Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 1

by B. A. Stretke




  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Vol. 1

  Copyright © 2017 by B.A. Stretke

  Published by Superiorland Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person (living or dead), place, or event is purely coincidence.

  “Pittsburgh is a very hard city.”

  -August Wilson


  The room was alight with activity, but not the activity Nik Hadden appreciated. This was a clusterfuck and someone better straighten it out damn fast. This was supposed to be a bachelor party, high end customers requesting the best. Bullshit, it was a bunch of little bitches acting out and destroying his property.

  Nik Hadden grabbed his head of security by the arm. “Get the fuckers out of here and I never want to see their faces in here again and don’t be gentle.” Lando shot him a quick glance.

  “Does that include the ladies?”

  “Do what you have to. Pick them up and deposit them on the sidewalk, just get them out of my club. Any electronic devises, wipe them clean along with their fucking memories.” Lando instructed his team to do as ordered and the room erupted. That was when the order to do what you have too kicked in and everyone was removed. The room became quiet when all that was left was staff running around cleaning up.

  Nik turned to his assistant Andrew and barked a series of instructions, the first being: “Get the card the Massey kid used to book the place and charge off all this broken and damaged furniture. I’m sure it’s his daddy’s card.” Andrew nodded and headed to the office. He requested an audit of the damage from the floor manager and from the bartender handling the party.

  Nik walked up the stairs to the balcony overlooking the main floor and shook his head in disgust. “What a fucking mess.” Josef McQueen, his Second came up to stand beside him as he took in the senseless destruction.

  “We’ll have this set to right by morning.” He assured in his usual calm and decisive tone.

  “What started it, do you know?” Nik wasn’t sure why, but he wanted a reason for what he was looking at, a good reason.

  “Massey organized the party, with hired female entertainment, for his friend. He failed to take into consideration that his friend’s fiancé is insanely jealous, and I don’t mean that figuratively.” Josef extended his hand towards the mayhem blow. “Hence, the outcome.”

  Nik shook his head and turned to walk back to his office. He needed to get away from the mess. His people would deal with it. He walked into the large immaculate room and rounded his desk to take a look at the video surveillance he had of the main room. Nik had a surveillance room, with state-of-the-art equipment and a complete team of experts manning that equipment, but he always kept watch from his office.

  Josef followed him and closed the door before taking a seat across from the large modern desk. For an ancient vampire, Nik liked the modern, up-to-date fashions and style. No red velvet and dark mahogany for him, it had to be fresh, current, and sometimes trendy but always classic. He was a man who had blended into every time he passed through.

  Unlike his Second, who was tall and broad with a steely black stare and long menacing black hair to match, Nik was tall and lean with an oppressive power that emanated from him and filled any room he entered. His icy blue eyes could be deadly or accommodating depending upon his mood or the circumstances. He was regal in the way he moved and presented himself, his hair was black as the night but styled and controlled. He was a force and anyone who thought not, soon found out otherwise. He and Josef had been together since before Nik founded and grew the Hadden Coven, which now numbered in the thousands.

  The Hadden Coven had existed for generations and moved their core of operations to Pittsburgh about a hundred years ago. They made their mark in many ways, some seen and some not, but their presence was deeply felt. The Coven followed the laws, for the most part, but their safety and security came first and above any man-made laws. Pittsburgh is a city of old money and old rules. It fits the Hadden Coven like a glove.

  There were individuals who’d been removed in the past and no doubt there would be those in the future. There were a few folks in town that had begun to think their power and influence superseded that of Nikolas Hadden. He would have to dissuade them of that foolish notion.

  “You’ve been on edge lately.” Josef commented as he leaned back in his chair and pulled out his phone to respond to a message from one of his men working on the cleanup.

  “Yes, I’m feeling a bit off, but not sure of the cause. Just the stress of leadership I suppose.” He mocked. Such weakness was never a concern of his. He was leader of the Hadden Coven. He was leader of a Coven that was in possession of The Imperial Club, which Nik called the jewel in his crown, and three other clubs along with various state and international interests. The only thing that stressed him was stupidity that he was not allowed to kill, like the Massey family. The Coven’s anonymity was paramount and unfortunately killings brought investigations, so they were not done unless absolutely necessary.

  The Massey’s were money lenders, legal and illegal, and as such had amassed a small fortune that allotted them a modicum of power in this old steel town. They were also human and unaware of the Coven that operated close by, so they often moved about the city as if they owned it. It was a point of contention that Nik took every opportunity to clarify. Unfortunately, they hadn’t threatened the Coven or any of its members or their livelihood, so death was not warranted, yet.

  “You still want to kill Ed Massey?” Josef had been with him too long and he could always read him.

  “One of these days.” He lamented and Josef chuckled.

  “You should find yourself a willing body and take it home for some rich sustenance and relaxation. It’s been a long time since you sampled the club offerings.” Josef suggested while typing away on his phone.

