Into the Apocalypse

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Into the Apocalypse Page 17

by William Dunaway

  Wit spoke up, “If that’s true and a large level of radiation is being released, it’s possible it could cause problems across the nation.”

  “What kind of problems?” I asked

  “Well, if a high dosage of radiation is being leaked, those left in the immediate area would die within hours or days.

  Brandy jumped in, “For those in areas farther out, you're talking about thyroid cancer at the least. Again, depending on the dose they receive, it could be soon, or it could be years from now.”

  “What’s the danger to us?” Angela asked.

  Wit replied, “Well, it depends on weather patterns. Serious dosages of radiation are unlikely as it will be dissipated by such things like the Rocky Mountains. But it could be carried in the clouds, and we could be exposed when it rains or snows. I mean it would almost have to be a “perfect storm” of events, but it is possible.”

  “I wish we had some radiation detectors.” Brandy commented.

  “Well, I have one. I bought it several years ago when I first got into the survival mode. It has an external sensor that you can lay out as well. It runs off D cell batteries.”

  “Damn Johnson, is there anything you didn’t prepare for?” Tag asked with a chuckle.

  “Plenty, but along with the radiation detector, I did buy a few bottles of Potassium Iodide. I think it's supposed to protect or help protect you from thyroid disease and kidney problems if you're exposed to any higher doses of radiation.”

  Brandy and Wit both smiled, and Wit said, “It will damn well help.”

  “Let's just pray that we don’t have to test it,” Brandy added.

  “I think we should set up the radiation detector right away.” Wit said with a bit of urgency.

  “Ok, after the meeting, why don’t we take care of that,” I replied.

  Red then brought up the reports of all the diseases that were spreading as people left the state. Those with classic and older cars that survived the earthquakes may have escaped and got out, but many were actually having to leave on foot and having to cross the desert.

  Then with hesitation, he brought up the reports of cannibalism in cities like San Francisco and even some northeastern cities. When everyone heard this, a couple of them gasped. Angela made the comment that the idea of cannibalism sounded impossible here in America. That’s when I got back up.

  “I know how this news seems unbelievable, but that wouldn’t surprise me. I’m telling you that in all the disasters in the past in America, there’s always been a support system ready to come in and help. Katrina for instance; as much as those poor people suffered, aid was made available, and people were being evacuated. This is a Katrina type event, but it’s for the entire country and by what we’ve heard, parts of Canada and Mexico. It took days for real aid to get here and when the cargo ships landed on the east coast, you heard what happened. The ships were rushed, and shots were fired.

  Right now we’re fairly safe but look at what we’ve faced already with Lebowski and his clan. More will come. All we’ll have is one another, and for those of you that believe; God.”

  Mo then asked, “Vince, what is going to happen? I mean, I know you’ve done a lot of studying of Biblical prophecy. What kind of stuff can we expect?”

  I started to say but then I remembered how Anglea reacted the first night she was here, so all I said was, “Mo, the only thing I’ll say right now is if this is what we think it is, Christ said in Matthew 24:21-22 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.

  In other words, think of all the evil and tragic events that have happened over the history of man. He says it will be a time worse than ever in history or ever will be again. The only thing that’s going to stop the complete destruction of mankind, will be Christ’s actual return.”

  I stopped talking for a few minutes so that everyone could take that in. Everyone sat there in silence thinking in their own way what that could mean.

  I continued, “All I can say is you have to decide for yourself whether you believe the Bible. Kim, Mike, Paul and myself do, and I know part of you do. To what extent is for you to decide. Whether you do or not though, doesn’t change the fact that right now, most people are going through hell.”

  Again a long pause took place, then Brandy said, “Not right now but sooner than you think, we’re going to have to be very careful making contact with new people. If it’s true about the diseases and I’m sure it is, it will spread faster than you can imagine.”

  Wit jumped in, “A lot of the diseases could be controlled with normal healthcare but that’s obviously not available right now for most people, and the real problem is that most people’s immune systems won’t have any resistance to these diseases. I’m sure things are going to pop up that this country hasn’t had to worry about for the last century. People use to get a vaccination for smallpox but not anymore because we wiped it out of this country, really most civilized countries. But now, it’s a whole new ballgame.”

  I pulled up my left sleeve and pointed out my smallpox vaccination scar, “I’ve had a smallpox vaccination. Most kids did when I was growing up, but they stopped it because they said it wasn’t needed any longer.”

  Wit said, “All of us that were in the Army received several vaccinations, including one for the plague. Mike, I’m sure you had received a shit-load before you went to Iraq.” Mike nodded his head yes. “Paul, I’m sure you even received some.” He also nodded his head yes. “But for the rest of you, unless you went to some exotic, isolated place overseas, you’ll need to be careful. Really, we all do when the time comes.”

  Everyone sat in their place stunned, trying to soak in everything that was said but finally, I decided it was time to break the spell.

