Bourne Bodyguards: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

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Bourne Bodyguards: The Complete Series (Books 1-4) Page 2

by Mandy Morgan

  “Like we have a choice.” Lily rolled her eyes. “I still think this is all too much. It was just a note!”

  Lily’s friend jumped in before I could argue with her about the seriousness of the situation. “Company sounds great! We’ll meet you there, Brock.”

  She led Lily away in a hurry and I cursed under my breath as I followed them to the parking garage. The last thing I wanted was to leave Lily alone where this whole thing started.

  I was determined not to give Lily’s stalker any chance to make contact, so I stayed on their tail as they drove to the Cloud Nine, and kept my eyes peeled for any sign of trouble.

  Lily and Blair were already making their way to the front entrance when I pulled into the bar’s parking lot, so I had to hustle to keep up with them.

  My eyes took a while to adjust to the neon lighting and cigarette smoke inside the Cloud Nine. I spotted the two women talking to a big guy in the back.

  I strode over to Lily, ready to punch whoever was talking to her in the freaking mouth, but then I saw who it was and I couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of relief and irritation.

  “Hey, Brock, glad to see you here,” Mason said with a grin. “Didn’t think you’d be joining us for a drink.”

  Lily and Blair didn’t know it yet, but they’d just met my best friend and Scarlet Springs’s most notorious womanizer, and he was already eyeing them both like a couple of steaks.

  Chapter Five


  I was really starting to regret this whole hiring a bodyguard thing. It was bad enough that I’d been teased mercilessly by my friends about the piece of man meat I had following me around the hospital.

  But when Brock had insisted on coming with me and Blair for our after-work drink, I’d almost called off the whole thing. Did he expect me to have no privacy or alone time anymore?

  It was certainly looking that way. I don’t know why he seemed to be taking all of this so personally. I’d just met the guy, after all, and I didn’t care how hot he was or how many military medals he had. A stranger was a stranger. Wasn’t he?

  Of course, I had to admit it was nice having him there when I thought yet another strange man was coming up to try and sweet talk me and Blair into his gathering at the Cloud Nine. And possibly his bed.

  But it turned out he was someone Brock knew very well. Mason Hanson was my bodyguard’s best friend and the second-in-command of Bourne Protective Services.

  I figured that would make Brock stop looking like he wanted to break the guy’s jaw. I’d been wrong. Even after the introductions had been made, Brock kept an eye on Mason, and made sure he kept his distance.

  It wasn’t just Mason we ran into. The whole BPS team was out having some beers together. Without their leader and the company owner. That left me wondering what was wrong with Brock Bourne.

  But I didn’t have much time to think about it. Once Mason found out I was a new client and in the care of his boss, he insisted we all join the crew at their table in the back of the bar.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Blair purred at Mason’s offer. “I can’t imagine anywhere else we’d be safer than with a bunch of bodyguards.”

  Without even bothering to ask for my opinion, my best friend looped her arm through Mason’s, and they were off to join his buddies. All I could do was stand there and watch them go with wonder.

  I really shouldn’t have been surprised. Blair had never been what anyone would consider shy. And she didn’t look at anyone as a stranger. Let alone a group of former Army Rangers who now made their living protecting people from harm.

  “Well, I guess we should join them,” Brock sighed and held his hand out in front of him. “Ladies first.”

  He didn’t seem happy about spending an evening with his friends and co-workers. My mind drifted back to what was making him so standoffish. Until we made it to our destination.

  When I saw all four of the men of BPS gathered around one table, there wasn’t much room left in my head for anything other than marveling at how there could be one company with nothing but sexy men on staff.

  I’d never seen so many hunks all in one place outside of a firefighter calendar. Blair looked happy enough to wet her pants. I couldn’t say I blamed her for that one.

  Brock might have been less than enthusiastic about joining the group, but once we got to the table, he took a hold of the reins and stepped up to introduce us all.

  “Ladies, meet Hunter Murphy.” Brock nodded at a serious-looking man with baby blue eyes, dark brown hair, and the body of an Olympic athlete. “We call him the Peacemaker.”

  “And this is Wyatt Jacobs,” Brock said, pointing out the smoking hot guy with a laidback surfer vibe who was sitting next to Hunter. “Our resident joker.”

  “Of course, you know Mason already,” Brock went on in a dry voice as he looked at the handsome as sin man pulling up a chair next to Blair. “He’s the ladies’ man of BPS.”

  “Gentlemen, this is Lily Miller and her friend, Blair Thomas. Please do your best to not send them heading for the hills, would you?”

  There was laughter all around and then a waitress came up to take drink orders. Before I knew what was happening, I was squeezed in at the table next to Brock and sipping a glass of red wine.

  Blair and Mason hit it off right away. They were flirting and chatting like old friends. Hunter and Wyatt pretty much kept to themselves. Which left me to try and make conversation with Brock or sit there silently.

  “I have a cat named Kiwi,” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “He’s a Bengal mix. My parents adopted him for me.”

  Brock just stared at me with a crooked smile. It was nice to see him not looking so tough. Maybe babbling about my cat wasn’t such an idiot move. I found myself smiling right back at him.

