Loving the Cowboy

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Loving the Cowboy Page 12

by J. P. Bowie

  “What’s that old song?” Tim whispered, when Ryan freed up his mouth.

  “What old song?”

  “Something about you being too marvelous for words. Think that’s how it goes. I heard that Michael Bublé guy singin’ it the other day, and I thought about you. I do believe it was written with you in mind.”

  “Considering it was written about fifty years ago, I seriously doubt that.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do, and thanks…and you’re marvelous too…fuckin’ amazing, really. Or is it amazing to fuck, or—”

  Tim slapped Ryan’s arm and laughed. “How to kill a romantic moment.”

  “Nothing romantic about the mess we made.” He rolled off Tim. “Ugh. Let’s hit the shower before we bed down for the night.”

  “We can hit the shower,” Tim said slyly, “but I don’t know about bedding down for the night, just yet.”

  “Anyone ever told you you’re a sex maniac?”

  “Just makin’ up for lost time, is all. And you get to be the lucky guy who’ll help me make it up!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Tim woke with a strange feeling that something was wrong. He lay quietly, listening for the sound that had awakened him. For a while all he could hear was Ryan’s steady breathing. Must have been dreaming… He was about to forget it and snuggle against Ryan’s warm body when he heard it. A distant whinny of distress.

  Shit. He rolled off the bed. Should he wake Ryan? It could be nothing, and the guy had a really early morning call to take the Williams twins to the airport. Let him be… He pulled on his jeans and sneakers and headed out through the common room, running when he heard that whinny again, an unmistakable sound of panic this time.

  What the fuck’s going on? He ran outside then froze when he realized the sounds were coming from inside the stable—and the stable door was open. No! How the hell could that have happened? Parker was adamant that the lock was checked every night by whoever was last out after bedding the horses down. A couple of years ago one of the stable boys had neglected to lock up, and although thankfully no damage had been done, Parker had issued a stern warning that it would not go well for anyone who failed to secure the stable at night.

  He strode quickly toward the door, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling with each step that brought him nearer. He could hear the sounds of some kind of struggle. He caught sight of the padlock hanging from the door. It had been forced open. For a moment he hesitated. Was it stupid of him to go barging in there on his own? What if some vandals had broken through the fence from the road outside? Okay, he wasn’t afraid. He could handle himself in a fight, but what if there was more than one guy in there? Only one way to find out. Another frightened whinny goaded him into action and he thrust the door aside and ran into the stable.

  His first concern was Rosie. Thankfully, although there were sounds of agitation from some of the horses, Rosie seemed calm enough, but what he saw at the far end of the stable made him madder than he’d ever been in his life. Brady, hauling on Midnight’s reins and beating him with a belt, the buckle leaving a bloody trail on the horse’s hide.

  “Brady! What the fuck, man? Get the hell away from him. Are you out of your mind? Stop that now!”

  Brady’s head snapped round, his belligerent expression one of anger and hate. “Tim!” he snarled. “Just the one I have to deal with before I leave.” He lurched forward, almost stumbling over his own feet.

  “You’re drunk, Brady.” That was all they needed. An overweight drunk trying to get on a horse, bareback, and go for a ride in the dark. All the makings of a complete disaster. What the hell is he thinking? “Brady, I’m gonna call the house now and get Royce and Parker over here.” He felt in his jeans pocket for his cell. It wasn’t there. Shit, it must have fallen out when Ryan threw my jeans across the room…

  Brady snorted in derision, but his leering stare that swept over Tim’s naked chest and down to his crotch told a different story, and Tim prepared himself to fight off any advances Brady had in mind.

  “Don’t try it, Brady. You’re gonna find yourself in deep shit if you do.”

  “Like you don’t want me too,” Brady slurred. “You’ve been giving me those puppy-dog eyes all week. You want me to fuck you, don’t you, Tim? That’s right, and I’m gonna do just that, right now.”

  “Are you nuts?” He’s gotta be nuts…he’s totally lost it. “Just back off, Brady, I mean it.”

