A Whole Latte Sass

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A Whole Latte Sass Page 17

by Marguerite Labbe

  “Yep, and he seemed perfectly content to remain there until registration for the costume contest, blaring his music and line dancing.” Ryan grimaced with heartfelt exasperation that Trask echoed.

  “Sorry you had to deal with that.” Trask gave him a sympathetic smile. At least at the Den, they could kick out anyone being too disruptive.

  Joe’s bushy eyebrows climbed up to his hairline. “Kids,” he grumbled. “Always have to be the center of attention.”

  Trask was sure every generation said something similar. He thought it was more of an individual thing. Take Felipe for instance, that was one who would not hesitate for a moment to be right in the center of things, but he wasn’t one to try to steal someone else’s spotlight in favor of his own. Now his best friend, Morris, he was more than happy to take a back seat and just observe what was going on around him.

  Ryan glanced at Trask to see if he was still listening. “Get on with it,” Trask encouraged. “How did the imp get involved?”

  “Word is the cosplayer did something to mess with one of Felipe’s friends. I never did get the full story. Everybody was so busy talking about the fallout they didn’t want to give details about the cause. Well, anyways, I’m stuck watching this fool gyrate in front of our booth, knowing that anything I say was only going to make the situation worse. And he was all up and down the booth, so nobody could get around it to look at the games. Then your man sashays up in a Catwoman costume.” A reluctant smile crossed Ryan’s face. “I’ve got to give it to him. No one struts like Felipe.”

  Trask grinned because he could just picture it. Damn, he wished he’d been there that day. He hoped someone took a video of the encounter. “He does have a way about him.”

  “The two exchange some sassy words, and I’ll admit I wasn’t happy to see Felipe at all. I thought they had staged the whole act between them. Then before the guy could start shit again, Felipe swipes his phone and goes skipping off, skipping mind you in heeled boots, like he really was Catwoman. I swear every vendor in the row clapped when the other dude chased him and Felipe led him right outside the building.”

  Felipe really was something else, and the more time Trask spent with him, the more he wanted to. Felipe just warmed him up, filled places that Trask hadn’t been aware needed filling. “I take it that means you’re softening up on the imp.”

  Ryan shrugged. “Maybe a little. Honestly, it was more that he took the repercussions without complaint. At least not out loud. The other dude is still bitching online even though he got his phone back and wasn’t booted from the con.”

  “They kicked him out?” Trask’s heart tugged for Felipe. He knew he’d been looking forward to the contest, and his costume looked amazing. Felipe poured his heart and soul into his cosplay.

  “Yep, for being the cause of such a big stink. However, a number of the vendors got together with the promoter and laid out the truth, so he’s not permanently banned. Morris Proctor led the charge on that one. Many of the cosplayers backed Felipe up. It was kind of odd having the two groups come together for the troublemaker.” Ryan shrugged and held out his hands. “Gotta give it to him. He sized up the situation and handled it. Maybe not how I would’ve handled it, but it got the job done and none of us were harassed anymore.”

  “Okay, now I’m intrigued.” Joe rose and nudged Trask’s arm. “After all these small hints from you about him, I want to know what this guy looks like.”

  Trask dug out his phone as Ryan smirked. He felt a little self-conscious. He wasn’t one to go around showing off pictures or talking about the guys he was seeing. He pulled up one of them together that they’d taken in Richmond with the dogs piled around them. It was a favorite if Trask was honest. That was the day Sophie had claimed him, and Felipe looked so damned happy. Trask liked that look on him.

  “Christ, Trask.” Joe glanced at him and then went back to studying the photo. “He’s a little young, don’t you think?”

  “Age is just a number, Joe. You ought to know that.” There were times when that observation made Trask wince, though most of the time he was of a fuck-it mind-set. Of all the differences between him and Felipe, age was probably the most minor. “It’s not like we’re making permanent commitments. We’re enjoying each other’s company. That’s all that needs to be said.”