  “Ok, we all have work to do. You guys going to Pine City, do your best to get them into the fold, but it is imperative that you find out if there are any troublemakers in the bunch. I’m not going to tolerate any problems created by some individual that doesn’t want to cooperate. If you find out there’s a bunch like that, then as far as I’m concerned, they’re on their own and we’ll write Pine City off. They have to understand that everyone, except for the elderly or someone with serious health problems, has to contribute, pull guard duties, hunt, fish and perform any labor that needs to be done to secure the town. Mo, you know what we can offer and what we can’t. The main thing is to get them organized.

  Mike, your job is security for the group, but remember, make some mental images of how you want to set up any barriers that are needed.

  Does anyone have anything else?” No one had anything. “Ok, as soon as Wit gets the Geiger Counter set up all of you grab what you need and see what you can do.”

  I grabbed the Geiger Counter out of storage and put in fresh batteries. Wit soon had the sensor put up on top of Mike’s room and set up the detector inside the house. Just as soon as he got done, Brandy and him got together and grabbed their medical bags. Mo grabbed a notebook, and a few pens and Mike went over to the duty chart and took a last minute look at the manpower that we already had available and who was supposed to be where.

  I could see that Mia was still thinking about her friends in California, so I knew I had to get her mind off of it.

  “Mia, why don’t you go check out your plane. Start it and do a run-up. Make sure it sounds good because if the wind stays how it is, we may be able to do that recon flight today.”

  As soon as I mentioned the plane, her spirit picked up. She smiled, and I could see the excitement growing in her. She went to the key box and grabbed the keys to the plane and headed out the door.

  While everyone was busy, Kim came over to me and just looked into my eyes with a soft look. I put my arm around her, and I told her that when we did decide to fly, we’d be alright.

  “No, that’s not what I’
m thinking about. Why did you hold back when Mo asked you about prophecy?”

  I took a couple of moments, then said, “I didn’t want to get Angela all upset again. You know how she doesn’t like hearing anything about God and I didn’t want to hear her BS again.”

  “I think Angela has changed and in a lot more ways than just her beliefs concerning firearms. I think all of this has woke her up.”

  “Well, maybe so but that wasn’t the time… Remember all those apocalyptic type Audible books I used to listen to?”

  Kim laughed, “Yeah, I remember after you’d get done with one, I could expect some new equipment or ammo arriving at the house within the next week.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s true. But aren’t you glad we have it?” She nodded yes and gave a look meaning “Thank God you did.” I continued, “In every one of those, whether it was a single book or a six-book series, they all ended up with civilization coming back in one way or another. Maybe not the way things used to be, but they basically ended with a happy ending of sorts. Well, we’re living through the ultimate apocalyptic story right now, and I don’t see that happy ending happening.”

  Kim got a stern look on her face and in a scolding tone said, “I’m ashamed of you. No, it won’t be as it was in those books but we know this will end in the ultimate happy ending. It will end with Christ’s return.”

  I got an embarrassed look on my face and smiled briefly, “You’re right.” Then after a couple of moments, I said, “But you realize the hell we’re going to see before that happens and how many of us are going to be alive to see it? You know, we haven’t lived the kind of life that we know we were supposed to. Right before his return, his chosen will be gathered up, but a lot is going to go on between now and then. You know the bible says that even his chosen will experience most of the tribulation. Christ himself said that it will only be a select few and that many will think that they’re living their life the way he expects, but at that time Christ will say I don’t know you.”

  Kim got a serious look on her face and thought for a moment, “Well, we can’t go back in time and change our past, I wish we could. We’ve both done things that we’re not proud of and may even have to pay a price for, but we can do something about how we live our lives now. We just have to have faith and pray that he’ll guide and protect us. There’s not much we can do other than that.”

  “Yeah, I know. I guess part of it is people have been so programmed not to want to hear it. Between some of the scam churches that just wanted people’s money and then Hollywood brainwashing people for years that religious people are a bunch of nut jobs and then add the self-righteousness of so many people that claim to believe in Christ, people just don’t want to hear about it. And I can’t say that I blame them to a certain extent. I guess I just have a fear that if we say too much, we’ll see that attitude in our own group. So that’s why I deflected MO’s question.”

  “I understand. Don’t forget though; people will be saved on an individual basis. Remember how it says that one will be taken from the roof and the one in the house will be left. In other words, some family members will be saved, and others won’t be. Again, all we can do is have faith.”

  We both stood there and had our private thoughts, and then I said with a sad chuckle, “Like I’ve said a thousand times, some people believe that a zombie apocalypse could happen. Heck, they even sold tons of books on how to survive one. Others believe that we could be destroyed by aliens from outer space. But those same people, when they hear something about God or the Bible, they don’t want to hear anything about it and say it’s total BS. I mean they almost turn hateful. I just don’t want to see that in our group. I love these people too much.”

