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A Whole Latte Sass

Page 24

by Marguerite Labbe

  Felipe pondered that, trying to decide if he should make a fuss, though he wasn’t sure if he was more irked for Trask or himself for missing out on seeing him. “You should’ve called me. You could’ve dropped in at my place.”

  “I was planning on it, actually.”

  Felipe waited, but nothing else emerged from Trask’s lips. The man was fucking exasperating. Felipe bet that whatever happened that stopped him from coming was behind Trask’s brood, but it looked like he would have to pry it out of him. “You got lost? Sophie tripped you and knocked you out and you lay for two days on the floor with a concussion?”

  “You amuse the hell out of me, Felipe. No, no, it was nothing like that.” Trask sighed. “I wanted to surprise you, so I didn’t say anything about my plans. Then a cop came by as I was taking Sophie out before we left. The guy who was supposed to come over OD’d. Lucky for him, someone found him and called for an ambulance.”

  Felipe frowned down at his hands. Getting anything out of Trask involved yanking and prodding and pushing. Trask wasn’t the only one who could listen, dammit. He hoped the man didn’t have some crazy delusions about needing to shelter Felipe. He’d have to make sure he knew better.

  “Is he going to be okay? What did the cops want with you?” Felipe’s imagination took off. What if they’d arrested Trask and that’s why he’d been so lost in his own thoughts? That would explain him not being able to show up and his general broodiness. “Morris’s dad is an awesome attorney if you need one.”

  “Christ no. I’m good. They were just looking for Jason’s next of kin in case any medical decisions needed to be made. I was an emergency contact in his phone. That’s as far as it went. I’m sure Morris’s dad is amazing, but I’d prefer to never have to deal with lawyers, cops, and courts. I went to the hospital to be with him.”

  Trask fell silent again, and Felipe decided he could exercise some patience. Maybe. Or then again, maybe not.

  “Will he be okay?”

  “That’s up to him at this point.” After a few minutes, Trask sighed and continued. “He pulled through. I recognized that look in his eyes when he woke up. Like he knew he should be dead. We got him a bed at a long-term rehab center not far from the hospital. They’ll see him through the holidays. Help him find a new job and housing.”

  Those were all good things, in the end, leaving Felipe thinking there was something else that Trask wasn’t saying. “You did everything that was in your power to help, right?” Felipe waited for Trask’s nod. “Then what’s eating at you?”

  “Nothing that I can control, which means I’ve got to let it go. Not one of my strengths. He made his own decisions. He’s going to keep making his own decisions. It just sucks to witness sometimes and to wonder if I could’ve done something or said something to make the outcome different.” Trask leaned his arm against the window again as the brood came back to his expression. “I’ll be okay, just need to work it out in my head.”

  “You could talk to someone,” Felipe pointed out with the air of it not really mattering. “Throw it all out there. Sometimes it’s less about getting opinions on what you could’ve done and more just venting.”

  “I don’t like talking too much about details to Ryan or Joe… feels too much like gossiping.” Trask grimaced and dragged a hand through his hair. “I hated feeling like people were talking about me behind my back, even if I was giving them a reason to do so.”

  “I kinda like it. Makes me want to give them something to yap about.” Felipe smirked, and then he turned serious. “You could talk to me.”

  Trask looked at him with another one of those slow smiles. “Yeah… I could talk to you. I know it seems like I don’t, but some things I talk about better in person. I’m not a phone guy, really.”

  “I’ve noticed,” Felipe said in a dry voice.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I was coming over for comfort and snuggles before I got the news.” Trask cast a look his way that seemed sincere and not teasing.

  Felipe lifted his brow. “Comfort and snuggles? For some reason, those words sound odd coming from your mouth.”

  “I was feeling lonely,” Trask admitted. “I wanted to see you. And I’ll admit, I was hoping to lure you upstairs with the promise of getting me naked.”

  Trask was flirting with him in his own understated way, and it completely charmed Felipe. “I don’t know.” Felipe tried to keep a straight face as a smile kept tugging at his lips. “Are we talking about you being already naked in bed or doing a striptease for me? After all, there was pie and coffee downstairs.”