  Brady charged forward, his body colliding with Tim’s and knocking him flat on his back, Brady sprawled on top of him. “Get the fuck offa me, Brady!” His fist connected with Brady’s jaw, startling the man only momentarily, but enough to allow Tim time to wriggle from under Brady’s corpulent body.

  Ugh. The stench of booze and sweat on Brady’s skin made Tim gag. Okay, he needed help here. Drunk as he was, Brady’s bulk made him a formidable opponent, which he proved when he charged at Tim again, this time pinning him against the wall, pressing all of his body into Tim’s, his hand tight around Tim’s throat.

  Shit, he’s gonna try and get off by rubbing himself over me. Goddam! Tim managed to get one hand free and slugged Brady on the jaw again. The big man yelped and roared with pain and anger when Tim kneed him in the balls.

  Time to go… Tim ran from the stable, straight into another big body, but this time it was a welcome one, and the arms around him held him secure. Ryan growled when Brady burst from the stable, his face livid under the light that shone over the stable entrance.

  “Don’t come any closer.” Ryan’s voice was deadly calm. “Unless you want a broken jaw and anything else I can lay my hands on.”

  “I’m calling the police,” Brady screamed. “He attacked me. I’m a paying guest here. He attacked me,” he repeated, pointing a shaking finger at Tim.

  “Yeah, like anyone’s gonna believe that,” Ryan said. “You’re drunk as a skunk, which is kinda appropriate, seein’ you are one.”

  Tim thought he’d never seen anyone as crazed as Brady. He’s totally lost it… He yelled out a warning when Brady lunged at Ryan. It proved to be the worst thing Brady could’ve done. Ryan’s fist connected with Brady’s jaw and sent the man sprawling on his back, screaming with pain and outrage.

  “How dare you. I’ll have you fired, I’ll have this place closed down, I’ll—”

  “You’ll do nothing!” Royce’s voice behind them cracked out sharp as a whiplash, and Brady stared at him, too stunned to even get to his feet. “Too bad we don’t have a jailhouse here, because that’s where you belong.” He turned to Tim, taking in the marks on his neck. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, Boss, but he was beating on Midnight—”

  “You bastard.”

  For a moment Tim thought Royce was going to strike Brady, but he seemed to control himself in time, although he was visibly shaking. “Parker, give me a hand to get this maniac on his feet, then go see to Midnight.” Once they’d got the corpulent man upright, Royce got in his face. “If you have injured my horse, I will have you arrested for animal cruelty. But I am going to call Sheriff Harper and report your assault on one of my employees.”

  “You—you can’t treat me like this,” Brady sputtered. “I’m the victim here. That employee, Tim, attacked me in the stable, and that one…” He pointed at Ryan, “struck me—” He broke off his tirade and stared wide-eyed when Cody, the Williams twins and the two new guests, Jared and Mitchell, gathered around, all registering different degrees of shock at what was going on.

  “You’ve done it this time,” Cody sneered. “I got you out of that disaster last year, but you’re on your own with this one. You really are a menace, Brady.” He turned to Royce. “I’ll look after him until we leave in the morning.”

  “What guarantee do we have that he won’t go rampaging around here again tonight if I let you take him back to your cabin?” Royce asked. “The man is drunk and irrational.”

  “We could tie him to the bed,” one of the Willi
ams twins suggested. That was met with snickers from the others, and Tim glanced at Brady, who looked as if he were about to implode. I guess this is the IED Sherry talked about.

  “I think the sheriff should take charge of this situation,” Royce said grimly. “I wouldn’t feel comfortable with Mr. Arnott allowed to roam around the ranch. He’s proven himself to be a danger to others.” He pulled his cell from his back pocket and punched in a number.

  “Hi, Joel, sorry to disturb you this time of the night, but I need you over at the Seven Plus. We’ve had an altercation that I think needs your services.” He listened for a second or two then said, “Thanks, Joel, see you shortly.”

  “Cody!” Brady yelled. “You can’t just desert me like this. You can’t leave me with this rabble.”

  Cody sighed. “There’s nothing more I can do for you, Brady. You’ve overstepped the mark before, but this time, you’ve done it in front of witnesses. Sorry, but I can’t be associated with you any longer. What I said after your last tantrum stands. We are no longer partners.”

