated proudly, "with Bluetooth speakers so we can have moonlight ambiance."

  "TMI." Tyler chuckled.

  "Geeze," I drawled as I stood, "he's really going all out isn't he?"

  The rest of the guys stood with me, and I walked over to the sink and put my cup in it. I had forgotten about tomorrow and working. I was so focused on Brady and Sarah coming back that I’d put it to the back of my mind. Hotshot was being kenneled at the precinct because the force wouldn't allow him to stay home with me. Something about liability and me not being trained to give him appropriate signals. I had scoffed at that. I knew enough, I was sure.

  We all shuffled our way back to the living room, and I hesitated on where to go. There were three of them and only one of me. I couldn't possibly cuddle with all of them. "Go lay down on the air mattress, Daniels," Tyler order with a small push in that direction. "I'm taking the couch."

  I didn't argue as I crawled in the middle of the bed and watched as Tyler and Raina took residence at each end of the sectional while Kayden and Lincoln curled in beside me. When we all settled, I closed my eyes, praying that I would stay put this time.

  Chapter 2

  I woke up the next morning alone, but refreshed. Today was Raina's moving day, and she was going to be moving into her own little haunted house with Kane. Oh Joy. She thought we were all crazy when we insisted it was haunted. Even the 'For Sale' sign that had been planted in the front yard before it sold denied it with an extension note reassuring potential buyers that it was 'Not Haunted.' She might be in love with the quaint two bedroom home, but would the ghosts that lingered there love her back? I snickered. Kane might not like that thought.

  “What’s funny?" Raina asked as she piled yet another laundry basket full of the small stuff that was left behind. We were supposed to be cleaning up. I had a small bag, filling it with all the trash that she’d collected in the years of living in this room.

  "She's probably thinking about the incident with Tyler again," Wendy stated with her own snicker.

  "It wasn't his fault!" I defended, blushing hotly. "It rained a little bit this morning. He couldn't help it that the floor was slippery after all of us had been trekking through it. And besides, anybody who's in the midst of falling will grab for anything to steady themselves. It's just a normal reaction. Instinct."

  Raina laughed, gesturing to her yellow shirt I was wearing as I wrinkled my nose.

  "Daniels"—she giggled, and I felt my own lips kick up a notch—"he grabbed your shirt and ripped it in half and still fell down, taking you with him!"

  "The floor was wet," I defended yet again.

  "And I bet you were too after he mauled you with an impromptu make-out session," Wendy teased.

  "Stop." I blushed, turning away from the two of them to pick up another piece of trash. "Besides, a shirt ripping? That could happen to anybody."

  "Uh-huh, only you," Wendy snickered.

  "Wendy!" Raina cried after her laughter was under control. "He's my brother! No more of that talk." I glanced back in time to see Raina shudder, and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped.

  "And you, missy," she pointed over to me, "need to keep it between the sheets."

  It was like a bomb exploded in Wendy as she rolled on the floor laughing and I fumbled with a comeback. "Ah...What?! You did not just say that!" I picked up a piece of clothing and tossed it toward Raina, thinking back to the moment that had all of us giggling.

  I had just put some clothing in Raina's closet at the new house before I headed out into the living room to grab more stuff from the car. That was when Tyler had come in with a box. He had set it down just fine, but when he went to turn and follow me, I guess his foot had slid on a wet patch and he’d started to fall. His hand grabbed the shoulder part of my shirt, trying to steady himself but only managed to tear my shirt down the seam. The next thing I knew we were tangled together on the ground with half of my shirt gone. After the shock had worn off, we both laughed and then things heated up from there. I wanted to kiss his "hurts" away.

  "He's an awesome kisser by the way." I laughed when the same pair of pants I had thrown at Raina came back toward me. I caught them before they landed in my face and chuckled. "It's true."

  Raina gave a look, while Wendy gave me a conspiring grin that made me wonder what she had up her sleeve.

  "You working tonight, Daniels?"

  I squinted, trying to figure out her angle before answering, "Yes. Why?"

  She shook her head with a Cheshire cat grin. "Next time, then."

  I tossed an old sock her way. "What?"


  Raina tossed a shirt at her. “Yeah, what was that all about?"

  "Stop throwing clothes at me," she said blocking the shirt with her arm. "I don't have anything planned... Yet." She then threw a hand full of clothes our way.