  “The Imperial has a lot to offer, I agree, but the clientele has left me wanting in the past few months. I find myself bored with their antics, facades, and pretensions.” Nik continued to scan the video screen while he spoke. He knew he was sounding petulant, but the club had truly begun to bore him.

  “Try the other clubs. The Ruby Light is a little less highbrow, the clientele earthier.”

  “I’m not looking for a type, I’m looking for the one.” Damn, did he just say that out loud? Nik looked up from his screen to be captured by Josef’s stare of disbelief.

  “The one, really.” He voiced his disbelief.

  “I’m a hundred and thirty-five years old and I’m feeling the need for a real connection. Maybe it won’t be my beloved, but someone who’ll stay for a while and I will enjoy.” He smiled and glanced away. “I’m getting maudlin, must be the stress.” He barked a laugh at his own sarcasm.

  “No, I get it, you want a relationship.” Josef offered. “I’d like that too but in the meantime, take a little joy where you can find it.”

  Nik nodded in agreement, perhaps Josef was right. “Is everything in place for the event Saturday?” He decided to change the subject.

  “Everything is ready. The party should be a resounding success and could very well get us exposure in a national magazine. We have at least two celebrities that have RSVP’d and three low level local personalities that have also confirmed their attendance.” Josef reported without any real enthusiasm.

“You don’t sound impressed.” Nik looked up from his screen and the rapid cleanup going on down stairs to regard his second in command.

  “I don’t enjoy exclusive parties as much as I used to. Like you, the facades are becoming tedious. They are weak and sad, everyone scrambling to be noticed.” He blew out a tiresome breath. “Tedious.” He echoed.

  “But a money maker and that’s what this place is here for. We support the Coven and its enterprises. The other clubs are prosperous, but the Imperial Club is the one that has puts us on the map.” Nik reminded himself and his Second of the business prospects in Pittsburgh. This was a city that leaned heavily on class distinction and to prosper one had to fit in. Josef nodded his agreement.

  “We sent out the complimentary tickets, not the engraved invitations, to the regulars as you requested. We assume the number that will attend will be near one hundred percent, that’s how it’s gone in the past. That should fill out the rooms with acceptable people.” Josef cocked an eyebrow at Nik and stuck his phone back into his pocket.

  “What about the Massey kid, he has an invitation? The old man never shows, but Jarod and his friends always come.” Josef added with a smile.

  “If he shows up, turn him away. My club is not his playground and I don’t care who his father is.” Nik went back to surveying his club as he listened to Josef chuckle.


  “Walker.” The delicate young man yelled as he entered the grease and gasoline smelling garage. Another young man, short and slender yet muscular, came around a vehicle wiping his hands. He was dressed in coveralls and his hair, although blond, looked matted to his head with dirt and sweat, but his hazel eyes were bright and welcoming.

  “What, Stanley?” He shot back at his fastidiously well-dressed friend. Stanley took pains in every aspect of his appearance. He always looked complete and well-dressed no matter the occasion or venue. They were opposites in many ways but brothers in the ways that mattered. He was delicate and refined and he was Walker’s best friend

  “Do you have plans for Saturday?” Stanley asked expectantly with his hands clasped in front of him like a needy child. Stanley was so tiny, he made Walker’s foot five four inch, one hundred and twenty pounds look massive.

  They grew up together in the low-income housing projects in the South Hills section of the city and they always had each other’s backs. After high school, Walker began full time at the Garage and Stanley pursued his dreams.

  Stanley was doing well for himself as a published author of historical romance. Not the type of reading Walker was drawn to, but he read everything his friend ever wrote. Walker did not have lofty ambitions like his friend, all he wanted was a job he liked and a comfortable home.

  He had one, but not the other. He still rented a dingy rundown, one room apartment in the South Hills. It was the same apartment he’d rented after graduation two years ago, maybe in a couple of more years and with a raise, he’d be able to afford something safer.

  Stanley had more than once offered to rent him one of his spare rooms. Stanley just recently bought a nice, three bedroom American four square in a nice neighborhood near Downtown. Walker appreciated the offer but their lives and styles were just too different to mesh within one household. Besides, he wasn’t looking for a house with all its necessary maintenance, all he wanted was a larger apartment in a nicer part of town.

  “I have no plans for Saturday, what’s up?” Walker finished wiping his hands and leaned back with one hip against the back fender of the car he was working on and crossed his arms.

  “I received tickets to the party at The Imperial Club.” He looked about ready to burst he was so happy. “I need you to put on a suit and tie and go with me.” Stanley squealed and a couple of the guys stopped to take notice with a shake of their heads before getting back to their jobs. They were used to Stanley, and he was a welcome visitor to their den of grime. The manager of the Garage, Mr. Gorman, was Stanley’s uncle so Stanley could pretty much come and go as he pleased. Although it was usually a bit too vulgar for his tastes.

  “A suit and tie? And where am I to locate such an item of classic clothing?” Walker cast a derisive glance down at his current outfit and ran a hand through his hair disheveling it further. “Are you sure you want me to go with you? Have you thought this through? I’m hardly Imperial material. The place is exclusive, that means that people like me have to stay the fuck out.” Walker laughed and was about to pat his friend on the shoulder but noticed the grease on his hand and thought better of it.