  “But I can’t be arrested,” Brady wailed. “If word gets around, it could ruin my reputation, take clients away from the business. You’ll suffer too, you know,” he added spitefully.

  “Once I’ve quit the partnership, I doubt if it would have much impact. I suggest you apologize to Royce, Parker and all the staff here at the Seven Plus. If you make it heartfelt enough, Royce may just drop the charges against you. No guarantee of that, of course.” Cody gave Royce a small smile.

  Parker joined them at that moment and Royce asked, “Is Midnight okay?”

  “Could’ve been worse. Some shallow cuts I cleaned up and treated with astringent. He’s calm enough now.” He threw Brady a look of disgust. “Can’t imagine why anyone would mistreat an animal. You deserve a whippin’ yourself.”

  “More insult and threats,” Brady seethed. “When the sheriff gets here, I’ll file a complaint against all of you.”

  “Shut up, Brady,” his colleague snapped. “You’re only making it worse for yourself.”

  “Thanks, everybody, for showing concern,” Royce said, ignoring Brady’s latest outburst. “I hope this debacle won’t prevent you from returning to the Seven Plus.”

  “No way,” Joey—or was it Rory?—exclaimed. “We love this place. Just don’t let that old fart come back again.”

  Everyone stared when the entry gate to the ranch opened and Stu’s truck rolled in, followed by Sheriff Harper’s vehicle. Stu looked surprised to find a crowd out by the stable, not to mention the sheriff’s SUV behind him.

  “What’d I miss?”

  “You’re gonna find out in a minute,” Tim told him.

  Joel Harper approached the group, adjusting his gun belt slightly around his slim hips, his tight smile directed only at Royce and Parker.

  “Okay, what seems to be the trouble here, Royce?”

  Tim nudged Stu when his friend whispered, “He is so hot.” Tim agreed that Joel was one handsome dude, but right then he was all business as he looked around the assembled guests and employees.

  “I’ll tell you what the trouble is, officer,” Brady started to yell, but Joel held up his hand to quieten him.

  “I believe it was Mr. Chandler who called this in, sir. So I’ll hear from him first.”

  Royce nodded. “Can I suggest we go to my office and let the rest of the guests return to their cabins?”

  “Sounds like a good idea.”

  “Okay. Brady, Cody, Tim, Ryan and Parker, if you’ll accompany me inside, we can get this taken care of quickly as possible. The rest of you get some sleep. Have safe trips tomorrow, Joey and Rory. Ryan will drive you to the airport. We’ll see you at Christmas?”

  “You bet.” They gave Royce and Parker hugs then set off with Jared and Mitchell to their respective cabins.

  * * * *

  Much later, Tim and Ryan made their way back to the bunkhouse, glad to be on their own.

  The meeting in Royce’s office had been tense, with Brady interrupting everyone’s verbal statements with his litany of complaints. Joel had looked at Royce and, again, held up his hand to stop Brady’s slightly hysterical ranting.

  ‘Let me say something to you, Mr. Arnott.’ Joel’s deep voice had been enough to stop traffic. ‘I have known Mr. Chandler and Mr. Jones for many years, and not once have I had to listen to any complaints about how they run either of their businesses. Now, I understand from your colleague, Mr. Stocker, that much of what you are complaining about were the products of your own foolishness—and I’m quoting Mr. Stocker here. But the major problem here, Mr. Arnott, is the accusation brought by Tim Barrett that he caught you thrashing one of the horses and when he tried to stop you, you turned the assault on him.

  ‘These are serious accusations, Mr. Arnott, and there are several witnesses to your actions. Unless the charges against you are dropped by Mr. Barrett and the owners of the Seven Plus ranch, I will have no option but to arrest you and keep you in the jailhouse overnight, or until a judge can be found to set bail.’

  “I thought Brady was going to faint when he finally realized just what he was up against,” Tim said, leaning into Ryan, who had his arm around him.

  “You were all too nice to him. The bastard should be locked up. I’m just glad he didn’t hurt you.” Ryan gazed into Tim’s eyes. “I might’ve had to kill him.”