  “And trilingual Boggle,” Trask said wryly. “I’m not sure a striptease can compete.”

  Felipe slid his hand up Trask’s thigh. “That is tough. I think when we get to the hotel room you should show me what you’ve got. Then I’ll judge.”

  Trask caught his hand before it could go any farther and kissed his fingers. “You’re on, imp.”

  Felipe’s cock surged to attention. He had not expected that answer, and now that he had it, he was impatient to see what Trask would do. “Trask.”


  “Drive faster.”

  Trask laughed, the sound filling the truck, and Sophie barked in response. It made Felipe smile to see the moodiness disappearing from his expression. “You light me up, you know that, Felipe?” His eyes softened, and he ran a hand through Felipe’s hair. “You just light me up.”

  Felipe’s heart beat faster. That almost sounded like an admission of affection, and for once, his tongue was tied up in a knot. He wanted to admit that he was falling in love with Trask, but he didn’t want to scare him off when they were coasting along so smoothly. “Good, you need a little light. Sophie and I are going to make sure you get all the sunshine you can handle. Aside from that, anytime you want to vent, I swear, I do know how to shut up and listen.”

  “I have noticed that.” Trask frowned at the road ahead. “I guess I don’t get through things by venting. I handle it better by doing. Doing something positive, like going to this show and getting stock for the Den. By enjoying your company for a long weekend away. It helps me to put it all into perspective.”

  It warmed Felipe to know that he was able to help, even if it was just by his presence. “Good to know. I have to make sure my man is okay. I have an insatiable need to look out for the people in my life.”

  “Who looks out for you?” Trask asked with a searching glance. “Who makes sure you take a break from work? Or picks you up when you’re down?”

  Felipe pursed his lips. Nobody had ever asked him that before. “Well, there’s Lady.”

  “Never underestimate the love of a good dog,” Trask murmured, running an affectionate hand over Sophie.

  “Morris has always been a good sounding board for me, though lately he’s been pretty wrapped up in Theo and Lincoln, which has forced me to focus my attention on Abby. I’ve vented to her some, which is weird and quite possibly amoral. But she has a way of dragging reactions out of me.” Felipe wrinkled his nose. “I’ve managed to get her to unload some too.”

  “I think it’s quite possible you two are better friends than you want to admit.”

  “Don’t blaspheme.” Felipe shook his finger at Trask. “There’s you too. I love the fact that you actually listen to me and don’t half-ass it. Mostly, though, I’d say it’s my lola, my grandmother. There’s probably nobody who knows me like her.”

  “Grandmothers are a special breed.” There was a wistful note in Trask’s voice. “Nothing else like them on earth.”

  “You’ll get a chance to meet her.” Felipe tugged his portfolio out of his bag and started going through the different design ideas he had for Mariana’s prom dress. “Dad wants us all to go out to dinner together. Well, us and my parents.”

  Trask made a noncommittal sound and went silent again as Felipe began to talk about all his current projects. He had enough sewing and designing to keep him engaged for the next couple of months, and other than Abby�
�s dipshit client, most were beyond easy.

  In between them, Sophie laid her head on Trask’s lap with a mournful whimper.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  TRASK HAD discovered this beauty among the hodgepodge of items on sale in the antique barn. He ran his hands over the wide expanse of the triangular-shaped tabletop as he mentally reviewed Felipe’s apartment space. That should fit in the corner quite nicely. But he wanted to be sure. This was Felipe’s gift. It had to be just right. Only there was no easy way to pop over to his place to take measurements. He’d eyeballed the space when he’d picked up Felipe for their trip to Pittsburgh, but the imp hadn’t let him out of his sight long enough pull out his tools.

  He sat back on his heels and pondered the problem. There was only one real solution. It was one Trask was reluctant to take. Trask studied the table. Time to suck it up. This was for Felipe. He took out his phone and scrolled through to the group text Felipe had set up so they could discuss dinner plans together. A quick flutter of nerves hit him, and he ruthlessly quashed it. Felipe’s father had extended the invite. The least Trask could do was to meet him halfway.

