Swipe Right: Paranormal Mating Bundle

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Swipe Right: Paranormal Mating Bundle Page 11

by DJ Bryce

I was excited at the prospect of meeting Bane and Sloane and seeing Indiana, but mostly I was just happy to get far, far away from here.


  “Sloane, baby, are you ready? We’ve got to get going… I’d like to get to Uncle Gray’s before nightfall,” I called out.

  “Ready, Daddy,” my little angel replied as she came out of her room juggling three dolls and a baby bed.

  I chuckled and went to help her.

  “You’re taking all of these with you?” I asked. “You’ll only be gone a week.”

  “They’ll miss me, Daddy,” she told me, looking up at me with her big eyes. “I gotta kiss them goodnight before bed. I have to take them.”

  I nodded, because, honestly, she could ask me to pack up her whole bedroom and take it to my brother Grayson’s house, and I would. I’d do anything in the world for her. My mate, Sarah, had died in childbirth, so it had always been just Sloane and me.

  She was my everything.

  “Okay, baby girl, let me get a duffel bag to put your dolls and their bed in, okay, then we’ve gotta go.”

  Sloane waited patiently while I went to get the bag and placed her dolls lovingly inside of it. Then I grabbed her overnight bag, pillow, favorite blanket, and grocery bag full of toiletries and Sloane’s favorite foods.

  My brother, Gray, was a bit of a recluse.

  He was a great brother and even better uncle, but he was used to living alone on his land and tended to be a solitary man. His love for Sloane was greater than his need to be alone, and although he hated to come in to town and be around the pack, he enjoyed it when we went to visit him.

  When I’d asked him to watch her for a week while I held a trial period to try and find a new mate, he’d happily agreed. Sloane was excited to spend time with her Uncle, she loved going to his farm, but I knew he wouldn’t have things like cereal, fruit snacks, or applesauce, so I was always sure to bring those items from home.

  “Ready?” I asked her once the jeep was loaded.

  Sloane nodded and reached out her arms so I could lift her up into the car seat.

  As I drove the hour to my brother’s place I thought of what I knew about Katja, the woman who was arriving tomorrow to begin the trial period.

  She was a couple years younger than me at twenty-seven. She’d been a nanny and said she loved kids, which was the biggest draw for me. I was looking for someone to be a mother, and good role model, for Sloane. That was my biggest objective.

  I wasn’t looking for love, or an honest to goodness mate… I’d already met mine and had no desire to replace her.

  Katja also said she liked to work out, be active, and enjoyed the outdoors. As a wild-life tracker, tour guide, and outdoor enthusiast, it was a plus to find someone to spend my life with who shared at least some of my hobbies.

  I didn’t care what she looked like, although her picture was attractive, but I hoped that she was kind, compassionate, and easy to talk to.

  Those were traits that I figured were necessary when raising a little girl.

  I looked in the rear-view mirror to see Sloane had dozed off in the back seat and smiled and my perfect little girl.

  She had her mom’s sunny disposition and my dark looks, but my daughter was also funny, kind-hearted, and full of love. I don’t know how I got so lucky, maybe it was God’s way of apologizing for taking my mate, but Sloane was an absolute gift.

  We finally pulled left onto the long road that led out to Grayson’s farm.

  My brother had moved here ten years ago and had never left. He didn’t go back to town for anything… pack meetings, shopping… hell, he hadn’t even attended my wedding, Sloane’s birth, or Sarah’s funeral.

  I understood, I really did, although there were times when I needed my brother and wished he were around. During those time, I came out here. The first three months of Sloane’s life had been spent at Gray’s farm. I’d been devastated and lost, and he’d helped me learn to cope... how to be a father.

  I saw him sitting on the front porch waiting as I pulled up to the house.

  “How’s it going?” I asked as I jumped out of the jeep.

  Grayson was coming down the steps toward me, a wide grin on his face.

  “Better now that my two-favorite people are here,” he replied, grabbing me and pulling me in for a quick hug. “She asleep?”

  “Yeah, but she’ll wake as soon as I unbuckle her. She’s excited to see you.”

  “Let me get her,” Gray suggested.

  I nodded and moved to get Sloane’s things.

  “Uncle Gray,” Sloane said when he lifted her out of the seat, her speech slurred from sleep. “I brought dollies for us to play with.”

  “I was hoping you would, Princess,” my brother told her, dropping a kiss on her head as he carried her toward the house.

  We went inside, with Sloane and Gray heading toward the living room, and me turning down the hall to put her things in the bedroom he’d made up for her.

  By the time I came back out with the bag of groceries, Sloane was telling him all about her last few days of Kindergarten. I unpacked the groceries, then moved into the living room to join them.

  “You need anything?” Gray asked.

  The plan was for me to turn around and head right back, since I needed to pick Katja up at the airport in the morning.

  “I think I’ll go for a quick run before I head out, if that’s okay… stretch my legs a bit.”

  “Sure thing,” Gray said with a nod, then added, “Just stay away from my chickens.”

  “Asshole,” I said with a chuckle and shake of my head, then I moved to give my daughter a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll come back in and say goodbye before I leave.”

  “Okay, daddy.”

