A Whole Latte Sass

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A Whole Latte Sass Page 32

by Marguerite Labbe

  Mrs. Suero came into the apartment and let out a low sound of appreciation. “Oh, Felipe’s going to want to get to work immediately.” She shot Trask a smile that was pure Felipe. “I love reclaimed furniture. Seems a shame to me to throw something away that can be reused if given a little attention.”

  “Only you expect me to give it that little attention,” Donato said with a fond glance.

  “Just as you expect me to attend to all your splinters and other war wounds.” Mrs. Suero studied the table a little longer with her hands on her hips, and then she gave it a satisfied nod. “Come on, let’s go have that cup of coffee. I think there might even be some biko leftover, too, if Mariana hasn’t gotten into it.”

  Trask thought he’d heard Felipe mention that dish a few times with a gleam of appreciation in his eyes. He glanced around, saw Sophie wrestling playfully with a hank of rope, and whistled to her. “Sophie, let’s go.”

  The scent of brewing coffee greeted them as they came downstairs. The Sueros puttered around in the kitchen, going through cabinets and rifling around in the fridge. Trask looped his thumbs through his jeans and studied the pictures on the walls. Generations of family decorated the place, mostly in casual shots that Trask believed always revealed more about their subjects than the formal portraits did.

  “That one was always a favorite of mine,” Donato said from over his shoulder, pointing to a snapshot of two dark-haired, dark-eyed women laughing as one bounced a toddler on her knee and the other wrangled a young boy. Trask would know those laughing eyes anywhere. “The lady snagging Felipe is his lola. The other is mi madre holding Mariana.”

  “It’s a sweet photo. Felipe always talks about the both of them with a great deal of love.” Trask turned around and accepted the mug of coffee Donato handed him. On the table was a little plate piled with what looked like sticky rice cakes. “Thank you. Those look delicious, Miz Suero.”

  “Call me Ratree, and I can’t claim any credit for them. My mother does most of the cooking around here.” Felipe’s mom fussed with the napkins, betraying the nerves that Trask also felt.

  Donato waited until they were seated and each had a serving of the cake before he spoke again. “Felipe’s different. He’s always been different, and I’ve always worried that he wouldn’t find someone who appreciated that about him. I haven’t had much of a chance to see you two together, but what I have seen and heard, you do seem to value his creativity and feelings.”

  Trask laced his fingers together and contemplated Donato. The judgmental expression, the tightening around his eyes that Trask had seen before, was no longer there. Even Ratree seemed to have softened some, though she continued to worry her lip. “I don’t think you have to be concerned about Felipe settling for the wrong partner. It’s just not in him. He’s an all or nothing kind of guy. If we hadn’t worked together, he’d have left me ages ago and never looked back.”

  “He’s a romantic dreamer.” A worried frown puckered Ratree’s brow. “He’s had this wish for settling down for years now. He’s tried to not let it show, but Felipe can’t hide much.”

  Trask smiled in appreciation for that comment. Felipe certainly didn’t keep much in. He took a bite of the biko and savored the sweetness as he considered his words. “He’s a romantic dreamer to an extent. He has his dreams and isn’t afraid to work toward them, but he’s pragmatic enough to realize when something isn’t working and cut his losses.”

  It was an intriguing mix. One that Trask didn’t see often. People could probably say the same about him. He’d always wanted that storefront, a place for geeks to be geeks with no apology. He’d rolled with the changes as they came, though, not sticking to one way because it differed slightly from his original vision, and because of that the Den had evolved to what it was today, and it was thriving.

  “Have you two addressed the age difference?” Donato asked and bit into his own biko with an appreciative gleam in his eyes.

  “Not so much.” Trask stroked his fingers through his beard. “I had a few qualms when he started flirting. But he’s an adult, and he sure as heck makes his own decisions. I for one cannot fathom why he set his sights on me, but he did. At this point, the age difference isn’t really all that profound.”

