Their Special Agent

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Their Special Agent Page 22

by Mel Gough

  “Okay. Love you, Mom!”

  “Love you too, honey.” They hung up. So the Cheesecake Factory could elicit an I love you from a teenager. Carrie filed the information away for future reference. Feeling both elated and apprehensive about seeing the kid, she continued throwing her possessions into the open bag on the bed.

  She missed her girl, and now that the pressure of the unusual assignment had faded, the feelings of guilt and longing reasserted themselves. Maybe her next posting would be less travel-intense and she could have Trixie live with her, at least part-time.

  She rolled up her last pair of dirty socks and swiped the room she’d shared with Corey for the last two days for any stray items. Then she checked her watch. The guys should be back from the hospital by now. She’d told Corey on the phone she’d come over to the suite once Lou was settled.

  Now there was one aspect of this assignment she wouldn’t be sharing with Trixie or her mom. Wherever that new entanglement led, Carrie would take that path in private. Before this complication could unsettle her, she zipped up the bag and snatched the key card from the dresser, then let herself out of the room.

  As she walked down the elegant corridor on a carpet so thick it was like walking in a grassy meadow, she contemplated the vast changes of the last week. She’d left behind a dingy roadside motel to take up this case that she’d had no business with and really didn’t want, and now she was on the eleventh floor of a five-star hotel, going to join the three men that had torn up her loneliness and made her part of their strange but devoted circle.

  She swallowed and pulled her shirt straight. Now was not the time for introspection.

  From behind the third door she passed, a raised voice floated through the thick wood. This was Phil’s room, which he hadn’t left since they’d arrived at the hotel. He had the herculean task of rescheduling the rest of the Thistle Hearts tour. Finding new dates for the concerts they had to miss because of Lou’s injuries was proving tricky. Carrie didn’t envy his job. He should probably get an actual assistant.

  After sparing him a brief thought of commiseration she carried on down the corridor, and toward the large double door at the end.

  After two days in the hospital, the doctors had been satisfied with Lou’s recovery and had released him. Corey had gone to the hospital to bring him and Jay home. Since Jay had been in shock, and had in any case refused to leave Lou’s side, he’d also spent two nights at the hospital. Being able to pay upfront for a bigger room went a long way toward making a hospital stay bearable.

  Lou was under orders to take it easy for another couple of days, so they wouldn’t depart for New York just yet. Once they did, the plan was to give Lou ten days at home, then resume the tour with the dates already booked, catching up the rest later. Carrie had wondered how he would play the guitar with one hand.

  “He’s got a good voice, so he’ll do mostly vocals,” Jay explained. “I’ll play guitar, and Ant can be on bass.” He lowered his voice. “That was touch and go, to be honest. I thought we’d spooked those two for good.”

  “I can play a rattle or something,” Lou chimed up. “Or one set of castanets.”

  Smiling at the memory, Carrie knocked on the door to the suite.

  It was Corey who answered. His face broke into a grin at the sight of her. “Hey, babe.”

  She moved into his outstretched arms and he hugged her fiercely. From the way he held her they might not have seen each other in weeks. In reality, Corey had only left a couple of hours ago.

  “He okay?” Carrie took Corey’s hand.

  He motioned her to follow. “See for yourself.”

  Together they moved into the bedroom, where Lou lay on the bed, covered with a thin sheet and propped up on pillows. He looked up as they entered, his eyes seeking out Carrie. His face lit up. “Look out, Jay, she’s come to arrest you again.”

  He looked a mile better than when Carrie and Jay had freed him two days ago. The color had returned to his cheeks and his beautiful blue eyes were clear. Other than the bandage holding his right arm immobile against his chest, there was no indication that he’d been first injured by a falling stage and then abducted by a madman.

  As she took all of this in, a great weight lifted from Carrie’s shoulders. Now that he was here, and looking well, she could believe that he was going to be all right. Her disregard of Gibbs’s orders hadn’t been in vain.

  She moved to his side and bent down to kiss his brow. “It’s good to see you, darling.”

  He patted her shoulder clumsily with his left. “There, now.” His voice was thick with emotion, and a small sob escaped from Carrie’s throat. Lou stroked her back. “You’re worse than Jay.”

  “Hey,” Jay growled from behind Carrie. “Watch it.”

  She straightened up, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. She turned around. Jay was in the process of emptying Lou’s hospital bag.

  “Hey.” Her voice was shaky, and her palms grew sweaty. He gave her a half-smile. His dark eyes were unfathomable. They hadn’t seen much of each other while Jay’s focus was on Lou, and they hadn’t talked about what had happened in the forest.

  He dropped the crumpled T-shirt he was holding and stepped close. “Thanks for coming over.”


  For a moment they just looked at each other. Her heart beat wildly. She wanted to hug him, but was simultaneously afraid that he’d reject her.

  A struggle seemed to go on behind his dark gaze. At last, his brow unknit, and he motioned to her. As if a spell was broken, she rushed into his arms. As he held her close, she relaxed. She rested her head on his chest. His heartbeat was strong and solid, a haven of safety and warmth.

  “Get a room, kids.” Corey sounded amused. The next moment, he pressed against Carrie’s back. Jay opened his arms and drew him in. Bending her arm at an awkward angle, Carrie reached around and pulled Corey close. Her heart rate sped up as his dick pressed against her ass.

  “Don’t mind me.” On the bed, Lou sounded aggrieved. “I almost got killed twice, but sure, who cares.”

  Carrie looked up in time to see the shadow cross over Jay’s face. It had been a joke, but for Jay, the horror was still too fresh.

  “Stop whining, you fucker,” Corey said affectionately. “We’ve been hovering around your sickbed for days.” Yet he disentangled himself from Carrie and Jay and went to stretch out on the bed next to Lou. He slipped his hand under the sheet, and it bobbed up and down as he searched for access into Lou’s sweatpants. “Better?”