  “Hey!" Raina and I cried, giggling as we returned the favor. Clothes, both dirty and clean, were thrown all over the place. When we ran out of clothes, pillows were added to the fight.

  I was in mid-throw with a white tank top when I heard the thudding of feet on the stairs. The guys were back.

  The three of us scrambled as we giggled, trying to pick up our mess before the guys saw it. We were supposed to cleaning, not having a clothing fight.

  "And what's going on here?" Kane drawled, coming into the room first, taking a survey of our mess. He grinned, looking over toward Raina. "We leave you girls to clean up the rest and come back to a bigger mess."

  She smiled sweetly at him as she got up and sauntered over to where he stood just past the doorway. Her hips swayed with a little extra swagger, which made me sure she was trying to entice Kane.

  My own grin lifted when I notice it was affecting him as he took notice of her hips. Raina was working it, and Kane knew it. Then she went in for the last kill, threading her arms around his neck as his hungry hands landed on her hips. Raina leaned forward and whispered something to him that had Kane growling. That sounded H.O.T. Then Kane took ahold of her mouth, and I smirked. Talk about keeping it between the sheets.

  I peeled my eyes away from them and turned toward the door, trying not to stare. There I saw Peter making his way past the lovers and toward his own girl . My own loverboy was not far behind.

  Lincoln's eyes found mine as he stalked toward me like a lion would stalk his mate. Like he was going to do some claiming of his own. I felt my breath hitch as that predatory gleam glinted in his tropical blue eyes.

  "Lincoln..." I chuckled, scrambling up to a standing position, wondering how long I could hold him off. Not that I wanted to though.

  "Come on," I reasoned as my heart hammered, and I playfully put my hands up for him to stop or slow down, but he just grinned and kept coming. My back met the far wall as anticipation spiked.

  "You need..." I stumbled over my words as I took him in. He looked hot in his white shirt and torn cutoff jeans. His eyes on me.

  "Uh-huh," he purred as if he knew exactly what was going through my head.

  And... if that were true, I was in trouble, along with my pervy, dirty girl thoughts. But I couldn't help it! They all kept the sexual tension in high working order when I was around! It was their own fault for making me hot and then making out with me. They took us so close to that edge, but then, right before any release, we were caught or interrupted.

  Lincoln's chest finally met my hands, and I sighed. I circled my arms up around his neck as he caged me in. His palms slid up against the wall until
his forearm rested there, his hard formed body up against my own. Our foreheads touched, and I could swear that the thudding of our two racing hearts could be heard throughout the room.

  My fingers threaded through his hair which caused his eyes to close on a groan. His desperate lips descended, claiming my own and taking us into a world where only the two of us remained.

  His lips weren't soft, or gentle either. They claimed mine, demanding my attention the very second they touched. His muscled frame pressed in closer to my softness as if his body craved it, needed its energy and passion to survive.

  His mouth was hot against my own as he greedily took what I offered, not letting me go. A free hand snuck behind my neck to angle my mouth up higher, giving him more control and heightening my arousal.

  He bit, tugged, and sucked my lower lip into his mouth, letting his peppermint taste seep into my taste buds. Goosebumps broke out along my arms as his thumb stroked the sensitive spot behind my ear then swept down the start of my jawline and back again. A sweet, delicious heaviness settled deep below my hips as a desperate ache spread. I wanted him. I always would, I realized. He and his brothers would ultimately own my body, heart and soul, and I didn't care. As long as they were with me and only me, I would succumb to their dominant hearts in exchange for my own willing one.

  Lincoln's other palm settled on my hip before inching underneath my borrowed yellow top. His heated and rough hands burned my skin before settling low on my hip with his thumb resting just below the band of my jeans. His mouth left my swollen lips as he dragged the delicious scruffiness of his unshaven cheek across mine and whispered low in my ear, "I'm next, Sweetheart."

  Air caught in my lungs as a trembling breath escaped when I realized what those words meant. He continued pressing his hard hips in my lower half, letting me know he was just as turned on as I was and that if he wanted, he could take me right there.

  "Cold showers aren't enough anymore," his rough voice admitted. "I need you. I crave you."

  His head dipped into my shoulder, brushing his lips against my tingling skin. "Your sweet scent," he breathed before biting down, eliciting a gasp out of me. He released me, raking his teeth against my now tender flesh. His deep voice vibrated against my skin. "Your softness. Your control. I want it all, Faith."


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