  Forty years down the road, that was a different story, and there were times when Trask was nagged with guilt over it, but he knew exactly what Felipe’s opinion of that would be. “The truth is, I don’t think either of us expected to develop any real feelings beyond friendship and companionship, but we did. I can’t in good conscience pull back and hurt him because I worry about what the future might bring. I tried that when I wanted him to focus on his relationship with y’all, and that didn’t go too well.”

  “Yeah, he’s never been one to be told what to do.” Donato grimaced. “It’s why we butted heads so often when he worked for me.”

  “To be honest, if I’d suspected we’d be headed down this road when I asked him out for coffee, I’d have held my peace.” Trask stared down at his coffee and thought about everything he would’ve missed out on. “And I’d’ve been wrong. So I guess it’s a blessing we cannot see our own futures.”

  Donato nodded and studied Trask a moment. “I get the feeling you and I are going to understand each other well.”

  Trask smiled slowly with a sense of satisfaction and relief. “Yes, sir. I think we will.”

  “It’s a mother’s job to worry,” Ratree cut in. “And I’d worry no matter who Felipe ended up with, or what job he takes, or where he lives. But as he reminded me, not giving you a chance is exacerbating the issue. So I’m late to the party, but I’m willing to give this a chance because Felipe loves you. I can see that.”

  The tension that Trask had been carrying around since he arrived eased. “And you all are a reminder that not every family is bad. Sometimes I forget that. I like knowing that Felipe has y’all to fall back on.”

  They talked for the next hour as Donato and Ratree drew Trask’s life story out of him by sharing tidbits of their own pasts. Trask sensed that Felipe’s father was another soul who found it difficult to share, and he appreciated the effort and relaxed even more. Then Felipe’s grandfather joined them and Trask was immediately wary. But his concerns over Felipe coming home to him being grilled were unfounded. It was like the scene at the restaurant never happened, other than a gruff apology.

  It was amusing to see Felipe in the old man’s tart observations. Trask’s phone dinged, and he glanced at the incoming message. What do you say about an overnight? I can be in Richmond in a couple hours.

  How about your place instead?

  Trask grinned at Donato. “I expect Felipe will be home right quick now.”

  Lolo snorted and rose to pour them all more coffee. “Driving like the Ghost Rider most likely.”

  “Not with Mariana and Lola in the car or one of his dogs,” Donato cut in. “He has more care for others than himself.”

  “You like comics?” Trask asked, and Lolo turned toward him with a gleam of appreciation.

  “I love Ghost Rider and the Punisher the most. Helped to improve my English. I devoured every one when I came to the States.” Lolo returned to the table with a reminiscent look. “When Felipe started showing an interest in comic books, I’d let him read them when he came over. His mama threw a fit.”

  “Not exactly the kind of reading material we wanted him to have at that age,” Ratree added drily.

  You sure?

  Trask wished he were with Felipe so he could see the expression on his imp’s face. Seeing as I’m already here, drinking coffee with your grandfather and parents, yeah I’m sure.

  Not long after that, Trask spied Lady getting to her feet to trot out the door, and Sophie scrambled after her, barking in excitement. “I think that means Felipe received my message.”

  Donato waved him on with a smile. “Go reassure my son that you’ve survived coffee alone with us. I suspect we’ll see him soon enough.”

  “He’ll make it a p
oint to glance in and glare threateningly at least once,” Lolo added.

  Trask emerged as Mariana and Felipe came around the house arguing heatedly, with Lola bringing up the rear. Felipe’s face was drawn in concern, but his expression lightened when he saw Trask. “Are you okay?” he demanded.

  Mariana rolled her eyes. “You didn’t need to hound me to drive faster just because he was here. Hey, Trask.”

  “Mariana, Miz Madel.” Trask nodded to them both as he smiled at Felipe. “I’m fine, imp.”

  “What are you up to?” Felipe stopped in front of him, hands on his hips. “Why are you here having coffee with that cranky crew?”

  “Well, technically, I’m a cranky old man too,” Trask teased, just to watch Felipe’s eyes flash in warning. “Do I have to be up to something?”