  “I understand, and I know what you're saying, but in the future, I think you need to answer their questions if they ask. Whether you want the responsibility or not, you’re the leader. They look up to you, and they want your opinion. They respect you. If they ask, tell them what you think, then it’s up to them what they do with the information. You’re not shoving it down their throat or giving sermons. You’re telling them what you’ve read and what you know in your heart. Mia has been asking me a lot of questions, and she’s shown real interest in it. I never go to her and tell her something. I just answer her questions, but I know you could give her more information than I know. All I’m saying is if they ask, tell them, then leave it up to them.”

  I thought for a moment, “Maybe you’re right,” and I leaned down and gave her a kiss.

  Chapter Twelve

  Southeast corner of Missouri

  On the southeast corner of Missouri, there is a peninsula that’s almost the same shape as the state of Florida. It’s a unique spot where the East, South, and West sides of it are bordered by the Mississippi River.

  The location is very close to four other state lines; Arkansas, Tennesee, Kentucky, and Illinois. Even though Interstate 55 is just to its west and numerous people were on the interstate when the EMP was set off, most headed north towards St. Louis or South towards Arkansas.

  Even though the economic collapse and of course the lack of electricity has devastated most of the country, people from this area have always known how to prepare and survive emergencies, going back to the Civil War years. Many have their own cattle, horses, and an abundance of chickens.

  This particular peninsula is known for having abundant fishing and plenty of wildlife. There have been times in the past where the entire area was completely flooded but mother nature always found a way to preserve the wildlife, and it would always return to a hidden treasure spot for those that knew how to live off the land.

  There are only two bigger towns close to it. To its east, across the Mississippi, was Hickman, Kentucky and to its west, a town called New Madrid, Missouri. New Madrid has been a tourist spot off and on through its history as it is the namesake of the largest fault line in the center of the country, The New Madrid Fault Line.

  Years earlier a famous seismologist predicted that a huge earthquake was about to happen at the New Madrid Fault Line and it was a nationwide news story. It was taken so seriously that even people on the west side of Missouri made sure they had earthquake insurance. During the time period that the seismologist predicted it would happen, several news crews from around the nation actually set up in the area. Several television shows were made showing what could happen if it actually hit and the town of New Madrid became famous when thousands of people arrived hoping they would witness the event. When it didn’t happen, the seismologist lost all of his credibility and soon most forgot about it.

  The fault line is real though. The New Madrid Seismic Zone is several miles wide and approximately 120 miles in length, starting from just north of St. Louis, Missouri and running south of Memphis, Tennesee. Back on December 16, 1811, a 7.2 earthquake hit and devastated the area. Luckily, due to the point in time that it hit, the large cities or even the population was a fraction of what it is today. Even though it doesn’t get the publicity that California got for the possibility of the “big one” being due, in the seismologist world, it is a real concern, and many have stated that if it does hit, it could be one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history.

  Fifteen-year-old Johnny Evans was doing what he usually does ever since the power went out, hunting for food for his mother and his younger brother and sister. His father was deployed in Afghanistan when we were attacked, so Johnny has taken the role of man of the house trying to provide food for his family. He knew the secrets of the peninsula and every day he was able to find plenty of game animals and fish.

  Today was pretty successful as he had bagged two rabbits and five squirrels. Two days earlier, he had shot a deer which he immediately cut up the meat and started smoking it on his dad’s wood smoker. So getting today's prize would add to their meat supply.

  Johnny and his family lived about ½ mile to the northwest of the peninsula. He had just got to the peak of the hill that overlooked the peninsula when he heard what
sounded like a flock of birds taking off behind him. He turned and saw what he guessed was almost every bird in the peninsula area and it scared him a bit as the sound echoed from the low-lying area. He looked at the river, and the same thing was happening there as well. Then he noticed several deer running out of the woods of the peninsula and up the hill as though something was chasing them and soon he estimated that 25 deer had run up the hill.

  Suddenly, the ground started to shake and the land below his feet felt like he was standing on top of a giant vibrator. He had felt small quakes before in the area and even though this one had an unique feeling to it, the quake was no larger than what he had felt in the past. Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

  “That wasn’t much, all the animals and birds moved because of this?” He gathered the squirrel that he had dropped and turned to start heading to the house. He had only been walking for about 30 seconds when from the southwest he could hear a rumbling sound. As the sound grew louder, the ground beneath his feet started to move in what seemed like stages. First a vibration, then shaking which became so violent it knocked Johnny off of his feet.

  To Johnny, it felt like the whole earth was breaking apart. All he could do was lay on the ground and watch.

  Suddenly it felt like a wave under the surface had gone beneath him and it felt like it raised him into the air even though he never lost contact with the ground. He looked out to the river, and he couldn’t believe what he saw, there was a tall wave like he had seen on television that was on the ocean but this one was going up the river, the opposite direction of how the river flowed. It was though the river started running backward.

  As he looked down to the peninsula, it was though everything he saw was out of focus, as everything was moving so fast his mind wouldn’t process it fast enough. He did see larger trees falling, and even though he didn’t comprehend it at that very moment, the peninsula looked as though it was being swallowed by a wall of water.

  The vibration grew so intense, and the roar was so loud, he felt like he was losing touch with reality. He honestly thought that he was going to die.


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