  I went out the back door, put some distance between me and the house, and took off my clothes. Then I shifted and took off, making sure to go in the opposite direction of Gray’s chickens, so I didn’t tempt my wolf.


  I walked out of the airport feeling a bit rumpled and out of sorts, but happy to have arrived safely. I wasn’t the best flyer, so every bit of turbulence felt like certain death. Luckily, there’d been very little, and the vodka tonic I’d had during flight helped my anxiety some.

  Bane had told me he’d be waiting outside of baggage claim, so when I stepped out onto the sidewalk, I looked for his Jeep.

  When I didn’t see any Jeep’s, I rolled my suitcase over to the nearest bench and sat down. With one bag at my feet and the other securely in my lap, I took out my cellphone and checked to see if I had any missed messages or calls.

  I did not.

  I lifted my head and looked around, noting the pleasant weather and green surroundings. It was definitely less humid than Florida, and it was nice to see all of the trees surrounding the airport.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, centering myself and letting all of the anxiety from the flight go.

  I heard a honk and opened my eyes to see a black Jeep pulling up to the curb in front of me. I smiled serenely and stood, shifting my bags and going towards the Jeep, as Bane hopped down from the driver’s seat and rounded the vehicle.

  The first thing I noticed was how big he was… not just tall, although he was probably six foot, but also broad and obviously in tremendous shape. He had short brown hair, scruff on his face, and deep brown eyes.

  His profile picture had not been a fake.

  My tummy tingled a bit as he moved toward me, and I mentally told myself to calm down. I was sure it was nerves at being here and trying something way out of my comfort zone, and not the fact that I found him attractive.

  I did, but that was not what I was here for… chemistry was one thing, and I guess it was better to find the person your spending your life with attractive rather than hideous, but I was not here to develop feelings for him.

  That was not in the cards for us.

  “Katja?” Bane asked, his deep voice causing those tingles to flutter.

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  “Yes,” I replied, holding out my free hand to shake his and ignoring the flutters and I tried to look pleasant and non-threatening. “Bane?”

  He nodded and shook my hand, then took my bag off my shoulder and the rollaway from my hand.

  “Nice to meet you. Welcome to Indiana.”

  “Thanks,” I said, and followed him to the Jeep where he was placing my things in the back.

  “Hop in,” Bane said, as he did the same.

  We drove the first few miles in awkward silence, then when I couldn’t take it anymore, I turned my head slightly to look at his profile.

  “Have you… done this before? Cause, I haven’t,” I told him, my wavering tone conveying my nerves.

  Bane looked briefly at me before facing the road again.

  “No,” he replied. “I mean, I’ve spoken with other women online, but no one had made it to the trial… until now.”

  “If you don’t mind my asking, what made you pick me to come out?”

  I noticed his hands gripping the steering wheel, and I worried I was pushing too fast, but since we were only in a one-week trial, I figured the faster we got to know each other, the better. And, I wanted to know why he chose me.

  “You said you were a nanny, and that you love kids. That was the biggest reason,” Bane said, his eyes trained on the road. “But, I also liked that you’re interested in the outdoors and exercise, since both Sloane and I love outdoor activities. I thought it best if we shared at least some of the same interests.”

  I nodded, because that made sense.

  “What about you?” he asked. “If you’ve never done a trial with anyone before, why’d you agree to come here?”

  I fiddled with my hem as I replied, “Our reasons are pretty similar. I liked the fact that you have a young daughter, and that you’re an outdoorsman and a guide. I’ve never been to the mid-west and have always been curious to see it. And, to be honest, I’m ready to make a change in my life and to start building something real.”

  “Since we’re talking, I think it’s best if we get everything out in the open. I want complete honesty, on both sides, or this will never work. And, since we only have a short time, I’d like to be sure we cover everything so we’re both on the same page and in agreement before Sloane comes into the picture.”

  “Sounds good to me. I like honesty… as long as it’s not passive aggressive or used as a weapon,” I told him.

  His eyes shifted to me again.

  “Explain,” he said simply.

  I took a deep breath.

  “My ex-boyfriend was verbally abusive,” I admitted reluctantly. But, to have full-disclosure, this information contributed a lot to the person I was. “I used to be overweight, and he always told me not to eat chips because my ass was already too fat, or to order a salad at McDonald’s or I’d get another chin… stuff like that. But, he also always made sure our cupboards were stocked with snack cakes, candy bars, and other junk food. When I finally had enough and left, I made a lot of changes in my diet and started to exercise. Anyway, what I meant was… the things he said were technically true, although mean and used to keep me down and under his control… so, while I want honesty, I won’t stand for cruelty.”

  Bane was gripping the steering wheel again, this time, hard enough for his knuckles to whiten, but he didn’t say anything for a few minutes.

  Finally, he said through clenched teeth, “You have my word.”


  My wolf snarled within me at Katja’s words, unable to abide the thought of a woman being abused in that way. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and not come across as a rage-filled animal, although I was.

  “Thank you,” she said softly, her voice sweet and lilting.

