Meant to Be

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Meant to Be Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  Walker pulled the collar of his shirt to the side showing Stanley the mark that Nik had left during their love making. “This is so sensitive that all I have to do is touch it and I get hard. If Nik touches it I nearly explode. Right now, all I feel is an irresistible desire to run to him and beg him to love me, keep me, hold me. I’m pathetic, aren’t I.”

  “No, Walker, you are not pathetic, you are bonded to the Master Vampire.” Stanley rubbed Walker’s arm in a soothing motion.

  “Am I under some kind of spell, did he make me this needy? Is he controlling me through this?” Walker gestured to the scar on his neck. “I saw what he did to those guys outside the restaurant that were getting in his face. He did some sort of hocus pocus and they just left.”

  “He doesn’t have a spell on you.” Stanley shook his head dismissively. “He is capable of mind control but not with you or with Josef. No one can influence their beloved through mind control. Its Fate’s way of making sure the matches are true and equal. As far as Josef, the second in command is always a free thinker.”

  “But what about this?” Walker pointed once again to the scar.

  “He’s feeling the same way as you. I can tell you he is losing his mind over the fact that you are not together. He’s barely holding himself back from just coming and collecting you.”

  “Why is he holding back?” Walker needed to know.

  “Because he promised to give you time to adjust and process.” Stanley couldn’t help himself and he rolled his eyes.

  “You seem to know a lot.

  “The Coven is suffering right along with the Master. The longer you deny him the more tense he becomes and the more the Coven feels his distress. What you’re feeling right now, is your shared feeling of anxiety, loneliness and despair. It’s all about needing to be near one another. Go to him Walker. I know this is all new and somewhat earth-shattering for you, but come on now, it’s pretty damn exciting too.” Stanley knew him too well and knew how much he hated drudgery and mediocrity.

  Walker never had any grand plans in life but he hoped for a fun and interesting life, not one stuck in a rut confronted with the sameness of each day. This would definitely be a game changer for him. “You’re sure that I’m not just sleeping or in a coma or something. If I wake up and this was an illusion, I’m going to be pissed.”

  “This is going to be great, man. Your life is going to be so fantastic and mine will improve immensely. I will finally have an open invitation to The Imperial Club, no more making do at the Ruby Light.” Walker lifted an eyebrow at that statement. “I’m best friends with the Master’s beloved, people will be seeking me out for favors, and treating me like the special person that I am.”

  “Yeah, Stanley, you’re special all right, real special.” Walker pulled him into a head lock and they wrestled like two guys who’d been friends their whole lives. “I’m going to slap you silly for lying to me for fifteen years, you little blood sucker.” He joked and then stopped and pushed Stanley back to a sitting position.

  “I never saw you drink blood.”

  “You know I like my tomato juice.”

  “That was blood?” Stanley nodded.

  “Wow.” Walker shook his head and then jumped Stanley and they went at it good naturedly once more.


  Nik had enough waiting, his beloved had not yet returned and the drive to be with him was making business and daily operations for Nik impossible. His mind was consumed with Walker Hall that beloved little bastard.

  “Josef.” He called to his Second standing across the room. They were getting prepared for another party of the century for this coming weekend and Josef, along with Andrew were attending to detail.

  “I’m going for Walker. Call Lando and tell him to come home, I’ll take over from here.” He made these statements while walking to the front doors. Josef waved him off with a smile and called Lando to come in stating that Master Hadden was on his way.

  “Do you want me to wait until Master Hadden arrives?” Lando asked

  “No, he’s leaving now, so Walker won’t be alone for more than a few minutes. He said for you to come home, so come home.” Josef ended the call and got back to work.

  Nik didn’t take anyone along on this trip although Ellis had tried to insist. Nik wanted to be alone with his beloved and he was more than capable of handling anything that may arise. He took the sleek black Lexus, it was protected by a curse that made stealing or damaging the vehicle impossible. The car protected itself. It came in handy when parking in the less reputable parts of town.

  Walker would be moving out of that apartment today. He would take what he needed for now and Nik would have his assistant Andrew arrange for the rest to be moved to their home above The Imperial Club. Walker’s new life was beginning now, his job at the Garage would be the first topic of discussion following the move. Nik had been more than patient and accommodating to his beloved but now it was time for the Master to take control. Begin as you plan to proceed, words to live by in Nik’s opinion.


  Walker headed home after Stanley dropped him back at his car. His intent was to shower, change and go see Nik. Just the decision itself made his mind more at ease and his body relax. He was the Master’s beloved, according to Stanley and Nik, and he wanted to start to investigate the possibilities of this new life. He wanted to be open to whatever was out there. He was no awkward or innocent venturing in to the lion’s den. He was well aware of what he faced and was more than willing to give it a try.

  Nik made him feel like no one ever had. He was precious and valued and respected and maybe even loved. Nik gave him a sense of importance and of belonging. He’d knocked around on his own for a long time and he wanted everything Nik was offering. Walker knew in his heart that, just has Stanley had said, they belonged together. He tried to be aloof and uninterested but that was a façade, truth be told, he wanted Nik more than he wanted his next breath.