  Joe handed the phone back with another shake of his head. “Seems to me you have plenty to say on the subject, more than you normally do. Sounds like the imp, as you call him, is going to turn your hair more silver than it already is. It’s my job to voice concerns.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, and this goes no further than us.” Ryan shot Trask a pointed look. “He’s an imp in a good way. He’s pulling Trask out of a rut. Hell, he gave him that sweet mutt that’s just as much of an imp as her former owner. You don’t have anything to worry about, Joe.”

  “Felipe would have heart palpitations if he heard you defend him.” Trask gave Ryan an amused glance. It was good to see him letting go of preconceived notions about Felipe.

  “I said this goes no further,” Ryan scolded with exasperation. “He’d use it as an excuse to chat my ear off the next time he comes to a con and you’re not there.”

  Joe made a noncommittal sound. “You spending the holidays with him?”

  Trask felt a little bad about backing out of it, and he knew Felipe had to be irritated. It was for the best. Felipe would see that when they had a chance to talk over the weekend.

  “No, he asked, and I considered it. We’re still new enough that I don’t want us to be under a microscope from his family. Besides, I asked Jason to have dinner at my place with me. His sister flat-out told him he wasn’t welcome for Thanksgiving.” Trask grimaced and shoved his hands into his pockets. That was something he’d never had to face. He chose not to visit his so-called family. He hadn’t been kicked out. He didn’t blame Jason’s sister, but it did make this season hard for those struggling, and he didn’t want Jason to be alone.

  “I thought he was keeping his old sponsor.” Joe cut himself a second slice of the coffee cake. “Nobody can bake like Reva. You tell her I said so, Ryan.”

  “Truth.” Ryan grinned and nudged Trask with his elbow. “You should’ve said something. We can shove over a couple more seats at our table for you and Jason. I’d assumed you were going to be with Felipe.”

  “You and Reva have been more than generous in opening up your home to me.” Trask lifted his coffee mug in a salute to Joe. “You and your family as well. I would’ve had many an empty holiday without you. Thanks for the invite. I’ll pass it along to see if he’s interested. He may just want to do something low-key. As for your question, Joe, his sponsor will be out of town, visiting a new niece I believe.”

  Trask glanced at his watch. “I’m going to go relieve Gillian before she starts texting me emojis.”

  “Good idea. Once she gets started, it roller-coasters from there.” Ryan poured himself another cup of coffee as he eyed the remainder of the cake. “See you tomorrow.”

  Joe waved his hand and went back to his second slice. Trask drained his cup and set it in the sink. It was late afternoon, and he’d left Gillian alone long enough with the new hire and a back room that would be half filled by now.

  Trask went to the back door that looked out on Joe’s fenced-in backyard. It seemed as if Sophie hadn’t stopped moving the whole morning, exploring the space from end to end, running through piles of leaves before they’d picked them up. She would sleep hard when they got to the Den. Trask really needed to think about getting a new place for her. His girl deserved a yard where she could run rampant, not his pint-sized loft.

  Sophie was streaking toward him before he even had the door all the way open. “Ready to go to the Den?” Trask leaned down to give her a pat as her ears pricked forward at the sound of his voice. “Yeah, you know where we’re going when I say that word.”

  “Thanks again for the help,” Joe said as he walked Trask to the door.

nytime.” Trask lightly clapped him on the shoulder. “See you at the meeting. Come on, Sophie.”

  Once he had Sophie settled in her harness and his phone set up in its holder, he directed it to call Felipe. He wanted to hear the imp’s voice, and not just on a recording.

  “What’s up, Tin Man? Can’t talk long. Big Brother is watching me in my iron cage.” Sophie barked at the sound of Felipe’s voice and wagged her tail wildly. “Hey there, Sophie.” Felipe’s tone warmed.

  Trask patted Sophie until she settled down. “I heard what happened at your con. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know that was a disappointment.”

  “Whatever,” Felipe said in a tone thick with disgust. “I should’ve known that pendejo would’ve gone crying to Tiffany. And she didn’t want to deal, so she sided with him to shut him the fuck up. What a fucking whiner. At least Morris got his money back, but still, the little bitch ruined his art, and that pisses me off a lot more than getting kicked out of a stupid con. I’d do it again.”