  “Yes. You drove all the way here without telling me. You had a reason. Was it to make nice with Dad when I wasn’t here? So I couldn’t tell him and Lolo to knock it off if they were stepping over the line?” True to Lolo’s prediction, Felipe opened the kitchen door to give the occupants of the table a hard look.

  Miz Madel patted his shoulder as she passed, her eyes twinkling merrily. “Happy New Year, Trask. I’m happy to see you again.”

  Trask grinned at her. It was impossible to not respond to Felipe’s grandmother. “Same here, Miz Madel.”

  Felipe turned toward him with a narrow-eyed glare as Mariana watched with interest, and Trask held up his hand before he could jump to conclusions. “Let’s address your first concern. I’m fine. Your parents and grandfather are fine. We had a very cordial conversation, and I think we understand each other a little better now. I already know your sister and grandmother are on our side, so I guess we may be in the clear.”

  “You think you’ve got it bad,” Mariana scoffed. “Try being the baby and a girl.”

  “Your second concern,” Trask cut in as Felipe turned his baleful eyes on his sister. “I’m here without you because I wanted to surprise you with your present, and I contacted your dad because I needed his help with it.” Trask watched Felipe’s conflicted emotions with amusement. The imp didn’t know which way to jump first. “Now before you rocket off with your one thousand questions, why don’t we pop upstairs and take a look at what I’ve been working on.”

  Excitement won and Felipe grabbed Trask’s hand. “Have you been practicing that argument?”

  “I just hoped once I mentioned your present your curiosity would outweigh your need to hound me for details,” Trask admitted as he followed Felipe’s dash upstairs.

  Felipe flipped him off but didn’t stop his forward momentum to argue. It was immensely gratifying to see his excitement. He threw open the door, and his squeal could be he heard downstairs. “Where the hell did you find that?” He threw Trask a brilliant smile and bounded into his apartment. “IKEA?”

  Before Trask could answer that insult Felipe was kneeling before the table, running his hands over it as he crooned. “Oh no. This baby has seen things. It’s been around awhile. I love it. I’m going to call it Clarence.”

  Trask watched in bemusement, amazed at Felipe’s endless capacity to surprise him. “You’re naming your table?”

  “Of course I am. Doesn’t everybody?” Felipe laid his cheek on the surface before exploring every drawer and cabinet, exclaiming over each one like it was a new treasure.

  Trask leaned against the doorjamb, unable to take his eyes off Felipe as warmth suffused him and his heart ached with tenderness. He’d had many moments of gratification inside the NA rooms, moments when the time and care he’d put into another had yielded long-lasting friendships that sustained each other. Felipe was the first person who gave him the same feeling outside those small circles.

  “I’m glad you like it.” It made every hour he’d poured into the project worth it. He suspected that was how Felipe felt when he delivered a costume commission. Though it was so much better when it was a loved one whose eyes lit up like that.

  Felipe whirled around and pounced on him. “I do. I love it. I’m sorry I didn’t say that right away.”

  “You don’t need to.” Trask brushed his lips over Felipe’s. “Most of the time with you, there’s no guessing.”

  “It’s perfect.” Felipe spun back around to run his hands all over the table again. “I can’t wait to send Abby pictures. She’s going to be so jealous.”

  Trask waited until Felipe had gone through every nook again and cleared his throat. Felipe glanced at him with questioning eyes. “I was wondering, my anniversary meeting is coming up.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to quell the sudden nerves. “I’d like for you to come to it.”

  Felipe frowned. “I thought NA meetings were for insiders only. Wouldn’t I get you into trouble if I went?”

  Trask shook his head. “Anniversary meetings are a bit different. It’s a celebration, and if we have any family or close friends who support us, they’re invited. Hell, half of Joe’s grandkids showed up for his last one.”

  He’d never had anyone outside of the program who he’d been close enough to that he wanted to come. And the people from the program that he was closest to would be there, no questions asked. “I’d really like for you to be there.”

  Felipe’s eyes softened. “Then I’ll be there.”

  “I’m going to ask Ryan to speak.” Trask smiled gently. “Since he gave me my most recent come-to-Jesus moment. I think he’d be pretty damn pleased to see you there too.”