  The knock came just as he finished getting dressed and was walking into his main room from the bathroom. He hurried to the door convinced it had to be Nik, but just before he opened the door he asked. “Who is it?”

  “Edward Massey sent us, he owns the Garage where you work. he wants to speak with you.” He paused for a moment and then added. “If you do not open this door, consider yourself fired.” The man spoke in gruff gravely tones and Walker was not immediately inclined to open the door. He remembered the man from Sunday and the threats made in Massey’s name. He didn’t want this man inside his apartment.

  “Go ahead and fire me. I can get another job.” Walker answered flippant but nervous at the same time.

  “Massey owns all the garages in this town. Come on kid, open up, he just wants to talk to you.” Walker had no intention of opening the door, but unfortunately his door was not all that strong. The man talking to him put his shoulder into it and the door popped inward, banging against the interior wall.

  Walker took a step back but knew that he was trapped, there was no running in this small space and no escape. He kept his eyes on the two men who walked into his apartment. They looked around in disgust before giving him their attention.

  The man who broke down the door turned to the one next to him with a huff. “I’d have thought Hadden would have kept his side piece in a little nicer place than this dump. He must be slumming.” He laughed but there was no humor in the sour sound. “What you got kid, why’s Hadden so enthralled by a gutter snipe like you?” The man turned back to stare at Walker with eyes that were cold and cloudy.

  Walker didn’t answer, he was just baiting him so what was the point. Walker stayed still and weighed his options. The neighbor downstairs would hear him if he yelled but would probably do nothing about it. The window in the bathroom was the only window in the place and it was too small to wiggle through. As his options disappeared, he decided to speak. “Why does he want to speak with me?” He planned to stall until hopefully an idea came to him.

  “Not my business
, kid. He sent us to collect you and that is all I know. So, move your ass, he’s waiting.” The guy was obviously not in the mood for light banter. He grabbed Walker by the upper arm and pushed him through the door.

  “Hey, close my damn door.” Walker yelled back at the man behind them. He smirked and kicked the door further open before following them downstairs and out to a black car parked at the curb.

  The drive was about ten miles and lead up into the posh neighborhood called Chatham Village that skirted the river. It was a high dollar area and housed many of the elites in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area. Walker knew no one who lived there.

  They pulled into a winding drive that lead to a sprawling Georgian style brick home that stood behind tall hedges. It was quite thoroughly concealed from any onlookers or neighbors and that left a sinking feeling in Walkers gut.

  The two men walked him through the side door and through another side door and finally he found himself on the back patio of this massive home. It was a beautiful view of the river. He also noticed that Ed Massey was seated, more like lounging on a typical patio chair next to a small table. He didn’t immediately acknowledge him so he and the two goons stood there and waited.

  Finally, the lord of the manner motioned for them to come closer. He turned in his seat and gave Walker a once over that left him feeling less than adequate. “This is Walker Hall, the man that has captured the heart of our dear friend Nikolas?” He seemed unconvinced and Walker was growing bored with the whole scene.

  Walker rolled his eyes and spun on his heels and was headed for the door but one of the goons grabbed him and forced him back over in front of Massey. It was worth a try at least.

  “Don’t go so soon, sit and have a drink with me.” He waved his hand at the chair across from him and the goon that grabbed him pushed him into the chair.

  Fuck, he wasn’t going to ingest anything this guy gave him. Walker put his hand around the glass but didn’t pick it up. “What do you want?” Might as well start there.

  “Well you see, Nikolas has decided that he runs this town and I mean to show him that this town belongs to me.” The words were spoken in a fake humorous tone like he was talking to a child. Walker did not respond to him, just glanced over at the river.

  “Look at me, when I talk to you.” Massey yelled and reached across the table with his chubby left hand and grabbed Walker by the t-shirt and yanked him forward over the table. Walker saw him raise his right hand and braced himself for the strike that never came.


  Nik approached the apartment door and his heart stuck in his throat. The door was open, having been torn from its hinges and Walker was nowhere to be found. He centered himself and took in the scents in the room. Walker was there and he was fearful, very fearful. There were two others, brutish and smelled of leather polish. They were Massey’s men.

  Nik flew out of the building and to his car, barely touching the ground as he went. If Massey has harmed Walker he will die if he has upset him he will wish he were dead. Those were the thoughts racing through Nik’s mind as he drove, hell bent to the Massey estate.

  Nik pulled into the gated home and didn’t stop to open the gates. The Lexus was outfitted for every possibility. He reached out with his mind and felt the lingering terror in the air and knew it was emanating from his dear beloved. He was going to destroy everyone connected to this abduction and lay waste to the earth. Fear for his beloved was driving the vampire to completely take over.

  He heard the commotion from the back of the house and smelled the fear from his beloved, so simply blew through the house leveling parts of it in his wake. The power of a vampire enraged was a spectacle indeed.

  Walker opened his eyes when the punch he’d expected, never landed. Massey dropped his hand from Walker’s chest and took a panicked step back from the table. His eyes were big and round and his pale expression looked like shock. Walker straightened up and looked at Massey and then at the goons behind him.