  Trask wished Felipe wasn’t so far away so he could swing by with a cup of coffee, a little something to put a smile on Felipe’s face. “I have no doubt you would. You’re a good friend, Felipe.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. His friends have been harassing me online. Nothing I can’t handle. Bunch of amateurs if they think they can one-up me with words. Besides, I’m not going to have to see his ugly face for a long time. Tiffany can have him. I’m not doing another con of hers again, and Dakota is making sure he won’t cause trouble at one of Brenden’s cons. The dude is on the Chessie Con shit list. It’s a short but notorious list, and once you’re on it, Brenden isn’t known for softening his attitude. Look, I’ve gotta go. Any chance you can come over tonight?”

  That was tempting but not practical. “I wish I could. But I have to close tonight and open tomorrow. It’s one of those times when it would be nice if we lived closer together.” Even if there wasn’t much traffic between Southern Maryland and Richmond, it was still a haul. “Maybe you can come down the night before our game?”

  “I’m working the late bridge shift. Damn, this sucks. Gotta go.” Felipe made a smacking kiss sound. “We’ll figure something out.”

  Trask sighed as the call ended. That imp sure had put some kind of spell on him. He’d been well and truly snared. He glanced down at Sophie. “What do you think?” Her tail thumped against the seat. “Yeah, me too, girl, me too.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  AS SOON as Felipe got his hands on Trask, he was going to get some answers out of that man. Something was going on, but damned if he could figure it out. He thought it was frustrating when he was dating Dakota. It was three times more frustrating with Trask in Richmond. He didn’t roam around like Dakota did, going from one venue to another interview and then off on tasks for Brenden. Trask stayed put for the most part, but Richmond was too far away for Felipe to just pop on over there every time he wanted to scratch an itch. Or nail Trask down so he could figure out what was up with him.

  Maybe he was just being paranoid. Maybe he was just disappointed over Thanksgiving. He’d been looking forward to it, and he didn’t like the idea of Trask dining alone. Or maybe he was picking up the weird vibe in the air.

  Felipe muttered darkly to himself as he stomped up the stairs with Lady running on up ahead. “I really can pick them, can’t I?” he asked his dog as she waited patiently for him to open the door instead of dodging through the doggie door as she would’ve done when she was younger. “They all make better friends than fucking boyfriends.”

  He was supposed to meet Abby online tonight to go over some tentative plans for their joint website. He couldn’t bail on her, no matter how tempted he was. He hated it when people bailed on him. And despite his feelings, this situation with Trask was not an emergency. He’d pin him down when they met over the weekend. He’d already arranged to work late on Sunday, so he could take his time getting his answers.

  Felipe threw his coat over the back of his couch and groaned when he saw the pile of schoolbooks on the coffee table. What had possessed him to add this venture with Abby now? After the holidays he’d have his associate’s degree and plenty of time to launch into a brainless new project. But the momentum was there now. He and Abby were on the same wavelength for once, and he didn’t want to mess that up by backing out.

  He closed his eyes and deflated, then felt a heavy head on his knee. He rubbed his hand over Lady’s ears. She always knew when he was moody. “You wouldn’t desert me, would you girl?”

  She licked his hand, her eyes bright. “Yeah, I love you too.” Felipe patted the couch beside him. “Come on, you can cuddle with me as I suffer over accounting.”

  His main door opened and Felipe almost snarled in exasperation. Only one person walked in unannounced. “Mariana, I told you to knock. Fucking knock. My place, you know. Even if I was still living downstairs and you were coming to my bedroom, knock!” One of these days, his baby sister was going to catch him in a very compromising position, and dammit, she’d have no one to blame but herself. Felipe didn’t see the need to lock his door when no one ever came back here without pinging him first but her.

  “If Mama hears you cussing at me, she’s going to lose it.” Mariana plopped into the worn wide armchair across from him, her expression plaintive. She knew what a sucker he was when she gave him that look. He couldn’t stand seeing his little sister unhappy. “Can I study here with you? Dad’s been in a mood, and I don’t want to listen to another one of his lectures.”