  “I’m more of a dog guy, myself, as you know.”

  “I figured that out right around the time your Shepherd tried to eat me this morning.”

  “Nitro just looks scary. He seemed to like you.”

  “I’d hate to see what he does to someone he hates.”

  Brock laughed and I felt tingles race up my thighs. I wrote it off as the wine taking effect. But also admitted to myself that his laugh was just as nice as his smile.

  He leaned in to pick up the beer he’d ordered, and his arm brushed mine, sending more tingles shooting through me. They must have given me extra-strong wine this time. Or so I told myself.

  I needed to get away for a second and cool down. It was getting steamy in this corner, whether I liked it or not, and that was the last thing I needed right then.

  “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom!” There I went, blurting things out again. Why could I not act like a normal person around this guy? “I’ll be right back.”

  I hurried for the dark hallway that housed the bar’s bathrooms, never thinking to look behind me to see if I was being followed.

  Chapter Six


  There was no way I was going to let Lily out of my sight in a place like the Cloud Nine. Or anywhere, for that matter, so I didn’t feel bad about following her.

  She darted into the restroom, and I waited outside, making sure nobody was hanging around for no good reason or looking like they might be some kind of problem for the curvy nurse.

  Truth be told, I was glad to be away from the chaos of the bar, and the laughter and loud talk coming from the table Lily and I had been sharing with our friends.

  It’s not like I didn’t enjoy being around my fellow BPS team members. I loved all of them like brothers and trusted them with my life. But I wanted Lily to myself.

  Every second I spent with her just made me want that more and more. It was like she was some kind of drug. And I was quickly becoming addicted. I couldn’t explain it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

  I hadn’t felt this strongly about about anyone of the opposite sex since my high school years, when I’d fallen head over heels for a girl named Charlotte.
  But she only had eyes for the school bully, only God knew why, and I hated bullies. So, I’d had my heart broken. And badly.

  Since then, I’d sworn off anything more than a fling, and even those were few and far between. I took some ball-busting from the guys over it, but I was too concerned about protecting my heart to care.

  Now, there was Lily, and I was more torn over what to do about her than I’d ever been about any woman I’d ever met before. On the one hand, my gut was telling me to go for it, and damn soon.

  On the other hand, my head was telling me that was a horrible idea, and for pretty much every reason I could possibly conceive.

  She was a virtual stranger and a client, even though we hadn’t discussed money or terms yet, and she was also apparently in the midst of being stalked by some obsessed asshole from her past.

  But none of that seemed to matter when I looked at Lily. All I saw was the soft pink curl of her lips. Or the way her body curved in all the right places. Or how her big brown eyes sparkled when she laughed.

  I groaned silently at how much I sounded like a school kid with a crush. What the hell was happening to me? I was too old for this crap. I knew better, dammit!

  Just then, Lily opened the bathroom door and fell into my arms. She’d flung herself out into the hallway and hadn’t been expecting anyone to be there. But I was, and I caught her before she could fall.

  Her body molded into mine and seemed to fit like a puzzle piece into my embrace. She was as soft as silk under my hands and she smelled like lavender. I knew I should release her to stand on her own two feet.

  Instead, I pulled her in tighter, and kissed her. I let my mouth do what it had been longing to do since the first moment I saw her. I gave in to my desires and claimed her lips with mine.

  Lily tensed up and I felt her gasp. But then she melted like hot butter. I heard her moan softly beneath the thump of the music from the jukebox. For a few sweet seconds, it was just me and her in the world.

  Until some dickhead bumped into us on his way to the bathroom. Lily gasped again and pulled back. Just like that, the moment was shattered, and I wanted to kick the ass of the guy who’d interrupted us.

  Lily looked into my eyes. “That was a mistake. We should get back to the others.”

  I could have sworn there was more there. There was no denying what had passed between us. It wasn’t just a kiss. Not for me. Not by a long shot.

  But I nodded my head and held my hand out for her to exit the hallway first. Now wasn’t the time or the place for me to argue with her about what had happened.

  All I knew was things had changed. I’d wanted to protect her from the very first. Now, I wanted more. I wanted to possess her in every way. Forever.

  Chapter Seven


  I don’t know what I was thinking. I never should have kissed Brock back the way I did. But how was I supposed to know he’d followed me? Or that I’d fall into his arms?

  Things had been different after that kiss. We’d gone back to the table, but I couldn’t remember a word anyone had said. I’d been too focused on the way my lips still tingled. And tasted like Brock.

  We’d all said our goodbyes in the parking lot of the Cloud Nine. Brock had pulled me to the side and those damn tingles had shot up and down my body again. I’d thought he might want another kiss. Such an idiot!

  “I have to get back to Nitro. Mason will be taking the overnight shift to keep an eye on your place.”

  I’d pushed down the disappointment that had welled up inside me. I’d thought he’d be taking all of the shifts. That he’d be my personal protector.

  “Oh, right! You need to take care of your dog. And yourself. Even bodyguards need sleep.”