  “Thank God you didn’t. I don’t want to spend the rest of my days visiting you in prison.” They pressed their foreheads together and chuckled softly. “But I was so glad to see you when I ran outta that stable…my hero.”

  Ryan sighed and kissed Tim’s lips gently. “My…everything.”

  “Oh…” Tim was breathless for a moment. His eyes welled and he sank into Ryan’s arms, holding him as if his very life depended on it. Ryan pushed his door open and they fell into the room.

  “I can sleep any old time,” he murmured, steering Tim to his bed after kicking the door closed. “Right now, I just want to love you.” He lowered Tim onto the brightly colored blanket and lay over him. Their lips met, and Tim exulted in his heart. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he felt wanted and needed…and safe…and loved.

  * * * *

  Seth was all agog, listening to Tim regale him with the happenings of the previous day. “Darn it, and I had to be off yesterday. I’d have loved to see that fool bein’ given an earful by Sheriff Harper.”

  “He’s lucky Royce and Parker, not to mention Tim here, didn’t press charges against his sorry ass,” Ryan remarked, scowling.

  “Yeah, but Royce is no fool,” Tim said. “He drew up a document and had Brady sign it, releasing the Seven Plus from all liability if we didn’t press charges…and he had Sheriff Harper witness it. You know how stern Joel can look despite that handsome mug of his. Old Brady was fairly shakin’ in his shoes by the time Joel had finished with him. And the good thing is we never have to put up with him again. It was worth letting him go for that alone.”

  Seth grinned. “Amen to that, buddy. But I wish I’d been there to pop him one after Ryan did.”

  Tim chuckled. “He’s gonna have a big enough bruise on his jaw as it is, from walking into Ryan’s fist.”

  “What about Cody telling us about all those lawsuits against Brady from his own employees?” Ryan shook his head. “He is one major sleaze. I’m amazed no one has punched his lights out before this.”

  “Some people just never do learn,” Seth said. “Remember Mike’s ex, Tim? The shit he tried to pull setting an unhinged bodyguard on Mike, and nearly getting away with it.”

  “Wow, I need to hear that story,” Ryan said.

  “I won’t bend your ear with it right now, but some time over a beer…”

  Ryan nodded. “I’m just glad Royce called the sheriff.” He put an arm around Tim’s shoulders and pulled him close. “I wouldn’t have put it past Brady to think he’d gotten away with it all then turn around and file a lawsuit against the Seven Plus, and all of us,
even with Cody not backing him up anymore.”

  “Doesn’t it kinda surprise you that Cody would stand for all that Brady’s done, and over a bunch of years by the sounds of it?” Tim rubbed his face on Ryan’s shoulder. “I could never condone that kind of crap, no matter how good a friend he was.”

  Seth nodded. “Know what you mean, buddy. Maybe Brady had somethin’ on Cody to keep him quiet.”

  Tim shuddered and Ryan kissed his forehead.

  Seth grinned. “Look at you two. So in love, it’s just the best.”

  Ryan tensed and Tim looked at him, frowning. “What?”

  “He beat me to it,” Ryan said quietly.

  “Beat you to what?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Tell me now.”



  Seth laughed out loud. “You guys! Haven’t said the L-word yet, huh?”

  Tim groaned. “Seth, honest to God, one of these days…”

  “Okay, okay… I know when I’m not wanted.” He jumped to his feet and fled from the room.

  Tim stared at Ryan. “So…”

  “I love you,” Ryan said, and kissed him, tenderly at first, then, as Tim pressed himself into Ryan’s arms, with a lot more fervor. When they broke the kiss, both with seeming reluctance, Ryan asked, “Well?”

  ”Well what?”

  Ryan’s light, whiskey-brown eyes flared. “You know darned well what, you tease.”

  Tim smiled and brushed his lips over Ryan’s. “Yes, I know,” he murmured. “And I love you, Ryan, with all my heart and soul.”

  Ryan groaned with what sounded like relief and Tim chuckled. “What? After all we’ve been through together, you thought I wouldn’t say it?”


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