  He found Donato’s number, took a quick picture of the table, and laid out the measurements. He composed and erased several messages before settling on one. Would you mind doing a favor for me? I’m looking at this table for Felipe, but I want to be sure it will fit in the corner of the living room where his crafting tubs are. Would you mind taking a couple measurements? He hit Send and pushed away the uncomfortable feeling. It was done. No sense angsting over it.

  A weekend alone with Felipe had hooked Trask hard. Despite Felipe’s worries that he’d talk too much, there had been plenty of times when he’d been silent while he was working on his schoolwork or on the sewing project he’d brought along. Trask had taken advantage of those times to enjoy the silence and read. It had been good to share those quiet times, to share calm without it being awkward. As much as he enjoyed quiet, Trask had a surfeit of it in his life. When he wasn’t still, Felipe was always entertaining. Trask was sure he aggravated Felipe more than Felipe aggravated him.

  But a little exasperation was good. Kept them from getting complacent. One thing Trask had learned over the many years of failed relationships was that they took work, and if both parties weren’t willing to work at it, they might as well put a halt to it quickly. Felipe wasn’t one to back down from a hard conversation. He might flail and stomp off and engage in other dramatics, but he always returned to have it out, and he listened, which had been a surprise, Trask would admit. He was a never-ending revelation. Those who took him for a shallow diva were missing the chance of getting to know an amazing man.

  Felipe had eased Trask’s brood over the events of Thanksgiving. Of course, he’d shoved him right back into another brood over this damn dinner with his parents. Christ. Families. Trask just didn’t know how to deal.

  Trask crouched to examine the table closer as he waited to see if Donato would respond. The surface was nicked and scarred but nothing he couldn’t fix with some sanding and varnishing. It had been made from red oak, and it would shine when Trask had finished fixing it up. Felipe would love every inch of it. Trask could almost picture his excited delight, and it put a smile on his face.

  One of the legs was wobbly, and Trask ducked underneath to investigate. The side panel of wood against the leg had rotted through. He could replace that easy. There were half a dozen cubbies and drawers, perfect to organize Felipe’s tools and supplies. It would be so much nicer for him to have them on hand instead of storing it all in those plastic tubs he had around his apartment. One of the drawers stuck. On the same side as the rotting plank. Wood had probably swelled too much, warped the runners. It would take many hours of manual labor, but Trask could do it. He’d sweet-talk Ryan into letting him use his workshop.

  His phone dinged, and Trask pulled it out. That thing is going to need a lot of work.

  The man had to see the beneath the surface. Yeah, but nothing a little TLC won’t fix. And a visit to the lumberyard to see what he could find to match. Some of the wood was beyond saving, but not most.

  You have an eye for potential.

  Trask hid his grin as he got back up and dusted off his seat. That was an encouraging sign. If it didn’t fit just right in the corner, it could still take the place of Felipe’s rickety table. The corner was ideal because it would give him more room. Felipe’s space wasn’t as limited as Trask’s, but it was still tiny. Thanks. I’m getting it before someone else sees this potential.

  I’ll double-check the measurements, but I think you have a winner.

  Trask put his phone away, a little more confident that their dinner plans wouldn’t be the awkward affair he dreaded. He set off, looking for a staff member to negotiate with.

  If he played this right, he could get the table at a steal and it would be a beauty when he was done. Probably wouldn’t get the repairs finished before Christmas. Time was just racing by. But there was no rule that said a gift couldn’t be given on any day for any reason, and Trask couldn’t wait to see Felipe’s whole face light up when he saw the finished piece.

  He had just loaded the purchased table onto his truck when his phone rang. A slow flush of pleasure filled him as he recognized Felipe’s ringtone. The imp had stolen his phone and programmed his own song with Timberlake announcing that he was bringing sexy back. It absolutely fit his sass and confidence and never failed to make Trask smile when he heard it.

  “Yeah, imp?” Trask slid into his truck and set it on speaker before he pulled out. “What’s going on?”