  My nervous laughter had bounced off the nearby cars and Brock had reached out to gently brush my hair behind my ear. I’d seen pain and irritation in his eyes as they’d shone in the moonlight.

  “The very last thing I want to do is leave you, Lily.”

  His words had come out as a rough whisper and I’d felt my heart skip a beat. I’d had to bite my lower lip to keep from begging him to stay with me. Double idiot!

  “No problem, I promise! I’m sure Mason is great at his job. Thanks again for everything. Talk to you later!”

  I’d turned and hurried to my car. I’d had to get out of there before I’d looked like a total fool. And I’d also promised myself I’d feel better once I got home.

  Of course, I hadn’t, and I’d spent all night thinking about Brock and that kiss. My dreams had been filled with him. Mostly of what he’d look like naked in my bed.

  I rolled off the mattress with a groan and thanked my lucky stars I didn’t have to go into the hospital that day. I was a mess and I knew it. Taking care of patients would not have gone well.

  All I had to do was get some coffee and spend the day avoiding thoughts of Brock Bourne. He wasn’t the only one who had things to take care of, dammit! I had a life to live and I wasn’t going to spend my day off mooning over a sexy stranger.

  I felt better after having that little internal “come to Jesus” talk. I caffeinated myself, fed Kiwi and took care of his kitty needs, and then decided I would tackle some chores around the apartment.

  Blair was at work, and without her underfoot, I’d actually be able to get some cleaning done. I loved her but she was definitely the messier roommate. I had to sneak in housework when she wasn’t around.

  I turned on the radio, pulled my hair up into a bun, and got to work making our place shine. It was nice not having to think about stalkers or smoking hot bodyguards for a while.

  I was done in no time and admired my work before hopping into the shower. Cleaning hadn’t taken nearly as long as I thought it would. What the hell was I going to do with the rest of the day?

  I’d just pulled on some yoga pants and a cute new top when my phone dinged. I started tingling all over yet again when I saw it was a text from Brock.

  He was checking in to see how my night had gone. And to tell me he was on the way to my place to relieve Mason of his duties.

  I didn’t know how to respond to him. I’d just spent hours working up a sweat to try and keep Brock off my mind. I should have known he’d be popping back up.

  Instead of replying to his text, I went into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of iced tea, and to think about what I should say to him. I’d babbled enough around him and didn’t want to add gushing texts to my repertoire.

  Before I could get my thoughts together, there was loud banging at the front door, and my heart leapt into my throat. I figured it could only be one of two people.

  And I didn’t think my stalker would be so ballsy as to knock on my door in broad daylight. But the strong, panty-meltingly handsome, and commanding man I’d invited into my life to protect me?

  Well, Brock Bourne was a totally different story…

  Chapter Eight


  Mason had reported all was quiet during the night at Lily and Blair’s apartment complex. But then she hadn’t responded to my text. I needed to make sure Lily was safe. I needed to see her again.

  I pounded on her door, ready for anything and everything. Or at least, I thought I was. Until Lily opened the door in an outfit that hugged her curves and gave me my first really good look at her body.

  Lily’s face was flushed a pretty pink, and her chest was heaving as she stared at me. I couldn’t wait another second to have her in my arms. I rushed through the door and slammed it closed behind me.

  I could read desire flashing in her dark brown eyes and see the pulse in her neck throbbing. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down to trace it with my tongue.

  Lily moaned as I licked her sensitive flesh and I could feel the blood pounding through her veins as I slid the tip of my tongue along her neck. I inhaled deeply and filled my lungs with the sweet smell of her.

  I pulled back to look at Lily and saw that her face was contorted with longing. I was as hard as a rock in a
second, and I saw her eyes go wide when she felt my desire pressed into her hip.

  “I need to know what you want, lovely.” My words came out as more of a growl than a whisper. “I need to know I’m not the only one that wants this.”

  Lily closed her eyes and leaned in to press her lips to mine. But that wasn’t good enough. I needed to hear the words coming from her mouth.

  “No, you need to tell me, Lily. Right now. Or this stops here.”

  Her eyes popped open and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. I could feel her trembling beneath my touch. Waiting for her to answer me was damn near impossible.

  “I want you, Brock. Each and every inch of you.”

  I groaned. How could I say no to that? Why in the hell would I want to say no to her? I pulled her into me hard and fast, needing to feel her mouth on mine again right that instant.

  I crushed my lips to Lily’s, licking the satiny inner lining as I felt her body mold to mine, and I pressed myself against her. It was like I was drowning in Lily.

  I let myself fall for her, into her, not caring if I could ever come up for air. She was my air, my lifeblood, my everything at that moment.

  Lily’s lips were as hungry as my own, and she pressed into me just as hard as I pressed into her, almost taking us both off our feet.

  She moaned into my open mouth. “Please, Brock, please. I need you.”

  I groaned long and loud, and lifted Lily off her feet and into my arms. She wrapped her legs and arms around me, holding on as she told me how to get to her bedroom and I carried her there.

  I laid her down on the bed and held myself back from joining her long enough to drink in the pure pleasure of seeing her looking like a goddess in the golden light streaming in the shuttered windows.


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