  Honestly, everything about her seemed to pull at something inside of me. She was beautiful, with the lightest blonde hair I’d ever seen, bright blue eyes, and a runner’s body. All of that paired with her sweet voice and hint of vulnerability, made her a threat to everything I wanted out of this trial.

  In fact, I’d been fighting the urge to reach for her, to feel the warmth of her skin beneath mine since we’d started out, which had me wondering if we’d even make it through the week before I sent her packing.

  Could I afford to have this strong of an attraction to the woman I wanted to mate for the rest of my life?

  I wasn’t sure, but it felt like a betrayal to Sarah to feel this way. To be so aware of the person sitting next to me.

  I cleared my throat and thought of what I wanted to convey.

  “As I said in my message, I’m not looking for a love match. I’ve already had, and lost, my mate, and am mostly looking for a mother for Sloane. I will provide for you and care for you, and I hope, in time, we will develop a great friendship, but my heart is already spoken for,” I said, glancing at her briefly to gauge her reaction.

  “I understand,” Katja said with a small smile. “And, honestly, it’s a relief. The last man I was in love with treated me like garbage, and I vowed I’d never allow myself to become that vulnerable to another person again. I’d like to be your friend and look forward to being there for Sloane.”

  I smiled, pleased at her response.

  “Can I ask a question? You said we should get it all out of the way, right?”

  “Of course,” I replied. “Ask me anything.”

  “What about… sex?” she said softly, and my body instantly tightened in response. “Are we going to be intimate in that way? Or will our marriage, or mating, be in name only? Will we be looking for companionship outside of each other? How will that work?”

  My mouth went dry and my muscles strained.

  I hadn’t had sex since Sarah had died, although I’d had plenty of opportunity. Still, I never imagined that I’d go my entire life without ever having sex again. And, Katja was a gorgeous young woman; of course she’d have needs of her own.

  I chuckled dryly.

  “I hadn’t thought of it,” I admitted.

  “You haven’t?” Katja asked, surprised.

  I could understand her surprise. I was a virile man in his early thirties, and wolves were very sexual creatures. I just hadn’t found anyone that tempted me since Sarah.

  “What would you suggest?” I asked, swallowing hard as I waited for her answer.

  I was unsure if I wanted her to say she wanted us to have sex, or that she’d find a discreet relationship outside of us.

  Just the thought had my wolf ready to revolt. Cheating on your mate was unheard of for wolves.

  “Well…” Katja began, and I could tell she was nervous. “If I’m being honest, I don’t know if I could be married to you, or claimed by you, and have either of us sleeping with other people. It goes against everything I believe in, and, I’m worried that might be a deal breaker for me. I’m sorry; I don’t mean to end the trial before it’s even begun.”

  I thought about what she said and realized it was in line with the way I felt.

  I let out a breath.

  “I agree. It would be confusing, not just for us, but for Sloane. And, if word got out and the pack new we were sleeping around on each other, there could be repercussions. Once the claiming is complete, we’re mates for life, other intimate relationships are not an option.”

  I felt Katja tremble slightly next to me and wondered if it was from fear, or anticipation.

  “So, we’ll be committed to each other,” she confirmed.

  I pulled into the parking lot of the local diner, turned off the car and put my arm on the back of the seat, facing her fully.

  “You should know that I haven’t been with anyone since Sarah, so it may take some time for me to be ready…”

  “I understand,” Katja said, reaching out to place a reassuring hand on my arm.

  My skin beneath her touch felt branded, and my body began to thrum at the feel of human contact. Her contact.

  I looked into her bright eyes and gave her a small smile of thanks.

  I saw her li
ps part and her chest heave and knew she was as affected by our nearness as I was. When her desire hit my nostrils, I bit back a groan and knew we needed to get out of the jeep before I lost all semblance of control.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked tightly.

  Katja looked out the window in surprise, as if she hadn’t realized we’d stopped.

  “Yes, actually, starved.”

  “Great, let’s grab some food and then I’ll show you around the area before we head home.”

  “Sounds good,” she said, and I breathed a sigh of relief when we jumped out of the jeep and the charged front seat.


  I couldn’t believe I’d just negotiated a lifetime of sex with Bane.

  I mean, yes, we were being forthcoming, but I’d never been that brazen before in my life. Still, it was a question that needed to be asked, because, hello, we were talking about the rest of our lives here, and even after only knowing him for mere minutes, I’d known I wouldn’t be able to pledge my life to him and Sloane and then watch as he went off with other women.

  That wasn’t what I wanted out of marriage.

  I mean, sure, there wouldn’t be love, but by golly, there was going to be sex.

  The problem? Now that we’d talked about it, sex with Bane was all I could think about.

  I noticed his forearms when he gripped the menu, the deep tinder of his voice when he talked to the waitress, and how tight his ass had looked in his jeans as I’d walked behind him. I was so turned on, I was practically panting, and what was he doing?

  Ordering a burger and fries and smiling at the waitress.


  Get ahold of yourself, Katja.

  “Can I get the house salad with grilled chicken and the dressing on the side, and a water, please?” I asked when it was my turn.

  “Coming right up,” the waitress replied, and then we were once again alone.

  “So, you said after this you’re going to show me around?” I asked, needing to get my mind out of the gutter.


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