  “Every dangly bit I own is freezing solid. Especially the fun ones,” Felipe grumbled. “My heater is acting up. Dipshits don’t know how to shut off their fucking windshield wipers, and if I get struck in the face one more time with dirty, icy water, I’m going to shove a Christmas tree up their ass and make them my own personal angel tree topper. I’ll even make them wings.”

  Trask winced at the imagery. “Damn, that’s vicious.”

  “So’s ruining my eyeliner and making this damn job more miserable than it already is.” Felipe sighed. “Did you get the picture I sent you?”

  “I did. I like the look on you.” Eyeliner made Felipe smolder. He didn’t need it, but Trask wouldn’t complain. “You know I’ve always wondered. When you wear those skirts or women’s costumes that you sometimes do at cons, do you wear women’s underthings as well?”

  “Always wondered, hmmm?” Felipe’s voice dropped to a seductive purr. “Did you wonder this before we hooked up?”

  “Maybe a time or two.” Trask was only human, and Felipe was the sexiest man to ever strut into a con. It wasn’t so much his looks. Those weren’t bad. It was his confidence. It just oozed from him. Confidence in his look and in his skill in pulling it off.

  “Why, Trask Briscoe, you naughty man,” Felipe teased with glee. “I love it. Just you wait until I get my hands on you. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Closing up the Den.” Trask thought of an evening with Felipe with regret. He’d learned to recognize that tone from Felipe, and it stirred his blood every time. He wasn’t sure when he’d get the chance to see Felipe again and have him make good on the promise in his voice.

  “Why don’t I come over after I get off? I can grab Lady, pick up something to eat for us on my way down, and we can relax together until it’s time to go meet my folks this weekend.” Felipe did not sound at all worried about a situation that filled Trask with dread. The thought of Felipe being with him tonight gave him something else to anticipate. “Do you have to be at the Den tomorrow too?”

  “Yep, we’re going to be packed. Full day of events.” Trask’s loft was too small for two good-sized dogs, but Sophie and Lady got along just fine, and they’d survive the crowding for a couple of nights. There was more room at the Den, especially when they had access to the outside. Trask doubted they’d see Lady again after she found the doggie door. “Gillian is going to close up for me, so we ca
n leave in plenty of time for dinner. Come on down. I’d love to see you, Felipe.”

  “I’m mentally already there. Ugh, the cellmate the tollbooth over is giving me the side-eyes. Probably going to report me for being noncompliant. I’ll see you later.”

  Felipe was trouble and a half in the most delightful way. He just skated through life. Obeying the rules when it suited him, flipping the rules off at other times, and somehow managing to always stay mostly on people’s good side. And though there could be a bite in his words, there was no deliberate maliciousness in him. He was simply himself with no apologies to anyone.

  At least Trask felt that he’d lightened the man’s day a little bit. He knew Felipe was all ready to go job hunting when the New Year started and he had his degree in his hand. There had to be more job opportunities for him in Richmond than Southern Maryland. Trask wasn’t sure how Felipe would take the suggestion, though. He bitched about the county he lived in, but it was clear that he loved it too.

  Trask pulled up in front of Ryan’s house. His friend was at the Den, taking the morning shift, but to Trask’s surprise, Reva’s car was in the driveway. He’d expected Ryan’s fiancée to be out, getting last-minute Christmas shopping done or running errands for the wedding early next year. Well, he couldn’t ignore her while co-opting Ryan’s workshop. That would be rude.

  Trask stuffed his work gloves in his back pocket and went to ring the doorbell. Reva opened the door with a wide, welcoming smile, the scent of baking wafting out. There was chocolate in the air and pecans. Next to coffee and macaroni and cheese, fresh baked goods were a weakness of his. “Smelling good there, Reva. It lured me all the way to the door.”

  Reva smiled with her whole being, not just her mouth. She had a diamond-shaped face with a long, narrow chin and broad cheeks. She beamed at him now and opened the door wider. “Trask. What brings you here? Ryan forget something? Come in. I just pulled some cookies out. You can take a box to the Den.”


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