  “Go, get out of here.” Massey yelled at Walker, but Walker just stared at him.

  “That scar on you neck, did Nikolas give that to you?” He spoke the words like he was in pain and the panic he was exhibiting went tenfold when Walker told him, yes.

  The two goons made to grab him when Walker stepped away from the table, but Massey screamed at them to back off, for the love of god, back off. He was definitely going for the dramatic in whatever game he was currently playing.

  “Get out of here.” He screamed at Walker. He tossed a set of keys to Walker and told him to take his car and go home. Walker laid the keys on the table because he did not trust Massey not to report it stolen. He might be a common man, but he was not a stupid man.

  Massey backed up until he was now off the patio and standing on his well-manicured lawn. The two goons just stood there like they didn’t have a clue. Then, hell broke loose.

  The house began to shake like it was in the path of a tornado or in the middle of an earthquake. The windows and doors began to blow out around them and bricks began to crumble. Walker took cover under the small patio table and the three men started running for the garden away from the house.

  Walker looked over at the house as the wall separating the kitchen from the patio blew out and Nik came walking through the debris. He could only see shoes and ankles but he’d recognize those Brooks Brothers shoes and Kiton slacks anywhere. His heart was light as a feather as he felt strong hands reach for him and help him up from under the table. He saw Nik’s eyes eat away at him and it made Walker feel like the most important person in the world.

  “Are you alright, my love?” His voice was soft yet demanding. He held tight to Walker’s hand and assisted him to his feet and then into a tight embrace. Nik’s hands traveled Walker’s body checking for pain or injury.

  “They kidnapped me because they thought I was your side piece. I think they had plans to use me to get to you.” Walker saw no reason to sugar coat or give the three guys, running like the devil was after them, a break. Walker observed as once again Nik raised his hand and spoke some words that Walker recognized from before and suddenly Massey and his men stopped in their tracks and turned around. Although they tried to resist, the three of them started a slow march back to the house and to Nik.

  “Mr. Massey got really scared when he saw the scar on my neck. I think he knows something.” That caught Nik’s attention.

  “Good, added reason for me to kill him.” Nik bent and placed a loving passion filled kiss to Walker’s welcoming lips. “I’m going to take you home with me and you are going to stay there, with me, no arguing. You are moving into my apartment today.” Nik stated just as the three men came to a stop about three feet in front of them.

  “I’m not arguing. If these guys hadn’t interfered, I was on my way back to you. I had enough bullshit processing, I know what I want.” That earned Walker another heated kiss.

  Ed Massey was waving his hands and frantically trying to explain himself. “I didn’t know, sir, I didn’t know he was yours or that the connection was sacred.” He rambled on a while longer in the same vein until Nik raised his hand and the words stopped.

  “You took what was mine. I am Master Nikolas Hadden and you dared to touch what belongs only to me.” Nik stepped closer but still kept his arm snug around Walker’s shoulders. “I will make you suffer.”

  “Don’t kill him.” Walker didn’t know why he said it but he didn’t want that sort of stain on their lives. He understood that vampire culture called for other controls and outcomes than his normal human existence, but he didn’t want this man to die, today.

  “This man is not worth your pity, Walker. The city would be served best by his disappearance.” Nik reached out and took Massey by the throat with his right hand and let his nails dig into the soft flesh of his neck.

  “Don’t kill him.” Walker spoke again and this time Nik tossed Massey to the ground and place the sole of his shoe on Massey’s chest holding him in place. The two goo
ns stood nearby both in a state of shock.

  Nik reached back and did something with his hand and the two goons turned and walked away as if they didn’t have a care in the world. “I scrubbed their minds. They will have no memory of this day or of you Ed. They’ll sort themselves out eventually but they will never remember you or me. Just as I did to your other men at the restaurant.” Nik pressed his foot down harder onto Massey’s chest. “Now for you Ed.”

  “No, no, wait please. I can be of help to you. I know I can.” Ed was pleading, but it was falling on deaf ears.

  “If it weren’t for my beloved’s request that I not kill you, I would have done so already. You are a blight on the face of this city and a threat to me and my people that I cannot ignore.” Nik did the same thing with his hands that he had with the other two men and spoke a few words and Ed fell limp beneath his shoe. His eyes searching wildly for purchase.

  Nik turned and took Walker back into his arms and started walking around the right side of the house towards the drive, never looking back.

  “What did you do to him?” Walker placed his arm around Nik’s waist and held him close as they walked.

  “I cleared his mind. I went back further than I did with his men. He will have some basics to relearn. I destroyed his company and all its holdings, he has nothing left. People will probably think it drove him to a psychotic break or a stroke. Whichever, he has no memory of vampires, me, you, this town or his business. He will live but he will never threaten us again.”

  “Thank you.” Walker turned his head and buried it in Nik’s chest as he took a deep breath, breathing in the scent that soothed and calmed his raged nerves. “This has been a bizarre few days, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have my friend now, fully. I never knew Stanley was a vampire. We were friends for years since first grade and never once did I suspect anything. Now I feel even closer to him and the secret we share is so amazing.”


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