  Felipe laughed and shook his head. “So it looks like the both of us have conquered our respective dragons. Ryan was breathing fire over you about as much as my family was breathing fire over me.”

  Felipe gave Trask the craziest mental images, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. He caught Felipe’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I guess there’s nothing standing in the way anymore. Now it’s just you and me.”

  “And two crazy dogs.” Felipe slipped his arms around Trask’s neck. “Happy New Year, Tin Man. I get the feeling this year is going to be even better than the last, and the last one rocked.”


  TRASK RESISTED the urge to scratch at the healing tattoo on his side. He was only reacting out of nerves and what the new tattoo represented. Felipe was charmed by the little image, but then again he would be since it was for him, a catlike imp with a steaming cup of coffee. He’d wanted to gauge how Felipe reacted to that little bit of permanency before he moved on to the next step. He should’ve known Felipe would be delighted. Trask was the only one who felt like he needed to take things in slow steps.

  At least that’s how he’d lived for the last fifteen years. Slowing down until he was crawling along. Felipe had made him speed up some, but after this decision, well, he was really jumping into the future.

  He had to remind himself that the more they worked on their house, the more this felt like the right step. Just natural. Despite his concern when he’d broached the topic to Felipe’s family, they’d been delighted instead of worried. Funny what a couple of months could do.

  “What the hell am I thinking?” Trask touched the lump in his pocket with a spurt of panic as he peered through the black curtain separating the con from the panel rooms. He did not profess his undying love in front of a group of people. He most certainly did not let it be known to Felipe’s friends that he planned to do so. They filled the small room near to bursting. Who the hell knew Felipe had so many damned friends? “This is not the way to go about this. It should be private, quiet.”

  Like at their home, though it was anything but private and quiet with workmen trotting in and out all day following the well-laid plans of Reva and Donato’s friends. Yeah, at least here there were plenty of people rooting for them.

  Ryan gave him a nudge of commiseration. “It would not stop the panic, believe me. And when he’s looking at you, you’re going to stop feeling that panic. You won’t even be aware of the rest of us. Besides, you can’t back down. I won’t let you. He took down Deadpool.
If you don’t ask him to marry you, I’m booting you out of the Den and making him our official mascot.”

  Both the thought of Felipe out-sassing Deadpool and Ryan sticking up for him had Trask smiling. “I’ve been telling Felipe for months that I’m not into grand gestures, and he’s okay with that,” Trask grumbled a little more. “Why did I decide that I needed to do a grand gesture for this?”

  Ryan squeezed his shoulder. “Because you love the diva, and you know that by doing it this way, he’ll know without a doubt you mean it, because you sure as hell never would if you didn’t.”

  Ryan had a damned point. Besides, Trask had been dreaming of this surprise and the look on Felipe’s face ever since he’d bought the ring. It wasn’t easy to get one over on his imp, and he knew Felipe was clueless about what was about to happen because if he’d picked up on it, he would’ve hounded Trask until he spilled.

  Trask eyed Felipe’s animated face as he answered some cosplaying question that Trask hadn’t even heard. He shoved his hands into his pockets to hide the trembling. He’d bared his soul in NA rooms with memories that still had him squirming in shame sometimes. He could bare his soul here with a lot more joy if he’d just stop overthinking it.

  “Any other questions?” Abby asked with a pointed look toward the curtain at the back.

  Trask wouldn’t let it be said that he punked out on one of the more important moments in his life. Not this time. Not when it came to Felipe. “Actually, I have a question for Felipe, if that’s okay.” He slipped through the curtain and walked halfway up the aisle. As he did, the people thronging the room, the strangers and friends, ceased to matter as Felipe turned his gaze on him.

  His eyes brightened, and a grin curved that generous mouth of his. “Trask, are you looking to do the Tin Man thing for real?” His expression took on a wicked note that Trask knew all too well. “I give private lessons.”

  Abby elbowed him in the side with a hiss as Brenden let out an exasperated sound. “Family show, Suero.”


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