  “I have a suit you can wear.” Stanley was not going to be put off.

  “Oh no, not one of your period costumes. I agree they were superbly cut and made a man a man but not in this day and age.” Walker was shaking his head and turned to go back to the front end of the car he was working on, obviously trying to end the conversation.

  “It’s a nice suit, it’s one of my dad’s. He said you could use it and trust me, it will be a good fit, I had it altered a little. I know your measurements and assumed you wouldn’t let me down.” Stanley was pulling out all the guns as his bottom lip began to tremble, just a little.

  “Your dad hasn’t worn a suit since the Johnson administration.”

  “My dad isn’t that old.”

  “Your dad is old and I’m assuming so is his suit.”

  “Just try it on and see if you don’t look stunning. If it doesn’t make you happy, I’ll find another.” Stanley was tenacious and Walker knew he would not be able to deny him.

  “So how did you get a ticket to the fancy ball? I’m not judging, it’s just I don’t recall you frequenting the place. You usually hang out at the Ruby Light.” Walker went back to work but continued their conversation.

  “I have a fan and she sent me two tickets in exchange for five signed copies of my last book.” Stanley was all smiles now that he knew he got his way.

  “Okay, I’ll go but I probably won’t like it.” Walker relented and Stanley let loose with another squeal of victory.


  Nik was in his kitchen preparing a cup of warm blood when there came a knock to his door followed by someone entering. The only person with the clearance to enter unbidden was Josef.

  “Hello, Josef.” He met him in the living room, Nik took a seat on his white leather sofa and Josef sat in the matching chair. It was a beautiful apartment and spoke of the Master’s wealth and good taste, but also spoke of his solitude. Nik never brought anyone to his apartment unless it was for business and then only Coven members. His personal life occurred elsewhere, his home was his sanctuary.

  “You know you could get the good stuff, you don’t have to satisfy yourself with that bagged shit.” Josef remarked as he watched Nik finish the warm cup of red liquid.

  “True but less expectations when you drink it from a cup.” Nik set the cup on the fine, formed table in front of him. It was a gift from an artist who wanted a favor and it was a stunning accent to his rich leather sofa.

  “So now you fear expectations.” Josef laughed. “Two days ago, you wanted a relationship.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Nik retorted with a grin. “Tell me the event is organized to the smallest detail and will go off without the slightest hitch. That’s all I need to hear at this point, anything else will be rejected.” Nik again changed the subject back to business.

  His personal life was causing him some dismay, and he hadn’t figured it out yet. He wasn’t ready to discuss any of it with his Second or anyone else for that matter. Maybe he just needed to find someone and get serious for a while. The thought brought a twinge of apprehension. No, he would never do that, he wouldn’t make promises he couldn’t keep.

  “Andrew and his crew have everything well in hand. There will not be a single hitch and if one happens to arise, I will kill it.”

  “Good man.”

  “We open the doors at eight for cocktails and dancing will begin at ten. When will you be making your appearance?” Josef leaned forward with his forearms
on his thighs.

  “I’ll start making the rounds at eight-thirty and pick a few to join me in the lounge upstairs.” It was considered a great honor to be part of the VIP section upstairs and Nik always used it to his advantage. Tonight, he would invite everyone who had ever had a disagreement or a grudge with Ed Massey. It was time he eliminated that irritant. If he wasn’t allowed to kill him, he would ostracize him socially by destroying his network.


  “There, you look magnificent.” Stanley put the finishing touches to Walker’s outfit by tucking a handkerchief square, that matched his black and gray tie, into his chest pocket. “The suit fits you like a dream.”

  Walker looked at himself in the full-length mirror in Stanley’s living room. Yeah, the guy had a full-length mirror in his living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and every room in the house. “Looks better than I thought it would. It’s an older suit but not bad, I like it.”

  “Now, you relax while I finish getting ready and then we can leave. The party begins at eight but I thought we’d arrive around nine.” He smiled as if he were planning an attack strategy.

  “Whatever you say Stanley, all I am is window dressing for the main attraction. This is your show.” Walker plopped down on the sofa and began running through the TV channels.

  They arrived at nine o’clock sharp and waited in line with the others that had decided to arrive late. It took a good twenty minutes to get inside and when they did, it wasn’t without difficulty. Stanley was accepted immediately but apparently, Walker’s borrowed suit from the 1960’s wasn’t fooling anyone.

  “Wow, I wasn’t sure that ridiculous doorman was going to let you in.” Stanley seethed. “Your suit is impeccable and a better representation of the era than what those other men were wearing.”

  “They were part of the entertainment, not a guest. But who cares, I’m in and you’re in so let’s have a good time.” Walker stepped into the large main room and just stared, wide eyed. The ambitious opulence was breathtaking. “I never realized how brilliant this place was. I thought it just another snooty club with dreams of grandeur. This is no dream, this is pure grandeur.”


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