  Lou grinned, abashed. Corey added, “Come on, you two, don’t just stand there. The man has needs.”

  Jay quirked an eyebrow at Carrie. She bit her lip, then nodded. Jay took her hand and led her to the opposite side of the bed. Here, he kissed her.

  There was a commotion on the bed. Carrie and Jay both looked up. Corey was helping Lou to strip off his pants and boxer shorts. His dick was already hard. Corey stood and quickly stripped, too, his golden eyes alternating between Carrie and Jay, and Lou, who glanced at him with flushed cheeks, his good hand wrapped around his erection.

  Jay slipped a hand under Carrie’s shirt. A fire she’d never seen before smoldered behind his eyes. With shaking hands, she undid the buttons of her blouse.

  In only a few moments, all four of them were on the bed, naked. Only Lou still wore his T-shirt since the sling was fastened on top of it. He tugged on the hem for a moment, thinking. Then he shrugged, giving it up as a useless job. He looked around. “This is awesome.” He glanced at Jay. “We need a super king-sized bed for home, too.”

  “Is that so.” Jay sounded amused.

  “Yeah.” Lou’s eyes glittered. “We’ll need it when Carrie comes to stay.”

  All the men’s eyes were on her. Corey winked. Carrie cleared her throat. “We don’t know yet when that’ll be, honey.” She stroked Lou’s bare thigh. “Who knows what the Bureau has planned for me. An FBI agent doesn’t get to choose her assignments.” She’d told the th
ree of them that Gibbs had decided she needed to leave Baltimore. Lou had been excited by the prospect that she could be moved to the New York field office.

  “Let’s worry about that later.” Jay, who lay on the far side of the bed, reached over and stroked Lou’s flank. He let his eyes wander across the bed, an expression of satisfaction settling over his face. A rare sight indeed. He leaned down and kissed Carrie.

  She lost herself in the moment. It was different with an audience, but that only troubled her for a moment. She belonged here, with all of them to keep and cherish her. She reached up and let her fingers trail over Jay’s bare chest and his belly.

  There came a click, and a moment later a condom landed on Jay’s thigh. Carrie glanced around. Corey grinned at her. He continued rummaging in the wooden box, but Lou said, “Dunno if I’m up for that, Cor.”

  Corey shrugged and snapped the box shut. “No problem.” He leaned down and kissed Lou, who hummed and reached for Corey’s dick, which lay stiff and dark against his groin.

  Jay slipped a hand between Carrie’s legs. He fingered her for a few moments until he was sure of her attention. Then he ripped open the condom. She helped him roll it on, remembering how much he’d liked it when she’d done it the last time.

  He pushed himself to his knees. She wriggled around until he could get between her legs. While he got into position, they both watched Lou and Corey jerking each other off. Carrie hadn’t had any idea that watching two guys together could be this hot.

  “Spread,” Jay commanded. She obliged, but gave him a scowl. He smirked. Being bossy with her turned him on. Fine, if that was what he wanted, she could play this game as well as any guy. She hooked her leg around his waist and pulled him in.

  “That far enough for you?”

  Jay quirked an eyebrow in approval. “Perfect.” He lined himself up, dick in hand. He entered her, and she bore down. The urge to feel him fill her up was sudden and overwhelming.

  Next to them, Lou gave a whimper. Corey was cradling his balls, and both of them were panting. Lou’s gaze met Carrie’s. The impending orgasm was like fireworks in his eyes.

  Jay, momentarily distracted, stroked Lou’s leg. “You okay, baby?”

  Lou, expression hazy with arousal, nodded. “’s so good,” he gasped.

  Jay leaned down and kissed him, then kissed Corey, then Carrie. She could taste all three men on that kiss, and her lust doubled. She hooked her legs more tightly around Jay’s waist.

  “All right, all right.” He grinned. He began to move, slamming into Carrie harder and harder.

  A hand alighted on her breast. It was Corey’s. She glanced around. Lou had already come and was now working on Corey, pumping his dick hard. Corey smiled at her. His lips parted, his eyes fluttered shut, and he came with a deep, guttural groan. His hand squeezed her breast as strings of come shot onto Lou’s belly and Carrie’s hip.

  Jay panted above her. His face was covered in a sheen of sweat, his chest blossomed with crimson arousal. She planted her feet on the bed, pushing up, taking him in as far as she could. He growled, and picked up speed. She reached up to cup his face, using her other hand on her clit.

  “I’m so close.” Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper. Jay, eyes alight, pushed in one last time. Carrie came with a jolt that reverberated up and down her spine, crying out just as Jay hit his finish line.

  He collapsed on top of her. She pulled him in, closing her teeth around a piece of his shoulder as the orgasms pulsed through them both. He hissed, but didn’t pull away.

  Corey had kept his hand on her chest. Lou’s body lay flush against her side. Jay’s weight held her down, and she didn’t think she’d ever let him go again.

  When she at last surfaced from her high, Carrie surveyed the tangle of sweaty limbs, the bunched-up sheets. With a satisfied sigh, her eyes slid shut and she let herself slide into the cocoon of warm safety.

  It had started with a murder, secrets and fear, but at the end, all that was gone. A profound sense of new beginnings pervaded the sticky, silent air.

  All will be well. Her practical side scoffed at the ridiculousness of the thought, but a new voice inside told it to shut up.

  Today, she believed. Today, she wouldn’t argue.


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  About the Author

  Mel has written several m/m romance novels. Their Special Agent is her first Reverse Harem romance.

  You can find Mel on Twitter and Facebook, and there’s more information on her website at

  Also by Mel Gough




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