  Felipe winced in sympathy. When Dad got started, it didn’t end until he was dead certain you had soaked in every bit of the wisdom he was dishing out. And he could trust Mariana would not only actually study, but she’d get on him if he slacked off. “What are you working on?”

  “Essay on Antigone. Those Greeks were a mess. Nobody could be happy.” Mariana pulled out her little laptop and curled up on the chair. She was small and lithe, with the body of a dancer, a razor-sharp mind, and an ability to focus that Felipe envied. He could only concentrate if he was invested. “If I was a Greek back then and I ran into an oracle, I’d just off myself then and there and save myself the agony to come.”

  “If you were in a Greek tragedy, the knife would break so you couldn’t off yourself, and to add to the insult, the attempt would put you in a situation that only made things worse.” Felipe shook his finger at her. “Never try to thwart the gods. They get pissier than a drag queen who lost out on the last pair of Jimmy Choos in her size.”

  Mariana shook her head with a smile and bent over her work as Felipe pulled up his accounting project. If he got this done before his online meeting, the night would be a win despite his irritation. As much as he bitched at his sister for completely tromping all over his rules, her presence soothed him. Nothing got Mariana worked up. She was like a mini lola. Between her and Lady, his night was looking up.

  “I met your new boyfriend.”

  Felipe looked up sharply. She was frowning at her computer, idly twirling her pencil in her hair. “When the hell did you do that?” Then his eyes widened. “Oh fuck, the morning after he stayed the night. Fuck.”

  Mariana looked up this time, her brow furrowing in a frown, and Felipe tried to remember to put a damper on his foul mouth. He’d wanted to introduce Trask at Thanksgiving. He’d mentioned him to his parents a couple times. Showed pictures to his lola and opened up about Trask to her. He knew Trask would be a hard sell at first, but once they got to know him, he knew they’d like him. They just had to give him a chance. And somehow it had already happened without him and Trask hadn’t said a damn thing!

  “What did you think?” Felipe asked cautiously. Mariana was usually open with her opinions.

  “I didn’t get much of a chance to form an impression. He was real polite, though.” Mariana looked up at Felipe and wrinkled her nose. “He’s kinda old, don’t you think?”

  “He’s not as old as he looks. The silver sexiness has to be a genetic thing.”
But even if Trask were fifty, Felipe would want him. He pondered Mariana’s words with foreboding. “Why didn’t you get a chance to talk to him? Trask run off? He can be a little closemouthed around people.”

  Mariana shook her head and went back to her essay. “Dad shooed me away so he could talk to him.”

  The sense of foreboding struck full force. Trask and Dad had been alone together. That might explain why Trask backed out of Thanksgiving and was acting so fucking weird. And why his dad had been giving him the stinky side-eye all damned week. “Excuse me.”

  “Wait, where are you going?” Mariana asked, her dark eyes widening in alarm.

  “Going to talk to Dad.” He’d get some answers, too, and then he was taking this up with Trask. If he and his dad got into it, he had a right to know, dammit.

  “Wait!” He heard Mariana scrambling to her feet. “Calm down. Take a deep breath.”

  Felipe waved her back. “If my computer rings, answer it and tell Abby I’ll be right up.”

  He marched down the back steps with Lady in his wake, already whining. She hated it when he and his dad fought. He gave her an absent pat as he saw his parents through the glass doors, sitting on the couch, watching TV. His grandparents weren’t in sight.

  Then he glanced at his watch. Yeah, they were in bed, which was for the better. They’d take sides and it would become a whole family thing. Felipe slid open the door and stomped through the kitchen. His dad hit Mute with the remote. “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “What did you say to Trask?” Felipe demanded, his hands on his hips as he stared his dad down.

  “So he went crying to you, huh?” His dad crossed his muscled arms over his stomach, his face weathered from spending more time outdoors than he did inside. Donato Suero looked like a man who spent his life building, his shape blocky and enduring. “I wondered if that was going to happen.”


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